TAFA: The Textile and Fiber Art List

Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Halloween. Show all posts

Friday, October 31, 2008

Favorite Halloween Projects by the Yin-Yang Knitter


My RSS feeds are a visual blast these days. Crafty bloggers are really busy turning out wonderful Halloween creations. Here are some of my Halloween picks from this season. Click on the images to visit the source.

My favorite of all, a Candy Corn bag. [Yes, I’ve added it to my queue…]

This charming young lady is modeling a knitted and felted bag.

And more on the candy corn theme: HATS!

by Sarah Nopper (a free Ravelry Download)

But, many more caught my eye...

Gruesome knitted eyeballs

What would Halloween be without skulls and ghosts?

And of course, funny things for your head?

A knitted Elvis wig, anybody?

Funky hats

Very clever and intricate “bokaclavas” after Bok,
a demon from “Doctor Who.”

Bats, too, of course...

[For some reason, she makes me think of a young woman I once saw on a subway dressed as a bunch of grapes…lots of purple balloons…]

…even one on a dishcloth…

And, lots of pumpkins!

Another dishcloth by blackrayne:

A bag for your treats:

Felted style, off the vine...

One of the children noticed that with their new triplets, this family had exactly the right number for Snow White and the Seven Dwarves!

This is just a hint of all the creative juices flowing out there! Great fun to see what people come up with!

Happy Halloween, one and all!

Diane Gerlach, AKA The Yin-Yang Knitter, is a regular contributor to Fiber Focus. An avid charity knitter who keeps both Afghan children and our military warm with her hats, mittens and socks, Diane is passionate about the world and all the stories it holds. She was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Micronesia in the 1970's and continues to have ties there through her adopted daughter. Diane is also a member of our Fiber Focus group on Ning.

The photo shows her with some of my monsters when she was here in Paducah. She took care of my babies while I was out of town and went through a minor but scary earthquake that shook them all up!



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