TAFA: The Textile and Fiber Art List

Showing posts with label Paducah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Paducah. Show all posts

Thursday, May 12, 2011

TAFA Market Video

TAFA Market 2011, Paducah, Kentucky

Well, we did it!  Our TAFA members came through as vendors and exhibitors, helping to create a wonderful market during the AQS Quilt Show in Paducah, April 27-30.  The show was beautiful and so fun to see everything live, things that I had only seen before on the web.  We had members representing all five continents with both contemporary and traditional ethnic textiles, beads and crafts.  TAFA members really made this event happen as together they paid for the space, expenses and helped with marketing costs.  It was a sight to be seen!

Unfortunately, that week was also a time of major flooding in the region.  The Quilt Show had to relocate out of the Convention Center and away from downtown.  Attendance to the show was impacted by the flooding and many who would have traveled stayed home.  See the video for images of our show and of the flooding.

All in all, we consider the TAFA Market to have been a wonderfully successful event.  We had hoped to raise funds for our new website through the event, which didn't happen.  However, we almost broke even and given the context, we are extremely grateful for that.  Paducah has flood walls which protect the downtown area.  They held and continue to hold the Ohio River at bay.  Other cities and rural communities have not been spared as homes and farmland have been damaged or destroyed by historic flooding.

Many thanks to all of the TAFA members who participated and/or supported our TAFA Market!

Together, TAFA members do great things!


Monday, April 18, 2011

TAFA Market Focus: Jefferson Street Studios

"Quilt Reflection I" by Robert Davis

TAFA is having its first public event during the AQS Quilt Show in Paducah.  We are excited to introduce TAFA to the public at large and are hoping to raise funds for our new website.   We have a silent auction and raffle, both available to online participants and a member exhibit and vendors.   These are ways in which you can donate to support our efforts.  This blog will feature the works and vendors during the time leading up to our show.  You can see all of the TAFA Market posts in one place by clicking on this link

Today's TAFA Market focus zooms in on:

Jefferson Street Studios

"Limbo", Art Quilt by Helene Davis

Bob and Helene Davis are two of my favorite people in Paducah.  I don't see them very often, but when I do, there is always a feeling of "home".  Both are members of our Paducah Fiber Artists group and often host our meetings at their home and studio on Jefferson Street.  We are all disappointed when Bob fails to make his expected chicken dish...  And, I am constantly reminded of them in my home as they have been extremely generous to me over the years.  When I first moved here, they gave me a couch which I use daily.  I also have fabric, thread, books and other odds and ends they have given me.  

Helene and Bob will each have two pieces in our TAFA Market show, all four shown here.  Helene is way up there, if not at the top, of my list of favorite art quilters.  She has mastered surface design, always coming up with unexpected results that ooh and aah us at our meetings.  And, I love the way she quilts!  Tight, close rows of machine stitching that make her quilts stiff, almost rug-like.  Helene also works with clay, creating gorgeous pieces that compliment her textiles beautifully.  I have found that many of us have had this marriage of interests, fabric and clay, which I find very interesting.  I worked with clay before moving into fabric and like to think that clay actually taught me how to sew.  I knew the basics and had done quite a bit of embroidery before my years with clay, but I learned how to see in a different way once I had done dimensional work.  

"Missing" by Helene Davis using her dyed fabrics.

Bob and Helene purchased a late 1800's industrial building which they renovated into a drop-dead gorgeous home, studio and gallery.  They have been our drop off site for packages arriving from our other TAFA members who are participating in the TAFA Market.  The back of the space is Helene's dyeing and sewing studio, the middle area houses living quarters and the front is the gallery.  Bob gets the monster garage.  Both are avid gardener's and have landscaped the outside beautifully.  They turned an eyesore into a must visit stop if you come to Paducah.

Inside the gallery at Jefferson Street Studios, Paducah, Kentucky.

If you are coming to Paducah for the AQS Show or for our TAFA Market, you must also stop by at Jefferson Street Studios.  Helene's quilts will be available for sale, along with her hand-dyed fabric and consignment items from some of our Paducah Fiber Artist members.

Bob is the people person and eclectic in his endeavors.  Coming from an engineering background, his quilts are precise and exercises in color and structure, where Helene's are organic and experimental.  Bob also does a lot of photography around town and has worked on an ongoing project where he reduces images of people to line drawings.  He has captured many of the local artists in this way and I hope that he someday publishes a book on them.  He did the drawing at the left of me four years ago and I almost kissed him because he made me look so young!

Bob is another of those people who has worked with clay.  He has made thousands of porcelain beads and has a display case of them at 212 Broadway, just around the corner from our TAFA Market.  You will have to stop in there, too as HeART of Healing Gallery, another TAFA member, and myself also have permanent booths there.   HeART of Healing specializes in vintage kimono and molas from Panama.

Jefferson Street Studios has started to show other artists in their gallery with excellent results.  They are just outside of the LowerTown boundaries, the artist neighborhood in Paducah, and I believe that their presence will encourage other art related studios to move into that area.  Take note:  If you are coming to Paducah, you MUST visit Jefferson Street Studios.  If you are not coming to Paducah but would like to purchase one of Bob or Helene's pieces pictured here, email me.  We can ship it to you after the show.

"Quilt Reflection II" by Robert Davis

Jefferson Street Studios:  1149 Jefferson Street in Paducah, Kentucky.


Tuesday, April 5, 2011

TAFA Market: April 27-30 during the Quilt Show in Paducah

The countdown has begun!  In 22 days, TAFA: The Textile and Fiber Art List will host its first live event in Paducah, Kentucky.  Are you coming for the quilt show?  Whether you were planning to or not, if you love textiles, TAFA, along with the quilt show and all of the special events that happen during this time, makes a trip to Paducah a must. 

TAFA's Mission:  Markets for Members

This mission translates into various online opportunities for members through social media, connections with potential buyers and other strategies that will hopefully drive business to member sites.  Yet, for all the help the internet has brought to small businesses in reaching worldwide markets, there is still nothing like seeing the work in real life.  TAFA is currently fund-raising to pay for its new website which will hopefully happen through the Market.  This first event will also teach us a lot about potential group shows and events that we can host in the future.  Join us as we open the doors to the world for our members!

Several textiles will be on display by Constance Rose

What's happening at the TAFA Market?

Crossroads Trade 
Several things!  All very exciting:  

  • Exhibit:  Members are sending in textiles, jewelry, and accessories from all over the world.
  • Vendors:  Several members are setting up booths with ethnic textiles and apparel. 
  • Silent Auction:  Members are sending in textiles and products to help raise money for the new website. 
  • Raffle:  My business, Rayela Art, is donating several pieces through a raffle, also to benefit the new website.

See a preview of some of the exhibited items on our TAFA site.  I will feature a different exhibitor or vendor every day on this blog over the next two weeks.  So, stay tuned for more details and sign up to receive new posts via email (see the sidebar for the email sign-up box).

Some of the auction and raffle items will be available online for those of you who cannot make it to Paducah.  I am still setting that up and hope to have it ready in the next couple of days.

Where is Paducah?

I moved to Paducah from Chicago five years ago.  It's a straight shot down, about a seven hour drive.  Atlanta and Dallas are about the same distance.  It is also almost in the mid of a triangular hub consisting of St. Louis, Nashville, and Memphis, each around three hours away.  We do have an airport with convenient flights to Nashville, Memphis and Chicago.

Hotels are usually booked up to 50 miles away for the quilt show by now, but residents open up there homes for the event, charging around $50 a night for a room.  The Paducah Convention & Visitor's Bureau keeps a list, so contact them.

TAFA Market Location

We are going to be in a great space!  The Market will be just off of Paducah's main street, Broadway, at 124-126 Second Street.  For those of you who have been here in the past, we will be just a couple of doors down from Kirchoff's Bakery, a popular destination for those who want healthy lunches.  The Quilt Museum is two blocks away, the Convention Center four blocks, and the AQS vendor outlet in the Finkel's building is just around the corner.

View TAFA Market in a larger map

I have posted about Paducah's Quilt Show in the past so if you want to get a feel for what happens here, click on this link.  The city really becomes alive and there is plenty to see and do.  It is always a gorgeous time of the year with the Dogwood trees in full bloom and moderate temperatures, perfect for walking around.  Many people think that the Quilt Show is only for quilters.  Not true!  One does not have to be a potter or painter to appreciate pots or paintings.  Likewise, both TAFA and the Quilt Show offer a great opportunity for those interested in both traditional and contemporary quilts and textiles to see and purchase great pieces of hand work.  Also, the LowerTown Galleries will have special events going on and only a few of them focus on textiles.  And, here is the link to the American Quilter's Society's show in Paducah.

Help make this event a successful one for us!  Forward this posts to people you know will be coming to Paducah, share it on your social media sites and help us spread the word.  We truly appreciate your interest and help and look forward to meeting those of you who will be coming!


    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Empty Bowls Project in Paducah

    Empty Bowls Project, Paducah, Kentucky

    The Empty Bowls Project is a really cool way to raise money for the hungry in a local community.  Michael Terra, local ceramic artist, has been the force behind this happening here in our town.  Tomorrow is the big event:  local area restaurants provide donated food for the handmade bowls that have been made for project supporters.  In other words, you get to eat a great meal in a cool bowl for $15.  Money raised goes to feed the hungry and you get to keep the bowl.

    Such an event does not happen overnight.  Michael has been donating his time, energy, studio space, and kiln firings for months.  One of the great side effects of such a project is that people who never get to play with clay were able to come in and make their own bowls, many for the first the time.  A great way to meet new people, try a new medium, form community, and just have fun.

    Event Details:  The Actual Event is on Feb 26th, 2011, from Noon- 5pm at the Robert Cherry Civic Center in Paducah, KY. Tickets are $15 each and entitle you to a handmade ceramic bowl and the wonderful food donated by the area restaurants.

    Interested in replicating this event in your own community?  I'm sure Michael would be happy to share some tips.  You can also check out the Empty Bowls Project facebook page:

    I'm sure that Michael would be happy to also accept donations from those who cannot attend.  Email Michael.

    Mitch Kimball with his bowl donation.
    Paducah is known for its quilts, but there is a vibrant community of artists here who work in many other mediums.  happens to be one of my favorites as I also worked with it for three years.  Someday it may happen again!  Michael travels all over to art festivals to sell his work.  Mitch Kimball, a dear friend, has a gorgeous website, and earns his keep as an art teacher in the Paducah school system (bending those minds at an early age...). 

    Whatever the medium or skill level, art can be used as a powerful force to promote social change.  Kudos to all who have participated in the Empty Bowls Project!  These have been tough times and I know that your efforts will be greatly appreciated!


    Sunday, January 9, 2011

    The Sewing Project: Paducah Women Sewing for the Web

    Visit the new blog!  Click!

    Hot off the Press!

    I started 2011 on a roll, with lots of new ideas for TAFA and a vision for a local, new project, working with low income women here in Paducah.  Check out the new blog.  I am still working on loading it with information, so if you take a tour and see some blank pages, check back again in a couple of days for more.  

    The basic idea is to take all the things that I have learned over the last 20 plus years about product design and internet marketing and break them down into a teachable format.  My goal is to work with low income women who have some basic skills (they know how to write, have surfed the web, have good fine motor skills, show promise of creativity) and expose them to all of the different steps that go into selling a product, from production to the selling point.  

    The program will last two years with the first one focusing on production and design and the second on business skills.  At the end of the program, they will have been exposed to whole new worlds, deepening their ability to make some choices for themselves.  They could end up starting their own home business or they might decide to go back to school, or they might have a new set of skills that will make them more employable in other jobs.

    As important, the program participants will become a part of a new community, have a support system, and hopefully, increase their own self esteem.  The target population that I envision are single mothers who have hit a hard wall for one reason or another.  I also see this as a great opportunity for disabled women who may not be able to work in normal job settings and for women who have been incarcerated.  

    I intend to steal great ideas from others who are working with similar projects, whether they are fair trade, micro-enterprise, cottage industry or back-to-work models.  The Sewing Project will be a transparent endeavor, using the blog to document the process as well as other resources we find along the way.  The goal is that after two years, we will have a program that can be replicated in other communities, using their own local resources.

    Visit the blog.  Right now, I need a lot of support in two ways:  seed money and feedback.  Read the current needs page to find out more.  Spread the word!  And, I thank you in advance for your support.


    Sunday, July 25, 2010

    Felt Workshop by Lily Liu in Paducah

    Nuno-felted Scarf by Lily Liu

    Lily Liu and Susan Sadow.

    I belong to a group of fiber artists that meets monthly here in Paducah.  We have the obvious name of Paducah Fiber Artists.  We have a potluck, catch up with each other and then hold a show-and-tell.  It's a highlight for me and one of my favorite peeks is to see what Lily Liu has been up to lately.  Lily has a motto that she quotes often, "Make every minute count!"  Her free minutes are often filled with tedious folding or wrapping of small objects that she makes by the thousands and then assembles into a sculpture.  Or, she crochets weirdly wonderful necklaces out of dyed nylon fishing wire.  Then, there is all the felting she does.  As a mother of two lively boys, Lily certainly makes every minute count.

    Lily is offering a workshop on felt!  Make every minute count and come learn from her!

    Felted vessel by Lily Liu

    Felt-making Workshop

    This workshop is for those interested in work with wool. It is my intent to provide you with an introduction to basic felting techniques; color blending, Nuno felting, needle felting, as well as using resist make 3D forms. You will end this workshop with samples from each technique and a project that you choose to accomplish (e.g. a nuno felt scarf, or a 3d form)

    Location:  Paducah Tilghman Art Building 
    Time:   Aug.2nd and 4th (Monday and Wednesday)
            Instruction 8:30 – 12:00
            Open studio 12:00 – 3:00
    Fee:    Workshop $80.00 
                Material $20.00

    Material fee includes a starter kit of white, black and multicolor roving, needle felt kit, a swimming noodle, etc, plus shared use of equipment listed below:

    a.    Bamboo mats
    b.    Bubble wraps
    c.    Wash boards
    d.    Murphy oil soap
    e.    Drum carder

    If you bring your own materials, you can register for $80.00.

    Students should bring their own: A notebook, old bath towels and a pair of sharp scissors.

    Space is limited so reserve early to secure your space, preferably before July 28th so I will have enough time to get material package ready.

    -Lily Liu


    Wednesday, July 21, 2010

    Paducah Loses Pioneer Artist: Sarah Roush

    Sarah Roush, Paducah Pioneer of the Arts

    As I sat down this morning for my usual perusal of emails with coffee, waking up to the world and all of its demands, my eye caught a sad announcement on IList Paducah.  Sarah Roush had lost her battle with cancer...........   I had heard last week that she was not doing well and that hospice had been called in.  All my good intentions of visiting her "soon" vanished as I read the article.  I missed my chance to say good-bye.  Life, so fleeting, once again slapped me with the reminder of the great passing, of death, of a closed chapter.  Sarah, I'm sorry I was not there to tell you how much you meant to me.  This is my good-bye to you.  

    I moved to Paducah in 2005 from Chicago.  There are two streets downtown that have cobble stones, housing some fun boutiques, restaurants, shops, a museum and a theater.  One of the buildings has a cafe at the street level with apartments on top and an outdoor seating area at the back.  The front was covered with handmade ceramic tiles.  Peeking through the windows, I could see that there were all kinds of interesting clay accents throughout the space.  Doors were covered with arches embedded with 3-D tiles, parts of the walls had protruding sculptures.  Very cool!  The space was for rent.  After 20 years of working in retail spaces in Chicago, I toyed with the idea of opening a shop in Paducah.  This space could be a gallery/cafe.  My then husband, Mohammed, was a chef...  ah, the ideas ran through my head.  Although my main love is textiles, I had worked with clay for three years and still miss it.  I called the number and found out that the owner was very sick.  Several months passed until I finally met Sarah.  She was the owner and the artist who had created all of the tiles and clay work that adorned that building.  Another building on Broadway, Paducah's main street, was also covered with Sarah's tiles.  I was enchanted.  Paducah's School of Art is appropriately housed in that building.

    Rachel Biel standing in front of one of Sarah Roush's walls, 
    April 2009

     Sarah and her architect partner, George Fletcher, were among the first to envision Paducah as a haven for artists.  Both left indelible marks on the city through their careful restoration of buildings in key locations.  Sarah came to Paducah in 1987 and was instrumental in bringing other local artists together through group shows and events.  Even as her health deteriorated, she was a fervent advocate for artists who fell outside of the City's revitalization and promotional efforts with LowerTown and the Artist's Relocation Program.  Facing financial difficulties incurred by her health problems, Sarah lost several of her buildings, selling them in order to pay for hospital bills.  Her life, struggles and death, are all a testament to me of how upside down our system is, especially in view of how poorly artists are rated in our society.  

    Sarah and Monica Bilak
    The pictures to the left are from a party at my house in April of 2009.  Sarah was witty, fun, and embraced life with a passion not often found.  She loved flowers and gardening, but lived downtown in the third story of one of her buildings.  So, George built her a rooftop garden.  He lugged all the lumber up himself, creating a large covered deck filled with pots where Sarah could grow her tropical delights.  She built a mosaic on one of the walls, using clay and shards of broken plates and other objects.  Marbles and mirrors caught reflections of light. 

    Sarah Roush, 2009
    Inside, there was a living area.  Nice, but chaotic, filled with textiles and wonderful objects.  Sarah was not only a friend, she was also a customer.  She was one of the few people in Paducah who felt the shared my passion for tribal textiles.  She bought several pieces from me over the years, surrounding herself with inspiration from faraway places.

    Most of that top floor was taken up by her studio.  The sight of it is overwhelming.  A huge space filled with creatures of clay, one part blocked off for works on paper.  On and on and on...  I often wondered what the weight of all this clay was doing to the building's structure.  Many of the pieces were fragile and pieces had chipped off.  Dust hid the vibrant colors on some of the ones that had been in place for a long time.  This was a garden of soul, an entry into the muse of an artist who just wouldn't stop, at least not without a big, long fight.

    Sarah's art is unlike anything I had ever seen before.  Her work in clay used molds from dolls, religious icons, and animals to create new creatures.

     "Angels" by Sarah Roush

    Runny glazes in brilliant colors fused the pieces together, often in violent collision.  Verging on grotesque, her clay work is also humorous and playful.

    "Puppy" by Sarah Roush
    "Columbus" by Sarah Roush

    The "discovery" of the New World: a baby riding on a snail carrying a gun.  We also shared a similar interest in politics and social change.  Sarah kept up on what was going on locally and in the world.  She translated her anger at injustice into her art.  But, when cancer became a focal point in her life, her art left the outside world to focus on what was going on inside of her.  She began to narrate her life, her body, and her disease through watercolors and then computer collages.

    "Torso" by Sarah Roush

    The watercolors bring in some of the chaotic techniques used in the clay: the runny colors, the use of common imagery coming into a new form, but they are softer, beautiful.  Rubber stamps fill the spaces, creating texture within the colors.  Almost all of the images are of human forms, although the messages within them still harken to commentary.

    "Teacup" by Sarah Roush

    Her most recent work, digital imagery, explores these human shapes even more intimately.  Now it is truly autobiographical as she uses x-rays of her body as the key design element in the story.  Sometimes you have to look for them, to know that they are there.  At other times, the x-rays are obvious, stark, morbid if you don't know the story behind them.

    "Boo" by Sarah Roush

    In "Boo", Sarah's humor is again evident.  Does the ghostly image of skeleton and skull scare you?  Death can be scary.  But, so can life with constant pain.

    A big change in the new works is scale.  The clay and watercolor pieces are large, demanding of wall or podium space.  They boldly say, "Look at me.  I am here.  You cannot pass me by."  The collages are small, ornate pieces, jeweled by their frames.  They invite scrutiny.  Treasures that can be held and studied.

    "Inhabitants" by Sarah Roush

    Sarah really loved her new direction.  To me, they sing of the "Day of the Dead", the embracing of our mortality, of our connection to the past and to the future.  Sarah chose to die.  She told her people that she was finally ready to stop the chemo.  All of this work helped her to face what lies ahead, to come to peace within herself.  How many of us have that courage?  I hope that when my time comes, I will have a piece of Sarah inside myself that will help me into the next phase of life.  (Yes, I do believe in an afterlife.)

    If Sarah is now a ghost, I hope that she will haunt me and fuse with my muse.  Sarah, if you can hear this, know that I am honored to have been your friend.  I am filled with regret for not having been there, for not having shared more of your burdens.  But, I am also filled with joy for having known your spirit.  Thank you!

    Sarah Roush, you remain with us.

    Links on Sarah:


    Donations can be sent to The Paducah School of Art, In Memory of Sarah Roush, 409 Broadway, Paducah, KY 42001.


    Friday, April 23, 2010

    Rayela Art and HeArt of Healing Gallery Welcome Quilters to Paducah!

    Rachel Biel and Christi Bonds Garrett, AKA Rayela Art 
    and HeArt of Healing Gallery, join hands and share 
    in their love of cultural textiles.

    The quilters are here!  The quilters are here!  The AQS event stirs Paducah into action, waking up the town after a wintry sleep.  Awaited with anticipation, the quilt show is our big yearly event, the core for those or us who love fabric and textiles in Quilt City USA.  I have had a booth at 212 Broadway in an antique store for three years now.  Ownership of the space changed and is now operated by Tanya and Randy, who have truly developed the space into a wonderful eclectic mix of antiques and local crafts.  Christi moved her inventory from her clinic/gallery in LowerTown to a large booth space across from mine making our combined space into a large ethnic delight of textiles from around the world. 

    Rachel Biel in front of Afghan Tribal Arts' booth of beads.

    Our friend, Abdul is also here,. renting a temporary space.  Stocked with beads, mostly semi-precious hand-carved stones from Afghanistan, his booth is a must visit for anyone who uses them in their work.  I like to incorporate beads and findings into my textiles and encourage other art quilters to think outside of the box in how stones can be incorporated into surface design.

    Christi and I have many overlapping interests and then specialties that complement our product mix.  HeArt of Healings focus:  vintage kimono and molas.  Christi rattles off all the different names for the working, wedding, women's, men's and other kimono, how they should be worn and the techniques that were used in decorating the fabric.  There are hundreds of them!  Gorgeousness on racks!  Initially, her idea was to cut them up and sell them as fabric for quilters, but they are just too beautiful to randomly suffer attack under the scissors.  As her collection has grown, so has the quality, making them valuable pieces of wearable art.  She has often adapted her kimono to make them more functional for her lifestyle: if the sleeves and length are shortened, the remnants can be used in other projects.  And, the molas....  my, my!  What a stunning collection!

    Christi Bonds Garrett modeling a kimono and 
    straightening a rack from her booth.

    Rayela Art focus:  My textiles are mostly from Central Asia, although I have started branching out and investing in small objects for the booth.  I was able to purchase some fair trade items that add a fun touch to my space: Bolivian instruments and dolls, palm visors and fans, and lots of Indonesian sarongs, always a big seller.

    I get a big kick out of seeing all the action downtown during the quilt show.  Paducah becomes alive and we all benefit from both the financial contribution the quilters bring to our local economy as well as the relationships that are formed during this time.  I've met a couple of my cyber friends in person for the first time, transforming names and photos into real people, which was great fun.  And, there is just a wonderful exchange of stories and sharing that happens which is truly wonderful.

    If you are in Paducah, please do stop by the Antique Galleria and visit us.  We are just a couple of blocks from the Quilt Museum, down by the flood wall.  If you are not here, then visit us online:

    Rayela Art
    HeArt of Healing Gallery
    Afghan Tribal Arts


    Sunday, April 18, 2010

    Paducah Fiber Artists: See us at the Quilt Show!

    Ulla Shierhorn and Irene Reising at a Paducah Fiber Artists 
    meeting held at Bryerpatch Studio.

    We meet monthly, rotating around to studios and homes that can accommodate our group.  We bring great food, mingle around and catch up on what's been going on in our lives, then sit down for a "show and tell" of our latest projects.  Peppered with great story-telling, laughter, and sometimes sad events, these meetings and these people are a definite highlight for me and my life in Paducah, Kentucky.  Outwardly, we may not have all that much in common with each other.  We come from so many different backgrounds and focus on projects that vary greatly in technique and expertise.  But, inwardly, the Paducah Fiber Artists share a deep bond: we love all things fiber and have a deep curiosity about what our peers will come up with next on their list of endless fiber explorations.

    Next week, Paducah rolls out its red carpets for the Quilt Show.  Most of the PFA members have work or special activities going on in different locations.  I asked our members to submit their news for those of you who are coming and have a list of where you can find us.  The first, must-see stop, is a brand new gallery that is a bit off the beaten track: Jefferson Street Studios, the gorgeous new home and work space of Bob and Helene Davis.  We had our April meeting in their new space and it exudes a wonderful sense of peace and harmony.

     Paducah Fiber Artists meeting at Jefferson Street Studios.

    Both Bob and Helene are art quilters and Helene is especially known and recognized for her work as a dyer and surface designer.  Work representing the Paducah Fiber Artists is showcased in this first exhibit at their new gallery and Helene's hand dyed fabrics are also available for sale.  Do not be intimidated by the location!  It's only a short six or so blocks off the beaten track and truly worth the visit.  For more info: http://www.hand-dye.com/

    LowerTown is Paducah's artist neighborhood, peppered with wonderful galleries, all of which will have special events during the Quilt Show.  We are especially grateful to Carol Gabany of "The Egg and I" for organizing an Art Walk which displays works by the Paducah Fiber Artists at various LowerTown galleries.  Go find us!

    "Exuberance" by Susan Mogan at The Egg and I Gallery

    • Karen Hampton, "Orchid Splendor" and "Rhubarb" - Stornoway House Gallery 513 N. 6th  and "Relief" at Studio 7 on 6th -  314 N. 6TH
    • Linda Baxter Lasco, "Tree Skin Canyon" -  Bryerpatch Studio - 502 N. 5th
    • Deb Lyons, "Blue Quilt" -  Etcetera Coffeehouse -  320  N. 6th and "Shiva Dance"  - Reilly Ursury Studio - 527 N. 5th and "Invitation" -  Pinecone Studio -  421 N. 7th
    • Susan Mogan, "Exuberance" and "Jubilee", - The Egg & I - 335 N. 6th
    • Rachel Biel (yep!  That's me! A new dogfood purse...), "Doggy Soul" - Mentor House Gallery - 332 N. 6th
    • Lili Lui, 4 Monofilament, knitted necklaces -  The Egg & I - 335 N. 6th
    • Christi Bonds-Garrett, "Green Spirit II" - Studio 7 on 6th - 314 N. 6th and "Harmony Bone Hole" - Judeen's Art Studio - 720 Harrison St.  and "Spirit Ruins" - The Egg & I - 335 N. 6th
    • Pam Heavrin, "Shelly by the Sea" -  Pinecone Studio - 421 N. 7th
    • Robert Davis, "Reflections"  - Co Op Gallery corner of 5th and MLK
    • Helene Davis, "Flags II" and "Nexus"  - Reilly Ursury Studio, 527 N. 5th - and "Parameters", Bryerpatch Studio, 502 N. 5th
    • Karen Linduska, "Fantasy Garden #12" and "Fantasy Garden #20",  The Egg & I - 335 N. 6th St
    • Rosemary Claus-Gray, "Balance II" at Etcetera Coffeehouse - 320 N. 6th and "Folk Art Critter, Kevin" at Mentor House Gallery - 332 N. 6th

    Here is an article on the walk: LowerTown Art Walk

    Both Lily Liu and Helene Davis have work at the Yeiser Art Gallery's must-see exhibit "Fantastic Fibers".  Lily's piece at the left, "Make Every Minute Count" is a theme she brings up often at our meetings.  You can be sure that some of these rolled pieces were assembled during our show and tell times as she literally does keep her fingers busy at all times, either caring for her young ones or making a crazy new fiber invention. 

    PFA member Sally Terry has a lot going on:

    She will have “Nature’s Fireworks” hanging at Bob and Helene’s (Jefferson Street Studios). It is the cover quilt for “Pathways To Better Quilting”, Published by AQS. It is a wholecloth with Langa Lapu Fabric from South Africa. Machine quilted with over 40 different threads, including specialty threads. It has traveled in a National Wholecloth Exhibit.

    Sally will be teaching a Running Threads Class and Quilt This-Machine Quilting How To Work  and Choose Patterns at AQS Show. 
    She is also the author of the No. 1 Quilt Book “Hooked On Feathers” Published by AQS for 2009. The Quilt Channel will also feature Sally quilting the new Hooked On Feathers technique. She has a new book with a working title of “From Quilt Top To Quilted” to be published later this year.
    Last, but surely not least, my hope is that every one of you will come and find me at my booth housed at Antique Galleria, 212 Broadway in downtown Paducah.  

     Charlotte Erwin leading 
    a marbling workshop at Working Artist Studio.

    Interested in learning how to marble fabric?  You can learn from our local guru, Charlotte Erwin:

    Quilt Fabric Marbling Workshop
    April 19, 2010 - April 24, 2010 Times: 10 AM-5 PM
    Location:  Working Artist Studio, 303 N. 8th St.
    Phone:  270.441.7844
    Admission:  $65 person. $120 two people. Price includes 10 pieces of prepared fabric & supplies.
    Hands-on one-hour fabric or paper marbling workshop with LowerTown artist Charlotte Erwin. Reservations suggested for two or more participants.

    I sell cultural textiles from around the world and my booth will be loaded with great examples of these long time traditions.  My special focus is Central and South Asia, but I have some things from South America and Africa as well.  I will be depleting my Etsy store of its best pieces for the show, too, so if you like ethnic textiles, you will not be disappointed.  Dr. Christi Bonds Garrett of HeArt of Healing Gallery also moved her inventory to Antique Galleria and our booths face each other.  She also focuses on cultural textiles and has an incredible collection of molas, vintage Japanese kimono and other Asian textiles.  Between the two of us, you will be walking into paradise.
    Clearly, there will be a lot to see and explore when you come to Paducah!   Bring good walking shoes and be prepared for sensory overload as you experience one great exhibit after another.  The dogwood trees are in full bloom, Spring is here in all its glory, and we welcome you with open arms!

    For posts on this blog on past quilt shows, click here and click here for more stories on the Paducah Fiber Artists.



    Tuesday, March 23, 2010

    Call for Artists: 2010 Lower Town Arts and Music Festival (Paducah, Kentucky)

    Call for Artists!  May 21 - 23, 2010

    Living in Paducah, Kentucky, normally means a pretty quiet life for me.  I don't go out much, focus on my web business and projects around the house, and time flies by.  Two yearly events are a lot of fun for me, though, and I make a point of getting out there and joining in the fun.  The first comes in April, our AQS Quilt Show.  The second comes in May: The LowerTown Art and Music Festival.  Artists from around the Paducah area set up their tents, display their wares, while visitors dance in the streets to the rhythm of visiting musicians.  Now is the time for artists to apply for their booth spaces, so I am including the info here.

    Lower Town Arts & Music Festival 2010 
    Show Dates: 5/21/10 - 5/23/10 
    Application Deadline: 4/1/10 Midnight CST

    You can enter online at
    You will have to register, but it's free.


    Images: 5 (a booth shot is required)

    Jury Fee (Jury Fee): $25.00



    The Lower Town Neighborhood Association of Paducah, Ky., announces a call to artists for the 2010 Lower Town Arts and Music Festival (LTAMF), May 21-23, 2010. This juried festival is open to all emerging and established artists residing within a 200-mile radius of Paducah, Ky.

    The emphasis of this festival will be the cultural richness of our unique region. Drawing, painting, fiber, ceramics, wood, glass, sculpture, photography, jewelry and mixed media will be accepted. All entries must be received by April 1, 2010.
    Works will be chosen on the basis of creative excellence and quality of execution. All submitted works must be original and completed within the last two years.

    To apply, go to www.zapplication.org. Registration to Zapplication is free.
    Download the prospectus (PDF format) or send a SASE to: Stefanie Graves, Festival Co-Coordinator, LTAMF, N. 8th St., Paducah, KY, 42001. For any questions about the event, contact Stefanie Graves, at 270-908-0755 or Michael Terra at 270-908-0090. Applications are available online at https://www.zapplication.org.

    Stefanie Graves, Festival Co-Ordinator, 
    often paints downtown during the summer.

    Festival Dates: May 21 - 23, 2010
    Festival Sponsor: Lower Town Neighborhood Association
    Venue: Outdoors
    Awards: $3,200 in nine categories
    Jurors: TBD
    Eligibility: Open to all artists within a 200-mile radius of Paducah, KY.
    Painting, drawing, fiber, ceramics, wood, sculpture, photography, jewelry, and mixed media accepted. Work will be chosen on the basis of creative excellence and quality of execution. All work must be original and completed within the last two years.
    Fees: $25 jury fee, $150 booth fee if accepted (all booths are 10' X 10'
    outdoor spaces with electricity)
    Email: lowertownartsandmusicfestival@gmail.com

    About the Festival: Buy Local? By Locals! This show will be an enthusiastic supporter of the 'Buy Local' campaigns that are revitalizing America... The festival will focus on the amazing and creative folks that live in our region (approximately 200 mile radius of Paducah, KY) and draw people from much farther away who want to know what kinds of artistic talent comes out of our region!

    Lower Town in Paducah, the site of the Festival, is one of the oldest established neighborhoods in the region - many of the homes have been converted into work/live artists' studios and galleries. We will be using this historical setting to do things like Balcony Theater and Comedy (really, neat, yes?). The neighborhood is compact (not a long wandering
    street) and offers guests a comfortable and easy day where they can see everything we have to offer. This is a fantastic opportunity for you, as a participating artist, to place your work within this nationally neighborhood in the midst of recognized working artists' galleries and participate in the national attention this unique show will receive.

    Special attention is being paid to every aspect of this festival: the food vendors will be bringing their best - many of the finest local restaurants will use this as a 'taste of Paducah' venue - even the beer and wine will be regional (and boy, did we win the lottery on this!). The Symphony will be coordinating the performance and presentation stages (3), and there will be many tie-ins to benefit local charities and non-profit organizations. What does this mean to you? It means that many different people have many different reasons to come and see you in Paducah during the festival!

    Come join us this weekend - the weather should be warm and sultry, the neighbors are friendly, and we want everyone to see how talented you really are...

    What you are getting:

    - 10' X 10' booth with 300 watts of 110 volt electricity
    - Booth sitting service
    - Artist hospitality area
    - Artist home-stay opportunities (limited!) with local families
    - Booth Fee is $150.
    - Festival hours are Friday 3pm to 8pm, Saturday 10 am to 8 pm, Sunday noon to 5pm
    - Set-up and break down details will be mailed with acceptance package.

    Submission requirements:

    - Completed application
    - Jury fee of $25, non-refundable
    - 5 digital images in the Zapplication format (1920 pixels by 1920 pixels, JPEG, non-compressed): 4 images of your work, 1 of your fully stocked display.
    - DEADLINE: April 1st, 2010
    - All submitted images may be used for festival publicity without any additional compensation to the artist.

    Jury Process:

    All applications will be juried by independently contracted qualified jurors from outside of Paducah. All of the selections will be made on the basis of your digital images, so please take special care to show us your best!

    - Letters of acceptance will be sent on April 16th, 2010.
    - Information packets will also be sent at that time.

    The artist must handle all sales and all proceeds go to the artists. Artists are required by law to pay taxes. Kentucky sales tax is 6.00%. Forms for sales tax through the Kentucky Department of Revenue will be available on site at the time of the event. 

    Not an artist?  
    Then come visit and join in the fun!

    See photos and videos from past festivals here.


    Monday, December 21, 2009

    Rayela Art and HeART of Healing Gallery Bring the World of Textiles to Paducah!

    Handmade ornaments from Thailand, India and Indonesia

    Dr. Christi Bonds and I, Rachel Biel, have a passion in common: textiles!  Both of us are members of Paducah Fiber Artists, a group that meets monthly for show and tell, potluck and support.  Both of us quilt.  And, both of us love textiles from around the world.  Christi, a medical doctor who practices Integrative medicine, has an alternative health clinic in the heart of LowerTown's art neighborhood.  A large gallery room was dedicated to this love of textiles, housing HeART of Healing Gallery.  I had a booth downtown at 212 Broadway and was working two afternoons a week at Christi's gallery.  We decided that it would make sense to move the gallery downtown and free up the space for more health related programs.  We now have both of our booths across from each other, separated by an aisle.  It looks like one big ethnic textile shop! 

    HeART of Healing Gallery's new space 
    at Antique Galleria, 212 Broadway in Paducah

    Rayela Art's booth faces HeART of Healing's

    The booths work really well together as we have different specialties.  HeART of Healing Gallery has grown an impressive collection of molas made by the Kuna Indians in Panama.  Most are unfinished panels that can be framed or made into pillows, bags, or incorporated into quilts.  But, there also many mola blouses, an unusual find in most mola circles.  The blouses have panels on front and back and are set into the traditional gauzy floral fabrics so loved by the Kuna women.  These people are tiny, tiny, so most of us will have to enjoy these blouses as textiles, although I suppose they could be altered to fit some of us more Nordic types.

    Kuna mola blouses from Panama

    Another major focus found at HeART of Healing's booth are scores of vintage Japanese kimono, both long and short.  Christi originally bought these for the fabric as many quilters enjoy working with it, but we have found that our customers also love wearing the kimono.  So, cut it up or put it on, it's up to you!

    HeART of Healing's closet of Kuna blouses and kimono.

    Kimono + windchimes = good feng shui at HeART of Healing!

    Rayela Art's focus moves to Central and South Asia: textile stamps from Afghanistan, ralli quilts from Pakistan, and Suzani embroidery from Uzbekistan. 

    Rayela Art's textile stamps are always a big favorite!

    Ralli quilts: use them on your bed or hang them on a wall.

    Rayela Art also carries tribal and vintage clothing, 
    kilim rugs, Indian spreads and other textiles.

    Uzbeki coat and sarong from Bali, both Rayela Art.

    Both of our booths also have plenty of small gift items, jewelry and interesting crafts that are bound to find their way to someone's home.  HeART of Healing also has a nice display case filled with African beads and some nice sculptures, not pictured here. 

    HeART of Healing: Chinese cosmetic pouches, 
    Oaxacan carvings, and more!

    Rayela Art: Chinese statues and Moroccan lamps.

    HeART of Healing: bamboo woven porcelain, 
    bone carvings, Quan Yin, and jewelry.

    Rayela Art: natural seed jewelry, tribal necklaces

    Between the two of us, anyone who loves cultural textiles and crafts are bound to find something they like!  Nikki May of IList Paducah was kind enough to mention us in her tour of historic Paducah's hot shopping spots.  We invite you to travel the world with us, sharing in this wonderful gift of creativity and talent that connects all craft and textile people to each other!

    Both Rayela Art and HeART of Healing Gallery have shops on Etsy.

    Learn more about us on our websites:

    HeART of Healing



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