TAFA: The Textile and Fiber Art List

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The TAFA Team's Catalog of Shops: Home Interiors

 Mr. and Mrs. Santa by Susan M. Hinckley
Susan is known for her "Small Works in Wool", beautiful vignettes made of appliqued pieces in her own cartoon images.  She also paints on fabric.  Prints of past work are also available in her Etsy shop.

TAFA: The Textile and Fiber Art List was launched in February, 2010.  As it has grown, now to over 200 members, so have the members who have Etsy shops.  About half of us use Etsy as our retail platform.  We decided to organize as an Etsy Team (a program Etsy has for sellers to organize under themes or locations) and set up a blog where we can talk about what is important to us and where we can show off our shops.  The blog has eight pages of shops, divided into themes and serves as our Team Shops Catalog.  Although many of us sell things that do not fit neatly into those categories, most of us do have a focus.  I am introducing each of those categories here, hoping that this will encourage you to go over there and shop, shop, shop, until you drop!  These eight pages have over 100 shops, filled with wonderful eye candy that will surely delight anyone who appreciates all the many techniques and traditions that are found in the needle and textile arts. 

Today's focus:  Home Interiors

Barrel chair given new life by Vintage Renewal

Home Interiors is the category where you will find our Team Shops that focus on decorative and practical items for the home.  As we are about textile and fiber art related work, the natural things that come to mind are linens, quilts, pillows, baskets, and fiber art for the wall.  We have them all!  Vintage Renewal, who salvaged the chair in the photo above, has our largest pieces: furniture that has been salvaged by Jeanne Connolly.  Her Etsy shop is currently low on the big pieces, but has lots of wonderful pillows to choose from.  You can see past furniture pieces on the sold page of her website, showing a distinctive style and vision.  Rescuing such large pieces and giving them new life is something I applaud with all of my heart!

Many of our members make a concerted effort at recycling, reclaiming old fabric, incorporating vintage fabrics into new pieces and using non-toxic dyes in their work.  We can make a difference on our environment by the choices we make in what materials we use.  One of our members, Fabrique Fantastique, makes vintage her ecological contribution:
 Fabrique Fantastique is the mecca of vintage quilts and scarves.

Jan Marriott, owner of this vintage paradise, has pages and pages in her Etsy shop filled with quilts, scarves, fabric and even some cultural textiles. 

Then, we have Team Members who make contemporary quilts and throws:
 Peppermint Pinwheel's Nine Patch Quilt

My Sweet Prairie also has quilt patterns available.

We have another category in our Catalog of Shops for Art Quilts.  The traditional quilts, even if contemporary in design, are functional.  I always think of them as the closest thing you can get to a hug when you need to snuggle on a cold, cold day.
Other Team members make objects that give character to a home: vessels, fabrics and other objects.  You can be sure that you will not find another lamp like this one!
Fairytale Incorporated's fabric lamp:
Style with Distinction!

Then, Papaver Vert, always has a wonderful selection of felted containers, vessels, objects, and accessories.  Patty uses wonderful colors, bringing life to these wonderful home accents:

Felted Vessels by Papaver Vert

One of our newest members, Susan Shinnick, is kind of a Renaissance woman!  She is so talented and does so many different things that it was hard to know where to put her.  But, she does have a focus on the home and with such beautiful results!

 Susan Shinnick hand dyes and prints fabric, then makes them into napkins, placemats, runners, clothing, and other accessories.

Our Team members have so much talent and creativity!  You really need to go into their shops and explore as they all have a huge variety of offerings.  To finish this introduction of our Home Interiors category, I thought this trivet by Yellow Violet was so appropriate as we are only 23 days away from Christmas!   Yikes!  Panic attack or what?

 Yellow Violet specializes in fabric coiled baskets.  
She also sews and has lots of great gifts for guys.

Click here to visit our Home Interiors section in our TAFA Team Catalog of Shops.

And, while you are there, click on the other tabs to see our other Team member shops.  We aim to be the best in textiles and fiber art on Etsy!



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