Sunday, August 31, 2008

Sunday 083108 Breck Crest Half Marathon

Short of it:  3rd in the half marathon (actually it was 14 miles something with 3000 feet of climbing heading up to 12K +), 2:04:16.

Long of it:  a good long effort, but not a great day of racing.  In many regards, I am very happy to have had a good long altitude run under the circumstances.  It was beautiful weather.   I did not have high expectations and ran based on the training I have had, and the fitness I am in.

Waking up I knew I was feeling off a bit and elected to do the half marathon, deciding that two hours of running would be rather rich for me (instead of the four I could expect with the marathon).  I hid this

That said, that excuse approach was a theme that bugged me about this race today ... In fact, I was running on excuses a good part of the day.  After starting the road section well, I began to weaken as soon as we hit the hills.  I ended up in a pack of runners and started playing "taffy" with them.  "Taffy" is where the pack stretches out and then groups up.  On the steeper portions we'd stretch out.  On the flatter sections we'd begin to group up.  I was on the back end of this taffy, and mentally played with thoughts of how'd I get after these folks on the downhill, cursing myself for being weaker than normal this week with the higher mileage, giving blood, and being two weeks out of a big weekend.  And then I'd be pissed at myself for couching this run in a bed of excuses.  But there was some truth - I was running weak and I knew it.

As we hit treeline, the trail went from road to single track and went really steep.  I struggled but I could see we were all struggling.  Everyone was in a power hike or short granny gear shuffle mode.  I could see I was beginning to shorten the taffy and was encouraged by that.  We hit the top aide station where marathoners peeled off (continuing on the crest / ridge) while the half marathoners started the trek down (this was about 7 miles into the race).  I had got there in about 80 minutes.

The upper stretches of the down road were pretty challenging - a washed out, rocky 4 x 4 road where there was little smooth footing.  I kept this easy - but I was somewhat forced to do so given the footing.  I caught a guy, but I had no idea what place I was in.  I put some ground on him but with not a ton of effort.  A few minutes later, I heard a rock click above, looked up and sure enough I could see a guy coming.  This upped the ante a bit for me and so I picked up the pace as the road began to smooth out.  Given we were running down a switch back road, I could see that I was putting some ground between him and me.  I went through an aide station and saw a cup on the outskirts.  This clued me in that there was at least a guy ahead of me and I began to press a bit more with the thought of being the chaser rather than the chased.

The trail began to climb.  Climb?  I had expected a bit of a climb up towards the finish as I had seen it on the race profile but this seemed to be working back up the mountain.  I realized I had not seen a trail marker in about 2 minutes but that had not been totally unusual in some sections.  But my head told me what I already knew:  I had missed a turn (apparently this is where the Prospector trail connects with the Peak 8 trail).

Okay ... this happens right?  Ah well, right?  Lesson learned, right? 

Right.  Right.  Right.  Well, mostly right.  But I'd be a liar if I did not say there was a part of me a bit pissed about this.  I knew I had lost a place to the guy I had put to bed.  I got back to the trail and saw I had missed a poorly marked turn.   Yet, an other excuse to lean on and it bothered me.  I alternated between pushing hard here and trying to fight out for the place I had lost (I am guessing I had lost 3 or 4 minutes) and a lose of motivation and just cruising it in.  There was about a mile or two left in the race.

I finished in 3rd, losing the place to the guy who woke me up on the upper stretches. 

Again, not bad on whole.  A good day.  16 miles of running total.  But there is definitely some "hmmm ... I don't like that" in there.  I mean, I got out what I came for ... a good long run, when I was already in the hole.  I knew I was operating from a point of weakness.  So, why is there a little box of "grr" in there that is expecting something else? 

I decided not to hang around for the awards assembly (it would be 2.5 more hours sitting in Breck).  Instead I came back to the high altitude camp, and made a tree house for my kids. 

By the way, even though I botched this turn, the course other than that one spot seemed very well marked, was beautiful and was a well run race.  I'd recommend it as a smaller scale race and I might even do it again.  I think though I'd be sure to eliminate the going in excuses though.

The past week ... every day was 2 a day except Sat, Sun and Tue
M - 14, 105
T - Green via Bear Canyon, 9.5 , 92
W - 12, 101
Th - 14, 106 (a bit more than easy for the 8 in the PM)
F - 15 - 112
Sa - 5 - 41
Su - 16, 150 (altitude, race)

85.5 miles on the week.  616 minutes.  Obviously a slight drop due to the Saturday recovery / prep day.  I will continue to look to do keep the mileage up this next week with the two runs, and when I feel up for it - go into the easy plus running that I did on Thursday.  My heart is thinking about chasing a 10k right now but I think I will benefit from a fall of good mileage right now.  I will also look to incorporate strides periodically to just mix up the pace a bit, along with some weight work.  I will still hit the hills periodically as part of my training but I think I need to make my training a bit more geared towards the 10k, half marathon versus strict hill climbing to move forward.

Various ...

  • Friday as we wrapping up the night I could hear the local football game from the HS.  We just moved here at the beginning of the summer and so this is a bit of a new phenomena for me.  I hopped my bike and rolled the mile or so over to the school.  There were, I dunno, several hundred, maybe a thousand people down there.  Wow.  It brought back some nostalgia of running track meets under the lights ... those are some of the best.
  • Regarding the hernia ... yes, it is definitely healing.  I am painfully reminded of it whenever a.)  sneeze, b.) cough c.) do a variety of motions that I cannot easily describe in writing.  But I think I can say that it has healed to a point where I can fairly say it does not impact my running training significantly.

Saturday 083008 5 miles 41 min

Up in the mountains today ... easy 41 minutes, 5 miles (assuming more like an 8 minute pace up here versus 7:30 at home for easy running).

I am contemplating doing the Breckenridge Crest Marathon tomorrow and hence the lower mileage today.  There is both a half and a full (sort of - 22 + miles) as well as a five miler.  I have been interested in this race for a couple of years but have never done it.  Seems like a pretty cool course (altitude, climbing, good stuff above tree line).  It will be laid back on competition comparatively speaking, but there is prize money in the marathon.  I think it would be a bigger draw, but there is the Vail trophy race this weekend, along with a bunch of Labor Day races down in the flats, and Imogene of course is next week ... so a full race might chase some folks off.  That said - you never know who is going to show up.

Speaking of Imogene, there is an interesting survey where they are apparently considering altering the direction of the course every other year.

I don't have high personal expectations for the race - I have pushed mileage up, gave blood this week and am two weeks out of a marathon.  I don't feel bad, but I certainly don't feel race sharp.  I am not a huge fan of racing under these circumstances, but I confess there is a draw to do this ... just to see how I feel, the course, and maybe mix it up a little.  I will make a game day call as to whether it is the marathon or the half marathon (leaning towards that slightly tonight ... a bit smarter than going to the 20+ mile well at the moment), and how I attack either.  In any case, I am looking for a longish run at a harder pace.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday 082908 15 miles (2 runs, 1:52+)

Even a bit cooler this AM. Easy easy four miles - 30 minutes.

I picked up what could be the last book on running I will ever buy: "The Lore of Running." This thing is so lengthy (over 900 pages) that it ought to keep me busy for a lifetime. I imagine I will pick up some other texts, but not for a while. It covers science of muscles, diet, training regiments of greats, ultras, marathons, provides training plans, injuries ... all of it. Yes, you can borrow it ... when I have finished it. While I have a rudimentary understanding of V02, LT, aerobic training, etc ... in fact I have more understanding than I ever have - I realize how little I truly understand and actually apply to my training. The journey continues ... both with training and reading ... and talking to everyone on runs, in blogs, etc.

Great post today by Gordo ...note the comments on embracing and coming to terms with failure. Quitting stifles personal growth and, speaking from experience, it is far better to fail than quit.

Thought about hitting the Boulder hills in the afternoon but decided to not drive there and just do miles near the house. A little closer, a little more flat, a little less gas spent on a couple of fronts ... plus going to Green would mean fighting Boulder traffic on the way home. I thought the kids would want to bike with me but they wanted nothing to do with it. Apparently it was too hot.

And it was hot ... well, for Colorado. I think it was near 90. I went with my camelbak and ended up still feeling pretty cooked at the end. 83 minutes. 11 miles.

Last seven are (going backwards) (15, 112; 14, 106; 11, 101; 9.5, 92; 14, 105; 14, 107; 13, 97) 90.5 over 720 minutes. I felt a bit thrashed today ... I think a combo of the load, the heat, a little faster yesterday and some gut troubles I had on this afternoon's run. I know why I had these gut troubles ... milk this AM. Mistake on my part.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thursday 082808 14 miles (2 runs, 1:46)

Okay, I know I was tired yesterday.  The combination of waking up early (3:30 AM ... don't know why) ... just could not sleep), training, giving blood, training and working had its toll on me. 

I could feel my patience waning through the day and it was getting pretty skinny at 4:50 PM (particularly when people wanted to come and discuss normal business with me and my internal reaction was an abnormal request.  Don't worry - my boss who sits next me said I kept it together fine).  Just edgy.

... and I put down 12 miles yesterday when it was really 11.  I must have really been out of it.

But, TZ had a great meal cooked up for dinner, I got to bed early and I had a great night sleep (first one in four or five days).  So all better now. 

AM - out with Lucy to start and then tacked on.  46:30 minutes.  The mornings are most definitely darker and cooler.  Very nice.  Lucy loves these runs in the AM.  I take a soft frisbee and throw it for her while I run.  She probably ends up doing 2 or 3 times the miles I do because she is sprinting like mad to catch the disk in the air (show off dog).  I drop her off back at the house after 15 minutes but she is usually soaked with dew, grass, and dog slobber.  There is a lesson in that sort of running I think.  Running for pure play.

Ran by the Broomfield track.  It is totally redone and looks sweet.  I will looking to jump on that oval soon.

Matt C has started posting pix, blog posts and videos from the PPA and PPM weekend from various folks.  Very cool.

I did a quick check this AM on my miles and minutes over the last week through yesterday.  Thursday through Wednesday was 88+ miles and about 11.5 hours (707 minutes ... at 8mph would be 94 plus miles).  Not bad.  I don't feel too bad.

PM - Out and back on the Lake Link loop down towards Sterns Lake.  I felt good so I decided to run easy ... plus.  Not sure how to describe this other than it is a few notches above easy but it is not a tempo run.  I tried to imagine myself running with someone like Ken P or Lucho at their easy pace, which is slightly faster than my easy pace.  So easy, but a little more uncomfortable but not killing myself or focusing.  Make sense?  Out to the tear drop loop in 30:30 and back under 29.  Felt good.  8 miles.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Wednesday 082708 Give Blood, 11 miles (2 runs, 1:41)

AM - ran easy with Lucy for a bit, throwing the frisbee for her and then did the Lake Link loop to bring it to 55 minutes. 7 miles.

Gave blood today. I have not given blood in a LONG time. I remember one time in Air Force basic training I gave blood ("you can hang out with the drill sergeant here in the barracks or go give blood!"). An hour later they had "try outs" for Basic Training field day. The longest event they had was an 800. They told me if I could beat their best guy I could be on the team. I asked who the best guy was. They pointed him out and I asked him what he ran. Very proudly he said he ran 2:10. Now, this is when I was 18, still had some wheels and just had come out of high school where I was running 2 miles under 10 minutes. In any case I ran, in combat boots, and in uniform pants a sub 2:10 on a dirt track. After giving blood. That is not fast, but it was enough to get on the team (which got me some real small level of desired privileges that were highly coveted in basic training). And then I nearly passed out. An 800 never feels good but that one absolutely was torture.

So, given I am normally running 10 hours a week, prepping for this race or that ... I typically skip giving blood as I am concerned that not having any part of my oxygen carrying liquid will adversely effe ct me. Given I don't have such race activities planned for a bit, I felt some sort of societal obligation to do this. I reconciled it by telling myself this would be good for my running ... eventually as it would generate new blood cells. And that is better, right?

I don't fear giving blood. I worry how it is going to jack my running for the next bit of time (whatever bit of time that is). Anyway, I learned my hemocrit level is 44%. Thirty minutes all told and I was done. I looked at the bag of blood that had just been extracted from my body and it looked like a lot. Oh well, no way it was going back in me now.

TG asked me about the 100 mile number I threw out there. It is a number. I realize that. All numbers are arbitrary. Maybe I am better off with 90 miles a week. Maybe I can really handle 110. In any case, it is a number to move towards and see what the journey brings. Really the goal is to push the envelope a bit and run more. More miles. More minutes. More often. More hills. More speed. Find more efficiencies in my schedule to squeak out a bit more to see if it warrants a break through. Or not. Maybe it does not. I don't know until I try.

I was thinking that the athletes I seem to admire the most in this sport are those who have failed and then succeeded. In other words the path was not always primrose. Prime example: Carpenter getting wrecked at Pikes and then killing it. Leadville too. Guy goes through failure to then find success. His story is classic given the magnitude of it and the running aspect of it, but I am drawn to these stories everywhere in life. I have this weird fascination with a goal being set, failure occurring and then being overcome. Or not. At least you got in the ring.

PM - ran on the treadmill and felt ... icky. Not good. Not bad. Icky. 15% grade for the first mile. 2 miles in the middle flat. 15% for the last mile. 46 minutes. Ick. Next time I do that, I will really be going on vacation. I play too hard to do this regularly. 4 miles.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Tuesday 082608 Green 9.5 miles 3350 vert

I slept in today. I still slept like crap last night (but the dreams were pretty spectacular) and so I took the sleep in until 6:30 in hopes that the little extra would keep me healthy. Anyway - no morning run.

This afternoon I broke for the hills ... first time since Pikes really. I took Green via the longer Bear Canyon route. This means extra time, a little more mileage and maybe a touch more elevation gain(since you drop down in some sections on the Mesa).

I felt really good but kept every thing in control, just chugging up the hills at a gear or two above granny gear (three gears above granny gear means I am serious... I think) and just kept on running through it all. I got to Green's summit in 63 minutes, and then took an easy descent. The super computer felt a bit off and I smelled a crash coming my way if I rolled it a bit. 29 minutes on the down for a 92 minute round trip. I will check with JV as to what he think the mileage and elevation is but I'd guess 8 or 9 miles (uh, maybe) and 3000 feet (uh, hopefully). In some regards, this was my most solid run since Pikes even though I was not looking to roll it. It was a hot day, but I just felt good to grind out there up a nice hill to 8000 feet and change.

Oh yeah, forgot to mention yesterday on the run with Pliska yesterday we both jumped about five feet up in the air when we came across a snake (we think it was a rattler) on the Westminster Hills trails.

Various ...

  • There is technology that is awesome and there is technology that sucks. IPODs - awesome. Cell phones - SUCK. Wireless computing - awesome. Text messaging - SUCK. Internet - awesome. Jury is still out on HR monitors, GPS, answering machines ... okay, HR monitors are okay. I don't want to start that again. :)
    Twitter is absolutely stupid ... and I am dumber for using it. RSS, Google ... absolutely are killer.
    We need beaming technology like they have in Star Trek not only so I can get to the beach faster but also so that C-sections can be eliminated altogether.
  • Ran in the LaSportiva CrossLites today. Great shoe on the outer sole. I think I could run up a freaking wall with what they have there. The upper bugs my lawn mower deformed hang nine foot a bit though ... but I think I can break that in.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday 082508 14 miles (2 runs, 1:45)

AM - 32 minutes easy, four miles

I have to admit something ... my diet since the marathon has been absolute crap.  Well, not total crap but inclusive of a good amount of crap.  This has been okay in some regards, but my gut is beginning to protest at the regular dumpings of crap I am shoving down my throat.  Last night, because of these diet choices, I slept like crap.  And so today I feel like crap.  Time to get back into some better habits.  I could seemingly tolerate this sort of gastro abuse in my 20s but, then again I could ride the tea cups at the amusement park all day then too.  Crap.

PM - ran with Ken Pliska for just under 45 minutes then added on some for 73 minutes.  Ken kept me honest in the middle (we were sub seven but talking fine).  Of course, Ken also was an Olympic Trials Marathon qualifier when he was 37.  He will run his 20th consecutive Boston Marathon this coming spring, and promises me that it is his last.  "Need to break that streak so I am not running when I am 90!"  Running with Ken reminded me of something else that has been missing from my program for too long.  Running with other runners who will push the pace just enough to keep you honest.

Not everyone wins ...

I watched these two vids today of the Gouchers.  This stuff is dripping with  ... I don't know.  They are almost hard to watch because of how passionate these two people are and where they currently are.  Who needs reality TV when you can see the real human experience with this?  It is clear to me that these guys are driven but they definitely in a bit of a bad hole ... with Olympic dreams come Olympic dreams shattered ...

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Now these are bloody feet

Check out the shoes 2:25 into the video.

Sunday 082408 14 miles (1:47+)

1:47 today, 14 miles, about 45 minutes with Lucho.

Watched the men's marathon last night. That was a world record effort ... while watching it, I looked at my black toe nail and poked with my thumb. Blood came squirting out. It does not hurt near as much anymore.

M - off
T - off, weights for an hour
W - weights, 30 minutes treadmill, 3 miles (first mile 15%)
Th - 8 miles (hour), 5 miles (39 min)
Fr - 4 miles (30 min), 10 miles (76 min)
Sa - 13 miles (1:37)
Su - 14 miles, (1:47), 20 minutes biking (+)

57 miles, 439 minutes or 7 and 1/3 hours

Day dreaming

I was thinking the other day I often couch my race objectives a bit conservatively.  Some of this being practical as to what I really can accomplish, some of this is coming across as not to brash or proud, some of this is not putting it out there ... if you tell everyone you want to win your age group then when you win the whole damn race it is exceeding expectations. 

I have been day dreaming about shifting my expectations and what it would look like to journey to get there.  What if my expectations at PPM were not to just break 4:20, but to break 4?  Would I shift my behavior accordingly to adjust to the higher expectations? 

I imagine ...

... months of 100 mile weeks ...
... mountain runs where I go four hours and get progressively stronger through the run ...
... track workouts building through the year where I push the envelope to bring back the (little) speed I once had ...
... racing progressively through the year ...
... managing core, strength workouts through the year where I get stronger, better balanced ...
... hitting a hill workout weekly that levels me ...
... having a consistent plan that makes sense ... that I stick to through weeks, months and quarters ...
... being able to rip a good 10K but then also jump into a 50 miler and run that well.
... maintaining the balance, making the choices on diet, being the Dad, the Husband ...

I ran with Lucho this AM.  We discussed a variety of things, including goals and how there is a challenge with putting a goal out there ... for all to read.  Talk is cheap.  You can say whatever is your goal but will you do the work to get to that goal?  And if you put your tail out there, and fall short ... in my mind, you are a better human for that.

But it is a bit scary because you can look like an ass.  I mean to run sub 4 at Pikes means I need to be able to run ... this and that, those times. 

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday 082308 13 miles (1:37)

Easy in the AM. A bit tired but I was up late at local musician Wendy Woo's show. Easy, 1:37, with camelback, 13 miles

Friday, August 22, 2008

Friday 082208 14 miles (2 runs, 1:46)

AM - 30 minutes easy with Lucy.  4 miles.  A bit stiff to start but loosened up after ten minutes.

PM - 76 minutes.  10 miles.  Easy.  Kept HR in mid to low 140s.  Legs a little tired from the jump up in the volume but that will shake out over the next day or two.

I am a bit surprised at how quickly I have bounced back from Pikes.  I was not really sore after the races.  This tells me that while my ability to hold up to mileage and vertical is probably the best it has ever been, I am not speed or quick fit to tap into a good race.  Call it not being able to squeeze the sponge if you want.  I have trouble describing it.  I can go long, up and far ... just not as fast as I like or at a deep threshold yet. 

Regarding the choices to take it to the next level ... So I get about ten hours a week of training now.  I think to take it to the next level I have heard that I need to get closer to 14.  I have heard this from  the guys who I see as successful in the sport - namely Burrell and Boetcher and Mackey.  Hmm ... 14 hours times 8 miles an hour (averaging 7:30s) would be 112 miles a week.  Mix in mountains and it is less.  2Bernie ran a 4:02 this year at Pikes - his best ever.  I asked him how he made the transition.  His answer was that he got in a lot more hundred mile weeks.  The answer is obvious.  Train more, train more smart.  I am journeying there but I have not crossed that threshold to the next level in my training ... and hence have not in my results.  Why should be surprised with what I get?  So I train 85 minutes a day or 120?  Are the 35 minutes more a day the difference?

I have been asked ... "so what is next?"  It is this:  figure out how to train for a 50 miler while getting my 10K faster (sub 35 again).  In the interim, think, talk with folks and build mileage back up.

Various ...

  • Pikes Youtube videos are starting to go up (1 - showing the marathon and some of the silly conditions on the top for some the mid packers,  2 - Angela's video - I met Angela at the pre-race dinner.  I also met Rulf from Vienna who appears about 75 seconds into the video ... this shows how packed it gets back in the early stages of the race for wave 2-ers)
  • More epic stories from Rickey G ...
  • A great article from the Science of the Sport that while in the context of the men's 800 in Beijing, has great information on pacing.
  • There is a good deal of thrash on the PP message board regarding what "non finishers" in the Ascent (as they were turned around due to weather and the carnage that was occurring at the top already) ought to do, get, not get ... should they get finishers shirts?  Should they get finisher medals?  How do they get standings in the TCR?  Apparently Race Director Ron Ilgen decided to give them finisher shirts and medals.  Some however have taken to removing the "finisher" word from the stitching while others wear it proudly. I can't speak for those folks as to what is right or wrong but I can say that if I got turned around, I'd not wear the shirt even if I went the 20 miles that those folks did.  I am not saying I don't respect what those folks did.  I greatly respect what they did and honor it.  As I said previously, I think we learn more from failure in the pursuit of a goal then easy success.  All that said ... it is just a shirt damn it.  Medals and shirts can go away.  Memories of the sacrifice and the journey there ... nobody can take that.

It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.  TDR

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Now this is a gerbil machine

Check out this bugger

Thursday 082108, 13 miles (2 runs, 1:39)

Mid day ... jogging ... felt like it.  1 hour.  8 miles easy.

Later in the afternoon ... more jogging.  39 minutes.  Five miles.  All easy.  In road flats because they seem to bother my big toe the least (which is getting better).  Hot out today.


Thinking ... in no particular order ... what's next? ...  road marathon, 50 miler, PPM sub 4:15, Imogene?, sub 35 10K again .. 100 mile weeks, balance in running with life as father and husband, next bunch of weeks are base building with more volume, increase core work, not care about races and just go run adventures like R2R2R...

I don't feel tapped or done - I feel as if I am still coming back from a spring of very little running.  I feel that I was still rising through my fitness and almost as if I ran through this event.  I appreciate what I did, the kudos for what I did and I am proud of it ... but I don't feel finished or accomplished.  I can do more.  Faster.   I need to be careful ... I often very motivated post races, good or bad and I need to think bigger picture rather than what I want in the moment.

I have been thinking (probably too much) about transformation.  How can I transform myself into the mountain runner I want to be and at what cost?  When I think about transformation, I often think about this guy in the pix below.  These two pix are about 11 months apart.   It is kind of hard to believe it is the same guy ... only 11 months after the first picture he runs a 2:18 in the Ascent, and takes second.


A transformation, be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual is a series of choices.  Choices made daily, weekly, monthly, over a life and from moment to moment.  Some choices are dramatic, but most change occurs via the sum of millions of small choices.  In running, it is how we train, how much we train, what we do outside of training.  Millions of little choices to achieve a goal or to go from the guy in picture one to the guy in picture two. 

Looks like Metzler is letting his AT record attempt go and turning this year, a very wet year, into a recon mission.

My daughter's teacher has a website with an RSS feed.  Awesome.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Various musings for a Wednesday morning: embrace failure, crashing into folks, what is next, give blood, a legal Incline

I have been toying with this idea as to part of the reason why I run.  I run for a variety of reasons, but part of it -in the part that makes me want to compete and push is failure.  In a way, I don't fear failure ... I embrace it.  It shows me my limits, it reveals my choices that I made up to race day, it puts that edge of my humanity right into the bulls eye of my focus to where I can't ignore it.  And then it asks me ... "can you do better?"  Until you fail, you don't know if you can be better. 

On the way down on Sunday I crashed into a guy just below the 2 to go sign.  Slippery trail with snow and ice, tighter than normal conditions because of the same, a tricky footing spot on the trail anyway, me bombing down and being a klutz.  I helped him up, and apologized.  He seemed okay and said thank you but I could not figure out by the look in his eyes if he was saying thanks for helping him up or if he was saying it in a pissed off fashion.  It was an accident.  I am sorry it happened and I am sorry if it ruined this guys race.

I don't know what I want to do next but these ideas keep bubbling up ... a 50 miler, a fast 10k, PPM next year.  The burro race might need to wait.

IMG_6673I am going to donate blood next week.  First time for that in a long time.

Not running right now and not worried about running.  Just chillax'n for a bit ...

Running on the Incline might become legal!

30 minutes weights, 30 minutes treadmill in the PM (jogging, first mile at 15%, next 2 flat).  Handful of minutes jump roping.  I feel good.

Tuesday 081908

Ascent and Marathon photos are up.

Yesterday I worked weights for an hour, working chest, shoulders, back, bi's, tri's and mixed in some core.  Added a light spin on the bike in the evening for half an hour to open the legs some.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A few more pix ...

Got this one from Bernie B (third, 4:02 at mid 40s ... major props to that). This is a pretty amazing shot when I look at how it is framed. Too bad there is an ugly guy in the foreground. This is just before the start of the marathon. I tried to wrestle the camera away from BB to get a shot of him but he refused. You can see Dave Mackey just over my left shoulder (so in the right of the picture) ... the only time I would be ahead of him all day.


A bunch of these shots are courtesy of Jeff V. Looking up the mountain Marathon day.


Suffering just below the Bottomless Pit ... but if you look carefully you can see I am getting a bit closer to a guy ahead. This shows that I was capable in the lungs, but my legs did not have it.

Finishing in Manitou


Minutes post the marathon




Blisters getting lanced.


Getting my finisher's jacket. As TZ was still on the top, I was away from dry clothes. As a result I wore the finishers jacket and my Ballengee survival skull cap (shower cap) to keep warm.


Another picture from the Ascent. Coming up the trail in the final switchbacks.


Talking smack ...

Splits year over year

Location 08 Marathon 08 Ascent 07 Marathon 06 Ascent 07 BTMR 06 BTMR
Ruxton 2:57   2:45 2:56?    
Hydro 9:29 (6:32) 9:00 9:00 (6:15) 8:26 (5:36)    
Top of Ws 33:15(23:47) 31:14 (22:15) 29:55 (20:55) 28:25 (20:59) (20:36) (21:06)
NName Creek 49:37 (16:21) 46:12 (14:57) 44:27 (14:28)   (14:54) (14:59)
78 sign     60:21 (15:54) 58:50 (30:25) (16:14) (15:37)
Barr Camp 89:37 (40:00) 81:22(35:10) 78:30 (18:09) 75:49 (16:59) (17:12) (17:14)
Bottom Pit 1:43:58(14:21) 1:34:35 (13:13) 1:32:xx (14:02) 1:27:49 (12:00)    
A frame 2:10:18 (26:20) 1:59:09 (24:26) 1:54:44 (22:32) 1:50:06 (22:17)    
2 to go 2:28:44(18:25) 2:15:18 (16:08) 2:15:45 (21:xx) 2:07 (17:50)    
1 to go 2:46:24(17:40) 2:30:19(15:01) 2:32:xx(16:18) 2:21:58 (14:02)    
Summit 3:07:48 (21:25) 2:48:48 (18:29) 2:51:58 (19:54) 2:37:24 (16:25)    
Descent 4:50:09 (1:42:21   4:32:59 (1:41:01)      

Monday, August 18, 2008

Pikes Peak Celebration Ale

I actually popped a couple of bottles and shared them at the awards assembly. Good pale ale, really hoppy. The mouth feel was a little off yesterday but that might have been more might state than the beer. It seemed really good tonight.

Good head on these (but not overly so ... but I am going to let some continue to bottle condition), nice color, great smell ... nice entry and almost a fruit behind the flavor. The finish is the only thing I want to tweak but others were cool with it.

Analysis post the races

In Q&A format ...

What things did you do right in training?

  • Even through the injury, I remained active and hence some degree of fitness
  • Got in lots of altitude runs
  • Had lots of fun in the summer with running
  • Remained somewhat in balance with work, family, running and life.
  • I jammed in some solid training in late May through June and July and into early August.

What things did you do right in the races?

  • On the Ascent day I was able to keep running for most of the race.
  • On the Ascent day, I "fell asleep" mentally, meaning that I really did not get overwhelmed by the task ahead of me and just rode the mountain in small negotiable chunks. This was a good thing.
  • On both days, I was fairly well dressed. I may have been overdressed a touch on the Marathon, but I might have been slight underdressed on Ascent day (but in better condition than many)
  • I was able to make a good run on the Ascent day above treeline. Above Barr Camp, I think I ended up passing four people and not get passed by anyone above the camp. Basically on both days, I did better above treeline than most.
  • I felt that I made a strong stab at recovering right with good hydration, nutrition and sleep between the races.
  • I had a decent descent on day 2 ... it could have been a 1:40 but I had a two minute transition to get the flats on.
  • In the marathon, despite a poor start, I was able to shake out of it and have a somewhat respectable day over all.

What things did you do wrong in training?

  • Clearly I did not train enough to do the Double, and I felt this on the second day. The best way to prepare for doing 39 miles in two days with over 15000 feet of elevation gain is to ... do that in training.
  • I did not do enough core work.
  • I lost speed (I need to be way better than 36:50 on the track for a 10k)
  • Which is all a way of saying I got injured ... and that hijacked my training.

What things did you do wrong in the race?

  • I should not have worn the more aggressive shoes on day 2 on the up. I should have gone with the flats the whole way.
  • I let my poor start get a little into my head in the early going. It was not that it was poor from the perspective that I was executing improperly, I was just disappointed to see how big of an effect it had on me.

What lessons have you learned?

  • Lots of the upper sections are very very runable, they are not too steep.
  • SAR people are the most insane out of all of us.
  • I know the course a lot better ... no wrong turns ... and even noticed a lot of the side trails this time.
  • Getting altitude training in helps A LOT.
  • I think I have the race diet thing figured out. More on that in a whole different post.

What lessons do you still need to learn?

  • Balance ... I need to figure out how to get in the right amount of training (or more), and still be the Dad I want to be, the husband I want to be and contribute professionally at my work. This is a hard balance for me to strike ... I could write more about this too ... and that is probably a whole series of posts.

What will you do next?

  • I don't know. Right now I am going to recover for a bit. Last year when I was done with the marathon, I knew immediately I had to come back to it. I know I am not done with Pikes ... as I feel I have still to put it all together there ... a good climb, pushing the pace on the rollers, a strong descent ... but I might do something different next. Focus on a 10K or an ultra. How is that for totally opposite ended goals? I don't know ... I am going to settle for a bit, run but not train after I get my legs back and just let the voices in my head settle and hear what comes out of the quiet and noise.
  • I need to figure out what to do with this hernia thing if anything.

Will you do the Double again?

  • Probably not. I'd rather make a big splash in the marathon or the Ascent then splitting my money into two pots like I did this year. But I might. If I did I'd hope the weather would be nicer.

What will you change in your training if you do this again?

  • There are three things I think I am playing with in my training. I'd like to take and approach that gets my long runs way up there. Like 5 or 6 hours. Part of this is because of an allure of an ultra. I'd also like to get my 10K time back into some level that I personally find self respectful (sub 36 and then sub 35). Finally, I need to continue to do tons of climbing. These are not major changes as much as tweaks (although the long run might be a major change).
  • Continue to improve diet
  • Get in more core work

What else?

  • I am really happy with the weekend. I did something that was beyond what I could have imagined two years ago. At the same time I hunger for more ... to get to that next level. To put it all together. I am happy, but I am certainly NOT satisfied.
  • I can't help but wonder ... what if I ran my 2:48 on Sunday (meaning no Ascent) (and maybe faster because the weather was better), and then did my 1:40 down. PR in the marathon? Sure ... not by much ... but ... ah, woulda, coulda, shoulda.
  • I also wonder if I had not taken 2 minutes in transition in the top if I would have gotten three more places at the bottom and hence run 4:48. ... ah, woulda, coulda, shoulda.
  • I love the weekend down there. The entire spirit of the whole damn thing and its ridiculousness.
  • Second is the first loser.
  • I struggle between the concept of completion and competition. I want to be a competitor but I am not sure I am willing to sacrifice more to be that competitor. I know I can do so much more but it comes at a cost. Two more hours of training? Four? Ten? At what point does it become a strain on the balance in my life and my obligations as a father, husband, co-worker? Why is it important to me to run faster than I have? Or to run faster than someone else? I will continue the journey ... searching for that edge. I know I can run 4:10 at Pikes. Can I do it in a way that does not usurp my responsibilities as a person? And if I run 4:11, do those who love me love me any less? Competition versus completion ... balance ... sacrifice ... big picture ... struggle ... it is a construct I have built and will deal with.
  • I love the entire weekend down there. I love the feeling. The comradery, the energy of fear, doubt, excitement, anticipation ... it is indeed electric.

How do your splits compare over the two days and from prior efforts?

  • I will look to chart that up later.

More weekend pix

Brett (aka Chucktown 10) feet from South Carolina ... in tough conditions, Brett completed a solid first Pikes Marathon.  How many of you got to play in the snow in August?P8160004

Co worker Ken Pliska, a guy who went to the Olympic trials with his impressive Masters hardware post the Ascent.


Two wristbands for two races.


According to TZ, this is me heading back down the trail after the transition on the Marathon.  I am in the orange coat.  You can barely see me but it gives you and idea of what conditions were like up there on day 2.


Me with Doubler winner Juan-antonio A Mu-oz.  Bring your A game next year dude and I will bring the mutton chops too. 


Notice the color diff between the two big toe nails.


Other Pikes 08 race reports

More to come (I will update this post)

Pikes Marathon Race Report

This is going to be long.

Sunday I woke up and felt fairly good.  Sure, I did not feel like I was ready to rip anything but I felt pretty good considering I had run 13 plus miles before up a 14er in a freaking blizzard.  I was pretty confident. 

Adding to this confidence was the weather.  I looked out my hotel room window and the Peak was visible under a full moon.  The entire upper slopes were covered in snow, but seeing the Peak was a good sign that the weather was much better than yesterday.

I made a decision to go with a more aggressive trail shoe than a racing flat, mostly because I wanted something that would bite through the snow.  Other than that, I geared up with nearly the same gear as yesterday, concerned that the weather could turn quickly.  In fact, as the start neared, clouds to the west could be see building.

Scott E and my family added a twist to this though ... they planned to be at the top and so I sent a drop bag there with a change of clothes, shoes, etc.  I figured if they would be there I would consider taking advantage of this rare treat.

In the warm up, my legs protested.  Not surprising but I just kept things easy and tried to slowly wake them up.  The big differences between yesterday and today were how my legs felt, the weather and my mental state.  On Saturday (the Ascent) it was as if I had no clue as to what I was about to embark on.  On Sunday, I was VERY aware of what I was about to do.  It was hard to ignore ... I could feel it freshly in my body.  I could see the mountain.  Was I psyched?  Yes.  Was I scared?  Yes.

Even after a slow start up Ruxton, 9:30 (compared to 8:59 on Saturday), I knew I was in for a challenge.  I had no lift, no drive.  So, I just tried to gear back and in.  But it was clear that today was going to be tough.  The W's or the early steep trail climb with all the switchbacks, that I had seemed to get through relatively unscathed yesterday got out a big can of whoop ass and did their damage on me today.  Having walked this section in years past, I refused to mentally give in this early and granny geared it through them, but began to give up places to several folks as we made our way up. 

On the traverse over to No Name Creek, it got really bad.  The fast packer crowd began to make their way past me.  Nothing against fast packers, I might do that someday but I ought not get passed by a guy with a backpack that looks like he is going on a week long vacation. 

Of course, mentally, this was discouraging.  I knew from a practical perspective, my goal of breaking 2:50 today was out the window and I saw 2:55 slipping quickly.  Could I break 3 hours?  Gee that would be nice but given the internal smell of disaster smoke that I could feel, I knew that was a long shot.

I must have lost somewhere between 15 and 20 places from the Ws to No Name Creek.  Shortly before No Name, the march bys stopped although I did not get any faster.  Yesterday while I ran most of the course, today I was walking anything steep and savoring  time in the aide stations.

Nonetheless at No Name Creek I could begin to see some of those who had passed me up ahead on the trail and they were not continuing to gain ground.  Regardless if a race is going well or poorly, your big goals on track or not, you end up setting small goals in the race.  Sure, they may adjust, or change but it is the only way to get through the next mile, the next lap on the track, to the next tree on a trail race. 

I got to Barr in a horrible time for me:  89 minutes and change.  A far cry from my 81 the day before (and even further from 74 two years ago).  I knew that while I'd probably do okay above treeline in terms of catching folks who'd struggle with the altitude, breaking three would be a long shot.  I know that there are those who see this as the midway place and hence where you ought to even split - but that has never been the case for me.   It has always been about a +10 minute job on the second half for me.  Whatever ... this was about completion at this point more than competition.  I did not like that of course, but DNF was not a freaking option.  EVER.

I ran into JV slightly below the Bottomless Pit and he tried to encourage me.  I think he has some video that I ought to be able to post at some time.  JV and I have run together enough that his encouragement was a bit lost.   In other words, I saw through it and told him so.  He laughed and basically said, that he was not going to tell me that I looked like shit even if I did look like shit.  I got a race report from him as to what the leaders were doing, and who was ahead.  The Spaniard who was leading the Double was long gone and I had also lost a spot at the moment to a guy named Dave from MO who was with team 180. 

I took in these data but they were not like kicks in the pants for me to get going.    I mean it was not like, "what?  I am now third in the Double?  Well, I better get off my duff NOW!"  No, I continued my trudge up the mountain.

For what it is worth ... getting up the mountain twice in the these two days has taught me a lot about the trail.  I noticed a lot of the side trails that I have read about but not seen.  I don't make any of the wrong turns that newbies make (and that I have made).  I used to find the section above Barr Camp to A Frame to be very tough ... I think it is actually very very runable now (of course, I am running slower and having gotten there more slowly).

And so, above Barr Camp ... folks began to come back.  I was still trudging slowly but I think my training at altitude was helping me or at least giving me an advantage over them.  While these victories were good for my mental state, and chasing folks down made for a good breakup of the race, I still physically was worked.  My legs had no drive.  My feet were wet and I could not work out a rock in my shoe into a place where it was not giving me a blister (I contemplated taking the shoe off but decided to just deal with it). 

At the A frame I threw on my shell and started the trek above treeline.  More bodies came to me.  Just before the two to go mark, I recognized the Team 180 guy and caught him (I think I got eight above Barr).  At the two to go mark, Matt Carpenter came flying down.    And this is where the snow on the trail became significant.  Before this, there had been a mix of some ice, some patches of snow but the trail was mostly its granite gravel standard.  Above there the trail tightened and was slippery with snow, packing into ice with the march of runners.

I began counting the downs, trying figure what place I was in and encouraging those who were coming down.  Justin came by in seventh, looking good but a good handful of minutes behind sixth.  He asked how many he thought he could get.  I told him two, but it would be work.  He ran a great descent, particular given the conditions of the trail and his feet, but he had lost too much ground to earlier places to catch any of those guys.  Still - his 4:15 - I give him tons of kudos and props for his first time ever on the hill.

The summit was lost in a cloud of fog and snow.  My family was there but they could not see me until the last hundred yards or so.  As I approached the summit, I yelled to Scott to get out the flats.  I had made a decision that I would go with the less aggressive shoe on the down, cursing myself that I had not worn it on the way up.  He got the shoes out as  I checked in at the summit.  3:07:48.  A full 19 minutes later than yesterday.  Ick.  I changed shoes and was heading back down the hill in two minutes on the nose.  I have no idea what that means from a transition time perspective but getting off a pair of shoes, getting on a pair and getting your race bib manipulated for a bit while sitting on a rock in the snow ... I think that was pretty damn good.

I knew that going with the flats over the "knobbies" was a risk on the down but I was willing to take it for the reward.  I wanted to roll and get a bit of redemption here.  The new plan was three fold:  catch ten guys down, break five hours, and not fall on my face.  I had counted myself into something like 30th place and made a sub goal the top twenty again.

The initial downs were tight.  If the trail is typically three feet wide under good conditions, it was crazy tight now with the snow - very much single track.  With runners still coming up, it was very exaggerated to get by them without clocking them.  And I did clip a few lightly ... shoulder to should stuff.  I just say, "sorry" and keep moving.  I tried to yell heads up, thank you and other words of encouragement as I went by.

I saw Brett just below the 1.25 aide station and high fived him.  I could begin to see my targets on the way down as the fog cleared.  I could also hear folks yelling "runner" for them as they came through so it gave me some radar as to where they were.  I tried to push but be careful in the snow with the people.  It felt good to be running down but I knew I had a long long way to go.  I recalled last year feeling good going down to A frame, then getting to Barr Camp wanting to be done and marching to my teeth sweating from Barr to the finish. 

And they started to come.  By A Frame I had gotten 6.  I knew this pace of catching would not keep up but was enjoying how it had started.  By the time I got to A frame, the crowds had thinned, and I was for the rest of the day running primarily alone.  I would end up catching five other guys.  I need to do some results analysis but I think the results only show 9, which means I passed two folks who were coming down that did not make the top (of course I did not know that in the race).

I was not super ripping it as I felt the strain in my quads building and I did not want to bite it.  Just above Barr Camp, I saw my watch roll 4 hours and I remembered my five hour goal and started to think about how far I could get below that. 

The run down was, as is the case, a long grind but I felt I had a better handle on it this year (the weather was MUCH cooler) than last year.  I was not nearly to the edge of collapse as last year.  I tried to keep my head down (literally ... when I get tired I tend to let my head roll back particularly as I look up or down the trail) and keep moving deliberately.  I have still to master the downhill in this race ... I can improve on it as much as ten minutes I think.

Not much to say about this section really ... I could see that I'd have an outside chance at breaking 4:50.  I was at 4:34 with three miles to go.  I thought 4:50 on a switchbacked trail with rocks would be a stretch.  I wanted it but I did not want to fall on my face as I was concerned I'd lose a place or not be able to finish. 

At two miles to go, my left lace came undone.  I did not stop to re-tie it.  Just before the transition to the road, I clipped a rock with my left big toe.  I will post a picture on this later but it HURT!  I wondered if I broke it but with a mile to go this did not matter.  I saw 4:44:45 with a mile to go and wondered if I could pull a 5:15 to get the 4:50.  While running downhill is easy, running down hill on a steep road after twenty five miles is hard ... particularly when you have not done a 5:15 mile in recent memory (seriously, I can't remember when I did that).  And then the lace came totally undone and the shoe started to loosen.

4:50:09.  19th place overall.  4th in the age group, 2nd Doubler.  No need for an IV this year.  I had some blisters lanced in the med tent.  The two did not look so bad at that point and so I did not have them do anything with it.  TZ thinks now however it might be broken.  The color under the big nail is ... interesting.

JV was in the med tent and took some shots that I hope to post later.  I found out my family was still on the mountain top with Scott helping people and so JV SAVED ME by lending me some dry clothes.  We hooked up with Justin Mock, did the typical post race exchange of how folks did.  Justin's foot was totally jacked with a giant blister so he was walking in a comical way - totally on his toes but with jacked quad to boot so he looked like he was dancing.  We grabbed a burger to finish off the day.

Oh yeah, in the med tent ... funny thing.  The woman that was starting to help me asked what I needed and I talked about my blisters.  I then said, "yeah, and I lost a toe on the trail and I'd appreciate if you could find it."  She paused, looked at my feet and exclaimed "OH MY GOD!  I H AVE READ YOUR BLOG!"

I have a lot of post race analysis to put up ... later.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thank you

My 2008 journey to the Pikes Peak races, for all its successes, failures, folly, seriousness, joy, and pain ... is over.  I will of course think about it as I consider what next things I want to engage in (maybe that is another journey to the Peak, or maybe it is not ...), but I'd like to take a moment (or a post rather) to thank some peiple that have been pivotal in this journey to me.

My family ... my supportive, loving, best friend wife Tracy and my two awesome kids, KZ and JZ ... without you guys I'd be nothing ... I'm sure I'd be a lost soul without your love.

Mountain training partner number 1, JV ... man - as I keep saying ... they are lucky this mountain is not half as tall and twice as steep because then you'd be KOM.  Let's get to the Grand Canyon soon.  Dude - your warm clothes saved me after the race today.

The circle of blogosphere supporters, James, Beth, Brett, Matt, Lucho, Kerrie ,CV, Curt K, JK1, Justin M ... Most of you I have not met ... but I consider you friends and kindred spirits.

Friends who run ... but are on sabbatical from racing, TG and Marty and Scott E.  I look forward to our next set of miles together.

Co workers (and ex-co workers) ... Steve M, Iron Mazza, Dave B, Ken P, Glen A, JAT, TWK and Siona.  Thanks for bringing 

The BTR gang ... Andy, Buzz, Lisa, Dave M, Susan, Claude, Brownwyn, Lisa L ...

The Fleet Feet store and team / gang ...

All the folks that put the race on ... particularly those people who volunteered on the course on race day.   You folks are way more crazy than the people who run on the mountain.  I might just have to join up with you band of merry folk.

The countless others who have supported me, wished me luck, told me I was crazy, told me that I ought not to do this, told me that they were inspired by this or even looked at me with disdain when they found out I was doing this  ... all your feedback positive and negative has made this journey more important to me. 

Sunday 081708 Pikes Peak Marathon or Suffering on the Second Day

I have, as usual, a ton to write about.  It will have to wait.  Right now I am sitting with one of my beers I made and getting ready to chill with a movie with the the kids.

My head has been swimming with analysis though ... more on that later, along with pix, splits ... and way too much narcissistic  review of this folly.

The short of it ... I had a tough day from early on in the race.  I hit the Ws (the part of the trail just past the road, where things begin to really climb) and I was feeling yesterday's climb.  I tried chalk it up to a bad patch that would pass but by the top of the W's I was getting whipped by guys with freaking backpacks on.  The march seemed to stop going by me at about No Name Creek and I managed to must back a small rally above the Barr Camp (about half way up and at 10000 feet).  Above the camp, I was able to get 8 guys but I was still not really ripping anything.

There was snow of significance on the trail above the two to go mark.  I got to the top in 3:07 and change, in a fog of light snow and high altitude cloud.  I had, concerned from yesterday's epic conditions gone with a more aggressive trail shoe, thinking I'd wear them for the whole race.  I should have stuck with the flats the round trip.  Scott E helped me switch shoes in 2 minutes and I started the descent.

I had two goals at this point:  break five hours and catch ten folks.  Hardly the goals I had started the day with but you adjust within a race.  I caught seven by treeline and four more below it by the finish line.  I finished in 4:50:09.  This was good enough for 19th overall, 4th in the age group, and second of the Doublers (the guy from Spain was the top Doubler).

Again, more analysis later but on whole ... it was good.  I learned a lot on the mountain this weekend, in this journey, met some of my goals, ate significant humble pie on some others, figured some things out in mountain racing and was reminded that I have a lot to learn on some things. 

More later.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Some more thoughts

Yeah ... some more thoughts.  Can you tell I am sitting the in hotel room thinking about this?

  • I think part of the reason I was not able to dig too deep on the upper stretches is because I was diverting energy into being warm.  I am not sure I could have worn anything more that would have helped.  The combination of wet, cold, wind and the fact that I was racing made the perfect combination of clothing an impossibility.
  • ... that said, I am pretty happy with how I performed on the upper stretches.  I think I got from the A-frame to the summit in just under 50 minutes.  I need to do some research, but that might be my fastest time on that stretch.  Considering the weather, I am pretty stoked about that.
  • My strategy tomorrow won't be much different ... take it out easy, focus on running, keep from walking, and taking the race in chunks.  I will worry about the down when I get to that.
  • I did put on a Gortex shell at the A frame.
  • I wore Brooks Racer STs today.  These are road flats.  I will go with something with a more aggressive outsole tomorrow for grip on the down. 

Damn ...

Apparently, because of lightening, along with the other triple threat of conditions (wind, wet, cold), around 10:20, racers below the A-frame were asked to turn around for their own safety.

I get it.  Wind, wet, cold are one thing.  Lightening is a whole 'nother beast.  My deep appreciate and kudos to those volunteers out there who gave us water, food, and assured we could continue to live.  I think you might be even crazier than us runners.

Here's the damn part ... those folks who got turned around at the A-frame had to head back to town.  That is 20 miles.  This is not what those folks signed up for.  I mean, there was nothing else they could do but they signed up for the Ascent and got that instead.  OUCH.  My personal kudos to all of you as well.  I talked to one guy who got into this predicament and called it the "A frame Ascentathalon."

Shots from the ride down

Okay ... some name dropping here ... I rode down with Scott Elliott ( in his Element. Also in the car were Lisa Ledet (excellent women's master mountain runner, possible marathoner this weekend), Buzz Burrell (THE ambassador of mountain running), Brandy Ernholtz (women's winner this year), Lisa Goldsmith (women's winner 3x and 2nd this year), Susan Nuzum (another badass of women's mountain running), and Andy Ames (a standard bearer on all kinds of running for the Boulder area).

Yes, that is too many people for such a car, particularly after a 7800 foot climb up but the purpose was to get off the mountain fast (FASTER than the school buses that were taking folks down). And even in the Element it took us close to an hour and a half.

Some shots and some vids.
Lisa, Brandi and Susan

Riding in an Element with too many people so you can get to thicker more oxygenated air ... PRICELESS

Hurling and having your friends cheer you on that you are "doing a great job"... PRICELESS

Oh yeah ... while I am dropping names ... men's Ascent winner Simon G ... check out this shot. THAT IS MY COAT. No, I am not making that up. Actually, it is a pretty good article on the conditions, etc

Saturday 081608 Pikes Peak Ascent - quick recap

P8160008I am currently laying in my hotel room bed watching water polo (Olympics).  Just wolfed down a Subway tuna with everything  in the kitchen.  This will be a quick post as I am going to try to get a nap in here shortly.

Preliminary results are up.  Here the skinny ... 20th overall, second in my age group, second in the Doubler standings, 2:48:48.  The weather started cold and wet (significant rain) and got cold, wet and windy up high.  Above treeline, snow was spitting and building and was certainly a factor in the footing (at least). 

Little more information ...

  • Apparently some folks were turned around due to the weather as the race progressed.  I don't know if this is true but I have heard this.  I do know that as I went up, I was warned by SAR folks that if I was cold, to turn around now as it was colder up high.  I saw two guys turn back (and so yes, they were ahead of me and turned back).
  • The threat of lightening was a concern throughout the day but we lucked out.  I talked to Matt Carpenter last night and he said "snow, go, lightening, no."  Early in the race, as we passed cog (so maybe a mile into the race) there was a flash and then a roar of thunder.  That was all we would hear all day.
  • Splits - Hydro Street (I forgot to get Ruxton): 8:59
    Top of the W's 31:14 (22:15)
    No Name Creek 46:12 (14:57)
    Barr Camp (missed the 7.8 sign) 81:22 (35:10)
    Bottomless Pit Sign 1:34:35 (13:13)
    A frame 1:59:09 (24:34)
    2 to go 2:15:18 (16:08)
    1 to go 2:30:19 (15:01)
    Summit 2:48:48 (18:36)
  • I saw Chucktown 10 (Brett) near the cog and gave him a high five.
  • I started the day relaxed but the flat rolling road section still got me a bit hot on the splits.  It felt easy, but I made note to stay behind certain folks (as I knew they would pull away from me). 

    As we dug into the W's the positions were set, although there was a little bit of passing going on (I'd pass some, some would pass me).  It was ... wet ... but not too chilly.  I'd play with my focus ... thinking about the race and running easy, and then thinking about other things altogether to just pass the time. 

    It did (as usual) get a bit colder at No Name Creek but I stuck with the top of a poly long sleeve undershirt, and the tank, poly cap and hat, gloves.  I had to carry my specs as the rain made them ineffective (no big deal ... just looked down at the trail anyway). 

    There was some traffic around me through Barr Camp (a couple of guys) but I paid little attention to them.  I'd slow down through the aide stations to assure I got my gatorade (took gels at 50 and 1:40) and they'd pass but they'd come back through the climbs and the rollers.  After Barr Camp I ended up being mostly alone (although I'd catch three guys above the camp).

    I focused on (when I thought about it) ... just running.  I have in the past, been faster through the splits, but have been forced to walk sections through the Ws, to Barr Camp, to the Bottomless Pit.  I'd tell myself to just go to Granny Gear today and just run to the next landmark.  I ran more of the course today than I think I ever have (albeit, not as fast!) ... maybe 95% of it ... and most of that not running came in the last mile where the conditions were ridiculous.

    It was nuts above A frame (treeline).  Conditions were degrading quickly.  My feet were soaked, my fingers were soaked and so both were numb.  I used running as a way to keep the furnace going.

    I was a bit disappointed to see the near 2 hours near A frame, but I decided that time on this day was something I could not get to worked up about.  I wondered if it would be a stretch to break 3 hours (as it took me about an hour from the A frame to the summit in the marathon last year under much better conditions).   Again, I just focused on running.  Run and the times will come.  Don't walk. 

    I never really hurt super bad ... meaning no major cramping, no seeing stars.  Yeah, it hurt ... but I was running on basic strength ... it was almost as if I could not go to that next level ... but I am not sure that was a bad thing or a good thing.  It was just a thing.

    Footing was sketchy up high.  At times, with the building snow and ice, it was a slip and slide on the granitic rocks.  I just tried to keep on trucking. 

    I was surprised (pleasantly) to see the 2:48 and change as I came around the final turn.  20th was nice as well ... I would have liked to have nabbed a age group winner award, and come out of the day as the leading Doubler but that gives me something to chase a bit tomorrow.

More analysis later ... more pix later ... now some sleep.  I feel pretty good with how I am recovering ...

Additionally, I have about 10000 people to thank for supporting this folly endeavor.  There will be a post on that ... but for the moment ... thank you all for the support, kind words, encouragement, smiles, and love.  Thank you.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday night 081508

Sitting at the Silver Saddle Hotel with Andy A watching the Olympics. Scott Elliott is crashing here but he ain't racing. Weather looks pretty sketchy for tomorrow, with snow expected above treeline. I am prepping to wear a long sleeve under the singlet and will probably go with the gortex jacket in tow. Half tights for the legs. I fully expect to be dealing with some misery on the upper stretches but that is part of the game. I will some other gear decisions in the AM based on what the sky and the weather looks like.

When I look at myself, I am oddly relaxed. I realize the ridiculousness that I am about to engage on but it is almost as if someone else is doing it ... and so I am not worried about it. I am going to get out there and have fun ... and start digging at Barr Camp. Current plan in my head is to start it up with Lisa G and see how I feel when we get to Barr Camp. But I don't have any pre race jitters. That might change when I get to the line.

Buzz Burrell and KOM Matt Carpenter.

Looking up Ruxton Canyon from Manitou. Pikes is in there somewhere.

The evening panel speakers ... a guy who has Doubled 22 times, a woman who has done it like 20 times, Buzz and Scott E (won the Ascent 8 times).

Finally, Phelps did not win the 100 fly. I don't know what that BS was, but he did not win it.

The show goes on ...

From the BTR site ...

Both races will be held, unless:
a) severe lightning;
b) icing on the auto road, forcing closure (if they can't drive
to the top, they can't support the race).
The show should go on! Management has a paid snowplow stationed at Glen Cove to plow a path if needed for the support vehicles to the
top starting at 5 am. Spirits are high in Manitou. RD Ron Ilgen told me, "Hey it's a mountain race, people know what to expect. If they don't like being on mountains, then they're in the wrong race."

For what it is worth, the summit cam is showing a lot of wet, but no snow ... yet.

Buzz posted a good pre-race report.

Start lists for Ascent have new entries

Tim Parr and Ryan Padilla are showing up in the start lists for the Ascent.  That race is stacked.  If the weather cooperates more folks than ever could break 2:30 in one race.  It will be interesting to see if the Ascent will really throw it down so that its winner captures "the fastest Ascent" time bonus for the weekend (1000 bucks).  I am sure that odds on favorite for the marathon, Matt Carpenter, will be eyeballing that.  Again weather cooperating, if no one breaks 2:15 on Saturday, I say he gets it.

I have heard several rumors of folks who are out because of various injuries.  You never know until the gun goes off, but it is a grim reminder that sometimes it is more of a race to the start line than the finish line.

I will be heading to Manitou in a few hours and will be posting shots, video, etc as I can.  Best of luck to all racers, and thanks for the kind words all!

Oh yeah, Men's Ascent predictions. 

1.)  Batliner
2.)  Gutierrez
3.)  Freudenburg
4.)  Romero
5.)  Selig
6.)  Nichols
7.)  Ames
8.)  Guijt

Beyond this we have a ton of great talent and tough SOBs in Crandall, Kloser, Pliska, Vail, Denesik, Petersen, Vallerie, Parr, Padilla.  I can't land on how I want to pick some of these guys because they are either inexperienced on the mountain, or have not rocked the hill the way the others have (or have not done it as recently as others have).

Plus I am sure I am missing at least one star in that mix.  It looks to be a great race. 

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday 081408 This one is done

AM - 30 minutes. First 10 minutes I was thinking WTF? Legs felt weird and sluggish. Last 10 minutes I was ready to rip.

Book 'em Dano. Time to roll.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday 081308 Chillaxin'

One of my favorite blogs to read is that of the infatiguable JW.  I first heard him coin the term, "chillaxin'.  I like it, and so I use it and it is applicable to where I am now.   Just chillin.  Just relaxing.  Chillaxin.  Maybe that can be made into some drug.

46 minutes easy this AM with 6 x 30/30 strides in the middle.  One more jog tomorrow.  Friday off.  The weather looks like it is going to be less than ideal this weekend.  Here's my take on that:  BRING IT.  I hope it is snowing freaking ice knives from the sky in a 100 degrees of heat with a tornado and that their are wildfires chasing my arse up the mountain. 

JW asked me yesterday what my plan was for recovery between the races (uh, yes ... I am planning on Doubling if I have not officially stated that ... I mean, I guess I could change my mind but that is 99 percent the plan right now).  He also noted that he was interested since he had never raced back to back like that before.

Well, in all honesty, I have never raced like this back to back before either.  Meaning I have never done a half marathon with 7800 feet of climbing to 14000 feet on one day and come back the next day and done a marathon with at 7800 feet of climbing and then 7800 feet of descent. 

That said ... I have read the Carpenter / Friem text on the matter, along with a bunch of race reports and will ...

  1. Get off the mountain after the Ascent as soon as possible
  2. Hydrate before, during and after the race
  3. EAT after the race to replenish as quickly as possible.  Snack appropriately through the day.
  4. Get a light massage after the race on Saturday
  5. Get in the creek after the race on Saturday
  6. Stay off my feet after the race on Saturday and look to get in a nap.
  7. Be smart in how I attack the race on Sunday.
  8. Repeat step 2.

Current weekend weather forecast ...

Friday Night: A chance of rain showers before 8pm, then a chance of snow showers. Some thunder is also possible. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 31. West wind between 5 and 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 40%. New snow accumulation of 1 to 3 inches possible.

Saturday: A slight chance of snow showers before 8am, then a slight chance of rain showers. Some thunder is also possible. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 41. North northwest wind between 5 and 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.

Saturday Night: A slight chance of rain and snow showers. Some thunder is also possible. Mostly cloudy, with a low around 26. North northwest wind between 5 and 10 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.

Sunday: A slight chance of rain and snow showers. Some thunder is also possible. Mostly cloudy, with a high near 41. Breezy, with a north northeast wind between 10 and 20 mph. Chance of precipitation is 20%.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

081208 Tuesday

Life gets in the way of training sometimes. That is the reality I have chosen. Last night I was at the amusement park with my kids to the ungodly hour of 10:30. I used to love these parks as a kid. Somewhere post USAF tour, the bones in my ear decided to stiffen up and I abhor these trips. I love my kids though. Still, 11PM to get to bed? Ick. And those freaking rides kill me now.

My morning training is beginning to become unraveled. I am allowing some of this because of the taper but when school starts for the crumb grabbers next week, it will all go to pot.

Mid day at the office ... treadmill. 15% for first mile as a warmup in just under 14 minutes, then three miles at tempo and building, 7:04, 6:15, 5:46, and then a cool down mile at 15% again in 13:23. Total time was 46 minutes. Felt good. Listened to various tunes, including "Achilles Last Stand" by Zep (awesome) and while watching the US beat Italy in water polo. Before the treadmill, I had to wait for it a bit ... I did a weight circuit of back, bis, tris, chest, shoulders ... and beleive it or not ... I was for the first time in months able to do a little abs.

Later I added on 30 minutes of jogging outside. 76 minutes on the day.

Apparently some of the white stuff has started to show at the top of Mr. Zebulon's hill. Manitou Springs appears to be rolling out the welcome mat for the runners inbound to their sleepy little foot of the mountain town. I added app1 gadget to the right of a summit cam to see if I can spot any snow. It looks clear right now.

Apparently, Ascent photos will be posted 72 hours after the race for me on-line. Marathon as well.

Good video from the LT100MTB race ...

I am hoping to meet and get some good vids on Friday night of folks like Brett, Screamin' Turtle, Brad C, and the like. I think I might mark up an old shirt and write on it "I AM THE HYPOXIC MARMOT."

In case you can't tell, I am a wee bit excited. Maybe even jacked.