Showing posts with label Trails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Trails. Show all posts

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday 0511614

Breakfast view
P5150004 Much of where I ran today was coincident with the Israel National Trail.  This is a marker.P5160016
Jogged a bit with co-workers LG and TK first (6 miles) (see the marker?)P5150007
Then decided to take on some miles and figured I’d look around.  After about an hour though, I was cracked in the heat.  It was not too hot (80?) but pretty humid, and I just melted in it. In looking at many of the locals, while some had a sweat going, I looked like I was just leaking.  Some in fact were not sweating at all.  And some of the walkers I saw actually had sweaters on.   It was a slog back to the hotel. 
Here is a pergola I took respite into try to cool off for a few minutes.P5160018 Most of the trail parallels the Yarkon River.
P5150015P5150006 There were (as there always seems to be) hundreds of walkers, bikers, runners and families out on the parks along the river and the paths.P5150009P5150011P5150014 The track however was guarded by a pretty angry fence.P515001215.1 miles for the second run, but I completely caved in the second hour.  21.1 on the day.

Other pix from the day.  Chandelier from where we ate tonight.P5160029
Looking back at Tel Aviv from Jaffa.  The hotel I am staying at is nearly all the way to the left, about 2.5 miles away.P5160028
Overlooking the water from Jaffa. P5160026
The hotel I am staying at. P5160023
There are several of these outdoor gyms along the beach ever couple of miles.  They are pretty heavily used.P5160021
Overlooking the beach at Tel Aviv.P5160020
Some towers and buildings in Jaffa.P5160024    P5160034 P5160033 P5160030

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday 012514

- note, poorly written on several fronts, but the one that pops out at me the most is the lack of maintaining a particular tense.

AM – not sure what to expect on a cold and windy New England morning, I decided to join a group local to the area I was staying in  – the Silk City Striders.  As a kid growing up here (and a runner) I was somewhat aware of this group but I never ran with them. 

A small group of folks gathered in the lot.  I delayed getting out my car to the last minute given the low temps and winds, and hoping to savor every minute of my DnD.


I approached the group and a tall older guy greeted me.

“I don’t know you.  Are you new?” 

I introduce myself as an out of towner and he gives his name as Bill.  The typical runner questions start.  “How many miles do you do a week?”  Even those these folks are runners, I look to evade the question the same way I do with non-runners.  “Oh, it varies a lot.  Sometimes zero, sometimes some nutty number.”  Bill won’t have it, and presses.  “So what do you average?”  I retreat more, “oh I am not sure, I don’t always track it” (complete lie).  Bill looks at me slightly unimpressed with my answer but he still welcoming and interested.  Soon he, two others and I are jogging down the road at a very relaxed pace. 

We converse on the things runners talk about:  What are you training for? Are you over that injury Sue?  How’d that last race go?  Wait, should we go right here?  Wait, you are from Colorado?  How’d do you like the Broncos?!

They conclude their run after five miles, and I tack on another 7.1 on an the East Greenway Trail.  I think it is better called a path as it is paved than a trail, but whatever.  I recall runs on this path … a million heart beats ago, 20000 miles ago, countless breaths, and probably billions of calories.  I ponder if I have had that much occur, am I really the same guy or am I just the same shell but older? 


The going is slow in the cold and the snow.  I wonder at how a place that was the place of my life for my first 18 years feels so foreign now.  I know where the roads and the paths go, but I the road names are forgotten until I see them.  Oh, yeah, that is Spencer Street.  Forgot that.  Of course.  How did I forget that?  It is like a different country.  Except they use the same money, drive on the same side of the street, and well, they do talk a little funny. 

I wonder how it can be that I was from here, but realize how stupid that sounds.  It feels so unlike what I am.  I guess I have been in Colorado more cognizant years than I was in Connecticut. 

Last night I went to the restaurant that I worked at as a teenager.  Many places have come and go, but Ellington Pizza is still there.  I wandered in, taking my time to stare at the menu at the to go counter – taking in the place more than the menu.  Some things are in slightly different places, but the primary standards are still there:  the oven, the prep counter, the cooler. 

A young girl looks to take my order, probably put at unease in that I am scanning the place like I am casing the joint.  She is naturally pretty, but she has subscribed to some magazine cartoon version of herself.  It is almost clownish.  He eyelashes look painfully large.  She has squeezed herself into a shirt to push her breasts up that look makes it look like they are about to pop like some oversized blister.  I tell her I need another minute and she goes back to styling her hair in a mirror above the bar.  I desperately want to photograph all this but I realize that  if I whip the camera out and start snapping shots, shit will get real weird – mostly because I am acting weird, tired from a day of travel.

The chatter behind the counter is Greek.  Ah, that is familiar.  I ask if Steve Loulakis is in and the girl gives me an odd look.  She replies, “ah, no.”  I have no idea if she knows Steve or not, so I drop the topic.  I order the meatball grinder, thinking I will save it for lunch for Saturday.  I got back to the hotel and consumed it quickly.  The taste is wonderful and full of memory from years gone by.  Good stuff. 

I am glad that little Greek pizza places still exist in CT.  I wish that there was such a thing in CO.  But then I am glad there is not.  But it was nice to visit here after not being through those doors in 25 years.

I am surprised how much conservative based talk radio is on for a blue state.  Maybe it is everything on the AM band. 

After the run this morning, I head over my Dad’s.   We go to lunch (since I ate mine last night).  We head to an old haunt in Coventry, the Bidwell Tavern.  Again, I want to take a bunch of pictures, but I am sure the patrons are not so interested in that. 

IMG_2696      IMG_2694IMG_2697

The Bidwell is still its incredible warm place, welcoming with its many taps, and alarge wood burning stove 3 feet from the bar. We chat for a couple of hours, conversing on family, what his next chapters will look like and the wading a bit more into the uncomfortable details adults go through when you know you are closer to the end of days than the beginning. 

Also relearned in the evening that watching local news shows are hardly ever a good thing.

Debating if I go do this tradition unrace run tomorrow AM or head up to the Nipmunck trail instead.  Currently leaning towards the unrace as it will get me more south towards where I eventually need to be, and it ought to push me more than a slog.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sunday night 071011

Tough job growing up.


Got to Pittsburgh.  Apparently the Montour Trail is just across the street from the hotel.  Sweet.  Will check this out in the AM.IMG-20110710-00535

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Thursday 063011

AM – 11 miles.  Got in 15 of one minute on, one minute off.  Again, this workout, for all its simplicity, seems to rip my legs off.  I am not going hyper fast, but the work is different enough from what I am doing, I can feel the sludge in the legs even hours later.  Good stuff.

Leaving Tel Aviv later today.  Given the work load here, I did not get out and do any significant tourist related stuff, but as I am back next month for a stint, I will hope to do some then.   Much to check out here certainly, but I will say this country has a lot to learn in regards to beer and coffee. 

More vid from whytomwhy.



Long flight back to the beauty of Colorado starts tonight … I always have a bunch of expectations of how much I will read on these flights, but I should just bet on getting a lot of sleep.

Happy end of June all.  I have yet to add up the June numbers, but it is around 330-40 miles and 40k of climbing … I am very happy with the mix of consistency, vertical, some turn over work, and a little bit of racing the last month has provided – particularly in light of the travel.  I feel good.  I feel that I am making good progress, have a good balance of where running is, the training … it feels right.  Mostly.

1868 miles on the year (with 14 days off this year).  This is a good chunk behind where I was last year at this time (2142 miles and 277 hours this year versus 336 at this time last year).   At day 181, this puts me at about 10.3 miles a day overall, but a little over 11 a day for the days actually run.

I am not sure if this ~15% drop in volume makes a difference.  I can certainly make up some justification that it does not … that the miles I put in last year are miles in the bank, that I feel as fit as I have in a while, that my training is more effectively focused this year than it was last year, that volume is not everything (this is a tough one for me to reconcile because I do think volume is a big contributor to success at distances) …

Bigger issue as to where I am in prep for that run down south (or, relative to where I am now – the other side of the planet) in seven weeks is probably time at altitude (as in it is a bit of nada right now).

I guess compared to ‘09 I am still ahead (1680 miles at this point that year, and 237 hours).  

There is an odd combination of thoughts in my head right now on all of this.  On some days I feel that I am as fit as I have ever been at this point in the year (in the last five years).  On other days, I feel like I am seriously kidding myself and that it is all a facade.  On other days I don’t care how fit I am or not because I am enjoying being out.  Clearly this last camp is the best place to be … the rest will come.  Or it won’t.  Just need to trust.


Got this beta on the new fees on the trailheads in South Boulder and if they applied to Broomfield County.  The fees apply. 

The name of the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with the trail access provision is called IGA City of Broomfield and Boulder County concerning the proposed City and County of Broomfield.  The two parties to this agreement are Broomfield and Boulder County.   Para. 6. 2 states:

Use of Open Space Properties by Broomfield Citizens:  With respect to all Boulder County open space properties, currently acquired or to be acquired in the future, Boulder County shall permit access to said properties to all City and County of Broomfield residents upon the same terms and conditions to which Boulder County residents are subject.  This obligation shall terminate immediately if Broomfield has not made the payments required under Section 5.2 above.

Broomfield made its payment as required so this provision is in force. Note though that this would not apply to city of Boulder open space properties--only those owned by Boulder County.  In the case of the parking fee for trailheads in certain locations on the city of Boulder Open Space, the city of Boulder web site says:

Starting on Monday, June 27, 2011 all non-Boulder County registered vehicles need to pay a $5/day fee for parking atSouth Mesa, Doudy Draw and Flatirons Vista Trailheads. Notices about this change will be posted no later than June 15.

As this fee is imposed by the city of Boulder and relates to trailheads on city of Boulder land, Broomfield residents would be required to pay the fees unless they have Boulder County registered vehicles for some reason. The IGA does not apply to the city of Boulder use of open space.  Awesome.


Got to say, the Nick Clark story has been one of the more enjoyable ones to watch the last few years (in this MUT arena).  Guy has put in the time, improved, and has no issues with laying his goals out there.  Plus he contributes to the FC running scene quite a bit.   That said, he has gotten off course in his last two races … hmmm.   Seriously, his performance at WS is pretty inspiring. 

But, lest we forget how taxing a 100 can be.  Really … I think we can forget about that.

Fun post on the lost of any sort of joy in airline travel (although the business class gig we got here was pretty damn posh). 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

BOSTAC meeting for November

Had an Open Space and Advisory Trails Committee meeting tonight.  I love these because I learn so much about where I live.

Couple things from tonight … Broomfield has a goal to have 40 percent open lands (there is definition of what open lands are that I can spell out at some other time, but there is a pretty refined definition and calculation for this).  At current, the City and County have about 32 percent.

Partly as an outcome of that goal, the committee is asked to look at possible acquisitions.  One of the possible acquisitions we were looking at tonight is a property that is called “the Egg Farm.”

A little bit about the Egg Farm … for those that run the Rock Creek or the Coal Creek Trails, you probably have hit 120th and noticed these trails both dead end there – about 250 yards (guess) from each other.   Nearly everyone I have talked to has wondered if they could ever connect.

Well they will and they will extend into this property called the Egg Farm, to east of those trails.  Some references to hit in regards to this:  Boulder County Open Space Trails site, the trail master plan from BoCO, the City of Lafayette site related to the property, the Lafayette Open Space and Trail Advisory Committee meeting where they discussed the property, and the Flagg Drive Community Association website.

Editorial pause:  Holy crap.  Look at that amount of web based information.  I think for just a few minutes as to how difficult it would be to get that level of information from cities, counties and community associations even when I was in college as a grad student and am a bit blown away.  Okay, senior moment done (for now).

There are plans to link up the Coal Creek and Rock trails, and then connect up to trails that head further north into Erie.  The general connection is apparently targeted for 2012, with that reaching into Egg Farm as well (if I recall / heard correctly).  Apparently, there are broader plans for this trail system to go all the way to the Platte River, but I need to research that a bit to find that vision on line.

The Egg Farm property actually lies unincorporated Boulder County, but very close to Broomfield (just to the west in Anthem), Lafayette (just to the east) and Erie (just to the North).  BoCo and Lafayette acquired this property in the last couple of years, including water rights, to the tune of about 5 million.

Broomfield is being asked to consider buying into the ownership of the property (including that initial cost and on going  maintenance to the property) and BOSTAC being asked to provide some recommendations to Council. 

At tonight’s meeting there were several Anthem residents who were very much in support of assuring a connecting trail be provided from their community, just to the east into the connecting trail system. I could relate to their concerns because they current have to loop around on Rte 7 through Flagstaff to 120th to get to those trails.  Anyone who has hit that shoulder on 7 (Baseline) knows that is pretty dangerous.

There was also some feedback that the cost of purchasing into the property is high, particularly when BoCo and Lafayette have provided connectors to other trails with us collaboratively in the past without (significant) purchase “into the property” costs.  In other words, they own it, it is open space, they are good stewards of the land with a plan to put into trails by 2012 anyway.

So there is a question here:  should BOSTAC recommend that this property be “acquired” (quotations given the partial ownership) by Broomfield or are there other property acquisitions that are more urgent?

In any case, I am stoked.  I have been dreaming to do a run from my house to South Boulder Peak (and back) and this trail extension / connection plays nicely into that – albeit in the other direction.  Think Lake Link, Rock Creek, that connector just west of Superior, High Plains, Marshall, Dowdy, Towhee, Shadow.  Okay, I am tired thinking of that but – yeah!  Definitely on the list for ‘11.  RT is probably 40 miles.

Anyway, the other thing I got insight into tonight was a longer list of potential acquisitions that are being kicked around.  I will look to visit each of these sites (running them as much as possible) and photo them up.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday 081410

Day off. Toes feel a bit better this AM, but are still relatively purple. Sitting at 56 miles on the week, and will carve down to a 50 mile week next week – including the race.

This is the OSMP proposed map that illustrates the changes to the trails on Green they like to see. In short, it is a lot of changes, with some new trails going in, and others getting shut down altogether. Couple of thoughts ...

1.) if I am reading it right, this calls for (#7) a reroute of Long Canyon and a new trail that connects it up to West Green (#6D). I like the idea of the trail connecting up to the summit, and not shutting down Long Canyon altogher.
2.) #6A is a reroute of lower Ranger (which I could live with) but #6B is a shut down of upper Ranger altogether. I am opposed to that.
3.) #6C is a rerouting of the some of the West Green.
4.) #2 is ridiculous. It does a round and round trip up Green - but essentially is also proposing this would be the ONLY way up Green for the upper stretches.
5.) I think #5 is the route that one could "unofficially" pick up on upper Gregory at the fence on the right, about a 1/3rd of a mile east of the cabin.


Women Ascent Predictions:

1.) Erholtz 2:41 in the tough weather year, look for her to go under 2:40, and maybe dance with sub 2:35 for the win.

2.) Kimmel does not get the win here, but wins the PPM the next day
3.) Ortiz
4.) Dobson
5.) Goldsmith
6.) Nelson
7.) Prichard

I am obviously not as familiar with the women's field or the history. Shame on me – I should be as I run closer to their times then the front men. It seems that in recent years a handful or less break 3. All of these women can do that. I am also not sure what the WMRA status will bring to the field. I am almost assuredly overlooking someone – so correct me please.

Some stuff on UTMB. Hmm, no Tony in Pb yet. Could he be holding out for a rematch between him and Geoff (and Kilian and Jurek)?