1.) Good read on Salazar, Ritz. Check out the linked video from there too. Salazar is certainly an amazing figure in distance running. When you consider who the best runners in US history, Salazar needs to be a part of the conversation. Arguably he did not perform at the Olympics, but it is hard to overlook his ARs of 13:11 for 5k, 27:25 for 10k, a 2nd and 4th finish at World Cross and his wins in the marathons at NYC and Boston. Add into that his Comrades win (along with a bunch of other stuff I have not mentioned) and what he is doing now in coaching … wow. Still, I find myself, sadly, a bit cynical, as his performances have been questioned in various circles in terms of possible PEDs. Ack.
2.) AM – 4 miles, super easy dog jog.
3.) I found Vance’s write up on cramping in the later part of the race (namely triathlon) interesting. While I have suspected that it could be due to some electrolyte deficiency, I have also thought that I cramp at Pikes because – I have not run that far up for that long at that pace.
4.) Mr Mike is dealing with a sport’s hernia, perhaps one of the least understood injuries in running – and I certainly do not consider myself an expert in this arena. I dealt, and to some extent still do deal with this injury. Messing around with my wife and my daughter in January of 2008, I pulled something “down low.” I did not think much of it, but it became clear in the days and weeks that followed I was messed up. Unlike other injuries I had dealt with in my life to that point, this one struck at my core, and did not seem to get better over the course of days or weeks. Instead, it slowly healed over months, and to some extent it is still a weak spot for me. Some guys grumble about their Achilles post run. For me, I wince just at the idea of sneezing post run because it pulls on the lower abs in a way that, well, hurts. Ask me to pick up something off the ground while standing post a long run and you will see how I still deal with this weakness (which, if I had an ounce of discipline) is address-able. Unfortunately my counsel to the folks that deal with this injury is this: expect to be jacked for a long time, do not go under the knife because the results (based on my unscientific polling method) appear to be variable, and be ready to deal with this for a long time.
5.) Follow up on Alicia Shay.
6.) NYC has a good live stream site. Good to see this sort of stuff coming from the big city marathons, as I think they will serve as a standard, and hence an expectation of coverage that we should see in the MUT race community.
7.) For the IPOD, Solinsky interview. He is on the show with his fellow fat man Macca. The interview with Macca, where he talks about the Germans is CLASSIC stuff.
8.) PM – 9 miles easy. AHR = 139, Max = 149.
10.) Hmmm … easy miles come some days at 7:30 pace (meaning sub 150 HR). Real easy miles (say HR = 140ish) are around 8-8:20. There are days where I have abused myself the day (or night) before where I have to run the miles like that. Hard stuff is at 6 minute pace these day, or faster. This brings my HR to 175ish fairly quickly. So … what benefit do I get from runs like yesterday at 6:50 to 7:10 pace at 150-155?
11.) Thought I might jump in the Rotary Challenge XC race this weekend but it appears that ain’t gonna happen. One of the Z clan has a soccer game in Golden, the other in Westminster, and both in the AM. But, it is the last weekend of soccer for a bit.