Showing posts with label KJ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KJ. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Boing boing goes the shoes

It is hard not to dig what Salomon does with their “TV” episodes. 

“I love to be out many hours suffering.”
”You fail like 50 percent of the time.”

So the Nike sub two hour marathon project seems to be very much tied to the shoes.  There is a lot of chatter on the Twitterverse that the shoes could be something like a mini Pistorious blade with foam around them.  It becomes pretty easy to see how this could be a very marketable technological advantage … if a 2:03 becomes a 1:59 guy in the marathon, maybe for a pair of 300 dollar shoes, you can get your Boston Qualifier or a PR at Pikes and heck, who knows what you can do at the 100 mile distance?

It introduces the concept of “doped” shoes … but frankly the technology advance is not hugely different than what has been going down with swim suits over the last couple of decades. 

So it is funny (not funny haha but funny as well lets think about that) to watch the Kilian video and see how there is this embracing of the simplistic “mountain” off the grid lifestyle, but how he is embracing certain technologies (e.g. ski tuning) … and then there is some consideration of the technology and the ethics of that in the Nike project.  The technology he has available to him makes these projects possible in a way that perhaps folks could not do even a couple of decades ago.  And clearly the camera on his head brings it to us in a way that was not even around 10 years ago.

I get there is a difference.  There is a difference for as long as we think there is one.  And if we all have access to that.  Or if it is considered within some moral ethical boundary.  Consider the tennis racket.

Still on the 90s rock kick on runs as of late:  Fuel, Candlebox, Live, STP.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday 082613

Brett pointed me to this KJ trail porn from his recent nuttiness on the Matterhorn.  Holy crap. 

Apparently there use to be a Pikes Quad … which might be near a 100 miles, but it is hard to tell from what I have read in the description thus far.  That would be near a HR type 100 with about 30k of vertical.  Ouch.

… an estimated 29 percent of the athletes at the 2011 world championships and 45 percent of the athletes at the 2011 Pan-Arab Games said in anonymous surveys that they had doped in the past year. By contrast, less than 2 percent of drug tests examined by WADA laboratories in 2010 were positive… Ugh.  Higher than even my cynical head would have guessed … which makes me think probably higher in MUT space than what I think too.

Bummer on D-bow having to pull from UTMB.  I have met the kid twice and he is incredibly polite.  The first time was in my DNF (off course) at CP50.  He came barreling by, huffing and puffing and hurting a bit but he was sure to say nice things to me.  

Brendon T’s write ups of his UTMB trip are entertaining.

Interesting read on former president George W getting a heart stent.

Nice little write up on what the Decalibron is.

Epstein’s “Sports Gene” has been cast by some as challenge to Gladwell’s “10000 rule.”  Gladwell responds.

A few things that I have been musing on:  would it be beneficial for Leadville to change its course?  One Leadville finisher from this year I chatted with quipped that the course has changed so much over the years anyway that he had no ties it  specifically.  More generally, it seems to me that from the Leadville runners I have chatted with, they would be okay with course changes (like a lollipop) as long as there was at least a single crossing of Hope, and a Powerline climb near mile 80. 

The course changes are interesting however … there is a  the natural comparison of times from year over year that occurs.  Not trying to piss anyone off here by taking away from their accomplishment, but … wasn’t the course at least 3 miles longer last year?  And I think there is something like a 50% increase in the big buckle finishers?  Obviously that increase is not all because of a course change, but I bet some analysis on that could happen.

It will be interesting to see if this 100 plays out to be as epic as the video advertises it to be.

Also wondering how the hell IM Boulder is going to get 2000 runners on the Creek path.  I realize they will be spread from 5.5 to 17 hours, with a glut of them coming in that 8-13 hour window, but that is a LOT of people on that path.  IM seems to be the reputable standard bearer on race management like this though, so we will see how they deal with this challenge. 

PM – 10.1 miles.  About a 2 mile warm up (7:45 pace easy), then a low effort tempo (6:45 pace) through the Lake Link Trail for 3 and quarter miles (22 minutes), then 5 warm down (7:50 pace) and suddenly tired.  Some GSM ahead of time.  Gonna try to stick this 3x a week for a bit.

Got a new Garmin ANT stick today.  Humpf.bbb

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday 031313

This is pretty cool but I am not sure why there are drones in it.

Simon G is a bad arse.

Got together with co-worker Steve M and did some running from the office in the late afternoon.  He is prepping for Boston.  I figured on doing some short hill repeats, so he took to that.  

The steeper hill in Superior was snowed, muddied over (ran over to check it out) so we did the climb on the sidewalk on Rte 128.  Without explicitly measuring it, we found a section that was a bit longer than a quarter mile, less than a third of a mile that happened to pitch on average about 5% with sections up to 8% (not crazy steep but enough to put a buzz in your legs if moving).   We did six, and got after it a bit so they were some work (plenty of rest however0.  I gave him a lead on the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th (around 10-15 seconds) and it gave me a bit of motivation to get after him. 

These hurt.  Particularly in the last 200 of each I could feel form falling apart and the work tide coming in.  I’d see the power box where we agreed to finish and it was that familiar feeling of – holy crap, it is that far away?  I ranged in the 1:49 (1st, last) to 1:54 (third) range.  Apparently my HR bubbled up to 183 on a spike after finishing the last – but generally my HR hit a high of 176 on each of these.  Seriously considering looking to see if I back these up to be longer to see if I can get a higher HR.  Not sure why, other than seeing if I can do that.


12.2 on the day.  One of those 5 plus mile cool downs that felt like forever after frying my legs on just a few short repeats. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

Friday 113012

AM – 5 miles to wake up.

Viagra helps performance at altitude.  Or maybe not.

Pikes is on the Skyrunning circuit next year.  And so is UROC, meaning two of the three US based events (out of 15) are in CO for 2013.

I have met Pablo at a few races.  Dude is solid.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday 112912

Got out for an easy five.  Mentally I was ready to roll for something harder, but physically I felt pretty tight – enough so in my calves that I decided to delay a harder session.

WSJ does the “too much exercise will kill you” article again.  Here is a decent response.

I will probably see “The Hobbit” first, but this looks to be pretty cool.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Thursday 092712

So KJ has a VO2 of 92.  Here is a comparison table to put that in perspective.  Certainly when you see guys like Steve Scot or Craig Virgin had values in the low 80s, you realize it is just a number.  Still … 92 is certainly a nice number for that measure.

Some time ago, I noticed that people tend to become “ho-hum” about a person’s regular accomplishments when those accomplishments become … regular. For example, Matt C winning Pikes all those times in a row became sort of expected and not any sort of big deal.  Ho-hum.  He ran another one.  And won.  I see the same sort of thing with Tony’s weekly log.  Ho-hum.  Another 28 hour week with that week including about the 1/4 the vertical I have done all year.  And heck, now he is a rock climber too.   Ho-hum.  Oh yeah, Dean K is gonna run a marathon in every country on the planet in one year in 2013-14.  Ho-hum.

Mid day – 6 miles.

Yesterday, I was about 90 percent committed to doing the 24 Hours of Boulder event in a couple of weeks.  I figured if the weather was decent, it would be a good way to test myself to potentially beyond a 100 miles, and actually think about pacing in a different regard.  Footfeathers and I threw around some numbers that got me a bit more enticed.  I know Chris B is thinking about it, and Patrick G has mentioned the 50k so it could be a fun time out there with others too.  Plus, if I throw some beer in the back of my car, it seems to be a surefire way to get folks to come out and run (or walk) with you all night.  How fun is that?

And today, I am about 95 percent committed to not doing it.  I told myself last year that I would not do a 100 again unless I trained for it (to which that little voice in my brain sez – this ain’t a 100, it is a 24 hour thing).  I have not done that.  And I know it would jack me up for several weeks afterwards.  Instead today, I was thinking now would be a good time instead to put in a block of training that would actually get me towards a faster 5k (sub 17? it has been half a decade plus since I have seen that!) or 10k (sub 36?  equally as long).  I can do 24 hours anytime.  I won’t be able to do those distances that fast forever. 

Back and forth the brain goes.

PM – 8 miles.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday 090712

Some video from Salomon with stuff from Pikes and Leadville.

AM – 14 miles.  A little cooler today so that was nice.  Headed west, thinking about how to string together the most direct, off road, but legally accessible route to Boulder entry routes.  Started kicking around the idea of a FA event, where folks could go any route they wanted but they’d have to check in at certain points, including Bear Peak for an out and back from Broomstock.  It certainly would not be a route that every one would love – as the FA events have become mountain events.  But this would a nice mix of sub-urban to mountain foothill trail.  I’ll noodle on it.

IMG_1866 IMG_1865IMG_1867 

As you might expect, with a 11 and 15 year old – we deal with some of the typical “growing pains” of adolescence.  There are days whhere I find those events a bit challenging.  But … in the big picture, my kids are pretty damn awesome.  I got a feeling the parents of these kids might have some tougher issues to work through when these tots get older.  Maybe.  Maybe not. 

Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday 081012

Pikes prepares for KJ

Knuckledragger has been watching the entry list to Pikes this year better than me.  He has picked up that Boettcher and Mackey are no longer on the start list for the PPM.  Mackey is now over on the Ascent list.  Certainly this changes what my predictions will be from July 18.  I had predicted at that time the following:

1.  Kilian
2.  King
3.  Mackey
4.  Schlarb
5.  Nichols
6. Boetcher
7.  Volllet
8.  Mir
9   Mir
10. Grauch

Rather than mix up the predictions today, I want to see what plays out over the next couple of days with former winner entries.  There is the question of course if the KOM will show up.  I also feel a bit obliged to put up a Masters list … that is guys older than forty outside the top 10, but mixing it up beyond that.

You could make an argument that Mackey changes the Ascent line up as well, but I need to look at that.  If he runs sub 2:30 as he is predicting, I’d think that would be good enough for top 10.  But that is a pretty tough field with 2 MW champs, 3 former PPA champs, and other USMRT regulars in the mix.

Good post by Tracy L.

Fun conversation between “some guys” on Olympic track.  Gladwell has some other good stuff on Salazar.  Really, you should read that second one. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wednesday 060612

These lists are a good reference:  fastest times in Colorado.  Fastest true mile in CO?  4:04.  None of that down hill crap.  Old school and by that we mean 1976.  And no one has broken 14 on CO ground in the 5k yet.

PCTR is done.  

Terri Reilly posted this photo on Facebook.  It is from the 1981 Crim Ten Miler.  I love it because it has so basic and it is similar to much of what I recall from running when I was growing up.  Short racing shorts.  Bad ass mustaches.  Numbers trimmed down to save weight.  Eyes frantically on the road to assure you don’t wipe out. 

… this is the guy I am pacing (or is he pacing me?) at HR.  The more I think about this, the more I think it (like luckily getting to share a stride or two with BF at Denver) will be one of my running life highlights.   If I can keep up.  Hardrock is a bitch.

It is time for me to get my mind right about Hardrock … including:

1.)  When will I get there?  (in other words, where do I need to be to get Tim?) (for what it is worth, exactly there has yet to be determined … need to figure where I will pick pacing up with Timmy)
2.)  What should I have that he will need in terms of physical stuff I should carry?  (food, lights, clothing, poles, water, etc)
3.)  What should I have that I will need in terms of physical stuff I should carry? 
4.)  How much should I call him a loser?   When do we turn the screws to get after it?
5.)  etc …

It is mind boggling that this race is WON at 4 miles an hour average.  Anyone handicapping it yet?

Boulder approves the finish of the USA Pro Cycling Challenge at Flagstaff.

An interesting map for paths in the area, including 36.

(ps – from above, Lindsey - #1, won in 47 minutes and change, George Malley in the foreground and Durden in the background) 

Saturday, June 2, 2012


This is super cool.  Kids have been geeking out on it.

Great post by Gordo.

FKTs versus races.

Latest episode of Lucho’s show.  Interesting stuff on Vitargo.

Latest episode of TalkUltra.  Just started this one.

I am enjoying these simple lessons from Ed A.

Well done video …

Back down out of the hills today.  I actually came down yesterday.  JV called me Friday night and offered up an invite to a huge run that he, Tony, Joe and John were doing in the Missouri group.  It would have been a great outing.  But I passed.  I had a bunch of excuses:  the start was early and I’d have to get up at 4 to meet those guys, I had tree work to do, I had to get back to Broomfield, I probably could not have kept up with those guys in the mountains, etc, etc.  All of those are sort of true but TZ called bullshit on it appropriately.  I am not sure why really, but I often find excuses pretty easily when it comes to lining up with those sort of events.  Probably some psychology in that.

Speaking of psychology … I love Macca’s honesty as a mental tactic when discussing Lance.  Of course, he said this before LA won the Kona 70.3 today.

Comrades this weekend as well.  Listening to the TalkUltra podcast referenced above, you got to wonder if the road ultra (other than that Badwater stuff) will capture the imagination and passion of the US public the way trail ultras like Hardrock, Leadville, Western, etc have.  Seems that once you go above 26 miles, you are interested in dirt exclusively versus asphalt.  Very few guys around like Bob S who seemed to specialize in the road ultra (arguably, Jurek did both the trail and the road stuff).  Clearly in South Africa however, a road ultra is king.

Any old folks going to the Czech Republic next year?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

various stuff

Back in Broomstock for a day or two to get some “real life” junk done.  Back up to the high country later this week to play in the thin air.

So Kilian’s next project was revealed.  Apparently culminating in Everest. 

Tell you what … that kid is epic.  Seriously … a generation of ultra running mountain and trail folks are going to call this guy the best ever.

Jared Scott gets the one way crossing record (FKT) of the big ditch (North to South) in 2:51 as told by Jason Wolfe.

DC Op-Ed discussing the coexistence of open space conservation and recreation.  Another related op-ed.

Anyone seen a registration list for Evans?  Sort of curious.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thursday 020812


I appreciated this recollection of the 2008 PPA.  For what it is worth, that year taught me about how much a head game the climb is.  I ran 2:48 in those crappy conditions.  On a nice day I probably would have gone 3 hours.  I went faster … to stay warm.

Listened today to Matt Fitzgerald’s interview on Competitor Radio.  I found it to be a pretty good interview and it got me interested in considering to read his book on the Allen-Scott 89 Kona competition.  I’d recommend listening to the interview, but apparently they have taken it down from their site.

PEDs are continuing to infiltrate the masters running ranks.  But apparently it is a more tricky call there.  I get the level playing field and all that, and certainly these sorts of drug supplement aides whatever you call them have an effect.   When a guy takes something that changes his hat and foot size so that he can launch 70 plus bomber out of the park, I get it:  that ain’t fair.  But how is the guy who takes an iron supplement orally for anemia different than the guy who takes it via an injection?  And if you can take that supplement because your ferretin levels are low, what is the issue with taking something that brings your testosterone to normal levels?  Think about this – a lot of the supplements or fuels you take today would have been considered incredibly off the charts illegal just a few decades ago.  It used to be in the Olympic Marathon, you could not even take water for the first 10 miles.  Think they let you drink that green stuff if you had a time machine and just showed up with it?  Or a shot block gel?  Additionally, it is clear that the long standing belief that some of these PEDs would help you in the short term but hurt your life in the long term is not always true.  None of this is an endorsement by me to take any of this stuff.  If anything, it is the recognition of how we are relatively arbitrary with these lines we have drawn.  It makes me less interested in the wins and losses by pros in endurance sport, and more interested in what you, the local guy is doing to move yourself forward.

I know I get crap for doing a bunch of stuff on the mill, but I ain’t the only one this works for.

Chrissie W … she takes third at the Empire State Building Climb.  Is PPA in her future?

I am not even I could take this much white compression in one place.  Is this is what is coming to CoS in August?

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday 011412 Training Plan for 2012

Old man rant of the day … there are a few things folks say that seem to bug me as of late.  Here are a few …

… the word “mature” when folks say “ma-tour.”  Look we don’t say “nature” – essentially the same word as “na-tour.”  When you say “matour” you sound like you are trying to be smart in a completely unnecessary way. 

… in meetings when someone asks another person, “hey Joe, do you have anything add to this topic?”  Joe says “no, I think you stated it fine” and then Joe goes off for five minutes as to how they agree.

… the “yeah-no” answer.  Pick one. 

… (one guy I know will love this one) … Westminister … it is Westminster.  There is no preaching in that.

… there is that entire “to be honest thing … “ thing that folks state before nearly every answer they provide but other folks have already groused about that.

I am sure I do my own.  Mostly I repeat myself a lot.  In other words, I say the same thing over and over again.  And then I repeat it again.  And then I wait and say it again two weeks later.  I will check with my daughter.  I am sure she will have input on my language immatourity.

Apparently Killian’s new coach is Brownie.

Anyway …

I have been hesitant to define a training program for myself because I am not completely clear as to what I want to accomplish in 2012.  Pikes seems obvious, given my history there, a free entry and the thought that I still could have that day where I go under 4:30.  But the lure of that is offset with some self questioning as to the likelihood of being able to prepare for that day, and even if I do, if I can make it happen.  Then again, I would get to ogle over the little Spaniard at Pikes.

A 100 like Steamboat has some appeal as that is new territory – both as a new race and that I am still very much new to that distance –, but I honestly question if I’d make the training choices to pull that off the way I would want to (I have already done one while NOT training for it).  There is of course the draw to 5k and 10k stuff as there is potential for working back some speed, getting some masters PRs, and carrying that over into other events but it sort of feels “ho-hum.”  “Ho-hum” as in a Masters PR now at 5k would be a split I would comfortably carry en route to a 10k.  Ego in the mix there for sure.

For what it is worth, I have considered not racing at all and just heading off to Leadville to get some pacing in and checking all that out.

Bit I got to commit to something and so, Pikes Marathon it is (for now)

With that as a backdrop, I could not simply dismiss my friend’s challenge, and after a little back and forth, I landed on the following (been essentially stated here before) … a reverse periodization plan

1.) Focus now on reestablishing some 5k, 10k work, V02 max capacity now, as this
a.) will be fun, 
b.) establishes a speed first, distance later approach, 
c.) will avoid mentally burn out
d.) keep skeletal, connective tissue, etc strong
e.)  is considerate of the fact that I am over 30 weeks out from Pikes
f.)  addresses some turn over, I have lost (as an outcome of focusing on distance accumulation versus a complete picture).
g.)  drop volume … (ugh, I am not good at this)
So in other words, continue the focus on 5k, 10k development.  This means I probably need to pick a few races in that regard. 

2.)  transition from this non specific set of work (5k, 10k) around the middle to the end of March.  Arguably this might be too long in playing in this distance for development at that distance (that is 8-10 weeks from now) but the risk with it is really just
a.) not improving after some time at that distance
b.) injury and
c.) some loss of aerobic fitness. 
Given how I am fairly durable you and my base over the last few years, I don't think these are large risks.

3.)  I'd then say build back up for PPM
a.)  alternating a weekly long run of flat (3 hours) with the other week alternated as uphill/downhill work (with increasing the downhill component to up to 40 minutes)
b.)  weekly session of long hill tempo
NOTE – I can see A and B being combined
c.)  biweekly short flat intervals with the other week alternated as hill (30 minutes of intensity in either case as a guide)
d.) 1x in the gym a week (2x in the gym through June)
e.)  get high (altitude) as much as I can for these workouts
f.)  with everything else being secondary, recovery (hard for me to do) but keeping volume consistent.

4.)  August... taper.

There might be a race in there with a donkey too.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday 123011

10 on the home trails.  Easy.

Continuing to enjoy the Lucho and Tawnee weekly podcast.  Items that resonated with me the most this week:  you have to do what you enjoy, and the discussion on back to back long runs (or not).

Great post by a guy I think we will see continue to make a big splash on the MUT circuit.

Colorado Runner mag December issue on line.

More stuff to read on the brain, and how V02 max may not matter.

Boulder will close parks, but not open space, overnight.  That said, “at the request of the City Council, the Open Space Board of Trustees has already been looking into closing open space overnight.”

Tomorrow, heading to Monarch for some track work.  This will probably be one where I need to disregard the output times, as there are 30mph winds forecasted.  Drop me a note, comment if you want the deets to join.

Next blog-ultra fad … shutting down your blog.

NY marathon is now 255 bones.  But – hey, they got people lining up to do it, so why not?  I bet they could charge 500 bucks and it would still sell out.

MUT porn of the day.

Typically my car smells like some sort of locker room.  Call it the outcome of housing my post run sweaty clothes on many a summer day.  And me sliding into those car seats post the run.  And since I contain large amounts of offensive gases, well … you get the idea.  The kids bought me for Christmas one of those Glade air freshener things for the car.  Needless to say, my car now smells like some sort of chemical flower bomb went off in it.  The kids are quite happy with the change.  I am still not sure.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Pikes for Jornet

Holy crap.

From his blog … The next summer will be quite different to what I have done the last 2 or 3 years, first of all because the U.S. spends much more time, to discover more of its mountains and its inmensitat. In racing, try to run a lot more there, some extremists (who touched the lottery) and prepare the Pikes Peak marathon. In Europe not run so much, probably Zegama to run home, and Transvulcania. It'll no be in Chamonix in late August by the UTMB is a race that already has given me everything and now she could not help them re-gain.
Apart from this, the year will either be the start of a new progecte, personnel, that is what draws me and motivation.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday 112111

AM – Headed to the gym with TZ and did five on the mill at various grades (6%, 10%).  Felt like a slug.  Did some hip work on some of the weight machines.

GS structure to consider.

NF50 predictions are starting to fly.

TiVO posts about getting out in the winter.  Given his results, he knows what he is talking about.

Mid day – KZ wanted to run, so I jogged with her, and then tacked on some more with the dogs to round it to five.  Tired.

Weekly KJ love …

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday 110811

Compression gear apparently does not help when you wear it in a race.

‘nother Lucho podcast.  Enjoyed it.

A report from the ditch on the heels of the new FKT there.

Treadmill in the AM:  5 miles at 5% grade, averaging 7 mph … just getting back to a little vertical work, and then five flat, easy (34 minutes but the treadmill lies lies lies).  Did this in the office gym.  No one was in there and I had some chaffing on my nips from the run on Sunday.  Flipped the shirt over the back of my neck, but was sort of paranoid someone was going to come in and get all scared at the bald hairy sweaty man.

Slight mo’ shadow starting show up.  Two more months and I ought to be in the game. 


Obligatory nod to KJ vid.  You got to wonder who is the guy that is running with the damn camera to take all these shots.  There is one where it looks like it was taken 30 feet above their head.

Somebody at work asked me a couple of weeks ago about how to taper for an upcoming marathon.  They asked me via email.  I did not want to type a long answer on my crackberry, so I wrote up some responses on hotel pad paper and took some photos that I sent to them. 

There is a scene in this that reminds me of one of my first backpacking trips with a friend of mine in college.  This was no slack packing or go light event.  We were out there for a week with a boat load of everything on our back on the AT.  We reached this downhill scree slope on one of our last days and we just started running down it with these 40lb packs on our back and the big lug hiking boots.  Laughing at first, we ended up going arse over tea kettle and making the mountain side look like a yard sale.  It was blast.  I think we sat around and ate blueberries from the bushes in the area for the rest of the day.

I confess, I stared at this way too long last night.  But then again … it was only a 10 mile day today.

I got asked by a colleague at work (a few weeks ago) about some feedback on how to taper for an upcoming marathon they had.  I got a little information on their load, goals, etc.  But then I was away from my laptop, and decided rather than type all my thoughts on it via the crackberry, I’d scrawl it out on some hotel paper, and send photos over to them.  This is what I sent.

IMG-20111028-00964IMG-20111028-00966  IMG-20111028-00965  IMG-20111028-00967

Friday, October 28, 2011

Friday 102811

AM - 7 miles easy.  As a side note, this run put me at 3k for the year.

Holy crow this example of how to wire your garage door is excellent.


Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday 102411

Mid day:  crazy gorgeous out.  6 miles.  Seriously – was 80 plus degrees out there.  Apparently we get six inches of snow tomorrow.  Eh.  Off to Reno later this week so I will miss a good chunk of the cold.

The vertical hounds will love this (and I think Brett will too).  Got it from JV.

I can tell from this 60 second video why Kilian beat Marco.

Did about 25 minutes in the office gym in the afternoon – all upper body stuff and abs (absolutely no legs).  I am pretty weak up there right now so this is about all I can get before being fairly thrashed. 

Checking out Lucho’s latest podcast.