Old man rant of the day … there are a few things folks say that seem to bug me as of late. Here are a few …
… the word “mature” when folks say “ma-tour.” Look we don’t say “nature” – essentially the same word as “na-tour.” When you say “matour” you sound like you are trying to be smart in a completely unnecessary way.
… in meetings when someone asks another person, “hey Joe, do you have anything add to this topic?” Joe says “no, I think you stated it fine” and then Joe goes off for five minutes as to how they agree.
… the “yeah-no” answer. Pick one.
… (one guy I know will love this one) … Westminister … it is Westminster. There is no preaching in that.
… there is that entire “to be honest thing … “ thing that folks state before nearly every answer they provide but other folks have already groused about that.
I am sure I do my own. Mostly I repeat myself a lot. In other words, I say the same thing over and over again. And then I repeat it again. And then I wait and say it again two weeks later. I will check with my daughter. I am sure she will have input on my language immatourity.
Apparently Killian’s new coach is Brownie.
Anyway …
I have been hesitant to define a training program for myself because I am not completely clear as to what I want to accomplish in 2012. Pikes seems obvious, given my history there, a free entry and the thought that I still could have that day where I go under 4:30. But the lure of that is offset with some self questioning as to the likelihood of being able to prepare for that day, and even if I do, if I can make it happen. Then again, I would get to ogle over the little Spaniard at Pikes.
A 100 like Steamboat has some appeal as that is new territory – both as a new race and that I am still very much new to that distance –, but I honestly question if I’d make the training choices to pull that off the way I would want to (I have already done one while NOT training for it). There is of course the draw to 5k and 10k stuff as there is potential for working back some speed, getting some masters PRs, and carrying that over into other events but it sort of feels “ho-hum.” “Ho-hum” as in a Masters PR now at 5k would be a split I would comfortably carry en route to a 10k. Ego in the mix there for sure.
For what it is worth, I have considered not racing at all and just heading off to Leadville to get some pacing in and checking all that out.
Bit I got to commit to something and so, Pikes Marathon it is (for now)
With that as a backdrop, I could not simply dismiss my friend’s challenge, and after a little back and forth, I landed on the following (been essentially stated here before) … a reverse periodization plan
1.) Focus now on reestablishing some 5k, 10k work, V02 max capacity now, as this
a.) will be fun,
b.) establishes a speed first, distance later approach,
c.) will avoid mentally burn out
d.) keep skeletal, connective tissue, etc strong
e.) is considerate of the fact that I am over 30 weeks out from Pikes
f.) addresses some turn over, I have lost (as an outcome of focusing on distance accumulation versus a complete picture).
g.) drop volume … (ugh, I am not good at this)
So in other words, continue the focus on 5k, 10k development. This means I probably need to pick a few races in that regard.
2.) transition from this non specific set of work (5k, 10k) around the middle to the end of March. Arguably this might be too long in playing in this distance for development at that distance (that is 8-10 weeks from now) but the risk with it is really just
a.) not improving after some time at that distance
b.) injury and
c.) some loss of aerobic fitness.
Given how I am fairly durable you and my base over the last few years, I don't think these are large risks.
3.) I'd then say build back up for PPM
a.) alternating a weekly long run of flat (3 hours) with the other week alternated as uphill/downhill work (with increasing the downhill component to up to 40 minutes)
b.) weekly session of long hill tempo
NOTE – I can see A and B being combined
c.) biweekly short flat intervals with the other week alternated as hill (30 minutes of intensity in either case as a guide)
d.) 1x in the gym a week (2x in the gym through June)
e.) get high (altitude) as much as I can for these workouts
f.) with everything else being secondary, recovery (hard for me to do) but keeping volume consistent.
4.) August... taper.
There might be a race in there with a donkey too.