Showing posts with label Tawnee P. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tawnee P. Show all posts

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Saturday 04JUL2015

AM – 16.3 miles.  Over Flagstaff, Green (up Ranger, Greenman), Bear and SoBo, and then back on the Mesa.  I was dragging from step 1 and it was not pretty.  But I managed.  It was never really bad, just not great.  Good for another 5k of climbing. 

I saw Bigfoot.

I caught the latest ATC … I get mentioned about 20 minutes in.  Here’s a response of sorts.

Downhill mile results in Superior.  Handful of guys go under 4.  There are those folks wo do that and then go do the 4k a bit later in Boulder.

Mountain Marathon – women’s results, and men’s results.  Not particularly surprised by KJ and Forsburg.  I take away being most impressed with Ostrander.   Not sure how long it is going to be up, but there is a site with video coverage that is excellent (even after the race).  Definitely gives you the feel of how wonderfully local this race is.

Looks like the men won the silver at the long distance championships in Zermatt, and the women took silver.  Men were led by Wacker with a 2nd place, and women were led by Kremer (4th).

A broken leg does not stop Grohl on his “Dave of Thrones”

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday 020914

Got to meet up with Tawnee and Lucho from the ATU/C show. 
A bit chilly,  but warmer than earlier in the week actually. 

The big surprise was how foggy it was.  Here I am only maybe 20 yards ahead.IMG_3010_thumb1

9.2 miles with the group on the trails out of Flatiron Vista.  Slow and easy as it was a social run and the snow, ice crunch made things that way. 

Always great to run with Lucho and catch up with him.  Just simple awesome clear signal connection with that guy.  Great to finally meet Tawnee and put a “face to the name” but as I have heard her hundreds of hours of podcasts – it was was I expected – except she might be even more positive in person than she is on the podcast.  All in all – a wonderful run this AM to share the trails with some amazing people on a gorgeous day.


Something is funky with the network tonight.  I will upload a handful plus of additional shots once I get that hammered out.

If Pikes ain’t high enough for you, you could go to Russia and run to 7k.  As in 7000 meters. 

Later in the afternoon, hooked up with some Hokas that the retired guy set me up with and got out with the dogs.  Sort of treacherous in the neighborhood as all the ice melt from yesterday is now super slick with a powdering of snow over them.  The dogs get all amped and want to run everywhere and it pulls me off balance.  I only bit it once.  4.1 miles.

I did not keep exact track of the push ups on the week, but as I did 150 today, 65 the yesterday and 50 the day before, and I know I did at least 2 days of 50s somewhere in the front of the week, I will call it 300.

Another interesting ASAP Science vid.

70.3 on the week and 78.6 on February.  Okay week with the treadmill stuff and the cold.  Felt that I managed a decent workout yesterday with the halves and quarters.  Not sure if that points to sub sixes next week but will shoot for that.  I will put up more on that little game tomorrow.