Kim Dobson’s hill climbing and altitude tips … given her success, a bit hard to argue with her.
It looks that due to the flooding that has occurred in Manitou, the Pikes Peak race expo won’t be held and their will be some changes to packet pick up. The weather to me this year feels a bit different – certainly not as dry as the last couple of Augusts. We are not quite to the chill that took the weekend in 2008, but I would not be surprised if weather played a bit more a part in this year’s race.
Work has been busy, so I have not been trolling the start lists, etc. Scout activities have also been on the up tick this week (committee meeting Monday night, where we reviewed two Eagle project proposals and then a regular Troop meeting Tuesday night). I probably won’t get down to Manitou until Saturday night, evening as the Troop has annual planning that day (an all day Saturday event). I might not even get my number until Sunday AM.
The race website has added a “Pikes TV” link that provides videos from past races and is expected to provide up to date information as well as some of the typical background stuff.
AM – 6 miles. Headed over to “Death Hill” as the kids call it. I did a few effort based climbs on that. I was tempted to do 8, simply because that is what I do when I do this hill, but I kept it to five – to follow the Luchinator’s prescription, and not to overdo it.
On Sunday, we cleaned the van post the Yellowstone trip. Typical stuff, heavy vacuuming, getting all the crap out of the seats that the kids embed in there, etc. Afterwards we took it over to the car wash – one of those car washes that is just a bay with a change machine. You drive in and work the high pressure hose and the foaming brush yourself. TZ got me to bring the Element as well as it was in need of a cleaning. On the fly there, we just opened it up and blasted out the INTERIOR with the high pressure wash.
On Monday, the car started to smell pretty bad. TZ went out there and went to the spare tire well and she said it may has well been filled with vomit. All the crap we washed out of the interior washed down into there and did not drain and was just … ick.
So yes, you can wash out the interior of an Element with a hose. But be sure to drain that spare tire well.
KZ has started XC again. And like last summer she did not announce this decision until about a day before actual practice started. Meaning that she skipped the 8 weeks of pre-season. Part of me says, “hey her gig, she can do what she wants and it is good that she is doing XC. It is healthy, it is social and she can have a different take on it.” But I’d be a liar if I did not admit that part of me says, “damn kid you could certainly make this season start a helluva lot easier had you not delayed that decision and started doing some of this work a couple of months ago.” I think this might reflect some of the challenges I will face as my children transition into adulthood.
Good 800 meter race yesterday and awesome running by beer miler Simmons.
Looks like my expected trip to Durham next week is postponed. Can’t say I am heart broken. Climbing into an aircraft the day post PPM did not sound particularly appealing.
This morning’s listening …
I have been using the Forerunner 310XT for about a month now. I like the watch as it is a bit more streamlined than the 305 and it has some additional features. Some of the features are useful (in time HR graph), some are okay (calculated descent and ascent on the fly, only okay because they are pretty error prone but they give you a general idea) and some are just useless (not a big fan of the virtual partner thing but I can see how some folks dig that).
The biggest pain in the ass is the ANT agent though. This is the tool you use to get the watch to upload your GPS data. It works … sort of. And intermittently. Last week it was fine – I could grab data up into Strava, and Sportstracks no issue. This week – despite uninstalling the agent, and reinstalling it, killing the device driver for it, reset pairing on the watch and with the agent, etc, etc … it suddenly does not want to send data. W.T.F. Such a first world problem I realize.
In any case, I got it finally to work by blowing out some Garmin XML files, hard resetting the watch, etc.
Good video.