Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saturday 022809 15+ miles

  • After last night's debauchery, I felt less than stellar this AM but managed to get up and out for the Solepepper Run.  I got over a bit early and got in six before the group run started.  Lucho had planned for 4 x 8 minutes at threshold pace (by the way, I need to thank Lucho for coordinating these events ... it looks like that these runs might get some staying power as there was about 20 folks there this AM).   We did about a three mile warm up to Harper Lake (conveniently ~1500 a lap), did some strides and got to business (JK1 and the mythical Bob were in the house).  I looked like a rookie as I jumped up on the first set with Lucho and a visiting Kenyan.  1 lap later I was chewed up, spit out and running out the back.  We did that first loop in about 5:10-15 pace, and then I ran the rest closer to 5:40-50.  Stupid pacing on my part and I then got dropped.
  • Mixed feelings on this one:  I was a bit tweaked that I ran stupid on the pacing (should have stuck with say 5:25s), and that the diff between 5:10 and say 5:35 feels significant.  On the flip side, I guess I ought to feel happy that I am where I am now said compared to previous recent seasons, that I was running this after 10 miles, and after an evening of less than stellar prep.  On the other flip side (?), ... WTF HTFU YFP Zack.  Lucho has a good post on today's session.
  • 15.25 miles, 1:48, with the first five or so at 8 minute pace.  No real warm down post the run, because I had to get home.  Calf tightness from Thursday run has mostly subsided, so I am not concerned about it (although thought about it too much yesterday)
  • February is done so ... 55 miles on the week, 388 minutes this week so, ... Month 280 miles, Feb 2108 minutes; Year 598 miles, 4347 minutes
    • M - 4 miles, 30 minutes
    • T - 13 miles, 86 minutes, steady, progression
    • W - 8 miles, 65 minutes
    • Th - 11 miles, 64 minutes, treadmill, with 11 minutes threshold, then 4 x 3-2-1.
    • F - 4 miles, 35 minutes
    • Sa - 15 miles+, 108 minutes, with 4 x 8 minutes at threshold
  • Mileage this week will be a bit less than usual (particularly if we ski tomorrow), but not as much as I thought it would be in a down week.  I am learning (or re-learning) that the drop on one day in mileage is really beneficial for recovery and setup for the next day.  I think there is definitely value in this (hard / easy) but - in other periods / phases of training, there may be as much value in the consistent coming at it every day (mileage wise). 
  • I guess perhaps this is the week for re-learning:  relearning how to manage pace in a workout (above), relearning easy days versus hard days VERSUS big volume weeks, and ... quite stupidly:  HYDRATION.  I was looking at some DARK YELLOW on the easy days, or in other words - the days post the bigger miles and harder days.  Geez Zack ... get with it.
  • Treadmills ... I am done talking about these and how they relate to mental toughness, benefits, detriments ... whatever.
  • Peter Magill has a decent post on VO2 max today

Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday 022709 4 miles

  • Up early and out the door before the sun was up - I have the day off from work but there is a lot of work planned here at the house instead.  It has been a while since I have run early in the AM, and I remember why:  I am a bit creaky to start in the AM, particularly when it is 20 degrees.  Once I get going it is all good but the parts are not as limber as much as a noon shakeout. 
  • Calves were a tiny bit tight - no surprise:  I heard them begin to protest on the strides at the close of yesterday's run.  Ran with Lucy and the frisbee REAL easy.  The first mile was 10 minutes.  Four miles, 35 minutes.  P2270031Everything loosened up nicely by the end of the run.
  • After a long week of work ... we let our hair down at the Z house ... home made pizza and beer (the beer, mind you, is for the adults) ... these kids and their "Coldplay" these days ...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

022609 Thursday 11 miles

  • Improvement on the treadmill:  last week I did ten minutes at 10.8mph, then 3x3-2-1 starting at 10.8, as part of 11 miles in 66 minutes ... This week:  1 mile warm up (6:38), and then 2 miles in 10:55 (building pace every .5 miles), then a 2 min recov jog (all jogs were at 8.7-8.9 mph) and then 4 x 3-2-1 (1 minute rest on all at 8.7, 8.8), with the first set starting at 10.9 (10.9-11.1; 11-11.2, 11.1-11.3, 11.2-11.4).  Finished off the last five minutes of the run with some 30 second strides at 12 mph.  11 miles, 64:10.  Felt awesome the whole workout and could have kept on going.
  • Post on treadmills ...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wednesday 022509 8 miles

  • Local club BRR gets a write up today with a Pete Magill via a Rich Castro interview.
  • Easy 8 over at Flatirons Vista, exploring the reroute of Community Ditch, etc. 65 minutes.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tuesday 022409 13 miles

  • Good post by Peter Magill with the Tinman.
  • From yesterday's article on Carpenter in the NYT, "Sometimes I lie in bed at night and wonder if I’ve done all I can, and if I haven’t, I go out at night and do more.
  • I woke up this AM and felt ... absolutely jazzed.  I felt ready to rip a run.  Why?  I can only attribute this to the "day off" yesterday, or keeping the easy day really easy.  I have talked to Andy A. about his training.  He usually gets 55-65 miles a week in but two of his days are 3 miles each.  Meaning in the other five days he is getting 50 to 60 miles.  I have wondered if I ought to take more of this approach:  two days at much lesser mileage but driving harder, longer workouts on other days. 
  • I have used the mill quite a bit this winter, and have been self critical of it.  In some regards, I have thought being on the treadmill is easier and somehow reflecting a lack of toughness or preparation on my part.  I have even said something to the effect that treadmill results "don't mean jack."  Let me clarify a few things
    • I meant that treadmill results don't necessarily exactly translate as to how one will do outdoors or in a race.  In fact, I think we all know people that have posted workout results that are ripping but don't necessarily translate into that from a race perspective.  I was sort of saying the same thing with the mill.  It might be great that I can do 3 miles on a mill at 5:20 pace, but that does not mean I can do it outdoors (yet). 
    • BUT - if I can do three miles on a mill this week at 5:20 and then three miles on the mill at 5:15 next week - that is improvement in terms of running  and that means something.
    • Finally, the debate on the effectiveness of the treadmill ... useless debate.  It is sort of like debating what is the best training ... it is going to vary by person.  There are folks who respond great from short fast stuff, others longer MAF stuff, others with hills, others with flat, etc.  Maybe a treadmill works for you, maybe it does not.  It certainly works for some folks including some champions.  If you don't believe a treadmill is effective for you, it probably is not and will not be ... I am increasingly convinced you have to believe in your training and that you have to enjoy your training.  Both of those are a challenge for some on a treadmill.
  • 13 miles, feeling good - out and back, on the same course I imagedid a few weeks ago.  That was 87:36.  Similar effort today (PE) but 86:37.  First half out was 45:19, came back in 41:18 but the effort was pretty even (see the profile).  Elevation correction has actual on climbing on this course at 730ft.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday 022309 4 miles

  • Awesome post on Carpenter.
  • So I was feeling the last two days a bit today.  Hungry (like I can keep eating even after I have had my fill), tired (even though I got a good night sleep) and a little stiff.  I get more stiff when I sit around and actually the best thing for me on these days is some movement.  Not surprising that I felt like this given yesterday vertical and the tempo on Saturday.  So - this is good.
  • Keeping attuned to what my body was telling me, I jogged 30 minutes today (4 miles plus).  Once I got moving, I felt compelled to keep going but decided that I'd keep this day easy.
  • Hit the gym with the extra time instead.  I have been getting in my core (myrtle) work a couple times a week - but also pushing some weights as well.  Typically when I have hit the weights, I have been doing high rep (say 20-25) low resistance type stuff.  I shifted that back last week to lower rep (6-10) higher resistance.  Ow.  So this is good too.  I do a mini circuit of chest, tris, shoulder, back, bis, mixing the myrtle work in between.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday 022209 Skyline Traverse

  • South Boulder Peak, Bear Peak, Green Mountain, Flagstaff, Sanitas.  14+ miles, ~5500 feet of climbing.  3+ hours of movement, overall four hours plus with the breaks.
  • TZ and the kids headed to the mountains so I took advantage of the day and agreed to join Tim L and JV (and a couple other locals) for the Skyline traverse.  It would be a good run for me because I knew it would include a lot of vertical (I was curious as to how I would respond being away from hills), it would be an easy pace, get me out on my feet for a few hours, and be a great way to catch up with the guys.
  • Dumped the van at the Sanitas trailhead, and caught a ride with Julie to the South Mesa Trailhead.  Tim with Sanitas in the background, discussing the differences between s and p orbitals in pretzel molecules.
  • P2220001
  • JV at the South Mesa trailhead, debating if he should try to steal the wallet of the guy reading the map on the board, as he thinks he can outrun him.
  • P2220002
  • Pace was casual from the get go.  Ran into BTR'er and ultra guy Ryan Cooper out on the trail.
  • P2220004
  • Looking south off of South Boulder Peak.  In the distance is Pikes.
  • P2220007
  • Julie O joined us and did really great, particularly since all the canyons (and the south facing pitches) were snow covered and she was in road shoes.P2220006
  • We'd spread out some over each of the segments.  Jeff and I would pull away a bit, but then to assure everyone was good with the route, we'd wait up at a peak, a junction, whatever.  John and Julie coming up to Bear Peak.
  • P2220013
  • John and TL coming into the "3 way junction" between Bear and Green.
  • P2220018
  • I am not sure if it was the breaks that we took at each junction, or if it was that I got a good breakfast before the run, or if my mileage has been holding me together well, or if I am just better accustomed to these hills now, or if it was the easy pace ...but I never really got that cement drag ass put a fork in me feeling that I have got on runs like this before.  My ankles were grumbling a bit by the descent of Sanitas, and certainly some of the climbs had me breathing but I never got into the hole that I seem to have found myself on these long traverses in the past. 
  • JV and I were thinking with the snow clear, we probably can come back and look to really tag this thing in the mid 2:30s ... we had a lot of breaks today which were nice, but we are kicking around grinding our teeth with this puppy some time.
  • I love runs like this because they are just beautiful.  The scenery, the guys you are with, the nuttiness of them.  I know there will come a day where I won't be able to do this like I did today - at least with such ease.  I just want to suck up these moments and put them in a bottle so I can open that later.  We got to Sanitas and a guy asked, "how long did it take for you to get up?"  I responded, "well, we started at 10AM" ... it was close to 2 then!  He made a face ...


  • Week in review
    • M - 6 miles, 46 minutes
    • T - 11 miles, treadmill, 10 mins on, fup'd by 3x3-2-1, 66 minutes
    • W - 11 miles 78 minutes
    • T - 11 miles, 84 minutes
    • F - 11 miles, treadmill, easy, 73 minutes
    • S - 49 minutes, 8 miles (4 out and back tempo
    • S - 14 miles, 5500 of climb, 188 minutes, easy ...
    • Week - 72 miles, 586 minutes
    • Month 225, Feb 1770 minutes
    • Year 543 miles, 4347 minutes
  • Good week ... I think next week will be a "down" week ... curious to see if it is necessary or if it shifts how I feel at all.
  • JV naming peaks from the top of Bear.  JV is a freaking map with feet.  The guy has climbed nearly every peak in existence in CO.  The audio sucks on this though because of the wind ...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Saturday 022109 8 miles

  • The day was filled with family events.  I got the hall pass for an hour in the afternoon, but it was an hour.  Meaning I needed to be done in an hour, not sliding into the driveway at an hour.  So under gorgeous conditions, I decided to get in a steady (aka tempo, threshold) effort for 4 out, four back, with some building on the pace on the way back. The miles out were to be kept at "easy plus," knowing imagethat this would be more difficult on the way back given the nature of the course:  down out, up back (not hugely so by any stretch though). This sort of thing is a workout that comes "out the door" so I did not have the luxury of a true warm up.  6:32, 6:21, 6:10, 6:21 on the way out (~25:20).  At the half I thought it would be good to hold on under 51 as a steady but building effort.  6:06, 6:14, 6:08, 5:52.  Dug one more gear in for the last mile but not over the top.  49:33 for the round trip and back in time for my hour time limit.
  • Justin does something on a mill that I have been thinking about ...
  • Probably going to join the gang for the Skyline Traverse tomorrow for some easy running with a good amount of climbing.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday 022009 11 miles

  • Amby Burfoot has a blog now gathering stats on all runners who've run 100,000 miles.
  • New Boulder-Denver metro running social network site
    • It is looking to promote folks in the area running together.  This is something I have gotten pretty bad at.  Years ago, I never missed the BRR Sunday run.  We'd "jog" for three miles to the Diagonal Highway and then "crack!"  You could almost hear a starter's pistolgfz as we'd bang out the next 3 as a "tempo.'  Those were hardly tempo runs but those free races every week pushed me to improve.  It is  harder to do that when running by yourself.  JW's post today reminded me of that ... Over time, the attendance at the BRR got lighter and I stopped going and spending more time with the fam on Sunday AMs. 
    • Heck, I never make it to the FF run anymore.  The FF run starts LATE.  LATE as in if they say 9 (which is already late) it is like 9:20.  I'd rather be done with my run at that time and be back with my family then starting a run at that time.  I have made it to some of the Solepepper runs (they had a blog too but that seems to have been deep sixed), but those are earlier (8), and seem better able to start on time. 
    • Still, I have to admit, I have been a bit crappy in working to get to runs with other folks.  There is a former OT Marathon qualifier here in my office and on the FF team and we get together for runs like once  a month - if that.  That just sucks.  Most if it is because I have my own schedule, obligations, etc - and so I like my flexibility and freedom to run when I want and how I want.  Coordinating with someone to run at the same time and with the same workout, when they not injured, etc ... yeah, I am bitching, but there seems to be more inertia to overcome with that.  I think the tri guys would throw out the HTFU at this point.  I have offers from folks all the time ...  runs with Lucho, JV, Footfeathers ... and many others.  It just seems that I don't because of work, family, my training, etc.  This does not bother me, but I know that training with people is a tool I can use to optimize improvement.
    • Then of course, while I was writing this, Justin puts up this post that one needs to run solo to be tough.   There are no silver bullets ... just lots of ways to kill werewolves.
  • image
  • 11 miles on the treadmill.  Started at 8.6 mph, then up the pace every 2 minutes by .1.  Would do this through 3 miles or just a few clicks under 20 minutes. HR never cracked 155, most being 150-1.  73 minutes.


  • As February begins to wind down, I have been considering my next steps, as per my original post from last month.  To review, the plan has been:
      • Base habits:  70 miles a week
      • Base habits:  2 hard workouts a week including
        • Tempo or progression run
        • Interval work - ideally not on the track but timed intervals
          • Both of these ought to be outdoors, but if necessary, I will mill it
      • Base habits:  Long run - 2 hours building - not worried about speed in this long run.  Most of these runs will be road runs (mileage and time) versus trail (time).
      • Base habits:  Core 2-3x a week
      • Base habits:  hill sprints / strides 2x a week
      • Not a heavy focus on hill climbing but would be good to get to a hill periodically
      • Race - 5k/10k type stuff
      • Training primarily in singles
      • If the "spirit moves me" roll with good days
      • POSSIBLE RACES:  Best Cross, Frozen Foot 5K
  • My goal was listed as:  Build good habits, focus on road running and getting some "base" speed back, enjoying the ride, not burning out, not getting hurt, building a good base for spring spring-boarding.So on whole, I think I have been on the mark.  My core work has been a bit lighter than I would have liked it, but I think I have been on mark for most of the objectives.  I would like to have raced more than I did (once), but that is a choice I made with life. 
  • So my next steps were targeted to be:
    • Long runs of 2-3 hours - not worried about speed in this long run.  As weather allows, more of these runs in (and to) the mountains.
    • 10 hours a week / 75-90 miles
    • Base habits:  2 hard workouts a week including
      • Tempo or progression run
      • Interval work - ideally not on the track but timed intervals
        • Both of these ought to be outdoors, but if necessary, I will mill it
        • Mix flats and hills, but focus on these workouts at the flats is better / okay now
    • Base habits:  Core 2-3x a week
    • Base habits:  hill sprints / strides 2x a week
    • Race - 5k/10k type stuff
    • Training primarily in singles, but okay to introduce some doubles
    • If the "spirit moves me" roll with good days
    • Mentally - keep it easy.
  • So - not much different.  My goal was listed here as:  Begin transition into formal training.  Translate base work into mountain and climbing work.  Maintain base habit but shift thinking into formal prep.  Really, I see this as a set of tweaks to my training ... a little longer on the long runs, a few more runs in the mountains, a few more doubles, adding up to a bit more miles. 
  • I feel good.  I do think my fitness has been progressing over the last two, three months.   I have been keeping up the base habits pretty well, and without significant strain and I have been enjoying myself.  That said, within any week, there are days where I go easy, light on miles, and back it off a touch.  I feel, perhaps out of some pseudo-logical obligation, to do the same thing in a week regard as well here.  Tentatively, I am expecting to do that this week (and maybe even starting this weekend if we go skiing).  More to come...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday 021909 11 miles

  • Explored a bit today.  I noticed some trails north of 128, dropping back into Rock Creek when I ran out that way a couple of weeks ago.  I got out there a bit to sniff around.  These are some great trails, with plenty of short but pretty steep climbs.  11 miles, 84 minutes, ~1000 feet of gain.  I continue to look for runs that I can make the most of near my home, out my office.  I won't skip the mountains for these runs, but will continue to look to maximize the most of what I got.  This area, about 2.5 miles from the office is a great playground for some good hill repeat work.
  • image
  • The mile section here highlighted in red is a gem.  The road on the bottom is 128 and the one to the far left is Mcaslin.  I am not sure I trust the GPS feature of grade but it lists no less than 5 climbs less then 10 percent grade in this "park" (albeit all relatively short)image 
  • Drew is now added to the blogroll ...

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday 021809 11 miles

  • I woke up and could not take all the hair any more.  So some came off.


  • Yet another thoughtful post by Matt Fitzgerald.  This one is right up Lucho's alley regarding what we perceive is hard pace and fatigue.  The post title ..."Fatigue is a choice."
  • Great new blog on the right sidebar now from Master's Ace, Pete Magill.
  • So a few weeks ago, we had Groundhog Day.  On that day, I made a comment to a co-worker about the movie Groundhog Day and how much I liked it.  Someone else, sitting nearby, heard this.  That person, who I have never really talked to, came by today, and introduced herself, told me that she had rented the movie because of my statement, and said ... "so ... I really didn't get it.  What did you like about it?"  I tried to express how I liked it because it represented a person's journey of choices through days, specifically in the movie - the same day over and over again.  "Did you like it?" I asked. Being polite, they would not say they did not like it but I can tell they would not be taking random movie recommendations from me again.  Interesting way to get introduced to someone I guess.
  • Mid day got out for 11 miles, 78:30 minutes.  Winds were picking up on the second half, so I was glad to get 'er done.  There were huge piles of sand piled up on south Simms - blown there from the fields to the west yesterday.   Legs felt good.  Effort was easy through the run, except I decided to have a bit more fun in the last mile and open it up some.  I hit 5:30 pace for a bit, with a last mile split of 6:05.  I am sure the tail wind helped.
  • Pizza making Wednesday night ...
  • Dough in the bread machine P2180115
  • Spinning the dough
  • P2180121
  • JZ takes a spin
  • P2180116
  • Pesto 'za
  • P2180122
  • Hawaiian 'za
  • P2180123

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

021709 Tuesday 11 miles

  • Today was a treadmill day.


If I had my camera I'd take a picture of outside my office window - the Flatirons have disappeared into a cloud of dust.

  • Wanting to build off the effort of last week, I hopped the mill and plans for a similar effort but thought I'd up the whole set of efforts .1 mph.  It took me a bit to get on to te mill as they were in use in the office when I got down there.  I did a full myrtle, planks, and some weight work before getting one.   After the 1.5 mile warm up (10 minutes) dialed in 10.8 for the first three minute effort.  When I got to three however, I was feeling pretty comfortable and decided to hold on for four.  Four became 10 minutes and it was good.  I took two minutes and then started the 3-2-1 efforts with 60 seconds off starting the first set at 10.8, the second set at 10.9, and the third at 11.  I finished the sets at a little over 8 miles and in 47:30.   After a short reprieve and mill reset, I dialed back in at six minute pace, finishing the run at 11 miles and 66 minutes.  Again, mill efforts mean nothing except in relation to other mill efforts.  This week was a little better than last so that is good - but this does not translate to jack outside.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday 02162009 6 miles

  • Recovery day ... six miles ... easy.  46 minutes.  Felt a bit sluggish which was a bit of a bummer because it was a gorgeous day out there.
  • Summer time face ...


  • Winter time face ...


Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunday 021508 15 miles, week in review

Went to the AKC Agility Trials in the AM with the fam.  These are a blast.

  • Found a good 15 mile loop where I don't need to double back.  15 easy, 1:50. 
  • image
  • Week in review
    • M - treadmill 7 miles, 45 minutes
    • T - treadmill 10 miles, 60 minutes, w 4 x 3-2-1 and several faster strides
    • W - 10 miles, easy, 97 minutes
    • Th - 10 miles, with 10 x 1 minute hills, 76 minutes
    • Fr - 8 miles, Mesa, 81 minutes
    • Sa - 10 miles, 72 minutes, 4x 1 mile (5:35s)
    • Su - 15 miles, 110 minutes
    • Week - 70 miles, 541 minutes
    • Month 153, Feb 1184 minutes
    • Year 471 miles, 3761 minutes
  • Not a bad week on whole.  I had a few challenges in getting my head going this week, with the weather, family and work obligations but the foundation effort came together still okay.  Talked to Tim G today and discussed how this period is still one of habits ... 70 a week, singles, a longer run each week, a tempo run each week, and some interval type work each week is the theme.  There may be variation on the theme but that is the theme ... building the habits and the foundation for things later this spring and summer.  And Tim also thinks treadmill running is easier.  Totally hoping that dude swings a comeback.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday 021409 10 miles

  • Mackey wins Red Hot 50K!  Looks like a tough battle over Parr.
  • Podcasts ...
  • I might get this kit for the Pumpkin ... although it is a bit pricey.
  • TZ and I went to the Avs game last night (they lost), and then slept in as the kids were at a sleep over.  I missed the work out with Lucho but wanted to try to do a similar session on my own.  JZ and I spent the afternoon over at the Rec Center pool however, and a good deal of time in the hot tub.  As I suited up, my legs felt pretty zapped, and I debated if I should just take a nap instead.  I figured I just jog to the track and see how I felt.  Besides, I was a bit motivated by Dave's win, and a good race report via Justin
  • So I got to the track and my legs felt like they had been in the hot tub most of the afternoon - meaning mushy.  I figured I just do the 200 striders and see how I felt.  I decided not to push them but just float them at "5k" pace.  Legs felt lousy as they came in at 39, 40, 39, and 37.  I figured I give one of the miles a shot and see how I felt.
  • When I got into the mile, I decided to just run on feel - and not look at the watch.  The feel I was going for was 10k-half marathon pace.  The legs feel pretty weak but my lungs, and the effort up stairs was easy.   I felt like it was about six minute pace, but I was not going to be surprised if it was 6:30.  I was surprised to see 5:35.  Okay.  I figured I give the next one a shot and see how I felt.  Quarter jog easy and then 5:34.  Well, if I did 2, I had to do at least 3.  These were coming pretty easy, but right at that range where I feel comfortable.  15 seconds faster per mile right now would have been a different challenge.  5:35.  Still felt the same - slushy in the legs but fine upstairs.  What the hell, go for four.  5:28, squeezed it a gear up in the last quarter for fun.
  • Happy with the workout.  It was pretty easy - not a fence grabber, hold my knees, puke my brains out.  Nope - this was I am by myself in 20 degree temps on a track when the sun is setting ... just rolled comfortably.  Given the conditions, I am happy with how it went.
  • 10 miles, 72 minutes.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday 021309 Easy day on the Mesa

I was in Boulder today so I headed over to Chautauqua and did some easy miles on the Mesa trail.  The trail was a mix of snow, mud and dry trail.  Just kept it chill, enjoying running in the snowy woods on one of my favorite trails. 8 miles, 1500 ft of climbing, 81 minutes. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thursday 021209

10 miles.  76 minutes.  Ran easy with Steve (4 miles, 32 minutes) from the office to start and then did 10 x a minute on Simms Hill at 5K effort (but not goal 5k pace on that hill!).  Jogged for a but and then finished off the last mile in 5:35.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Wednesday 021109 10 miles

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday 0210209 10 miles

  • I might be hijacking this post ...
  • I was speculating yesterday on Lucho's blog about long term training approaches ... like this ...
  • So the last couple of days I have been lightly wondering if my progress has stagnated or if I am just being a bit paranoid given this past weekend's effort (Frozen Foot 5k).  Of course, this wondering then drives the obvious questions of "what are you going to do about that?  What do you need to change?  What is lacking?" 

    Additionally, part of the reason why I am asking this question is because I am seeing guys run 10-50 miles a week and run 45 seconds faster than me at 5k, while being 3-8 years older than me.  Yeah ... that burns in the ego a touch. 

    The questioning, the wondering about this experiment of one is a good thing - versus being heads down 100 percent in belief that there is nothing else I can do to improve. 

    So I have concluded (for the moment) this ... I shouldn't worry.  I do feel that I am progressing better than I was last year.  I have not gotten to the track and so I have not done any real speed work and so the diff I feel between say 5:40 pace and 5:20 pace is not un-expected.  In other words ...


    In order for me to run fast for me, I need to suffer.  I have not done any real suffering training in terms of 5k, 10k specific stuff.  That comes for me in (typically) two ways:  track work and running with others (killing each other making each other suffer). 

    So the issue I am facing is do I begin make myself suffer?  Part of me wants that to get those results that I want but - I am also cautious to embrace that.  I feel that I could potentially be burning the end of "anaerobic candle" ... and peaking too soon?  If, instead, I focus on highly aerobic work, building (which could at times look like suffering but suffering with oxygen can last longer and feels nice than suffering without 02), I am better prepping for the summer mountain series.  In other words, if given the choice of doing 10 miles at 6:15 pace or 6 x 800 at 2:30 pace, I think - right now - the former is better. 

    But I am still thinking about it.
  • So at 2PM, I look outside, see blue skies and feel ready for the run outside at 3:30.  At 2:45 - it is SNOWING out.  And blowing pretty good.  I love Colorado.    The view outside my window (yes, I write on the windows ...)

  • This does not happen often but ... suddenly I was very unmotivated to run.  I had been looking forward to a cool run on a clear day and it just got taken from me because I had not taken it earlier! I even thought about taking the whole day off.  Days off are usually imposed on me - and hence happen.  It was not even that bad out from a weather perspective but I just did not want to deal with it.  After some self talk I decided I do the mill.  I got an IM from JW at the last minute that he had done 3 x 3-2-1 and I decided I'd try that.
  • So mile and a half warm up (10 min) and get to business ... and I actually feel okay now that I am moving.  I start at 10.6 for the first three minute segment, and decide to play this game, 10.6 (for the 3 min)-10.7 (for the two min)-10.8 (for the 1 minute) and all the rests at at 8.6 (just under 7 pace for 1 minute ... and I actually start cranking the pace back up at 55 seconds to let the mill ramp up), and then on the next set it goes 10.7-10.8-10.9 and then the last set is 10.8-10.9-11.0.  It goes pretty good.  The paces are not blazing (5:40ish to start, working down to 5:20) but I notice I am making pretty good time (5 miles, 30:30).
  • So I decide to do another one - so this one comes at 10.9-11.0- 11.1
  • I take a little break at a few minutes of 8.6 and decide to do some strides.  I do these at 25-40 seconds at 5 min/mile pace (12.0).  I do six of these.
  • I notice at 9 miles I am at 54 minutes and 15 seconds and decide it is time that I just get 10 on the mill done in under an hour - and so I do that.
  • Not bad for feeling unmotivated.  I wanted to go outside and bang 13 good miles but I just was not into that with the weather ... yeah, that is soft - I know.  The mill was easier - and a 60 on that is probably closer to 65 outside but it was a decent run ... treadmill workouts mean nothing really except when compared to other treadmill workouts.  I think this one shows progress in that regard because I am pretty sure I would not been able to pull this off with the comfort I did today - oh, say six months ago.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday 020909 7 miles

  • Post of the day - awesome pix of Bannister.
  • Interesting post by Brett on if Kyle's HR100 record can be broken.
  • Lucho ... always good to go to Lucho's house and talk training turkey.
  • Call me a big fat chicken.  I elected my easy run today to be on the treadmill rather than deal with the winds - and more importantly the dust bowl sandstorm ...
  • image
  • Treadmill.  - 7 miles, 45 minutes
  • Post dinner, cleaning the kitchen with my daughter, playing some Coldplay ... she looks at me, rolls her eyes and say "Dad, I am going to have to teach you how to dance ..."  So its official.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday 020809 Frozen Foot 5k, 18 miles, week in review

  • Okay, 3 mile warm up.  Could tell I was still feeling a bit heavy legged.  The tanking on Friday had not wholly cleared but I figured I make a good go of it.
  • Andy A showed up.  WTF?  The dude races in Maryland yesterday in USATF XC Masters Nats and then comes back here to race less than 24 hours later?  Bad ass.
  • I decided to experiment in this race and a.) wear the Skins (it was in the high 30s, low 40s but humid so it felt a bit chilly) and b.) wear the GPS watch.  Thought about racing with the IPOD but then figured that was just anti-social.
  • The start is on a downhill and we got out quick.  I knew about 2 minutes in I was going too fast to start but I figured I was not going that fast (as I just felt crummy) and decided to stick with what I could for as long as I could.   I was in about tenth place at this point, with a pack of about 8 10 yards ahead and a guy between me and them.  I thought about surging to get to the pack to really make it interesting but I could tell I was already swimming over my head.
  • There were a ridiculous number of hard turns.  Like 150 degree turn backs.  I guess a ridiculous number is any more than zero.
  • image
  • Post elevation correction ...
  • image
  • Hit the first mile in 5:26.  It is probably goal pace right now but that came with a net downhill.  The legs were just not primed for today. 
  • There were some climbs in the middle that really seemed to slow me down but I could see myself reeling guys in.  In other words, I was slowing down, but not nearly as much as they were.  5:52.
  • I actually began to feel a touch of a rhythm on the last mile and caught a couple of guys.  5:46.  I passed a guy with about a quarter to go and he looked pretty young (he was 21) and so I pushed - as I was not looking forward to a kick down.  Finished in 17:58.  GPS read about 3.2 for the distance.
  • There was a lot of chatter of how the course was long.  I am pretty sure it was, but - oh well.  Andy thought he ran at under a 16:30 effort, maybe even 16:20 and his time was like 17:24.  Fellow FFeeter, Todd S ran 17:35. 
  • So I did not break 17 but only two guys did.  One is a kid who ran and graduated at CU last year.  It is pretty clear I ran 5K faster than 17:58 ... but exactly what, I am not sure.  The GPS has me at 17:33 at that distance but I guess there is some suspect in that too.  I heard some folks say that they thought it was worth a minute on a better course.  That seems a stretch to me but it does make part of my ego feel better.
  • So on whole, I ran "okay."  Felt crappy, got out too fast, raced a bit but ran near a standard for what I am at now.  Not bad considering I have not done any real speed work as of late. 
  • It is pretty clear to me that the difference between say 5:40 pace for me and 5:20 pace (or lower) is HUGE.  Not for 30 seconds or even a minute ... but beyond that ... so guess what I need to work on?
  • So there was a 3 mile warm up, 3 + in the race.  Four miles with Andy, the winner and Todd afterwards (in which they started throwing in 6:20 pace shit that was killing me).  Then the awards assembly, and then I did an other eight - ran with Andy to his house and then trolled slowly around north Boulder back to CU.  18 miles on the day, 2:10.
  • Saw Wetmore at the Buffalo giving his charges orders before their Sunday run (probably the Grange today if I had to guess).  He was fresh back from MD too.
  • Week ...
    • M - 6 miles easy, 54 minutes
    • T - 13 miles, 87 minutes
    • W - 10 miles, 81 minutes
    • Th - 6 miles, w / 3 x (3-2-1) 41 minutes
    • Fr - 13 miles, 110 minutes
    • Sa - 7 miles, 54 minutes
    • Su - 18 miles, 5k race, 130 minutes
    • Week - 73 miles, 547 minutes
    • Month 83, Feb 643 minutes
    • Year 401 miles, 3220 minutes (which in a warped way means I have spent more than entire days running this year).
  • I have a belief that part of me wants to question.  The belief is that I am improving over what I have been before.  Days like today however bring that belief into question.  I seem to reconcile this with "well, it was a bad day" or "I was still carrying a ass kitchen run from Friday."  But there is that little voice inside me that asks "is that really true?"  In other words, I wonder if I training RIGHT, or the best.  Right now I recognize that I have shifted from the 5K focus that I had in the fall to a focus of "mindless attention to training."  Meaning I just want to run singles, 70 a week, run hard when I feel like it ... and easy otherwise, with the intention of digging in come March. 
  • Races like this however bring where you are (well, mostly, unless the course is jacked) into focus.  You can't hide from it.   And you have to ask yourself if the result is what you intended.
  • I am "okay" with today's result.  I think I am progressing even though today's result does not show it.  It bothers me that it does not show it, but when I consider how my training is going and feeling on a regular basis - I honestly can say it feels stronger than last year.  But ... until I can definitively show that it is all just TALK TALK TALK BLOG BLOG BLOG.
  • The elements that are really missing from my training right now are a.) race like  speed work (meaning stuff that better emulates 5k, 10k race specific efforts - and so probably something more effective on a track and b.) running with other people regularly.  I'd welcome both, but I am a touch hesitant to because ... well, I am not ready to drill in that much yet.
  • 189 days ...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Saturday 020708 7 miles

  • Results are up from USATF XC and it looks like Simon G won the men's masters race, and Andy A was in the top ten.  Lisa G looks like she was second in the women's race.  It is a bit hard at times to tell because they parse the results by age division. Nice job team!
  • A local band that I have dug for some time is Rose Hill Drive.  Check out their stuff in a free concert download from New Year's Eve, a show here in Boulder.  Their Zep covers are incredible.
  • 7 miles easy today.  Did the first two miles with Lucy, tossing her the disk.  Tried to keep the whole run as effortless as possible while still running (if that makes sense).  54 min.
  • Planning on running the Frozen Foot 5k tomorrow and then dragging it into a long run of 15-20 miles.  Want to get in a race test, see where (if any where) I have progressed over the last month, and then make a good workout of the day.
  • Typical face ...  
  • PA280016 
  • Bearded face as of late ...P2070115

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday 020609 13 miles

  • I headed out to Flatirons Vista with thoughts of doing 10-14, and rolling it up on the end.  I thought I'd tag on to my typical 10 miler "loop" by heading up Goshawk Ridge.  If all went well, I'd run easy out the first half and then start drilling back post the turn around, pushing the pace for the last 3 miles or so.
  • Nope ... I never had a good feeling in this run but I did not let that get to me on the front side.  The initial climbs and the west wind in the face can make the start seem a bit rough so I figured it would just work itself out. 
  • I hit the climb up Goshawk Ridge and just got gassed.  I was not running hard, I just did not have the legs today - one of those where running easy seems to be a bit more pounding on the legs than it should.  I did not care though, because the weather was great and I was checking out a "new" trail.
  • The climb up Goshawk is not terrible:  it is about 600ft in 2.5 miles (from the low spot at the creek below Dowdy Draw).  The drop on the other side, back into Eldo however is a bit more formidable.  North facing it was more likely to be encrusted still in ice or slick mud from melt.  It dropped 400 feet in about 3/4 of a mile.  The climb back out of this essentially "popped" me and made for a long slow run back.  No zippy stuff on the way back.
  • 13 miles (6.5 out, 6.5 back), 1700+ feet of climbing.  1:50.  Ugh. 45 miles on the week thus far.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Thursday 020509 6 miles

  • Considering doing the Frozen Foot 5k this weekend.  Local 5k, probably will have fair competition.  But - as the fam is escaping to the mountains skiing, and I am not (this weekend), I am also considering instead (perhaps stupidly) heading all the way to the Springs to join the Incline Club for a few hour run.  I have never run with that group and since I have an open window I could and on Pikes Peak.  Just seems crazy to drive 2 hours there to run 4 hours there to then drive back home for 2 hours.  It might be just as nice to do the 5k and then run up Green instead.
  • Today I was pressed for time - really just busy with work.  I had an open hour between two meetings that I was hosting.  I looked to take advantage to get in 45 minutes of running in - while still getting back to my next session without looking wholly cooked. 
  • The weather was marvelous.  After a mile warm up, I tossed my shirt in the weeds and got to work.  3 x (3-2-1) with 1 minute between the efforts and 2 minutes between sets.  I started the session with the climb up Simms.  Effort (not pace) was 10k effort, but then drilling it down to 5K effort towards the end. I was turning around on the interval to get back down the hill so that I had more hill to run on the repeat.  In the second set, I had crested the steep part of Simms and so I rolled that.  In the third, I came back down for the three minute segment, but did the up on the 2 and 1 ... and those last two hurt.  The rests were getting really easy there ... :) Mile warm down.  This is a good little quick workout with 18 min of quality ... I just need to find to manipulate it so that is all uphill from my office.  6 miles, 41+ minutes. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wednesday 020409 10 miles

  • The simplicity of this post is beautiful
  • Met Mr. Footfeathers over at Flatirons Vista today.  I had not run with Tim prior to today, but running with him was like running with an old friend.  Conversation was easy, flowing about training and racing, while we cruised the trail.  Of course, I fell to make the run complete. 
  • I talked to Tim G post run and we found it funny that I am considered a "gadget" guy now ... Garmin, Skins, Treadmill, blog ... Tim G always thought of me as the low tech, old school guy.  Of course some of those old school guys were pretty high tech with their PO2 tanks (ask Benji D about that).
  • 10 miles +, easy. 1100 feet of climbing.  All very easy, no mile faster than 7:20.  81 minutes.  The Prairie View lollipop is like 9.7 ... so I annoyingly had to add on a quarter mile to get my ten. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday 020309 13 miles

Headed up Simms to 128 and then cruised west, looking for trails that run parallel to the road and above Superior.  Eventually got out to the High Plains trail.  Turned this into a progression run, building the effort throughout.  Absolutely gorgeous stick it in a bottle day.  13 miles, 1000+ feet of climbing, 87:36.  Started at 7:30 pace and built to 5:43 pace.

Empire State Run up

Results are up, local Rickey Gates was 3rd.

More running dreams

I had another running dream last night.  In this one I was running a mile indoors.  Folks I have never met in person but from the blogosphere were there.  Like Jim Johnson.  It was something like 11 laps to the mile, so I had little clue as to what pace to run per lap.  We got out and I started real easy ... there was somebody shouting quarter splits (whereever they were) and I came through, well back but in a pack in ... 1:46!   Yes - that is 6:30 mile pace.  But this is where the magic of the dream comes in.  I picked it up and heard quarter splits of 70 and change for the next couple and finished in 5:06.  I was disappointed to not break five, but happy given the slow start.  Not sure how I pulled off 3:20 for the next three quarters (67 pace) when the middle was 70s.  I must have a kick in these dreams.  Hey, a man has to dream.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Monday 020209 6 miles

  • Made today a recovery day - six easy miles.  The winds kept things interesting though:  when I parked at Flatiron Vista Trailhead, the wind was shaking the car.  Local wunderground stations listed it at 25 mph but it seemed (at times) greater than that (as it brought me to a near complete stop).  I do want to see if I can keep mileage and have at least one day in the week that is truly recovery.
  • This is a great listen re: science.
  • Most locals here have heard of the sad death of John Breaux.  When our office was there, I'd often bump into him at the local coffee shops.  He'd jump up with his rough appearance, say hi, and open the door for you.  He had that sort of kindness that puts you, at least at first, on guard.  Why did do that?  What's this guy want The answer:  he wanted to do it and he wanted nothing but maybe some nice conversation.  I'd often see him biking the Louisville and Lafayette region, with bags of trash that he had picked up on the side of the road.   He was one of those characters that our society seems to put at the fringe ... pretty amazing that hundreds came out for a bike ride in tribute of his life.  Makes ya' wonder if you are effecting people in the same way and who will come out and ride for you when you are gone ...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Sunday 020109 11 miles, week in review, other mutterings

  • 11 miles, 10000 feet, 96 minutes.  A bit more of than 1300 ft of gain in 5.5 miles out, which translates to a 4-5% average grade.
  • image
  • I have a run over Boreas Pass on my list.  A few years ago we did a drive over the pass in early October in a full moon.  The pass used to be the old train route that connected Breck back to the east (Denver)  through Como / Jefferson (the old train round house is still in Como ... pretty cool).  The road closes now every year November 1 (I don't know when it re-opens).  The issue with a run is the logistics.  The pass road is a 22 mile run (from what I have heard) end to end, it is probably a 45 minute drive from one side (Breckenridge) to the other (Como).  Having never been on it in day light, I did a bit of recon today, heading up 5.5 before coming back down.  The first mile was navigating out of the town of Breck, then up Broken Lance Road.  There was about a mile of (icy) sidewalk.  The next two and a half miles were navigating typically wide shoulders of a road that is not highly used but ... definitely attention getting when a car went by.  I got to the "gate" at 4.5 miles and plodded on the unplowed, but apparently highly foot trafficked road, for an other mile.
  • Run started at 9600 and climbed to 10600.  I ran easy, as I was a.) dealing with the elevation b.) was stiff from the strides yesterday (that is okay).  I thought I'd roll it up okay on the way back but I decided to keep it pretty conservative and left it near 8s.
  • Some of the views ... (typical scene on the road past the gate)
  • P2010101
  • The high peak to the far left is Quandy ... sitting at the edge of Summit County, and at the southern end of the so called Ten Mile Range (before it becomes the Mosquito Range).  It is 142xx feet in elevation at its summit).  TZ birthday is coming up (and it is one of "significance.").  I am think of coordinating a trip up this with her.  She has never climbed a 14er and wants to.  Quandry might be a good one (although I am not sure a spring birthday makes for the best weather for that) ... and I might be able to get some of her friends to come along.  I will look to counsel the 14er deity on this (JV).  I can safely post this here without TZ knowing because she never reads this blog.  Well, she reads it sometimes, but I doubt she will get this far into an entry. 
  • P2010103
  • Evidence of beetle kill ...
  • P2010105 
  • Looking back to Breck where I started ...
  • P2010102
  • If I can swing it, I will definitely come back to this spot for a good altitude climb on a steady grade.
  • On the way out of Breck, I stopped at the Ice Sculpture Display ... sculptors take blocks of ice like this ...


and turn them into these ...




P2010096 P2010095

Week in review ...

    • M - Treadmill, 10 miles, 7 x 4 min, 7 x 1 min.  65 min
    • T - Treadmills with speed play including max mill strides, hill strides (OUCH), 11 miles, 75 minutes
    • W - 8 miles, very easy, 64 minutes
    • T - 11 miles, 80 minutes, steady first 50 (7), with group last four, very easy.
    • F - 10 miles, trails, steady, 71 minutes
    • S - 14 miles easy, with strides to sprints on track in middle, 107 minutes
    • S - 11 miles, altitude, 96 minutes, easy
  • Week was 75 miles, 558 minutes.  New month so Feb has 11 miles and 96 minutes.  This was a good week in that
    • a.) mileage for singles was okay
    • b.) I got in some decent turn over work in a fun sort of way - and something that I could tell gave my legs a bit of a jolt.  The strides on Tuesday and Saturday were a bit of a wake up call
    • c.) got in a nice altitude run (being on the roads there rather than the back woods made it a little more motion versus a thrash fest)
  • Poor stuff this week was
    • a.) still need to be a bit more aggressive on the core.  I keep thinking I am going to do this when I get home from work in the evening.  Honestly, that is just not working because I am beat at that time, am doing stuff with the kids and ... am generally lazy and rather have a beer at that time.  I think I will try to open the days with this (AM) stuff.
    • b.) I wouldn't call it a twinge or a concern but the groin definitely let me know of its concerns with the harder stride stuff when mixed in with the core.  It was not an "aw crap" ... more just like a "be careful."
    • c.) I have not been overly concerned about diet. 
  • I need a race ...
  • ... the list of runs and workouts I want to do came to mind today in the run ...
    • I want to bang up Flagstaff Road under 40.
    • I want to bang up and down Green Mountain under an hour (this will be very hard if I stick the trails)
    • I want to do Lindens averaging under 4
    • I want to do the Elliott Stairs averaging under 3
    • I want to Decalibron under two hours
    • I want to RT Mosquito Pass ... (I need to think about what is the expected time here).
  • I have been trying the Skins that someone lent me (and I ought to just buy from them ...). Someone asked me why don't I just try some compression socks from Walgreens.  I think I will do that.  The Skins definitely keep my legs very warm, which I think is probably good on whole for recovery.  But wait, aren't you supposed to ice?  Maybe I will try an ice bath next week.  Or maybe ice in the skins.  That would make me real tough I think.
  • JW and Lucho are both speaking of running Pikes (JW - the Ascent, Lucho - the marathon).  I am totally stoked that they are.  Both these guys are well talented hard working athletes, who will bring their A game to the race.  Early rumors of who is in, who is out are starting to crop up ... we are still seven months out but I can smell some good races forming up.
  • I don't get a lot of my motivation to compete through other competitors.  Most endurance athletes realize that ultimately they are competing with themselves.  That said, it is competition, and I get some motivation from beating a guy to line and not getting beat - just like anyone.  I want to give these guys, and guys like Justin a good race - excuse free, and if they beat me - I honor that.   In that, we are brothers in battle of sorts ... I want us all to push each other to the line in a way that leaves us heaving, on our knees, pulling off blisters, looking for an IV... and then we all share a beer knowing we brought it.  I don't race solely for competition with others (although I know some who have ... and when they can't do it, sadly they seem to leave the sport and the whole lifestyle) but it is definitely a wonderful spice to it.

    Xterra_Nationals_2007_054 Denverpuke-text-1
  • Totally separate set of thoughts ... I had a conversation with someone the other day where that person had heard / picked up this idea:  formulate some number of behavioral questions you are to ask yourself everyday.  Turn that list of questions over to some you trust and you will feel some degree of accountability to.  Every day, that person asks you the questions and you review your answers with them.  It dawned on me that this is a.)  really just another neat way to define your goals and objectives and b.) makes the other person your coach (in at least some regard).  It also dawned on me that these questions could be of several categories ... personal (did you spend at least loving quality half an hour with your spouse today?  Did you hug and tell your children you love them today?  Were you compassionate to at least one other person outside your family without desire to gain anything other than seeing them move towards happiness?) financial (did you spend money on unnecessary items like a latte or beer today?  Did you save money for the future today?) athletic (did you run today?  did your run today fit in your overall goals?  Did you preserve the intent of the run (easy OR hard) or did you make it something else), educational (did you read today?  did you read something that made you think?) ... and so on. I am not sure I am ready to turn my list over to anyone to hold me accountable by having them call me everyday ... but it is a neat idea.  Live your life today like no one else so you can live your life tomorrow like no one else.