Friday, December 31, 2010

Friday 123110


13 miles, easy … well, slow because of the snow.  4100 on the year over 619.25 hours. 67 miles on the week, 10 hours. 346 miles,  50.25 hours on December.   At least 250k of vertical on the year.


For the fan, this is probably the best moment in US elite track in 2010.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Thursday night

Winter has finally come it seems

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I got a book I have been wanting to get for a while:  Peter Strudwick’s “Come Run With Me.”  Peter ran Pikes four times, and had a best time of 7:02:28 (twice this time).  He did that in 1972 and 73.  And without the benefits of hands or feet.  He was born without them as his mother had suffered from rubella (German Measles) during her pregnancy with him.  Keep in mind, prosthetics nearly 40 years ago were a light years away from what they are now.


Following JT’s lead on this and playing with this Green Monster Challenge.  This smoothie was made up of spinach, broch, orange juice, kale, some yogurt, some apples, some grapefruit, some pineapple (all the fruit was lying around the kitchen and getting a bit over ripe) and some red pepper.


The Tanqueray in the background was not in the smoothie.

Forgot to post this shot the other day from when we were heading out to ski


Need to dig into this Joe Grant read.

Lot flying today about Wanjuri trying to kill his wife.

Thursday 123010

AM – 20 miles, treadmill.  Kept it pretty easy for the first dozen or so (HR sub 150), and then decided it was okay it get it done and let it float up.  Started real easy (8:30) and then it was hovering 7-7:30.  The dip in the graph is where I had to restart the mill (did not stop the watch)


4087 miles on the year.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wednesday 122910

AM – easy.  15 miles, all above 10k feet.

KZ turns 13 today.  A TEENAGER.
Of course, this recently turned to double digits in age sibling ain’t gonna let the spotlight all go his sister’s way.JZ

GOALS 2011:  Get an hour a week of alternative exercise.  Could be core, weights, jump rope, biking … can be a one hour shot or 10 minutes a day. 

I have a bunch of other goals that I need to formulate, bake in.  This is fine.  I don’t feel this need to outline them all before the end of the year.  It is just that this extended period of time off from work I have had has had me thinking about this stuff a bit.  In other words, the time of year lends to it.  And there are a lot of family goals, goals I have as a husband, a father, a friend, a guitarist, a home brewer, a student …

A Runner's High by Ben Redmond

Just went back and counted.  20 Greens this year.  Sitting at 4067 miles on the year.  33 to get to 4100.  Ugh.  4100 in my 41st year sounds nice but 33 miles over the next two days will be a push.   Didn’t help that Nick threw down the charge that he was going to look to outgun me on this (although in my mind he already has with the performances he has had this year and that his mileage is with a helluva lot of vertical).  Of course, his mileage was with one kid for most of the year.  My mileage spreadsheet actually has me at 4080 at current – but I will go with the lower value and what I have been tracking in the blog week over week to be safe.  In looking at that, I had 8 weeks at 100 or more and another 8 at 90 or more.  Highest week was 111 (week of Burro Race), and lowest was 11 (week of River Trip).   5 weeks less than 51 (I picked 51 because that was Pikes week actually).  Best I can gather, Tony was dancing with these mileage numbers – with a helluva lot more vertical than me back in the first half of August.

Another BJE podcast.

Bear Peak Madness

I decided to plot out what a run from my house to Bear Peak and back would be. I got a bit lazy in getting all curves perfect, just the general route I am currently thinking. I might change up the start a bit (instead going down the south side of Lac Amora rather than through the middle of it - as this would give a cleaner access to Midway versus crossing the railway) and the section near the Greenbelt Plateau (it seems to be going a bit of the opposite direction I want to go at times). I am sort of back and forth as there are two goals here - get to the peak and back in the least amount of miles while staying as much as possible on established trails. I also had to cheat a bit on the end of the map - as I could not "see" the trail in mapmyrun - so I just ran the bugger up the drainage.

In any case, this looks to be at least 38 miles, probably closer to 40. Mapmyrun puts the elevation gain at only 3800, but almost all of that has to come in the last five miles. I was actually kicking around doing this on New Year's Day, but with the weather - I may hold off on it.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Tuesday 122810

A few thoughts on the “10000 hour rule” in running, an old list of the Boulder FKT’s (I am thinking of dedicating a separate page to this in 2011, so let me know of any details of any updates – who, what route, what date, etc), Jurek on CNN, AJW kicking around the UROY conversation

15 miles easy, all above 10k feet.  Met a neighbor and his family out walking with their burro Lucy.  Had much to talk about of course.

Monday 122710

Skiing with the family today at Breck.  The kids are getting good.  JZ and KZ were both in the moguls today.  JZ even tried skiing backwards and did pretty good.

Skiing continues to beat the crap out of me up here this year.  Headaches, mild nausea.  I am not sure why but I have a new hypothesis.  I found that I felt pretty crappy today until I buried myself with some calories – like more than what I would eat for lunch by a good amount.  Then I was fine … for a bit.  TZ and I started discussing that, perhaps unconsciously slamming in quite a few calories helps combat some of the effects of altitude.  I don’t think I have been eating differently when up here recently but maybe?  Gonna talk to Lucho a bit about this next chance I get.

4 miles in the evening in the dark.  I mean – DARK.  It is crazy dark up here at night.  Really when it is covered with clouds.  I ran with the dogs and could only see them when they came within the funnel of my headlamp light … usually two beady yellow eyes staring back.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunday 12262010

AM – 11 miles, out and back, building throughout the run.  Solid tempo effort.  2 eagles in the trees down in Lac Amora.

Week in review ... 76 miles, 11 hours. 279 miles, 40.25 hours on December. 4033 miles on the year over 609.25 hours.   Decent week as I got in two tempo-ish efforts (on the same course, going to try to do that for a bit), the local hill session and a jaunt over Green.  Nothing particularly specific in preparing for XC nats, this week – but that short flat stuff seems to aggravate the p.f a bit more.  I feel like I am making progress, maintaining some fitness with this.  Next week will probably be a bit down with skiing, and some time in the mountains.

Saturday December 25, 2010

Christmas of course, so we did all that usual wonderful stuff that I am incredibly grateful for because … well, you don’t know how long that is gonna last.  Some pix from the day below.  An added bonus was that the weather was so ridiculously mild that we all headed out into the Lac Amora wilderness.  The family was on bikes and jogged.  We hoped to see some of the bald eagles that have taken to nesting down there in the big cottonwoods – but no luck.  Instead we saw some couple thousand water fowl hanging out on Sterns Lake.

11 miles easy.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

Friday 122410

PM – after some AM wrapping and assembly, I got out for some easy miles.  Did a little check in the middle and I was rolling around just under 8 minute pace and about 140-145.  Nice and mellow.  When I got back, KZ talked me into heading to the middle school to do her gym class warm up that they “do everyday.”  I got my butt kicked.

About a half mile warm up (.43). 
Then 25 jumping jacks,
then some stretching (arm cross, leg cross touch toes – both sides, touch toes straight up, Achilles stretch with palms to ground, then groin stretch
10 crunches,
10 1 leg extended sit ups – both sides,
35 push ups where she called out the up down,
the easy jog 80 seconds, then jog 80 seconds, then run 80 seconds, then sprint 80 seconds,
then jumps – all 30 secs each, in place, side to side, forward backward, square clockwise, square counterclockwise, figure 8, then the opposite direction figure 8 and repeat the whole sequence one legged and then the other leg.

The jumps killed me.  And the down and hold it nature of the push ups had quite a few folks laughing as they walked by and she tortured me.  Anyway … I will look to do this again.  I recorded the audio of me wimping out on this so it may make its way into a future podcast.

11 miles on the day.

GOALS 2011:  I want to go from my front door to Bear Peak and back.  Mostly because that is the peak I see as head out my front door.  I think this is going to be about 50kish round trip.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Thursday 122310

More post the Hellybuck doping confession, added fellow FF team mate John T’s blog to the feed collector (by the way, if your blog ain’t over there – or one you think I ought to check out, let me know), eyeballing DD’s goals, and part two of a very interesting Brett Sutton interview.

GOALS 2011:  Tentative race schedule 2011 (highly subject to change)

January:  Lafayette Oatmeal Festival 5k (1/8/2011)
Maybe a snowshoe race in here alternatively?
Pikes Peak Ponderous Posterior 50k (1/15/2011)

February:  USATF XC Nationals (San Diego) (2/5/2011)
Xterra Mission Gorge Trail Run  (San Diego) (2/6/2011)

March – probably will do a door to Bear Peak and back run


May: Collegiate Peaks 50 mile (5/7/2011)

June:  Golden Gate Dirty Thirty (6/4/2011) (?)
Mount Washington Road Race (?) (6/18/2011)

July:  Vail Hill Climb (7/2/2011) or LT Marathon (7/2/2011) (or half)
Barr Trail Mountain Race (7/17/2011)
World Championships of Burro Racing (7/31/2011)

August:  Pikes Peak Marathon (8/21/2011)

SeptemberBreck Crest (?)

October:  Boulder 100 (?) (10/15/2011)

November:  Anthem Thanksgiving Day 5k (11/24/2011)

December:  Chubby Cheeks 50k (12/17/2011)

I might fill in a thing here or there, but am much more likely to drop a couple, few of these races.  Mount Washington is dependent on the lottery, but if it does not happen I may take another crack at the Mount Evans Hill Climb.  July looks a little heavy but that is just some of the best racing times.  The 100 in October is a total WAG, but the thought is in my head so I will lightly pencil that in there.  All of course, depends on how I hold up physically, and in the more important aspects of life.  September will probably be a little recovery, and I expect Feb, March, April to be some building block months.  Love to get to the Grand Canyon in there but I am not sure I will be able to swing that.  Spring Break in March will be a recovery week as I will be bouncing between Phoenix for Spring Training with the family and a conference I need to present at for work in Portland.  River trip or some other in there too (early July)?  Remains to be seen.

AM – 11 miles.  Yeah, so this puts me at 4000 miles for the year. 

HIGHLIGHTS 2010:  most miles in a year ever, with it coming in at 4000 on December 23.  A bit of a silly number.  I think Anton may have gotten this number in July?  Maybe August?  But a representation to me that I have put down a bunch of good base.  In some regards I guess it is a fair representation of the 10% rule.  I generally got about 10% more miles than I did last year.  I am pretty certain I won’t look to specifically surpass this number in 2011. 

This AM’s workout included the visit to my local hill for the typical 8 up and 8 down session.  I did this last time a bit faster (18:59), and I could feel it a bit today (19:22).  Yet again, while my performance was slower today, my HR was higher!  All good.  It is December.  I have visions of doing up to 20 of these at some point.


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hang Nine Podcast 005

A trip up Green Mountain. "No Quarter" by Led Zep and Tool. About a 56 minute podcast (51 MB) so my longest yet. A little trip on the solstice day to Green Mountain ...

... mostly muttering about consistency, uphill running, balancing fun in training against what you need to do to be effective, and coaching.

Outtakes on the solstice and the new amp.

Podcast/Itunes feed at

Post script: did a little QC later in the afternoon and realized the last track was way over gained and so I recut the mp3 with that hopefully corrected. Should be updated around 6PM local.

Wednesday 122210

It is December 22.  How’d that happen?

Anyway … dead lifts instruction video, Geoff weighs in on money in ultras, a step towards 470 continuing through to Golden, interview with Grand Master Doug Bell

CRYSTAL BALL 2011:  who becomes the next name in the sport that we are all a’buzz about?  Actually, I consider this question on a few fronts.  I eyeball the guys who are turning 40 this year … as becoming a Masters runner can be quite a motivation for some to up their game (and possibly become injured).  Lucho becomes a Master, as does Brad P. … but beyond that, I am wondering who in the MUT space shows up and we are surprised by.  I guess we could see the extension of Siemers and Randall, or it could be new names altogether.  I can see a guy like JV really having a bust out year too.

GOALS 2011:  I really need to put a structure to this one and break this goal down a bit but it is about strength training.  I am tempted to say that I’d do something like 36000 pushups in 2011, but that is a goal that sets up for failure.  In regards to strength training, I think I need to take this goal and make it small discernable short term steps.  Like, next week I will do core, squats, etc for 10 minutes every day.  Just little stuff that I can do that I can build a habit around.  I just need to G.A.P and get on it.

I also have some goals in regards to guitar … mostly about expanding my repertoire and using a Kanban board to drive that.  More on that later, but it is mostly about getting down another dozen or so songs next year.  Maybe even writing some.

Found the files I recorded yesterday and so podcast 5 will probably be up tonight.

AM – ten miles really easy.  Really easy.  Dog jog.  Thought about getting it after this AM for a bit but will look for that tomorrow. 3989 miles and over 600 hours now so tomorrow might be 4k day.

I dig the Tony video but I don’t dig how the video file starts everytime the dang web page loads automatically. 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Tuesday 122110

Justin has a nice write up on the 2011 roster for FF.

AM – had a dental appointment in Boulder in the mid AM so I trekked over to Green to get that in. Took it real easy as it was dark, and I was a bit beat up from yesterday’s effort. Came down Bear Canyon and tacked a bit on. Saw some guys yapping in Chaut as I headed out for the tack on but did not realize one of them was Aaron.

Saw two things that were out of the norm … first as I was coming down Bear Canyon, I saw a flash. Well, that got my attention. There is a camera mounted on the side of the trail to pick up wildlife movement, apparently a part of a CSU study. Or maybe it is the TSA. I forget which. Then, on the Mesa, just below Woods Quarry there was a bag of dog crap, but with an OSMP sign labeling it. Basically the sign said it is bad to bag your dog crap and then leave it on the trail, and according to ordinance bladdy blah blah you could be fined for it. What is the fine for leaving a sign on a bag of dog crap?

Beautiful morning. There was a nice cloud layer enveloping the top. I took the whole thing easy, and even hiked sections on the front side. I guess I ought to get a count on the number of Greens, other peaks I have on the year. 10 miles on the day.

Oh, and I recorded most of Podcast 5 but then I put my voice recorder in my rear pocket, and butt dialed erased it all. Probably a sign of some sort.

Happy solsticing. The days get longer from here on out … so that is reason to celebrate! Maybe you enjoyed the eclipse last night? We did.

I noticed this connector being built last year. Looks like it is done.

This is the way to run the hurdles.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Monday 122010

Tony in a pretty cool vid showing the local stuff.  Thanks for the tip Justin.

Just heard Tool’s version of Led Zep’s “No Quarter” as Lucho hooked me up with some tunes.  Holy crap.

11 miles.  Got out, felt good and so I just went with it, for a nice steady effort in the afternoon.  Bald Eagle was out in the Lac Amora Wilderness … those big cottonwoods down by the bridge down by Stearns Lake.  Turned out to be a good tempo run.  And it clued me into a goal for 2011.

GOALS 2011:  Be consistent.  Yeah, I guess you could say I am consistent with 3900 plus miles on the year but I mean consistent in my workouts.  I want to become more disciplined where I have a few set routes that I go and do every week.  If I feel up for it, I tag those.  If I don’t, I don’t.  But I want to know every step in that route, and how to break it down.  Where to push.  Where to hurt.  Where to hold back.  Ya know?

Considering this program as a skeleton to start to address some leg, core weakness I am facing in the groin, hip areas.  I don’t notice these weakness when I run, but I do in other movements – and want to address that.  More on this later but I need to get to bed to watch the eclipse later.

This biking thing in Vail … got to check around on it, but ack.

Guitar Chord Finder

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Geb and Johnnie W.

JT ought to love this. Geb is sponsored by Johnnie Walker in an upcoming video ad campaign.

For what it is worth, I might be pushing might EPO IPA soon too.

Sunday 121910

AM - 15.5 miles easy. TOTALLY a check the box run. Check the box to get an even 70 on the week. Still it was nice to get out for another session in the 2 hour neighborhood. AHR 142, around the Mount Lac Amora Wilderness. About five of the miles were in before the sun cracked the horizon.

Week in review ... 70 miles, 10 hours. 203 miles, 29.25 hours on December. 3958 miles on the year over 598.25 hours. Ought to get the 4k this week, and I guess 600 hours (which I had not really thought about). I guess if I wanted to I could force the issue and go for 4100 for my 41st year but I ain't gonna force it.

In any case, as long as we are keeping score, Kraig gets 100 Green Mtns, even though he has had Lyme Disease for a good part of the year. DD logs his 110,000th mile.

Not a great week for training but not a completely bad one. The travel through me so I only got six days / runs in this week. By getting 70 I sort of mentally felt I salvaged something. I realize that thinking can be a bit detrimental, but I gain some level of confidence out of checking the box. In fact, on many days I feel like that is sort of what I am doing this time of the year: "checking the box." Don't get me wrong: I love getting out for all those regular reasons, but I also feel sometimes I am maintaining a habit. There is good and bad to that I guess.

Also, I am recognizing that I am in a bit of hermit mode. I think about getting up and out to the mountains, or traveling to races ... and while I enjoy being there, I have this question pending in my mind of if I should have wasted the time to get there, or if I really need to fly across the country to run around a field four times. I end up running out my front door and the Broomstock routes the most because it is easiest, least impacting to the rest of my life.

What Bevan says about sport psychology is amongst the best I have heard.

GOALS 2011: Compete in a true blue ultra. Yeah, I danced with the ultra distance this year ... twice sort of. The Grand Canyon R2R2R and the Burro World Championships. But R2R2R ain't really a race (even though I wore a number) and Burro Championships is a different gig altogether. Currently thinking this will be the CP50. I did the 25 there a few years back, and was pretty glad that I did not have to run back up the hill after the finish. Will need to do that and be glad about it!

JZ has the charge of keeping his classes’ pet over winter break. Pix by him
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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday 121810

Friday night I headed right from the airport to KZ's concert in Broomstock. It was great and she did awesome with her solo. Definitely one of those parental moments where you are observing it, wondering where the time went. And the contemplation that goes with that where you wonder if you have done okay or screwed it all up.

We did not get back to the house until around 10, and then I started the prep for the Fort Collins El Chubbo Grande Chubby Cheeks 50k. Ya know, the typical stuff ... getting gear together, unpacking from Pittsburgh, figuring out where I was driving too, printing off course directions, finding your Camelbak, etc. All why asking "really?" I was truly fried from the week and the day.

When the invite from Lucho came in, I was more than glad to bite at it. I don't run nearly enough with Tim. I love the conversations with him because they range from the ridiculous (we once imagined up a raptor ripping its way through a horse and were laughing our tails off about that ... and that is the tame stuff) to serious (training, the sport, families, values) ... and everything in between. I'd take the verbal abuse for not making the 50k, and be back home for lunch with my family.

In any case, I met up with Tim for an easy 13.5 miles on the Mesa. Heading out I could tell I was still pretty messed up. My typical resting AM HR hovers sub 50 easily, and typically while moving around sub 60. This AM it was 80+.

The run was exactly what I needed to open me up a bit, and balance me. Heard on the run:

"Your weakness is your weakness."
"I was coming up on these two cougars."
"You have the upper body of a pre-pubescent child. Of course you are in ultra shape."
"You did not see these shoes. They are a secret."
"Who can we sue for taking advantage of us with things we like to do that we know are bad for us?"


Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday 121710

Probably not going to get a run in today. Was completely cooked, felt like crap and so I slept in this AM. Will wrap up with a variety of meetings this AM and then head to the airport to travel home. Given I have been away for a week, I might change up plans, not head to Fort Fun in the AM, and expect to take some well pointed ridicule and sarcasm.

Sitting at 3929 miles on the year.

HIGHLIGHTS 2010: Gonna shift gears for a bit and mention a non running related highlight. The trip down the San Juan river on a raft, with my family and 17 other people was pretty amazing. Amazing environment, amazing people, amazing to have that time with my family. Amazing.

Back to running, I'd be remiss if I did not mention this year's PPM. While I did not break 4:30, an objective I had going into the race, I feel it was a day that I put together well. I had a solid build up of training, I executed well, and I walked away with some hardware. Having run that race where I have not met my expectations, and was unable to do what I thought I could - I have come to realize what a blessing this race was. There are so many things that can go wrong, in the build up, race day, the weather. To walk away with a PR, and some hardware to boot, and most importantly knowing that I did out there what I could do that day ... and with some thoughts of how I can improve ... well, that is pretty damn good.

Practice ...

Or without trick photography (Thanks SOS)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday 121610

Nick Clark interview

I am no MacDonald's fan, but this lawsuit against them is just plain stupid.

AM - Decided I did not want to handle the mill again, so I ventured outside. Bit chilly (6). In fact just before I headed out I hit my typical weather site, and saw it was 29 - so I thought it was a bit warmer. Of course, that was the weather for CO, and not here. In any case, I had a wicked frozen beard that got great stares as I got back to the hotel. Ventured around the Tech Park here ... over and over again. So not much different than a mill I guess. 10 miles very easy.

HIGHLIGHT 2010: The World Championship of Burro Racing. 29 miles. 10-13k feet in terms of where you are for elevation. And a burro you can push, pull or carry. Absolutely silly. Loved it and got fourth place. Had a PBR beer handed to me by JT at about 25 miles which was heavenly.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wednesday 121510

Decided to skip meeting everyone for breakfast and extend the run a bit. 15 miles on the mill, with mostly Tool in the ears to keep me lost. Warmed (woke) up for 4 miles and then did the 150 HR thing. I was tempted to make some sort of interval session out of this, but then talked myself out of that (not too hard). Hung out at a HR of 150 for the next eight miles, averaging right about 7 minute pace. Cool down a bit easier to round it out to 15.

HIGHLIGHTS 2010: In my first true foray into the ultra world, I ended up in one of the most incredible locations on the planet - the Grand Canyon. This "run" was gorgeous, challenging, educational, and one shared with good friends. I'd go every year if I could. In fact, I suggest anyone who reads this blog go and do it. I am not one to whoop it up post a run, but I stood at the South Rim when I finished and hollered as loud as I could - I just could help myself. R2R2R ... do it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tuesday 121410

AM - tough to get out of bed this AM even though I was in the rack around 8:30 ET. I find this is not unusual for these trips to the east. I can force through the time change, travel the first morning but I get whacked more day 2 and 3. Anyway, got through six very easy miles on the mill (still snowing, icy out here).

Typically my travel this fall has brought me to nicer climates than CO. Not so much this time.

Pittsburgh today image Front Range today image

Some of the locals at work. Got this over at Tyler's site via Justin. Trying to figure out exactly where they start and finish for this.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Monday 121310

AM - Pittsburgh or somewhere north of there. Snowing, dark and unfamiliar territory so I opted for the mill in the hotel instead. Felt particularly sluggish to start (first mile was 9:21, second was 8:26) - probably due to the time change and travel yesterday so I was just going go as slow as necessary. I opened up a bit around 2 miles and decided that I'd see what it would take for me to get to a typical MAF (150) HR and then hang out there for a bit. It took just a couple of ticks below 7 min / mile pace (okay a treadmill mind you) to trip over 150, and then I had to back it off slowly from there. Miles 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 were 7:04, 7:06, 7:06, 7:11, 7:17. 10 miles total.

GOALS 2011: Trips like these drop me right into the heart of many temptations - lots of rich food on the company, many beers. I need to keep a discipline with that stuff when I am on these trips. Kind of hard to objectify but it basically means - don't embrace the gluttony when it is there. This is sort of a broader goal in my head which really is "don't eat like a kid."

CRYSTAL BALL 2011: So is this the year? Yah, you know what I mean. Is this the year that someone takes him down? Him being the KOM, Matt Carpenter. He has dominated Pikes for so long it is expected that he wins. 17 wins at Pikes Peak. Course records. Wins in singles, doubles, fast ups, fast downs, good weather and bad. He has put such a stamp on the mountain that I don't think folks can even fathom what he has done there.

But, even by his admission, father time catches all of us - is this the year it catches him. Last year he did not win the BTMR. And he did not have the fastest Ascent of the weekend. And he admitted that he had a tough build up in his approach. Is the motivation to compete and take down guys half your age enough to overcome the physiology of aging? Is this the year that a Parker or a Mackey can keep close enough on the up that they can make a race of it on the down?

No doubt about it, I am a fan of Matt's. I hope he grabs another win so I can cut and paste this paragraph into a Crystal Ball for 2012.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Hang Nine Podcast 004

D on the sound quality, cause I was running and had an extra coat on ... makes more noise.

Anyway ... a bit on

My training, hills and the central governor
Club XC Nats, the depth of that field and age
PEDs in Ultras ...
... should there be prize money in ultras?
... would that prize money draw folks to use PEDs to get that prize money?
... if so, at what price point, if any?
... when do you test?
... and at what cost do you test?
Off to PA.

Podcast/Itunes feed at

Intro, outro music from Black Lab.

Sunday 121210

AM - 10 miles SUPER easy. Recorded podcast number 4. Meh. Week in review ... 77 miles, 10.75 hours. 133 miles, 19.25 hours on December. 3888 miles, 588.25 hours on the year.

Decent week with a tempo, and two short hill sessions. Next week with travel to Pittsburgh might be a bit low on the running but I ought to make some of that up at the Chubby Cheeks, even the Junior Varsity version. 122 miles to 4k miles for the year, with 19 days … ought to get that unless something goes awry (6.4 a day required).

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Saturday 121110

Little tough to navigate through the results for club nats because of the age sorting they do (masters men), but it looks like Magill took the win, leading his team to that title as well. More on locals competing there here. If you really want to be humbled, check the open results. 196 guys under 32. You will probably never hear of all but 2 or 3 of them.

Free local neat thing to check out with the young ones – a pretty expansive Christmas village over at Arapahoe and 95th.

AM – early. Recorded a podcast while running, but it was mostly me talking in circles about doping in ultras. Scratched it. 6.5 miles easy.

Mid day – got back out, and the winds had picked up. Did a short warm up and got back to the local hill, 8 repeats again, this time in 18:59. WTF? The other day 8 of these shelled me, with the HR reaching 185 over the 8 and it taking me more than 21 minutes. Today was a max of 176 and over two minutes faster. Case for the central governor or what? Still nicely worked after these and rounded it out another 6.5 with the warm down. Not going to sweat the difference here but I will look to continue to do these periodically as they are a nice short challenge, are less than a half mile from my door. I bet if I did them with someone else tomorrow I could make them really hurt and take an other two minutes off the whole set.


Oh yeah, wore my newly arrived Crosslites. The grip on these are sick. They squeal when I walk in our kitchen.

Off to PA next week. Lots of predictions for precip there.

GOALS 2011: I keep at least one full complete honest month of a food log and post it here.

Enjoyed this post.

I need to study up for this test next week.

BOSTAC field trip

Boat load of pix here … the BOSTAC took a trip to look at several properties that are potential open space acquisitions in the future.  I will comment on my thoughts of each of these in the future, but I needed to get these shots just for mental reference.

PC110085PC110050PC110048 PC110049   PC110052 PC110053 PC110054 PC110055 PC110056 PC110057 PC110058 PC110059 PC110060 PC110061  PC110063 PC110064 PC110065 PC110066 PC110067 PC110068 PC110069 PC110070 PC110071 PC110072 PC110073 PC110074 PC110075 PC110076  PC110078  PC110080  PC110082  PC110079