Friday night I headed right from the airport to KZ's concert in Broomstock. It was great and she did awesome with her solo. Definitely one of those parental moments where you are observing it, wondering where the time went. And the contemplation that goes with that where you wonder if you have done okay or screwed it all up.
We did not get back to the house until around 10, and then I started the prep for the Fort Collins El Chubbo Grande Chubby Cheeks 50k. Ya know, the typical stuff ... getting gear together, unpacking from Pittsburgh, figuring out where I was driving too, printing off course directions, finding your Camelbak, etc. All why asking "really?" I was truly fried from the week and the day.
When the invite from Lucho came in, I was more than glad to bite at it. I don't run nearly enough with Tim. I love the conversations with him because they range from the ridiculous (we once imagined up a raptor ripping its way through a horse and were laughing our tails off about that ... and that is the tame stuff) to serious (training, the sport, families, values) ... and everything in between. I'd take the verbal abuse for not making the 50k, and be back home for lunch with my family.
In any case, I met up with Tim for an easy 13.5 miles on the Mesa. Heading out I could tell I was still pretty messed up. My typical resting AM HR hovers sub 50 easily, and typically while moving around sub 60. This AM it was 80+.
The run was exactly what I needed to open me up a bit, and balance me. Heard on the run:
"Your weakness is your weakness."
"I was coming up on these two cougars."
"You have the upper body of a pre-pubescent child. Of course you are in ultra shape."
"You did not see these shoes. They are a secret."
"Who can we sue for taking advantage of us with things we like to do that we know are bad for us?"