Sunday, December 31, 2017

31DEC2017 Year end wrap (running-wise)

Afternoon – chilly – (sub 20):  11 miles, checking out eagles and geese. I got a nice phone call from Lucho and we chatted for 10 minutes.  I need to see more of that guy. 
70.2 miles on the week, 645 minutes (a lot of time on that trail near Camp Hale) and 3655 feet.

December was 304.6 miles 42.7 hours and 11590 feet.

And then there is the year … For comparative purposes, here is what I posted last year for the year end wrap

2016: 2892.7 miles, 400.49 hours, 143,120 feet.
67 run days off.
31 work travel nights (8% business travel), 14 non work travel nights, 19 camping nights
7.66 hours of running a week on average, 55.32 miles a week, average pace was 7.2+mph, 67.7 miles a week average if counting just the days run.

2015 for comparison was 3451.5 miles (averaging 66.19 miles a week), 236,905 vertical feet, 478.53.15 hours (averaging 9.18 hours a week), 40 days off and 65 travel nights for work (18%) and then 14 nights of camping.

2014 – 3436.9 miles, 172005 vert and 459.7 hours
2013 – 3493.6 miles, 272300 vert and 512.1 hours
2012 – 3367 miles, 236,110 vert and 529.92 hours
2011- 3629 miles, 264,848 vert and 543.37 hours
I know 2010 was 4100 miles

This year ends up as:

3622.1 miles, 481.3 hours, 170,115 feet.
12 days off
74 travel nights, 10 camping nights, 5 non work travel nights
9.2 hours of running a week on average, with an average of 69.5 miles a week.  Average pace was 7.5 mph, 71.5 miles per week average if counting just the days run. 

A short view would be to note that my mileage, time and vertical is up over last year.  2016 however was a year where I dealt with several setbacks that kept me from running.  Comparing this year to other years puts the overall volume at about par, but there is a lot less vertical in the picture.  Given I only visited Green a couple times (way back in January), the lack of 2000 foot days adds up into a smaller vertical number. 

Not having a race like Pikes or Leadville in my head for the last couple of years has been a contributor to me not heading to Boulder to get in bigger climbs.  When I add that into that a run in Boulder put a 40 minute add to the time of the run, and I don’t want to deal with Chautauqua parking or 36 corridor traffic  … well, I just don’t head there much.

Admittedly I had a bit of a goal to run 3650 miles, and hence average 10 miles a day. I was slightly ahead of this goal at mid year (1883.8) but the increased travel in the last half of the year (54 nights for work) impacted that to some degree. 

Some other 2017 factors … this was big year in terms of really getting rolling with my own consulting business.  In terms of measurement, that plays out in the travel nights, but it takes up a fair amount of mental energy that I think has impact on other aspects of performance.  I am not sure if my desire to “train” versus “exercise” has waned because of age, but I suspect that my willingness to get after workouts takes a bit of a hit because of work energy spent.  Or that might just be an excuse.

Side note is that Strava sez I put in 3742 miles on the year … which means that I somewhere got in another near 100 miles or so of walking (I think Strava shows some 66 walks on the year).  Of course I got more than a 100 miles in walking but that is what I measured for walks.

I also spent more time with the local distance squad at the HS.  That has an impact to my personal performance in that when you are focusing on getting others to perform, it takes at minimum some time away from self performance focus.  But that is math that I am more than happy and willing to live with – the gains in other aspects of my life are well worth it and then some.  There are few things that I enjoy in running now as much as a good practice, a cross country meet or a track meet.  It is just awesome.

It is sort of ridiculous that I have logged nearly 28k miles in this decade and arguably I have been a bit of a miles chaser in that time period.  I do think the daily run has been more of a time for me to invest in me on whole, rather than to train.  There is some dissatisfaction in that, but also a content understanding that it has been an important investment in my mind, my health, my wellbeing.  It is not perfect, or a prescription for anyone else in particular, but it has worked well for me.

This sort of looking back post also tends to generate the consideration of looking ahead – what do I want to accomplish in 2018.  I am not a subscriber to January 1 resolutions, but I do think this period – with its short days, quietness on the business front, colder temps – tends to create a period of contemplation as to what one has done, where they are at, and where they want to go. 

The other day when I ran with Tim we chatted on 2018 goals, and kicked around everything from the 5k to the 100 miler.  Nothing is ruled out or in, but a few things seem a bit more attractive than others. 

As much as I like Leadville (and have been there in 2015-17 in some regard), a 100 is not in the cards for me.  I don’t see that I will make or have the time to prepare for that and I am pretty sure I am not really willing to deal with a challenging recovery. 

Pikes is enticing but having been three years out, I’d either need to comp my way in or I need to come up with some qualifier.  I will explore the options there.  It is my favorite race of all time but I recognize the commitment it takes to get to a solid performance there (and it ain’t as cheap as it was when I was getting free entries).

The mile-5k-10k thing … this seems like something that would be a good fit given my time, work, and desire to race a bit more.  The biggest challenge I would race is that I’d always fight comparing myself to my once self.  This probably also forces a bit of a mind set of not chasing miles as much and focusing on key workouts more.  This decade clearly shows this ain’t an easy thing for this guy.

Burro racing … as much as I have enjoyed success there, including nothing less than a 3rd place with Jack in 2017 (and a Leadville win), I have not found a huge itch to scratch there for this year, and am contemplating helping from the side lines. 

In regards to other goals for 18, there are a few – but I have not been big on putting some specific number on them.  Read more books, contribute to the team success at BHS in a more positive way, be more gracious with people, help folks start their businesses, do some peaks with TZ, grow my business from a job to a business, get in the weight room more and more effectively, run more with Bob, Shad, Neeraj and Lucho, race more blah blah blah.  More to come in that space here … but as I am pretty habitual, don’t expect any surprises or doing something epic.  It will more likely be doing something regular …

Oh my year of pix on Instagram (B&W) worked out well.   I ended up with some 450ish BW shots that I took over the year, looking to post one a day for each day of the year.  It was nothing other than just something I saw or enjoyed.  I think I may have missed a day or two when I was off the grid entirely but made up for it when I returned with doubling up. 

Some of my favorites .., well, my kids pointed out that it was usually something that I saw running locally, something from my travels with business (airports or something I saw running), the dogs, stuff in nature, lines and light … yup… about right.  A few samples:

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Saturday 30DEC2017

Last night we got another sunset treat.

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Image may contain: cloud, sky, mountain, outdoor and nature

And then this morning it was cold again.

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Greg and I were tracked a bit by this coyote.

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7 miles in the AM, 5.3 very slow miles in the afternoon.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Friday 29DEC2017

AM – 6 miles with Greg and Jen at practice.

Later AM – met up with Tim G and did another 7.3 along the Coal Creek trail (he was in the midst of a long run – 22 plus).  The burpees I did between the two runs (and other weight work) left me pretty spent.

Something like 3599 miles through today.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thursday 28DEC2017

AM-  6.1 miles with the team.

PM – 6.3 miles.  Tired.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Tuesday 26DEC2017

A wee bit chilly today.  13 for the start of the run and the humidity was up.

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Five and change with the team

Monday, December 25, 2017

Monday 25DEC2017

8.1 miles on a chilly afternoon.
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Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, sky, tree, mountain, nature and outdoor

JZ provided a sneak preview of his senior portrait. 
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Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Weekend(ish) 21-24DEC2017

Thursday – 5.2 with Greg and Jen as part of practice.
Friday – 11.1 miles off of practice
Saturday – 5.6 miles with Greg in practice
Sunday – slogging through the beautiful snow … 10.2 miles.

62.1 miles on the week, just over 3550 on the year.

Got some good gym work in this week as a part of practice.

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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Tuesday 19DEC2017

10.1 easy miles today. 
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Monday, December 18, 2017

Monday 18DEC2017

Image may contain: sky, cloud, tree, outdoor and nature

4 miles with the team (track is getting started again) and then 4 plus more miles on the way home.

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Weekend 15DEC-17DEC

Fri – it was a long day of travel after a morning at the job site:  Cleveland MS to Memphis TN across the cotton fields of northern Mississippi and the upper delta via car.  Then a flight from Memphis to Chicago and then from Chicago to Denver and then the ride home. 
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I hit the door at 11PM.  TZ was out at a concert, JZ was out with friends and so I did what was necessary:  laced them up for five miles.

Sat – nice sunrise – good to be home.  The Lac Amora loop in the afternoon (7.7 miles)
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Enjoyed a little hometown hoops with the Eagles taking on HF in the evening.  Eagles win!

Sunday was the Slog.  It is the fifth running of this affair.  We did a different route than past years, hitting a bunch of new places in Louisville and Lafayette.  We ended up getting in 23 plus miles.  It was a smaller crew and we limited the time we spent at any stop so the whole affair was done by 7.  It helped that we did not have to jump any fences this year.  Nonetheless, names will be kept confidential and we limit the photo evidence by design so that those with interviews for jobs Monday morning are not incriminated. 

The bigger run on Sunday bumped me over 80 miles on the week – the first time I have seen that since June.  My legs were pretty beat most of the day on the Slog, but it is a gift to be able to get around like that in any case and share some laughs, some ridicule and sarcasm with great guys.

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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Thursday 14DEC2017

AM – a tired but got going a bit over the course of it start of the day run – 8 miles.

The first three quarters of a mile out of the hotel are a bit of a drag but then I get to get into neighborhoods, around the college, etc.  I am of the impression folks don’t see runners much here as I seem to be an object of curiosity as I go by in the rising light of the day (for the people who are out at that time).  Nonetheless, the waves and the morning grunts at each other are friendly.  If anything they are more friendly than many of the runners I see these days  … runners seem to adopted the “I don’t wave or say hi” stance that the lions share of bikers seem to have had since as long as I can remember.  I am not sure why. 

Evening – 3 miles on the treadmill

Slog plans are in place.  Contact me if you want details.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Wednesday 13DEC2017

AM – 6 miles easy the whole way.  Listened to a great podcast by Mario F with US Marathon champ Tim Ritchie. 

PM – 5.2 miles.  Windy.  Picked it up in the middle a bit.

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tuesday 12DEC2017

AM – 7 miles. Sort of dragging but moved okay for a slog.

Evenin – 5 miles, fartlek

Monday, December 11, 2017

Monday 11DEC2017

AM – 6.1 in Cleveland Mississippi.  Beautiful December morning with crisp air.

Evening  - 4.2 miles before dinner.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Weekend 08-10DEC2017

Friday - midday 7.7 miles on the Lac Amora loop.  I was sort of dragging on this but managed okay.  In the evening, I bolted out for 3.3 on the ditch loop and moved pretty well, averaging below seven minute pace.

Saturday – 13.1 miles taking the larger loop through Ruth Roberts, onto Coal Creek and then down into Carolyn Holmberg.  It was a wonderful weather day, with just a t-shirt and no gloves.  I started the run with TZ until the Boulder County trail cutoff and then start clipping off sub 8s with little thought.  I did push a bit in the last couple of miles back up the hill to keep the average under 8.

Sunday – up early to catch a 7AM flight to the east bumper.  I felt fuzzy to start the day.

the engagement I am on is a bit away from an international airport and is in Mississippi.  The flat and large expanse of the delta here is sort of inspiring.

I did not get to the hotel until late.  Cold, dark, windy … and fighting discipline … I opted for the mill for 40 minutes before going to bed.  I am pretty hard on treadmills.
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It was a fair week … I tripped over 3400 miles on the year.  I had thoughts earlier in the year that I’d easily get over 3650 (10 miles a day) on the year but the work travel schedule this last quarter of the year has tanked that.  I’ll likely still roll over 3600 though.

But I do need to – as has been the case for years – abandon the idea of miles for some reporting of miles sake and shift to being crisper on picking what I do, in terms of quality, quantity and overall strength.  This week I did get that Friday night tempo in and the 10 x 2 minutes on the treadmill on Tuesday left me pretty sore (I think more because the treadmill is a bit different than the efforts themselves).

My work does require a significant amount of travel.  For some that seems like it is a huge burden and something they would not elect to do.  I dunno.  It is easy to bitch about travel, crammed and delayed airplanes, the TSA, and people in these environments.  I’d rather find that I can make the most of it, recognize that I have chosen this path, and any cons that come with it are far outweighed by the benefits. 

That said, I need to continue to find the ways to drive discipline into my day where travel makes it a bit more challenging.  I don’t need to eat the office food to excess.  I can make a workout happen, knowing that a some workout is better than a no workout.  I will feel better knowing I got out in the dark and cold in a trap of highways over staying in bed for a half an hour more of sleep.  Discipline equals freedom.  I can make my freedom. 

I still don’t know what I will look to accomplish in 2018.  I find my mind wander from no racing to Pikes to Leadville to 5ks to a mile.  It is all over the map.  I do know that racing further incents me to race more.  Getting on the line makes me want to get to the line. 

Separately, looks like the Slog will be December 17 with a different route. Contact me if you want info on that. 

Awesome podcast listening with Joe Rogan and Dan Carlin. 

oh, 61 and change on the week.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Thursday 07DEC2017

We had the XC banquet tonight.  It is always a touch bitter sweet for me because it is a combination of recognizing all the hard work, outcomes and the the process of the season, but also saying good bye to it.  Time marches on.

And yes, that is a bouquet of marking flags for Greg.  The kids nailed that.  Awesome.

Then again, I did go to pre-season track practice earlier in the afternoon.  10.4 miles on the day. 

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Wednesday 06DEC2017

I thought I’d get out (or on the mill) again last night but I was beat after the day at the job site, and post the team dinner.  I hit the rack early.

I did get up early but I was slow to move and took a bit before I went and found the mill.  I started the run slow again (9 minute plus pace) but after a half hour started the games with 10 x 2 minutes on, 1 minute off.  8 miles on the hour.

Been listening to a lot of this.  And then this.  I’d embed the video but apparently Youtube does not allow that anymore.  Definitely one of the best westerns ever.

Back to CO in the evening.  Had the fun of a pretty delayed flight as they de-iced the bird I was on, and the de-icing apparently blew up a fire bottle in the cargo hold.  Good to be home for a few days.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Tuesday 05DEC2017

AM – dark, snow, ice, significant winds and highways around me.  So it was to the hotel treadmill.  5.1 miles on the mill … starting at 10 minutes a mile pace and waking up over the course of it down to 6:30.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Monday 04DEC2017

AM – a sloooow  3.2 miles in the dark.

PM – snuck out before dinner and got 5.1.  It took a bit but I did find the rails to trails Bruce Vento trailhead.  That was the good news.  The bad news was running on a state highway shoulder to get to it (not my favorite in the dark).  Additionally a fair snow storm blew in over the evening – I am certainly not going to fight the snow/ice in the dark to make that happen.

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Sunday 03DEC2017

Flew to MSP from PDX.
10 miles in Vadnais, MN. 

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Saturday 02DEC2017 NXN

NXN – the big dance that brings the best teams to the course.  That course happens to be in Oregon – where it was wet, rainy, cold and the course was muddy. 

Our expectations were high, and the dreams were even bigger.  We landed 10th, scoring better than we did last year.  The competition was much rich this year over last:  13 points separated 6th-10th.  We took 10th instead of 9th on a 1 point tie breaker.  The women ran amazing.  It has been an incredible honor to have a front seat to the development of this group, as athletes, as people and as a team.  I am really proud of them. 

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Uhh … the guy who coached Pre.Image may contain: 1 person, outdoor
Image may contain: 5 people, people standing and outdoor

A few miles on the course, running around, freezing in the wet and the cold.  An other 7 and change in the evening on the streets of Tigard.