A week in Arden Hills, a ‘burb of the MSP area. Long days, meaning that anything I was getting for a run was pretty much early or late, or in the dark.
MON AM – 5.7 miles
MON PM – 5.5 miles
TUE AM – 5 miles. Nothing in the evening due to a work dinner.
WED AM – 4.1 miles.
WED PM – 4 miles. Found my way into a near by park at sunset. It was nice.
THUR AM – dragging. 4.1 miles. This one was rough.
THUR PM – found my way into the park nearby, worked through a couple of phone calls while jogging and got in 7 miles.
FRI AM – 5 miles. We got a little later start and so I was actually able to get some running in the light. Even though it was in the 20s, the light seemed to help the pace a bit compared to the other recent mornings. 5 miles.
SAT – 4 and change moving around at the XC State meet.
Bolted back up from CoS to the north side of town (that stretch of I25 sucks) and then played a bit with these guys and got some sound work in.
Sunday AM I forgot we put a gate at the bottom of the stairs to keep the dogs from going up stairs. I wasn’t looking, and took a spill through, banging me up and putting a nice puncture hole in my right lower leg. Still a klutz after all these years.
Got in a dozen plush in the light snow. Felt good.
I got in city 8 this week in the so called 20 city project.
57 miles on the week. A bit better of week of running with travel compared to some of the prior weeks. No workouts but I am okay with that. The Haglund-Achilles mess is still a mess but I work with it I guess.