Sunday, October 27, 2019

Week of 21-27OCT2019

A week in Arden Hills, a ‘burb of the MSP area.  Long days, meaning that anything I was getting for a run was pretty much early or late, or in the dark. 

MON AM – 5.7 miles
MON PM – 5.5  miles
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TUE AM – 5 miles.  Nothing in the evening due to a work dinner. 

WED AM – 4.1 miles. 
WED PM – 4 miles.  Found my way into a near by park at sunset.  It was nice. 

THUR AM – dragging.  4.1 miles.  This one was rough.
THUR PM – found my way into the park nearby, worked through a couple of phone calls while jogging and got in 7 miles. 

FRI AM – 5 miles.  We got a little later start and so I was actually able to get some running in the light.  Even though it was in the 20s, the light seemed to help the pace a bit compared to the other recent mornings.  5 miles.

SAT – 4 and change moving around at the XC State meet. 

Image may contain: 2 people, people standing, sky, child, tree, outdoor and nature
Bolted back up from CoS to the north side of town (that stretch of I25 sucks) and then played a bit with these guys and got some sound work in.

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Sunday AM I forgot we put a gate at the bottom of the stairs to keep the dogs from going up stairs.  I wasn’t looking, and took a spill through, banging me up and putting a nice puncture hole in my right lower leg.  Still a klutz after all these years.   

Got in a dozen plush in the light snow.  Felt good. 

Image may contain: sky, tree, outdoor and nature

I got in city 8 this week in the so called 20 city project.

Image may contain: outdoor and nature

57 miles on the week.  A bit better of week of running with travel compared to some of the prior weeks.  No workouts but I am okay with that.  The Haglund-Achilles mess is still a mess but I work with it I guess. 

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Week 13-20OCT2019

Another week in Draper UT.  Missed Thursday but got over 50 on the week.  The left Achilles is still less than thrilled but I only am half listening to it.  I am not doing anything of significant quality right now – I just don’t have the gumption to get up for that right now. 

I head out MSP this week, so another week of the same is expected.

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JZ got me turned onto NF.  I am not a rap fan but I have been enjoying some of his stuff.

See we've all got somethin' that we've trapped inside
That we try to suffocate you know hoping it dies
Try to hold it under water
But it always survives
Then it comes up out of nowhere like an evil surprise
Then it hovers over you to tell you millions of lies
You don't relate to that, must not be as crazy I am

The point I'm makin is the mind is a powerful place
And what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way
It's pretty cool right? Yeah, but it's not always safe
Just hang with me this will only take a moment okay

Just think about it for a second if you look at your face
Every day when you get up and think you'll never be great
You'll never be great
Not because you're not but the hate
Will always find a way to cut you up and murder your faith

MON AM – 5 miles

TUE PM – 10 miles

WED AM – 5.1 miles
WED PM – 5 miles

THU – off

FRI – 6 miles

SAT – back in CO – 10.2 miles

SUN – 10.1 miles.  Traveled to MSP Iater in the AM.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Week of 07-13OCT2019

MON AM - 4.1 miles in the 40s and the dark in Draper.  Slow and morning dragging as expected

MON PM - 6.8 miles.

TUES AM 5.1 miles

TUES PM - 5 miles - felt pretty good

WED - zero.  Was at the plant at 4:30 AM.  Worked late.  Long day.

THU AM - colder than I was prepared for (low 20s) so it was a short one on the hotel treadmill.  3.3 miles.  Biz dinner in the evening

FRI AM - 4 more treadmill miles.  Back to CO in the evening.

SAT AM - practice with the Eagles.  Girls won the conference meet easily yesterday with 43 points.

SAT evening - worked the sound board for Spare Change.
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SUN - Achilles ain't happy.  Gut is not happy (too much fun last night at the show I guess).  8.1 miles.  That will make me happier.   Back to SLC tonight.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Weekend 06OCT2019

SAT AM - 5 miles with the team, well ... actually the coaches.  Super easy as I was a bit worked from the  effort effort the day before and the Friday meet. 

SAT PM - along the ditch some, with TZ on the bike - another 5.3 miles.  Achilles is pissed but whatever.

SUN AM - 10.4 miles - actually feeling pretty good other than the throbbing of the Achilles every step.  But it was a glorious fall morning - hard not to run well in conditions like that.

63 plus miles on six days of running.  Gonna hit the skids again next few weeks again with biz travel. 

JZ ran a 5k up at CSU on Saturday and ran about his PR - pretty good given he is doing 20 miles a week, and hasn't raced a 5k in a year.   Even better is he is still interested and excited on it.  He called me just to discuss World Champ results and recent Alberto news. 

Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday 04OCT2019

AM - 10 miles.   Greg and I helped Braun through some of her marathon training.  She had 5 x 2k at marathon pace.  It was good.

PM - another 3.5 jogging around at the Pat Amato meet.

“when you start you go that way.”
Image may contain: 5 people, people standing and outdoor

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thursday 03OCT2019

AM - a bit rested yesterday from the day off yesterday.  6.1 miles and moving well once I woke up. 

PM  - easy running with the coaches as a part of pre-day of meet activities. 4.1 miles.

Wednesday 02OCT2019 … an 800 AR

Fried at the end of the day and couldn't get over the mental hump to get out.  Did some rationalization that I needed the rest and this was good for my Achilles.  Whatever.

But then there is this awesomeness:

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Tuesday 01OCT2019

AM - dark and comparatively cold (like 49) and misty wet.  Actually sort of wonderful.  I jogged for a bit before my 7AM call, catching up with GW and SB as they headed out for a bit longer effort.  3.3 miles.

PM - back and forth sort of effort with the kids at practice, another 6.9 - broken up sort of thing.  Still misting, and cooler ... really felt like a fall day.

The Achilles is low level sort when I am running but then later in the evening I look like a broken old man ... which is somewhat true I guess.