Sunday, June 27, 2021

Week ending 27JUN2021

Monday - 6.4 miles around practice
Tuesday AM - 3 miles around practice.  Super tired
Tuesday PM - 3.1 miles with Greg.  Still tired but I was doing a lot better.
Wednesday AM - 4.2 miles around practice.  
Wednesday PM - 4.2 miles along the ditch
Thursday PM - 7.1 miles with JZ along the Ditch and into the Commons.  Fun morning for a 3/4 underclassman team at State in the 4x8.

Friday PM  - post another day at State and in some spitting rain as the thunderstorms dispersed.  8.1 miles.  Great day at State with two athletes getting PRs, outperforming their seeds in their events.  

It was a different track season for the athletes.  Normally we would have finished the season a couple of weeks before Memorial Day.  Here we were finishing about three weeks after it.  It led to some hot days as you'd expect, but then also some weirdness because school ended almost a month ago ... but track continued.  A leftover from COVID I guess.

Might need to drop the beard.  When I see it in pix, it seems even more ridiculous.Sunday AM - 8.3 miles.Fifty and change on the week.  Nothing great but sort felt a bit better than I have running wise towards the tail of the week.  I'll look to bring some pickups in next week.   

Monday, June 21, 2021

Week ending 20JUN2021

Monday AM - hot early.  8 miles around practice.  

Tuesday AM - hot.  5 miles at practice.

Afternoon - stupid hot but decided I could get in a few with some strides.  5k, with 10 x 100 on the MS track.  The 100s were 19-20 which ain't great but I haven't touched that gear in a long time.  Believe it or not, I think the heat helps for this sort of thing for me.  

Wednesday - 3 miles around the conference meet.  Rough meet.  100 degrees and distance events (in my opinion) stupidly set up right in the middle of the day.  

5 miles in the afternoon.  Big clouds rolled in which made it significantly nicer.  

Thursday AM - six miles around practice.  Did open mic with KZ at Rails.  There is video but I have been sworn to secrecy.  It was wonderful.  Lovely.  

Friday - nothing in the AM.  Back to the conference meet.  More stupidity with having people grind it out in the middle of the heat of the day.   I was worked over by the afternoon and decided not to run. 

Saturday AM - six miles around practice.  Did 10 x 100, but lost count so it ended up being 11.  Some AF DEP guys showed up with a pull up bar so I yapped with them for a bit and managed to get 11 reps on that.  Strides were all 18-19 today.  

Saturday evening ... a gig with Spare Change.  

Sunday AM - 8 miles.  Whew.  

Then another four hour gig in the afternoon.  

A 40ish mile week with a day off, and couple of swings at some shorter faster stuff (which is not that fast and is really short).  

Monday, June 14, 2021

Week ending 13JUN2021

Monday - 8.1 miles in the AM.  Need to get on the AM this week as I have a Far East gig I line up on the afternoons and evenings.  And it might be a good thing to avoid the heat a bit.  

Tuesday - legs beat.  7.1 miles.  

Wednesday mid morning - 90 by the time I got out.  8.2 miles.  Guess somewhere during the Hawaii week I got over 1000 miles on the year.  

Thursday - mid AM, 7 miles.  

Thursday AM went to the service for Karl.  He passed in February but the service was just this AM because of COVID.   Made sandwiches with this guy a bunch of times as part a feeding homeless people.  He was a Ph,D.  And  WWII Veteran.  So there was a Navy contingent there and they presented the colors to his widow.  That sort of stuff with Taps gets me every time no matter how I hold my stuff together.  

More to the point, it was a life well lived.  Honorable.  Full (93 years).  Extraordinary and ordinary.  Dedicated to service and community.  

Friday AM - a nice cooler breeze came through.  9.5 miles, most of it with GW around practice.  Good practice.  Big meet tomorrow.

Saturday AM - 7 miles in the AM.  Then off to band for a few hours, and then down at the Stutler Bowl from 4 until about 11.  Love that meet.  

Sunday mid day - kayaked on the Dillon Rez for a bit and then got out for 7.1.  Some of that with KZ.

50 plus on the week, but tired for most of it.  At the meet on Saturday, I was asked what I am training for.  Not a formal race I guess but more of staying vertical.

On a separate note, Bob S is cleaning up in the pack burro race preseason.  

Monday, June 7, 2021

Week ending 06JUN2021

Monday - back in Broomfield.  Feeling cruddy.  8.6 miles around practice.  Raining and mid 40s.  Springtime in the Rockies.  

Tuesday afternoon - 6 easy miles.  Tired. 

Recent cover ... 

Wednesday PM - 8.1 miles, easy.  

Another cover of "I Remember Everything."

I like this one.  Too bad the camera flopped.

Thursday - long day and so only 4 miles.

Friday - upper 80s, which is the hottest I think it has been here so far this year.  9.1 miles.

Not feeling great this week.  Every run has been heavy legged.  

Saturday - BOCO meet.  Got out for about 5 mid AM and then 3 mid afternoon on the breaks in the meet.  Good meet with a lot of PRs for the kids (one young man had a 4:21, 2:01 double on the 90 plus degree day).  Took the heel lift out of the left shoe which seemed to make no difference with the Achilles but my knee seemed to feel a bit better with that.  

Sunday AM - 7 miles.  Wraps me up on another 50 plus mile week.  Ah well.  Whatever.