Sunday, July 24, 2022

Week ending 25JUL2022

wait.  It is two weeks until Burro Days.  Damn.  Not ready for that on a variety of fronts.

Monday mid day.  Was up until 3 with the Asia gig.  It was good but I was tootin' fuzzy by the end of the work day.  Still was up at 8 after some fitful sleep.  Got out mid day and it was already 98 at the start.  Apparently it was 101 at the end.  3.8 on the ditch.  Tired from the work and tired from the weekend running, so just self care jogging in the sauna.   

I contemplated a second short run in the afternoon before starting the work grind but opted for the nap instead.  I probably ought not wake up and just start recording stuff.

Tuesday AM - finished earlier last night - 1AM - so I was able to manage some git up and go to grit through practice.  Figured that was better rather than fighting the heat later.  6.6 miles with some hill strides.  The lack of sleep had me feeling like I was running with a hangover.   Hot again - in the 90s by the middle of practice.  

PM - took a mid morning nap, did some work and then got on the ditch.  96 degrees.  3.7 miles. Then back to work.  Ordered a GPS watch today.  I don't think I have had one in 3 years and have just used the phone.  

Wednesday AM - just felt horrible/  5.7 miles at practice.  Tight in the chest.

PM - Ditch.  Still feeling like ass.  3.7 miles.  

Thursday and afterwards… woke and I knew I wasn’t gonna run.  I had deep pain in my right side.  It subsided a bit as I moved around but it got way worse Thursday night.  But breathing at anything close to volume created a stabbing sensation.  Woke up Friday am and it started to subside but decided to enter into the care system towards the end of the work day.  

Fast forward 12 hours (well, that is its own story of observing process management in the healthcare setting, the variety of tests I went under to figure what was going on, seeing customer service in action, etc - but that ain't for this blog) and I was diagnosed with a few pulmonary embolisms.  Low risk given my overall health, but I am now on a regiment of blood thinners for a bit.

Puts Burro Days in question for sure.  The doc cleared me for travel and said I could do Burro Days but there are risks (a kick that bruises would be a bad thing).  I think it is more a question if I CAN run - because right now I can't.  I want to but if I can't breathe, fighting 13k feet with a donkey for 8 hours is more than I am willing to take on.  

More to come on this I guess - they are not sure what caused it.  Genetic disposition is a possibility (that is unknown to me) but it could also be a left over symptom of COVID (I have never tested positive but I could have had an asymptomatic run of it).   This is sorta of a different kind of injury for me.  I am hoping the pain will subside enough by the weekend that I am good to go.  Will see how that plays out and how I respond to the meds.  

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Week ending 18JUL2022

Monday - nicely cooler and trying to get back on good habits ... again.  10 miles with a couple coming before practice.  Strides. 

Tuesday AM - super unmotivated but dragged up to go through the motions.  Over to the HS for practice with the Eagles, and then over to Eagle Hill for 8 x 1 minute.  Actually got going pretty well once I got past my wee brain BS.  8 miles.  

The band gigs have been great but it has put my own solo music stuff, including writing any of my own stuff, on a back burner.  I need to get back to some of that.  

Wednesday AM - 8 miles easy. 

Thursday AM - 5.2 miles with the team.
PM - 3 miles with the team in the evening.  Absolutely epic sunset.

Friday AM - outta NCAR with the team.  4.3 miles.

Saturday - up in Dillon so I went to Ptarmigan.  Ended up summiting but it took longer than I expected.  It is about six from the lot, but I didn't know that ahead and the false peaks fooled me a few times.  The wildflowers were at peak.

It was a good long run for me.  I ended up with 3500 of climbing too.  Was weird that at the trailhead I ran into Johanes ... haven't seen that guy in years and he didn't recognize me.  

Sunday - a bit sore from yesterday (understandable) so a quick one up to the bench on Ptarmigan before heading back to the flats (where it was 100 degrees v. 70 plus in Dillon).  5 miles.

55 plus on the week, but with over 7k of climbing - a better prep week for me than I have had in a bit.  And I got a couple of nights sleeping at 9k.  Working an Asia gig next week so my work day will be from 5PM to 2AM, so that will throw a wrench in the works.  

Big kudos to Pat G and Shad M for outstanding Hardrock performances,

Monday, July 11, 2022

Week ending 10JUL2022

Back at it.  Started the week in a bit of a mental funk with the events at the tail of the week, but recognized I need to keep grinding for the good.

Monday - 4th of July.  We went up and buried Bart at the ABC.  I still had the ashes from Lucy's cremation so I put those in with him  Won't lie - I was a blubbery mess with all of it and still am as it hits me.  It is not the thought of him as gone that gets you but the unexpected things that catch you because they have been habit for 14 years.  Going to feed the dogs and realize it is just feeding a dog and you only need to do one dish.  Stuff like that.  

So it was an day off with the up and down on the mountain.

Tuesday AM - with GW and RT at practice (over there and back too).  Gets hot early nowadays but expected.  8.1 miles.  

Didn't stay up for the fireworks last night.  I was just beat.  But saw the better show up on the hill before hitting the rack.

Forgot to mention we did a gig Saturday night over in Vista Ridge.  Ir was good fun.  Fireworks, rocking ten year olds, etc.  Was sorta nutty with rain coming in and then blowing back out and then coming back in over a few times but a blast in any case.  

Was up way too late on that day.  

Tuesday afternoon - cooled off with it being overcast.  JZ got me out on the ditch.  3.7 miles.

Tuesday night went over to Red Rocks and caught Lyle Lovett and Chris Issak. Just captivating entertainers at probably the best outdoor music venue on the planet.

Wednesday.  Beat.  Long work day.  Took the day off from running.  

Thursday - up early and went over to Lion's Lair with JV.  Been too long since I have run with that guy.  

It has been so long since I have been on Sanitas, they completely redid the back side trail (Lions Lair).  It is a nice grade but was still an ass kicker for me.  Need to get back,

Friday AM - over to Bobolink for a run with the Eagles.  8 miles.  A bit tired from yesterday but it worked out a bit.  

Saturday - 6.1 miles with GW outta Aquarius.  Did a gig at Front Range last night and then one on Saturday night at Mother Tuckers.

I had a pretty amazing moment at Front Range.  While playing a woman walked up to me and pointed to her ear.  I thought she was saying the music was too loud but then I somehow understood she was saying she was deaf and couldn't hear the music.  But she wanted to feel it.  She put her hands on the guitar and we enjoyed the music together.  

Sunday.  Hooboy.  Tired.  Hot.  And busy.  Had intentions of getting up early and going to do Green but a 1AM finish with the gig put the kibosh on that.  Life chores, etc. Ended up with near hour nap in the afternoon and so a goose egg to cap the most inconsistent running week I have had in a bit.  I guess I could rationalize and say I needed the nap.  

Will keep on plugging.  

Monday, July 4, 2022



August 23, 2008- July 2, 2022

We lost a giant in our family this weekend.

Bart was born in this house just after we moved in.  I have not known this house, our home, without him.  He was the first Black and Tan Norfolk I knew. We named him Bart the Dread Black Pirate, although we also some times called him Streaker.  Born on Pikes Peak weekend of 2008, as part of a continuous line of Norfolks in my wife’s family for 55 years,  he became a cornerstone bedrock to our family.

I have had a lot of dogs, a lot of damn good dogs but this guy… he was a friend for all of us.  His ability to make you laugh, forget troubles for a while … he was also nicknamed “Natural High” as he had to that effect on you.  Really, he wasn’t just a dog, he was a friend.  He was family.  He was a part of our home.  

Just last week as I changed the disposal under the sink, he crawled in there with me to help.  He always wanted to be involved and help.  

He was always talking at your with a yip, a growl, a sing, a bark, and some chatter.   No really, he talked all the time, even from just a couple weeks old, telling me it was breakfast time or dinner. 

He’d eat sprinkler heads after I replaced them.  He'd move the hose I set out and chase the water as I hit the gardens.  

He enjoyed raspberries from that garden (a habit he might have learned from our also now passed Aussie, Lucy).  He yelled at crows, the thunder (we called it barking at Zeus) and anything that flew overhead (an overheat hot air balloon landing near our home got quite an earful).  

He’d sing with me as I played guitar and harmonica (I was often convinced he didn't like my music but he came in to sing every time I turned on the amp).  

He loved going out to entertain others at the farmer's market, the local pub, or on a walk.  He’d sit on his back quarters and shake his paws to ask you for attention or a treat. 

 He could take out a pack rat lightning quick with a smile.  He avoided the street drain where the raccoons came out with great respect.  

He loved to swim in the creeks using his tail as a rudder.  The vacuum and leaf blowers were mortal enemies but he loved the blow dryer and a good tub bath.   

He’d enjoy a game of hide and seek.  

He’d float a kayak all day singing with joy.  

Snow baths to his face were some of his favorite.  

He’d dig in the garden, a wood pile, and often find you something you’d not expect (and you really didn't want what he often found).   

He'd bark like I was an invader when I came home, but then when he saw me he'd light up and wag a tail.  And then put you to work with whatever task he had for you.  

Ball was an addiction.   When you were down or stressed he knew how to find you, come and bring you a calm comfort, or at least to get you to think about throwing the ball again.  

He’d dance with us in the kitchen as we cooked.  

He was there all the time, as a friend, a family member, a comedian, a counselor, and a loved one.

I could go on.  I try to remember the good times and take joy from that but as I do I recognize we have lost a friend.  And so there are laughs and tears at these memories.  

This morning our house is quiet without him.  It’s going for leave a mark to not have our friend of 14 years but I am blessed to have shared times with, walks, and talks.  With all the dogs I have had, no one has ever had as much personality, was so busy and so creating of joy.  I have lost dogs before (although I think this is the only one I have been with at the time of his birth and passing) but this one has really shook me.  

I miss you my friend.  We do.  Thank you for teaching us.  Teaching us to live in the moment, have fun, stay busy, enjoy a meal, nap hard, and lift others up … I will try to carry your lessons and your spirit you shared with me forward.  Even in your passing, you taught me to be sure to take care in enjoying the moments we have with each other.  

I’ll share few pics here (more on his IG the_bart_attack) in tribute.  TZ - thank you for bringing these wonderful beings, especially this one, into our lives.

Post script ... adding some edits to the text above now that I am a bit less water logged in the eyes, and adding some video below.  
