Monday, September 25, 2023

Week ending 24SEP2023

Not much to report on the running front.  I took Monday off, then did 3-5 mile runs on Tuesday through Saturday.  These were more to shake off the soreness, keep moving to reduce stiffness.  People who run get it.  Those that don't, well don't.  "You are sore because you ran a marathon but you are gonna go run to reduce the soreness."  Yeah, that is exactly right.  

I took Sunday off too.  

There was an open mic in there, and a Spare Change gig too.

Time to head to the hills and to get a little of the clear mountain autumn air before heading off to PR for a fortnight.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Monday 19SEP2023 Blah blah blah woulda coulda shoulda

My mind has been scrambling with typical post race thoughts ... what went well, what I could have done better, what I want to do, what is realistic ... 

It is the same as it used to be, but perhaps tinged with quite a bit more of a realistic view.  It is sort of fun to watch the thoughts come in and out and my assessment of each of them.

I haven't raced in a long time.  Certainly not this year.  Doing a race creates its own weather patterns in my head.  Some good, some not so good, but probably none bad.  I haven't avoided races because I don't want to, but I haven't leaned into going to get any done either.  I should swing back to that a bit more ... it is a healthy thing for me ... as long as I am healthy about it.  

I was asked if Pikes is the hardest race I have ever done.  I think the hardest race you ever do is the one that you do the hardest.  I have done 800 meter races that have hurt pretty damn bad.  And there are 100 milers that sting pretty good too.  Both can be hard. 

The recovery however is different.  :)

I do love Pikes.  It is absolutely brutal.  I am a bit of a wreck today but I am on the mend.  My right ankle seems to be the worst of all of it, but its okay.  I am still somewhat pleasantly surprised that I didn't wipe out and rip skin.  

It is pretty clear to me that if I am going to approach this sort of thing at all with any degree of expected improvement from where I am at, I will need to ... uh, actually train on hills, get to altitude ... and get on leg weight work.  I have some sort of deficiency in the strengths of my hamstrings.  When I consider it, I could see that for years, maybe decades if I am honest ... but the degradation that comes with age has made it more obvious.  

I took Monday off.  

Monday, September 18, 2023

Pikes Peak Marathon 2023 Report (17SEP2023)

6:28:50, with a 3:58:36 ascent and 2:30:14 descent.

I gave myself a lose predictor last week of a seven hour round trip.  It wasn't sandbagging in as much as I really didn't know what I could do.  I knew I was a far way from any sort of 5 hour attempt given recent runs and ... well, lack of training.  I hadn't run more than a dozen miles on any single run this year and the most vertical I got on any day was around 3k feet.  A 26 mile affair with 7800 feet of climbing was even questionable to finish.  

I had friends tell me I ought not to do it, but I felt I had to do it, simply to show I still could and I was not sure when, if ever, if I could do this again.  The goal was to finish.  And then from there, if I could make some sort of arbitrary goals while enroute, I'd do that.  But even race day, I was wondering if I'd be racing the cutoffs to just finish.

I will come back with what my splits were, but they are nothing stellar.  Pretty sure I got to Ruxton around 4 and change, and Hydro around 12.  I took no shame in going to the walk early and often - I didn't want to be worked over by the time I got to Barr Camp.  I got to the top of the Ws in just under 43 minutes and to No Name in about 63.  

It is a different dynamic in the race in this space.  I was getting passed by a lot of walkers who could just power by.  It was pretty amazing to see these tiny women with powerful glutes just kill the climb with a walk that looked like a Sunday afternoon stroll while I was trying to keep up with a sort walk-run-shuffle ... and I'd lose ground to them.  

With the wave start too you get passed by later starters (I was wave 1, but I am sure that is from old day times and it won't be the case if I return).  The trail is much more crowded at the start ... it is not a problem unto itself, but you can find your mindset tricked into doing things based on what is around you with other racers versus doing what you should.  You may want to walk because the others around you are when you should run ... and you may want to pass hard when you ought to chill.  

I did get to Barr Camp in about 1:50.  I was not overly worked but I knew I was working.  And then I almost didn't run another step the rest of the race.  I could feel the hamstrings starting to sing on the climb to A-Frame.  So, it was just moving forward.

The altitude became noticeable to me too.  I felt there were sections I could run from a leg perspective, but I'd be spiking my HR quickly when I did because I was not breathing great.   Probably a lack of time up high, hanging out at sea level last week, and some of the scarring from the PE.  And age, getting fat, etc.  I'd get waves of the "you are up high buddy" headache but was able to shake those with some adjustment.  

Somewhere around A-Frame I started doing the math for my predicted 4:20 climb.  It seemed very reasonable, but then I started thinking about it being quicker, and if I could pull a sub 4:00.  I knew it would be very close.  The miles before Barr were well on target but I knew it would be slower going, close to 2mph up high.  

It got challenging with the runners coming down too.  This has always been the case with the leaders coming down, but obviously the farther you are back in the pack - the more you have to deal with that.  And when you are dealing with it with people who are slower, they are more naturally going to come to a complete stop and wait for the downhiller to pass, versus just going to the side and still moving.  In some cases I'd stop, but in other cases, I'd just keep moving by the person who stopped.  It irritated a couple for sure ... 

Of course, on the up I saw JV coming down, JT as well.  It was good to see them having good races.  

The hammies were starting their cramping through the Golden Stairs, but I managed to walk it out a bit carefully.  As we crested that little ridge, I was around 3:55 so I was pretty sure I could get the sub 4, but also knew it would be tight.  I managed to gimp across at 3:58 and change.  I took some liquids and started the slow gimp down.  

I guess that means I did from Barr to the top in about 1:58.  Not an equal split, but pretty good for the type of work I had done.  

The game then shifted to if I could still get under 7 for a round trip.  I was moving VERY slowly through the rocks.  I could feel with any sort of curl to my leg the hammies start to yell and so I'd go to a walk to work that out.   I think my first mile down was like 18 minutes.   Of course, it starts to smooth out a little and you can get to running but it was careful and slow.  Really slow.   Saw Don S and gave him a high five - just love sharing the hill with that guy over the years.  

The run down is a constant monitoring the dashboard for me:  do I need fluids?  should I take a gel?  can I run?  watch those rocks!  hey there is a guy up there can we catch them?  oh shit the legs are cramping again!  ... etc, and adjusting.  I'd lose focus for a second and almost inevitably I'd almost take a digger.  Amazingly I didn't.  

And I was calculating:  could I still get a sub 2:40 on the down?  I know the signs down indicate a slightly greater distance to the finish then they actually are and I was thinking that would help me for four or five minutes.  

Once you get to Barr Camp ... the down seems almost like punishment for the sake of punishment.  You have done the thing, but you have a half dozen miles to still put it all to bed.  It is hot, you are tired, and the downs seem almost even more steep than they were on the way up.  

Somewhere in the Ws I knew I was going to break the 2:40 down and so it became a new adjustment to 2:30 it.  I got passed by three in the last 300 yards but I managed a 2:30:14 down for a total of 6:28:50.   9th in the age group and 175 overall.  

I am aware my down is nearly the same time I used to go up.  I am aware that sort of decline is inevitable.  But I am also aware of what I may still be capable of if I am willing to dedicate to it.  But I am mostly aware that I am happy that I got this done this time.  I could have easily not done this, but it was important to prove I still could and make it hurt a bit.  My brain is naturally thinking about what is next ... but any longer term aspirations are trumped by a short term understanding that I need to recover from this.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Monday Saturday 11-16SEP2023

Ah, Santo Domingo.

I really don't think I'd say this is a top ten favorite place to run.  It is hot.  It is humid.  It is flat.  It has a lot of trash.  There are some great ocean views though.  Monday AM ... 3 something miles.  Nothing in the evening as we did the corporate weenie dinner,

Tuesday AM - Same thing.  3 something miles.  It takes an hour to get to the site.  And an hour to get back.  Haina is quite an education.  4 something miles in the evening but then it took me 20 minutes to cross the street back to the hotel cuz ... traffic.   Ah well.

Pikes has been apparently blanketed in snow.  And it is supposed to get walloped again on Friday night.  I can't worry about it right now ... just too busy with work.  I guess I will figure out what I am gonna do when I get home Saturday.  

Wednesday was a goose egg.  I didn't run in the AM and then I did dinner with the team down here.  I wasn't overly concerned with miles anyway given the taper / rest up for the week.

Thursday AM - the three something, PM - the four something.

Nothing on Friday because I slept in, packed out and then traveled to Miami that night as we finished with the site.

Saturday - also a zero ... headed back to Denver from Miami, got back to Broomstick mid day.  Then down to Manitou Springs to get situated for the Sunday race.  Picked up my number at Memorial Park as they were doing awards for the Ascent.  

Bonnet broke the Ascent record with a 2:00:20 - which is absolutely insane.  There is video floating out there of him running the final stretches and he makes it look so ridiculously easy.  He is just blasting it at 14000 plus feet.  It is sick.  

That said, his record comes in an Ascent only run, whereas the prior record, Carpenter's 2:01, was in a full round trip.  It was cool to see Matt giving props to Remmy at the awards for breaking a record that stood for 30 years. 

And Matt did it with complete class.  He was not the grumpy guy wanting his record to never be broken.  

Meanwhile on the JZ front, on Saturday he did a burro race in Frederick and took fourth.  

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Week ending 10SEP2023

Last mountain before Pikes.  Headed into Boulder with JZ and I made a call to head up the Mesa trail with him from South Mesa Trailhead.  I wasn't quite sure what we'd do but we ended up So Bo.  Haven't been up there since 2020, and not up Shadow since 2015.  

It kicked my ass.  I knew how long Shadow was from memory but my legs didn't want any of it.  
I brought JZ up to Sound of Music.  He dug that and the peak too.  Just love the time running with him, even if he kills me now when we do it.  8.3 miles with 3k feet of climbing.  

Nothing on Sunday since that was traveling all day to the Dominican Republic.  Week was just about 49 miles though.  

Friday, September 8, 2023

The weekdays of 05-08SEP2023

Each of these days were 8, 8 something miles.  Easy.  Hot.  Legs felt like crap.  I complained to GW on the start of one run - "can I ever have a day where I don't feel like complete ass?"

It doesn't set up well for running into Pikes.  I am 70-30 likely to do it.  

I'll get a taper for sure as I head to the Dominican Republic for the week on Sunday.  I get back Saturday mid day ... so the day before the race.  Not ideal, but I am not thinking I am set to run an ideal race anyway.  

There are a good number of reasons I could bail.  If my travel back is a complete shit storm, if I get some illness in traveling, if the weather for Pikes is like 2008 ... 

I don't want to bail because I am grumpy about the whole thing or my fitness is not where I want it to be.  

I don't have a hard goal other than to finish if I do start.  I have guessed it could be a 7 hour affair (4:20 up, 2:40 down).  That sounds ridiculous to me ... but frankly that is where I am at.  

Part of me is doing it because ... well, frankly, I am suddenly at that point where I am not sure how many more I can or will do.  And if I make that call now, it could be done.  So there is a bit of screw that mentality there, but not to a point of full on stupidity

Monday, September 4, 2023

Labor Day Weekend 01-04SEP2023

Friday - 7 miles.  HAF.  Easily 95 this entire late afternoon run over at the Commons during the Legacy meet.  Slow.

Saturday = 8.4 miles.  Ran up Straight Creek road (which then becomes a path) for a bit.  I just had not explored up there.  Not bad but not wonderful (it parallels I70).

Sunday - decided I'd give Buffalo Mountain, the big one that overlooks Dillon a shot.  I knew it was 3000 feet, but I couldn't remember exactly how long it was to get up it.  That answer was 3 miles, meaning it was in excess of 15% grade on average, but the first mile hardly counts in any of that climb.  It was a great little day of hiking hard versus running (not sure anybody really runs the boulder talus there anyway).  

Anyway, I added 2 and some changes miles back down to the car pickup after getting back down for an 8 plus run ... was sort of happy that I could make those less than 8 minute miles.   Nice to have a day above 12k feet.

Monday - back down to Broomstock.  8 miles easy as the kids did some work.  A bit sore to start but this helped.  

The week was just over 53, with 7400 plus of vert.  So, a good one after the 30 feet I got in Mississippi.

Of course, the news in the music world over the weekend was the passing of Jimmy Buffet.

Friday, September 1, 2023

Thursday 31AUG2023

Long work day and then bolted to a concert in the evening, so a short one.  4 miles, with some 1 minute on, 1 minute off on the return back.  

JE invited me to catch Phish at Dick's Park.  I never considered myself a fan, and have found their singing to be a bit of a turn off to me, but I was not gonna miss a chance to catch some live music.

I was impressed.  The jams were cool, especially how the band transitions almost seamlessly with them - and Trey is an incredible guitarist.  And, as you can see, their light show was sick - even without lasers.  

The crowd brings an interesting game too.