Tuesday, August 13, 2024


Buzzin' along at 40 miles a week, 8-10 minute pace, maybe an occasional dip below 8, but nothing fast.  No speed work to speak of.   No race expectations, just runnin' for some basic fitness and mental release.  Knee is still a POS but it has some bad days and some more bad days.  I enjoy getting out because I tend to see interesting things when I do.  

I have noticed that I sweat a lot on runs these days.  Maybe I see it more because I wear a shirt more now than I did in the past.  You can't hide a completely sweat soaked shirt, but I guess it was easier to ignore that when I went suns out / guns out.  

So sun spots appear to move.

Nothing really new to report other than ... well, it is interesting to notice how unimportant things are when you choose not to focus on them.  The easiest example I can think of this is when you go on a camping trip where you are really disconnected.  Suddenly all the noise of life changes and you don't care ... I mean, you don't give a rip ... about the topics that are thrust into your face and that you then fret about.  You tend to notice then when you come back.  "huh, it has been 2 weeks since I thought about that ... " 

I have made some shifts on the items that I focus on, and it is interesting to see how the "old" items are not items all.  Not epiphany there in as much a Re-realization.  Again.

Played the 8th Birthday show at Rails End with the Pinebox Sleepers.

Anyway ... enjoy what you see around you.  

Monday, August 5, 2024


Nothing really on the running front to report.  I am bumbling along at 8-10 minute paces, knee is still jacked, but getting around 40 a week.  I probably ought to just not run on it for six months, but I can't get my head there.  

I saw Mark P for some PT.  The needles honestly are the easy part.  His manual work on you is straight up hell.  

It seemed like it helped for a little while.  Or maybe it moved the hurt to something else.  Anyway, he thinks it is tendon versus something like bone.  Maybe.  

Been enjoying lots of live music, including ...

... RCPM at Union Station ...

... Jason Mraz at Dillon ... 

Been traveling a bit too.  Mostly to SFO ...

Been doing some "new" work ...

Got out on some water.

Started playing with a telescope again.

And even thought I left SC earlier this summer because of work / life commitments, fell into a lower commitment band and doing some gigs with them.

So, just plugging along in another wonderful CO summer ...