Showing posts with label Tusia Beridze. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tusia Beridze. Show all posts

Saturday, October 05, 2019

VIDEO: kordz & Natalie Beridze - Half-Tone Bubbles. via @CesRecords

Director: Nika Machaidze
Camera: Tato Kotetishvili

Music composed and produced by kordz and Natalie Beridze

Vocal: Natalie Beridze
Lyrics: Natalie Beridze
Mix and Master: kordz and George Gvarjaladze (Gvaji) at Leno Records
Music Taken from CES004 EP "Celebrity Clouds"

Celebrity Clouds availble on 12 vinyl
Release date: 03.10.2019

©CES Records

Celebrity Clouds. By kordz & Natalie Beridze. A 4 track leftfield/idm ep (15m 48s) — released September 20th 2019 on CES Records []

Sunday, September 10, 2017

ELECTRONICS: Natalie Beridze TBA: Trackpremiere von "Waves Future" ( via @Groove_Mag

( Groove-Chefredakteur besuchte für einen Szenebericht im aktuellen Heft Tiflis. Eine Generation im Aufbruch

Dass Georgien aber noch mehr als roughen Techno der Marke HVL oder einem bezaubernden Stamm an Volksliedern bietet, beweist die Compilation დე / DE – Sounds From Georgia, die auf einem neu gelaunchten Label mit dem geschwungenen Titel Intergalactic Research Institute For Sound erscheint. Neben einem der Labelbetreiber, dem I/Y-Mitglied Irakli, versammeln sich darauf Acts, die sechs zwischen zartem Klangflächendesign bis hin zu an frühe Aphex Twin-Werke erinnernde Electroncia in sechs Tracks eine erstaunliche stilistische Bandbreite vereinen.

Natalie Beridze ist die Veteranin unter den Beitragenden. Seit Anfang der Jahrtausendwende ist die Klangkünstlerin unter verschiedenen Pseudonymen – hier als Natalie Beridze TBA – in fast allen erdenklichen stilistischen Richtungen unterwegs und hat dabei auf zahlreichen Labels ihre eigensinnigen Soundentwürfe veröffentlicht. Beridze gehört auch zum Line-Up, das am 21. September im Berliner Silent Green Kulturquartier die Veröffentlichung der Compilation feiert. Neben den ebenfalls auf დე / DE vertretenen Rezo Glonti, MYI, Zesknel und Severiane wird sie dort live aufspielen und beweisen, dass Georgien weit mehr als nur Clubmusik zu bieten hat.

Groove präsentieren TBAs "Waves Future" als exklusive Premiere! VÖ: 21. September 2017

Fotos: Presse (Natalie Beridze)

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

MUSIC: Intelligent Beats (13 JAN 2016): Georgian Electronica - with Ksenia Kamikaza, @ksenia_kamikaza

Intelligent Beats @ Silver Rain radio / радиостанция Серебряный Дождь


Contemporary electronic music of Georgia:
Vincent Volt - Untitled
Nikakoi - Sun
Gacha & TBA (Natalie Beridze) - Send Two Sunsets
Kahaberi & Khanums - Romale (Kahaberi & Levani TL remix)
Autumn Tree & Gio Shengelia - Your Voice
HVL - Junction to everywhere
Rezo Glonti - North
Aux Field - Drain Dub
TeTe Noise - Gadi Gadi
TeTe Noise & Vazhmarr - Sabani
Vazhmarr - Upper
Oimaccta - Vatican
Oimaccta - Same Old
Cobert - I'll

Sunday, August 10, 2014

SOUNDTRACK: A FOLD IN MY BLANKET (2013) Music by Natalie Beridze - DVD Release Party - Soon in Berlin - Zaza Rusadze will be present his Debut Feature A FOLD IN MY BLANKET

Outtake #2
A FOLD IN MY BLANKET by Zaza Rusadze
© 2013 Music by Natalie Beridze
out on DVD - August 29, 2014

A FOLD IN MY BLANKET a film by Zaza Rusadze
Georgia | 35mm | 1.85:1 | color | 73 minutes | Georgian, Russian
© 2013 a Zazarfilm Production
with the support of Georgian National Film Center


Zaza Rusadze »A fold in my blanket«
DVD Release Party

7 October 2014, 8:30pm

Dear Friends,
Image Movement is delighted to host the DVD release party of Zaza Rusadze's film »A fold in my blanket«.

Zaza Rusadze is a film maker from Tbilisi, Georgia. His first full length film, 2003 Bandits, a documentary about the hijacking of a soviet passenger plane in Georgia and its aftermath, was awarded at film festivals in Spain, Hungary and Germany.

His full length feature debut »A fold in my blanket« deals with the relationship of Andrej and Dmitrij, what seems to be a one-sided, unfulfilled love affair. The beautiful shot movie wallows in luxurious landscapes with the imaginary of rock climbing as a metaphor of freedom – in an unnamed post-soviet country under an obviously strict leadership and within strange social interactions in family life as well as in work life.

»A fold in my blanket« premiered on last year's Berlinale film festival where it was selected as opening film of the Panorama section. The film travelled the world among it festival screenings in Locarno, Yerewan, Hong Kong, Mumbai, or Sao Paulo. It won the award for Best Feature Film at Queer Lisboa 17 festival.

At Image Movement Zaza Rusadze will be present.
Admission is free. The event starts at 8:30pm. Zaza Rusadze »A fold in my blanket«


[Stills: Zaza Rusadze »A fold in my blanket« (courtesy of the artist)]

Image Movement | Artist Films, Films on Art, Artists Records
Oranienburger Strasse 18 I D-10178 Berlin I Mo–Sa, 11am–7pm
Tel +49-30 - 308 819 780 Fax +49-30 - 288 840 352 I

Friday, December 13, 2013

VIDEO: "Live@Twilight" - Gacha / TBA (

Published at 11.12.2013

"Live@Twilight"-ის მეორე სეზონის პირველი კონცერტი:
TBA (Tusia Beridze)
პროექცია: Willis Acid

Friday, March 15, 2013

ELECTRONICS: What About Things Like Bullets. By Natalie Beridze, tba. Directed and Animated by Nika Machaidze / Nikakoi (

( Official Music Video For Natalie Beridze's "What about things like bullets"
Directed and Animated by Nika Machaidze/Nikakoi
Camera: Sandro Darakhvelidze
Music: Natalie Beridze tba
Album: Forgetfulness
Label: Monika Enterprise

ELECTRONICS: Official Music Video For "In The White" by Natalie Beridze tba. Directed and Created by Nika Machaidze (

( Official Music Video For "In The White" by Natalie Beridze tba
Directed and Created by Nika Machaidze

Music: Natalie Beridze tba
Album: Forgetfulness
Label: Monika Enterprise

Sunday, January 27, 2013

FILM: Folds and Cracks (2009) - a short film by Zaza Rusadze (

( Synopsis - A young rock climber envisions the beautiful mountain landscape as a non-accessible place of his desire. The place, which he takes to be real, only exists in his dreams as a conceptual idea.

with - Ilo Beroshvili and Rezi Chkheidze

Screenplay by - Zaza Rusadze and Nika Machaidze
Directed by - Zaza Rusadze
Director of Photography - Tato Kotetishvili
Production Designer - Polina Rudchik
Costume Designer - Polina Rudchik
Special Effects - Nika Machaidze
Stunt Supervisor - Avto Kurasbediani
Editor - Zaza Rusadze
Sound - Goglik Gogoladze and Irakli Ivanishvili
Original Score -Tusia Beridze

Discovery Award at the 19th Cottbus Festival of East European Cinema

a Zazarilm poduction in collaboration with Sanguko Films © 2009 | 8 min | H-DV | color | 16:9 | stereo

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

VIDEO: "Live@Twilight" #7 with TeTe Noise (

( TeTe Noise: I don't have any philosophy, but all my life I've dreamt that i can fly, and that I know what it means to fly. In lots of dreams I leave earth. I often dream that I'm in a surrounded by people in tuxedoes, holding drinks in their hands, and I know I could shut them all up in one go. They don't want me there.Then I'm on tiptoes and I let myself go, I just take off and I end up on the ceiling. And then ... I swoop down to the floor and fly up again, and everyone says, "Oh!" Then I turn elegantly at the wall. I dream that the people are all speechless, watching me, a man, fly. Or I dream that I'm flying over mountains. That's a classic. My Music has shown it from the start. In the studio I close my eyes, I ave my hand on the fader, and I try to form the sounds. I send them through the speakers like a bird flying. That's not a philosophy, more like primitive dream to make the music fly because I'm flying.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

FERNSEHEN: Heute: Schön, schrill, geistreich - Künstler in Tbilisi. Film von Katrin Molnár und Ralph Hälbig (

Sa., 27.10., 18:00 Uhr

Lebendige Folklore und Tradition - der georgische Alltag ist voll davon. Doch in den Hinterhöfen von Tbilisi existiert auch eine andere Welt - eine Welt, die sich moderner Kunst und zeitgenössischem Design verschrieben hat. Ob Fotografie, Streetart, Performance-Kunst oder Raumgestaltung - überall sprudelt der Durst nach neuen Formen und klugen Inhalten nur so über: Lederkleider, die zu Skulpturen der Erbsünde werden; Fotos, die die Frau als "schönste Seele der Natur" zeigen; und Graffiti, die Sexualität enttabuisieren. Obwohl einige der Künstler im Ausland gefeiert werden, ringen sie im eigenen Land oft um Akzeptanz. Nur die wenigsten können von ihrer Kunst leben. Doch das hält sie nicht ab von immer quirligeren Ideen.

Mit: Irma Sharikadze, Nika Machaidze (Nikakoi), Tusia Beridze (TBA), Nino Chubinishvili (Chubiko), Keti Toloraia (ROOMS), Tamuna Gvaberidze (ROOMS), Ekaterina Lemonjava (Rock Club Tbilisi), Shadows Eye (Band aus Tbilisi), Bouillon Group, Musia Keburia.

Nice, shrill, keen - Artists from Tbilisi
footage also in Pur Pur

Friday, September 14, 2012

VIDEO: Live@Twilight #5 - with TBA and Nika Machaidze (

Friday, August 03, 2012

ART: "Fashion Beat" #3 - * Tamara's Dreams *

Dreamer Girl - Tamara Sulakvelidze
Dream dresses by - Nato Japharidze
Dreams by - Nata Sophromadze, Maka Kukulava

Sunday, July 29, 2012

SOUND: Live@Twilight #4. By Tusia Beridze (TBA) & Nika Machaidze (Nikakoi) - (

Published on 28.07.2012 von Artareatv

with TBA, and Max Machaidze

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

PRFORMANCE: Live@Twilight #2 with Natalie Tba Beridze (

with TBA 

Friday, June 01, 2012

VIDEO: TBA/Natalie Beridze & Nikakoi LIVE Public Event (

Natalie TBA Beridze & Nikakoi
live im Salon des Amateurs
Düsseldorf am 23.05.2012

Nikakoi - saka tusa slice
Natalie TBA Beridze - the face we choose to miss

Video: Jörg Langkau

Natalie TBA Beridze
Natalie Beridze aka Tusia Beridze aka Nate Fisher aka TBA was born and lives in Tbilisi, Georgia, situated in between Caucasus and Armenia where some of the most beautiful people are coming from, where red wine has the colour of dark blood and where they use an incredibly complex alphabet out of playful ornaments. Natalie / Tusia / TBA graduated in political sciences and media, being a member of the artistic collective Goslab which was founded in Tbilisi at that time, After some work in visual media, such as short films and music videos, she soon fell in for making music and didn't take long to understand the technical necessities in order to produce electronic music. In 2002 she got a deal on WMF Records, Berlin and decided to move there. Living in Germany under the artist name TBA she started to travel and play life in many parts of the world. During this time she has been releasing music on 'max.Ernst', a cologne-based label, founded and run by the electronic music producer Thomas Brinkmann. Altogether she released about 7 full albums and 12"es and contributed tracks for labels such as Monika Records, Collette and Chain-Music, an internet based platform, run by Ryuichi Sakamoto WWW.SITESAKAMOTO.COM/CHAINMUSIC. In 2007 she moved back to Tiblisi where she is right now working on a mutual project with Joerg Follert (Wechsel Garland, Wunder).

1999 trat Nika Machaidze in Paris beim Electronic Music Festival auf und gewann dort den Großen Preis. Аuf der Suche nach einem Künstlernamen griff er auf einen Vorschlag der befreundeten Künstlerin Thea Djordjadze zurück und nannte sich fortan Nikakoi (никакой, russisch für Keiner). Unter diesem Namen produziert Machaidze eine Art von elektronischer Musik, die auf Breakbeat-Rhythmen Harmonie- und Melodieführungen mit Bezügen zur georgischen Volksmusik setzt. Seine Stücke sind häufig im Moll-Tongeschlecht geschrieben, wodurch er eine melancholische Stimmung erzeugt. Im Februar 2002 veröffentlichte Machaidze auf dem Berliner Label WMF Records sein erstes Album Sestrichka (russisch für: Schwesterchen). Für Veröffentlichungen auf dem Label Laboratory Instinct legte er sich als weiteres Pseudonym den Namen Erast zu, womit er sich auf den fiktiven Charakter Erast Fandorin bezieht. Machaidze ist Autor von Film- und Theatermusik, beispielsweise für das Theaterstück Der Park von Botho Strauss oder für den Film Banditen von Zaza Rusadze. Er steuert Musik für Modenschauen, für Jingles für das georgische Fernsehen und für Werbespots bei. Als Musiker ist er u.a. an Werken von Tusia Beridze und George Dzodzuashvili (Post Industrial Boys) beteiligt.

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

DESIGN: Maya Bash (Israel) in Berlin with Live Set by Nikakoi & Natalie beridze/TBA (Georgia) (

NEW COLLECTION: RE-Opening, May 11, FRI, 18:00

LIVE SET: Nikakoi & Natalie Beridze/TBA

Knaackstraße 45, Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 48595544

Natalie Beridze / TBA

Monday, May 07, 2012

VIDEO: Live@Twilight #1 with Tusia beridze (TBA) in Tbilisi (

Even while the dust moves [unreleased, 2011. original wit Uta Bekaia]

with TBA

Thursday, April 05, 2012

ART: share my breath with you (

Art: Nino Chubinishvili 
Animation/Directing: Nika Machaidze / Nikakoi 
Music: Natalie Beridze / tba

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

LOOKING FOR FUND: MARIA AND THE OCEANS by Natalie beridze/tba and Uta Bekaia

Leipzig, 2004: Wee invited Tusia Beridze and Nika Machaidze to Germany for playing their music and sounds during our festival OFF EUROPA ( It was amazing! It was for me the first real contact with Tusia and Nikakoi. Later I followed their artwork. There was some concerts in Germany too ... together with Gudrun Guth ( for example... And some years ago I could meet the people for our small film for the German TV (MDR) in Tbilisi again. (VIDEO:

Now I will support the new project by Natalie Beridze and Uta Bekaia. AND otherwise I recommend in facebook, twitter and in other virtual places all my friends and people to do the same for this good artists - to getting find funds!! Also a small FUND can help to realize the PROJECT: MARIA AND THE OCEANS by Natalie beridze/tba and Uta Bekaia - A Music project in New York, NY by Paata U. Bekaia 

 "Maria and the oceans" is a music album, of 13 songs, produced by electronic music producer, composer and singer Natalie Beridze/TBA and a multimedia artist and costume designer Uta Bekaia. 
This project is a long-distance collaboration between New York and Tbilisi, Georgia, which was basically created via internet. Natalie produced music and prepared the arrangement in her studio and later sent it to Uta, to NY. they worked on lyrics separately and combined them like a patchwork afterwords. in the end Uta recorded vocals and sent them back to Natalie in Tbilisi for mixing. 
"Maria and the oceans" is a multimedia project, consisting of music, music videos (director Nika Machaidze) and costumes (by Uta Bekaia), which are going to be created and used exclusively for videos, cover artwork and future live performances. 
The album is ready in terms of music. we need funds for shooting TWO VIDEOS, that will come along with the album. 
We've chosen a visionary Georgian director and musician Nika Machaidze (nikakoi), who we've worked with many times before. We're very much hoping to receive support.


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

VIDEO: Natalie Beridze / TBA – What About Things Like Bullets (

Von Barbara Muerdter ⋅ 19. Dezember 2010 ⋅ Per E-Mail versendenArtikel druckenKommentar schreiben Abgelegt unter , , , , What about Things Like Bullets ist der Titelsong der aktuellen EP der georgischen Künstlerin Natalie Beridze / TBA. Es ist auch auf dem Album Forgetfulness zu hören, das am 4. März auf Monika Enterprise erscheinen soll. Regie führte Nika Machaidze, der auch für die Animation verantwortlich ist. Camera: Sandro Darakhvelidze