Der Film erzählt die Geschichte des ehemaligen Filmregisseurs Georgi (Lasha Bakradze), der ursprünglich aus Georgien stammt und in Massenszenen Nebenrollen spielt. Nebenbei verdient er Geld als Zuhälter von Ngudu (Elie James Blezes) – seinem schwarzen Freund, dessen Kunden wohlhabende ältere Frauen mit einer Vorliebe für BDSM sind. Die beiden erfolglosen Männer sind immer knapp bei Kasse und leben in einer heruntergekommenen Wohnung in einem Industriegebiet am Rande von Stuttgart. Ngudu nutzt Magie, um mit seiner Mutter zu kommunizieren, die in einem afrikanischen Dorf lebt. Sie haben so wenig Geld, dass Georgi sogar gezwungen ist, Ngudus geliebte Statue des Gottes des Glücks zu verkaufen.
Georgis 15-jährige Tochter Tina (Tina Meliava), die mit ihrer Mutter in Kanada lebt, besucht ihn zum ersten Mal seit 10 Jahren. Er hat ihr gegenüber immer so getan, als sei er ein erfolgreicher Schauspieler.
Jetzt muss Georgi für Tina das falsche Leben eines reichen Filmstars inszenieren. Ngudus Kontakte zu reichen Frauen helfen ihm, eine Villa und ein teures Auto für Georgi zu finden. Georgi überredet seine Bekannte, die holzbeinige, koksschnupfende Varieté-Schauspielerin Mia (Nadeshda Brennicke), seine deutsche Frau zu spielen. Tina kommt, sie ist ruhig, aufmerksam und behauptet, kein Deutsch zu sprechen. Sie hat auch ihre eigenen Geheimnisse. Später gerät ihr Plan in Gefahr, als Mias eifersüchtiger Ex-Freund Rocco (Ufuk Bozkurt) auftaucht und Ärger stiftet. Doch Tina lässt sich nicht so leicht täuschen und je mehr Giorgi versucht, an seinen Lügen festzuhalten, desto mehr droht die Situation außer Kontrolle zu geraten.
The film tells the story of a former film director Georgi (Lasha Bakradze) originally from Georgia who plays minor parts in crowd-scenes. He also earns money on the side as a pimp of Ngudu (Elie James Blezes) – his black friend whose clients are wealthy older women with tastes for BDSM.
The two unsuccessful men are always short of money and live in a dingy apartment in an industrial area on the outskirts of Stuttgart. Ngudu uses magic to communicate with his mother, who lives in an African village. They have so little money that Georgi is even forced to sell Ngudu's beloved God of Happiness statue.
Georgi's 15-year-old daughter Tina (Tina Meliava) who lives in Canada with her mother is coming to visit him for the first time in 10 years. He has always pretended to her that he was a successful actor.
Now Georgi must stage a fake life of a rich movie star for Tina. Ngudu's contacts with rich women help him find a villa and an expensive car for Georgi. Georgi convinces his acquaintance, the wooden-legged coke-snorting vaudeville actress Mia (Nadeshda Brennicke) to play his German wife. Tina arrives, she is quiet, observant and claims to not speak any German. She also has secrets of her own. Later their plan becomes in danger when Mia's jealous ex-boyfriend Rocco (Ufuk Bozkurt) arrives and stirs up trouble. But Tina is not easily deceived and the more Giorgi tries to hold on to his lies, the more the situation threatens to spiral out of control.
Director: Dito Tsintsadze
Lasha Bakradze as Giorgi
Elie James Blezes as Ngudu
Nadeshda Brennicke as Mia
Tina Meliava as Tina
Ufuk Bozkurt as Rocco
Produced by: Olivier Damian
God of Happiness - Eine Filmkritik von Thorsten Hanisch []
Georgi's 15-year-old daughter Tina (Tina Meliava) who lives in Canada with her mother is coming to visit him for the first time in 10 years. He has always pretended to her that he was a successful actor.
Now Georgi must stage a fake life of a rich movie star for Tina. Ngudu's contacts with rich women help him find a villa and an expensive car for Georgi. Georgi convinces his acquaintance, the wooden-legged coke-snorting vaudeville actress Mia (Nadeshda Brennicke) to play his German wife. Tina arrives, she is quiet, observant and claims to not speak any German. She also has secrets of her own. Later their plan becomes in danger when Mia's jealous ex-boyfriend Rocco (Ufuk Bozkurt) arrives and stirs up trouble. But Tina is not easily deceived and the more Giorgi tries to hold on to his lies, the more the situation threatens to spiral out of control.
Director: Dito Tsintsadze
Lasha Bakradze as Giorgi
Elie James Blezes as Ngudu
Nadeshda Brennicke as Mia
Tina Meliava as Tina
Ufuk Bozkurt as Rocco
Produced by: Olivier Damian
God of Happiness - Eine Filmkritik von Thorsten Hanisch []