Showing posts with label writing to heal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writing to heal. Show all posts

Friday, May 7, 2021

On Display

I’m weary of being on display
for others to assess
inside these walls of my home
as well as when I am brave enough
to cast shadows along the sidewalks
to be vulnerable within a community 
in which at times I feel like an unwanted outsider
my heart often beating wildly outside of my chest
as if wanting to escape the cage of my ribs

and yet there is a steely determination 
to bring YOU
even for a brief moment 
into my world
a desire to speak my truth 
even if it causes myself 
and everyone around me discomfort

My shadows are your shadows
if only you could have enough courage to see 
the mirror of my suffering
to meet my unwavering gaze 

Dare yourself not to look away!

To grow together in love

Angela Minard 2021©

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Sat Nam~Truth Is Your Name


Truth is your name, not the letters behind them, nor your diagnoses, those labels of wife, mother, sister, friend...

Breathe in your grace and exhale the stories that hold you back

Once I knew a quiet and watchful child who held fears hand

befriending a belly that fluttered

her sweet racing heart a constant companion

Insecurity weaved it’s way into every fiber of her tender being; 

a sturdy fabric for such a delicate soul to wear

This is your time to undress without shame

to shrug the heaviness of that old and tattered garment off your weary shoulders

Drape yourself in the finest silks and gossamer threads

Inhale the heady fragrance of peace as you release the hand of fears icy grip

This is your time...

Angela Minard 2021©

Photography by~ Kristina Makeeva

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Throat Chakra


Weaving the threads of time into a tapestry 

the yellow Canary symbolizes the power to control the voice, feelings, and emotions...

Strum the harp strings of your heart

carrying the echo of your song to the stars and beyond

Your infinite vibration rings strong and true...

Angela Minard 2021© 

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Lie Of Perfection

Each fold and sharp crease between thumbnail and stark white paper
hisses with outrage
refined angles
cutting remarks behind a simpering smile
shooting baskets with the misshapen wads
aim and miss
each paper crane is formed from everything she was told she lacked
her many failures bent into the correct aesthetic shape
forced to acquiesce 
throbbing fingers crimp and tuck
seething warmth rising with each crumpled mistake
these messy pages tell her battled tale...

-the lie of perfection

Angela Minard© 

Artwork by Duy Huynh

Monday, November 9, 2020

Transforming Darkness

Something about the birds today pulled at my heart

quietly tugging my awareness skyward 

Everywhere I went I could feel the fluttering of wings on my skin

like the sweet breath of angels 

caressing the back of my weary neck

Perhaps I had been looking down for too long

the weight of darkness no longer screeching

but continuing to listen intently

as if silence was the monster hiding

While doing yard work on this atypically warm autumn day 

I at first mistook the starlings that caught my eye 

for swirling leaves 

until their musical trilling filled the air

“Look up!” they seemed to be singing insistently 

Pausing to rest

tilting my gaze to the heavens

my eyes widened as I watched in wonder

the transformation 

from onyx starlings to opalescent doves

the honeyed sky dripping like slow rain


cradled within the downy wings of protection

-You are safe

Angela Minard© 

Artwork by Duy Huynh