Showing posts with label Brenna's nursery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brenna's nursery. Show all posts

Friday, February 20, 2009

Brenna's Nursery

It's been a while since I thought about this miniature. I built it for our friends, Adam and Tiffani, to welcome their first child into the world. This room was the first project I worked on in our house after we moved here. It sat in my dining room until a friend came to visit and was able to personally deliver it to Rolla, MO. Until I did Shabby Chic, Brenna's room was the most "girly" setting I had put together.

The room is set in a gift bag, a technique I learned from Fay Zerbolio years ago. Brenna's real room is decorated with fairies and butterflies. Her parents are both biologists and I guessed correctly with the photos of real butterflies on the wall. The border was pieced together in a paint program using an image from the bedding they chose.

The furniture was repainted and decoupaged to using leftover bits of the border and pieces of the bag's original front. All but one of the books are printies. The gift bags and boxes came from a wonderful free printie site located here, "Jennifer's Printables."

The growth chart on the wall is my own design and stitched on 14 count Aida. The butterflies are easy enough to recognize, but this picture doesn't show the caterpillars above and below the butterflies very well.

The duckie picture on the wall was made from a salvaged section of the gift bag's front. He's attached to a piece of mat board and the frame is built directly to the backing. The bunny pull-toy is made from several pieces of confetti, some bits of wood, and thread with a seed bead. The improvised jack-in-the-box was made with butterfly confetti. I found the perfect spring in the carcass of a broken pen.

I crocheted this blanket from tatting thread, using a size 14 steel hook. The pattern is my own design. The mobile is made from the same pieces of butterfly confetti as the "butterfly in a box" and some small cuts of wood.

Brenna will be a year old this summer. It's hard to beleive how much time has passed. This miniature sits on her dresser. Eventually they will move the scene to "higher ground" until Brenna is old enough to not drag it around as she toddles around.

I hope you enjoyed peeking into this room. It was hard to give up after I finished it. But her mother's reaction to it made all the difference. If you want to see more pictures, you can pop over here to my website's gallery and see more. I don't think Blogger would like that many pictures at once.