Showing posts with label shots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shots. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Vet part two

The boys have had their shots now. Still no new ideas on the IBD situation. We're doing all we can and just have to wait it out.

Now to send all 6 papers (2 per cat) to the county with $60 for their tags. That's the part that irritates me. Every other vet I've ever worked with gives you the tags when you get the shot. No extra fees beyond an office visit. So when you need to budget the exam into your expenses you knew exactly how much you need. I didn't find out about the extra cost until yesterday when I took the little one in for her shot.

Oh well. It's done and I just need to write the check and get their tags. I won't have to worry about it for 3 more years.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Vet part one

The little cat went to the vet today for her rabies shot. To take her there we have to drug her... which means she's confused, sad, and clingy until the drug wears off.

She did well and only hissed in the vet's face three times.

Tomorrow I take the boys for their shots. Happily I don't need to slip them anything before making the trip.

Oh, our microwave crapped out on us. I was rewarming some noodles when it happened. So until we can afford a new one, any leftovers will have to be sent with FH for his lunches and I will have to brew tea by the pot-full to make the energy use worthwhile.