Showing posts with label more tests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label more tests. Show all posts

Saturday, March 14, 2009

MRI update 4

I had the follow-up visit with the doctor today. He was happy to report there is nothing more amiss with my spine than mild arthritis. [Huzzah for arthritis before my 30th birthday rolls around. Bleh!] But at least we know I haven't damaged my spine more. That was the main concern.

None of us, the doctor included, is happy that we still don't know what is causing the loss of balance. He has ordered some bloodwork, added to the list of tests my OB-GYN ordered (fasting blood draw for random things and thyroid levels). This way I'm only stuck once. After the blood goes to the lab I get to see my new neurologist. Probably for a CT scan and possibly another bloody EMG.

Not pleased about the EMG. Fo those of you who are blissfully unaware of what an EMG is here's the wiki site that explains the science. In layman's terms, they stick a bunch of bloody humongous needles into your muscles and, for lack of a better term, shock the hell out of you. It's painful, aweful, horrible, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone but a child molester. I've had one of them in my life already and I was hoping to never to have another.

During the last one I had, the doctor took one look at the tears pouring uncontrollably out of my eyes and stopped the test (bless him!). Apparently the bulge of tricep muscle right at the inner part of the elbow joint is the worst possible place to have that test perfomed. And now I probably get to have it done to my legs.... $^(&^%^%((*!!!!!! <- censored incredibly foul words in about four different languages

The good doctor (he really is good) also suggested that my thyroid gland may be dying off at a more rapid rate than we originally thought. Hence the test that my OB-GYN was going to run. It's possible that the lack of thyroid hormone is responsible for the lack of balance while the cold, wet weather and the arthritis are responsible for the pain.

He's also concerned that maybe I am not getting enough of certain nutrients in my diet because of my odd food allergies and has included screenings for specific nutrients in the bloodwork. So we shall see more after I reschedule my April blood draw for next week and then see a neurologist.

So yeah... with all these tests I doubt I will be at the N.A.M.E. national convention even though it's only three hours away this year. And I've never been. *sigh*