Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tea. Show all posts

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving in Pictures

Happy (belated)Thanksgiving to all my blog friends.  FH and I have been busy for the last several days with prep work.  My parents came up for the holiday and we cooked a feast.  Everything with the exception of the pumpkin pie was home-made.  [FH was given the pie by the Red Cross for donating blood Tuesday night.  One less thing I needed to bake and it wasn't bad.  My pies are better though.]

Everything went smoothly except for the weather.  It was so cold after three hours of smoking the bird FH had to bring it inside so it would finish properly.  However it only delayed getting to the table by thirty minutes.

Hickory smoked turkey, before carving.

Set table, complete with shaped napkins.

Mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, bread dressing, blue cranberries, and plain cranberries.

Pumpkin pie, stir-fried broccoli, turkey, green beans with almonds, cherry-pecan cake, grape tomatoes, clemintine oranges, the sulphide-free wines, and chocolate.

Plate lacking bread dressing, since I forgot it.  Also the home-made dinner rolls.

Tea with cream and sugar.

Blackberry cobbler with ice cream.

Late night snack that FH whipped together for us.
A cure for leftovers: turkey salad with dried cranberries, pecans, celery, sweet onion, egg, and mayonnaise on home-made honey-oat bread.

Same sandwich bt with home-grown cabbage and carrot sprouts.
Not bad for the first big dinner that involved parts of the family.

Afterward I was able to get a bit of stitching in.
Crochet-top towel for my stash of gifts.

Ornament for the Guild exchange next month.
I'm off to go sleep off the leftovers.  Night all!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Treats From Wendiekins!

This week has been absolutely insane. Almost every night we've been leaving early and coming home late. But on Monday night I came home to this:

This picture is making me hungrier than I already am. I have to find breakfast on the run today.Isn't this the cutest little tea tray!?! I adore it!

I'm so close to being able to sit at the computer for a cuppa with Wendie! Now I just need the world to slow down long enough to do so. :-)

Thank you again for brightening my day, Wendiekins. xx

I'm off again for another long day. :-)

Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year, New Idea, New Blog

Here's the background: FH bought me a really cool new teapot for Yule. It has a infuser basket that sets inside the top and lets me use loose (real) teas.

I was chatting with Wendiekins on Facebook the other afternoon (evening for her) and the subject of teas came up. Ok really I was whinging about not having any loose tea to try out my new teapot and then the subject evolved into wishing we lived closer so we could occasionally meet for tea and mini fun. (Drat that Atlantic Ocean!)

Then it hit me: the Internet! That electronic critter that we all use to post our projects, make new mini friends, and communicate over long distances in real time... The Internet could let us have a tea party!

So now Wendie and I have launched a blog (and a Facebook Group of the same name) called: Mini Madness Virtual Tea Party (Top Hat Optional) where we hope our friends will join us for tea parties on a global scale. Imagine sitting at the computer with a cup of tea (or whatever) and knowing that even though your friend is thousands of miles away they're doing the same thing...

Currently we're still in the planning stages, but we will update everyone soon. For more information, please come visit us at either location.