Showing posts with label Tiber Creek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tiber Creek. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pictures from the Weekend

It rained lots yesterday, but happily it didn't start until after the Memorial Day Service was over. Most of these pictures were taken Sunday.

Row of camps. The tents are canvas, held up with wooden poles.
Most awesome kitchen pavilion ever! We were staying in a tent adjacent to this pavilion. The benches are actually storage boxes and all the furniture breaks down for easy moving and storage.
Cooking set up. I love how AM* has her cooking fire set up. FH is supposed to make me a similar set up once he gets to a forge he can use.
Aday* watching LittleD* shoot in the men's muzzle loading shotgun competition.
He took 8th and had never used a firearm before. No they didn't have eye protection and hearing proection in the 1800's, but we do now and we require it for everyone under 18 years of age. The adults can take all the chances they want. FH, Aday, BigH*, and the other men we tend to run around with don't. They carry their safety equipment in period style bags to and from the ranges.

FH took first in the men's muzzle loading rifle competition. He picked this candlestick for our lodge off the prize blanket.
He did also get some shooting stuff for himself. But I really wanted the candlestick. Flashlights are a no-no in camo, except for emergencies. Have to stay in period.

LittleD working on his bow on BigH's shaving horse.
The strange looking cloth covered thing behind him is a gatorade water cooler covered with an extra large pillow case. We haul our own water out for cooking, washing, and drinking. There's a basin for washing and preventing mud puddles under the spout and a tin with a bar of soap on top.

This is what happens when lemonade mix is liquified with rum and served over ice. Deer targets get stuck into someone's bedroll and then get moved to the next guy's camp. DaddyT* stuck his head out of the lodge and did a double take. I was luckily there to get it on camera.

The cutest part of the whole weekend.Baby Anna. The one I stitched the birth announcement for. She's in her little cradle, on a sheepskin, tucked in her flannel blanket. I am seriously considering making a miniature of this...well one for her mother, grandmother, and myself. ;-)

I will catch up with all your comments soon, I promise. I have to go find a pot of tea or else I'm not going to stay awake for long. The weekend drained everyone.

*psuedonyms, but you probably figured that out. ;-)