Showing posts with label adopted project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adopted project. Show all posts

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Working in the Red Room

Last week I spent a lot of time cleaning and doing things around the house... boring! But I did make some time to start a roombox renovation.

I started with this, an inherited project that someone didn't finish. I love the lighting and the floor, and of course the 1/144 room in the wall... but not much else.

Happily the wallpaper was easy to remove and the electrical wasn't overly complicated to move for the renovation.

The 1/144 scale room is only temporarily reinstalled. It needs a bit of a makeover as well, but I needed it to help hold the new wallpaper in place while the glue dries.

Next up will be cleaning up and painting all the trim pieces and getting them put back in place. Hopefully that will happen in amongst laundry and other chores this week.