Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Final Musings before Bed

The marvelous Jean Day commented on a recent post of mine, calling me inspiring. Goodness! Thank you, Jean. That means a great deal coming from you, truly!

If I am inspiring to people, I believe I'm giving what I get. There are over 120 miniature bloggers and another 10 fiber artists who inspire me to work through the pain, the frustration, and the fear of "not knowing" what's wrong with me.

I think if I didn't have both minis and people to share them with right now I would be terrified with all these damned medical tests and the waiting... the waiting is the worst part.

At this point I'm convinced one of two things will happen:
1) The doctors won't find anything, the symptoms will go away, and then weird and bad things will start happening again a few years down the line. That's what happened when my hands stopped working correctly seven years ago. Small blessing that it's my legs and feet this time. No hands means no minis...

2) The doctors will find something nasty going on in my brain...beyond the immature gutter humor and sarcastic biting remarks that float around in there. If that's the case (which I hope to all that is good and bright that it isn't) then I will dive as deep into minis as I can for therapy while "treatments" are planned and whatnot.

Either way, I'm thankful and grateful for all of you who have come along for the ride with miniatures, fiber art, critter stories, and random musings. I am thankful and grateful for the inspiration with new techniques, ideas, thoughts, and projects that creep into my head while I read your blogs. Most of all I'm grateful for the friends here.

Thank you all so very much.
