OK last one for today I apparently have way to much to say! Made these Coconut/Pineapple Cupcakes with Coconut Frosting. We celebrated Laurens B-day by of course forcing her to listen to us sing and making her blow out candles! HA She giggled through it thank goodness. The frosting was super yummy if I do say so myself. I could just eat a bowl of that! OMG did I just type that? The cake was a bit dense like most scratch cakes I make are.
So today was the first day the girls went to Camp Swanson while I worked. I have got to figure out the traffic thing EEEK. After I picked them up we ran to the Library and signed up for the Summer reading program. They each got 5 books. Abbi finished hers an hour later. She of course had to read 16 books so it's good but still. She is way too excited.
Scrapping tonigh I worked on my swap cards. Almost done but now I'm going to watch the Top Chef Masters Finale and the new Work Of Art show. Crossing fingers it's not too wacky!