Heythrop College is 400 years old in 2014. I have been teaching philosophy at Heythrop College for seventeen years. This was my first full time teaching appointment after leaving Oxford. Unlike many academics keen to climb the career ladder, and who consequently tend to migrate from one institution to another at the beginning of their careers, I have stayed put. Why? The answer lies in what I discovered when I arrived here. I quickly discovered just how unique and valuable an institution Heythrop is. We are a specialist college focussing on just philosophy and theology. We are small too, which means that students and staff not only share a passion for the same subjects, they are also known to each other. Wander the corridors of Heythrop and you’ll find people deep in conversations about philosophy and theology. Irrespective of their religious belief - or lack of religious belief - students and staff are bound together by shared, deep interested in fundamental questions about real...
Stephen Law is a philosopher and author. Currently Director of Philosophy and Cert HE at Oxford University Department of Continuing Education. Stephen has also published many popular books including The Philosophy Gym, The Complete Philosophy Files, and Believing Bullshit. For school talks/ media: stephenlaw4schools.blogspot.co.uk Email: think-AT-royalinstitutephilosophy.org