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Showing posts with the label photos

Via Ferrata - black and white film

Howard on my recent trip to Italian Dolomites. More of the book coming soon....

Snowy scene in Northumberland

From my flickr page.

Hubertus Stelzer

A friend in Bavaria. Other photos on my flickr site.

Standing Stone, Arran

Shot up to Isle of Arran (Scotland) for 4 nights with family after US trip. It's a fantastic place. Just don't go in the midge season. My photos at flickr .

Photos of New York City and Washington from CFI trip

Are now on .


Took this on Christchurch Meadow, Oxford, last week. This and my other black and white 35mm film photos on

Lenin - the mighty fallen

While in Romania, we went out to the countryside and looked round a palace. And there, tucked away behind a wall, we found Lenin. The statue used to stand outside the Ministry in charge of the press. The other statue is a communist Romanian whose name I forget.These things were big. Took some effort to climb up on Lenin's chest. That's me as a shadow by Lenin's shoulder, and Prof. Paul Kurtz of CFI close up. Click photos to enlarge.