Sunday, December 24, 2006

towards the end of rush :)

Confession, I'm one of them flocking to nearby 24-hour mart 2 hours ago. Not too "mayhem" thank goodness. No more shopping after this..yeah! You know what I'm looking forward to? the food, carolling (if i can find any) and of course, the family gatherings.

Peace to you and be merry!


Kate said...

This scene looks pretty calm to me. Our stores were more packed earlier in the week. Yesterday it seemed to have slowed down.

Holiday greetings to you and yours, Kris. I hope you find some carolers to join and enjoy. Have a wonderful festive Christmas!

Monsieur Pain d'épices said...

bon natale à tutti è pace è salute...
joyeux noël,
happy christmas,
feliz Navidad,
feliz Natal,
χαρούμενος noel,
fröhliches Weihnachten,
Natale allegro...

Anonymous said...

Food and caroling, yes! Sounds lovely. Happy holidays to you, Kris! Be happy and relaxed.

maiylah said...

finally done with shopping, huh? ;)
am also definitely looking forward to the food *drool* and the family gathering!

happy holidays, Kris!

Olivier said...

photo d'un moment, la fin a la course aux jouets. bien que ce matin le centre commercial d'evry etait plein.

The one moment old photograph. End with the race with the toys. although this morning the shopping centre of evry was full

JaamZIN said...

Boldog Karácsonyt Kris!:)

Jazzy said...

Kris, have a great and jolly Christmas and I wish you and your family all the happiness in the New Year.

Ineke said...

Peace and strenght to you!

Kala said...

i avoided the rush by shopping online =D Amazon has free shipping to the islands!

Ben Nakagawa said...

Hi Kris,
Thank you for all your support for NelsonDP, and I am really appreciate your comment on our post.

I wish you have much relaxed holiday season.

Anonymous said...

Be happy, be marry, be blessed!
May the joy you bring to others, be returned to you a thousandfold.

Ame said...

You and me both Kris...procrastination is my middle name this follows my first name, Bah-Humbug! LOL! Hope your day was joyous! =D

Gerald (SK14) said...

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours from Hyde.

Anonymous said...

Peace and Goodwill, from Tenerife (Spain).

Bill said...

No comment link was on your 12/25 post, so I am leaving it hear. Merry Christmas from your friends in Delta.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Kris! May you have peace, joy ahd love in the coming year.

teo mocchi said...

Merry Christmas, Buon Natale!

Kris said...

Hi all!
didnt expect to receive so many comments on holiday! Hopefully i'm not too late to wish every one MERRY CHRISTMAS! trust that you enjoy the day :)

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