
Showing posts with label 6th Grade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 6th Grade. Show all posts
Friday, February 12, 2016

Winter Art That Teaches Color Value

Winter is not over yet so I got to teach my students the values of color with my FAVORITE art lesson!!!!

This art project teachers students patience because it is done in 3 stages with paint drying in between. I find that the waiting for each part helps build the anticipation of my little eager students!
All that is needed to complete this is a white piece of paper (I used card stock) and 3 colors of paint (blue, white, and black)! 

You can get easy, step-by-step instructions on how we completed this beautiful, eye-catching art work here.,

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Effective Ways to Teach Greek and Latin Roots AND Vocabulary

Did you know that students should encounter a word up to 70 times before is is mastered?  NO LIE!  That is why teachers need to provide practice, practice, practice for words they want students to learn!  Here is what a week of word study should look like in an upper elementary classroom.

Day 1-  Introduce the words by having students look them up in the dictionary.  They will remember the word more with this activity than simply giving them the definitions.  I like to give students a matching sheet where they still need to look it up, but the definition I want them to learn is a choice.  There are so many multiple meaning words that simply looking the word up could get a variety of answers.  Then you have to explain that it isn't the right one.  So make it simple for yourself while giving them the practice!

Next,  add the words to a word wall in your classroom.  This is extremely important so they can see it throughout the week!  Whether they are getting in line, going to the restroom, or sharpening a pencil, they have that chance of seeing it!  Below is an example of a Greek and Latin display I created in my classroom towards the beginning of last school year.  Each unit is either Greek or Latin.  I place the Greek words on the left and the Latin words on the right.  I also mount them on different colors.  Prefixes are placed in the clouds, root words are placed by the trunk of the tree and on the roots, and suffixes are placed below the roots.  (I attempted to make a burrow of some sort.)  No laughing please!

For Homework:   On a separate piece of paper, students need to create a sentence for each of the words.  What I like to do is have students leave a blank for where the root or vocabulary word belongs- like a fill-in-the-blank question.  I tell them that the sentence needs to have enough detail in it so another classmate can guess the word.  I give them examples the first couple weeks.

Ex.  She placed her telescope on a _____________ to look at the stars in the sky.  (tripod)

 I also give them flashcards to use to study each night!!!

Day Two-  Everyone gets out their homework.  If someone comes in with simple sentences, (I use a ______.)  I bring them back to my table and help them write good sentences while others exchange their papers and fill in the blanks.  I also hold them accountable for the following week.  Then we play a game.  My favorite is Headbandz!  I'm sure you've seen this game in stores.  Use it with vocabulary words!  It is the greatest and the kids have a blast!  Below is a picture of my daughter and good friend as we play the real Headbandz at home.  At school, I replace the game cards with our vocabulary cards.  With this game, students give the person with the Headband on clues to their word until they guess it correctly.  Here is a pic of a student when we played it for a Social Studies review!  ( I love the student in the background.)

For Homework:  Students have a worksheet to complete- preferably one that has fill-in-the blanks.  I like to provide a story with hints in the sentences to help them guess the correct word.  They sometimes get silly!  Here is an example of a story from a Greek and Latin Unit.   Also study flashcards.

Shelly was having trouble sleeping.  It has been a whole decade since she was able to saw wood!  She tried many outrageous attempts to try to catch a wink.  First, she participated in all ten events of a decathlon.  The exhausting competition did not help her sleep so she rode her unicycle around the outside of the Pentagon in Washington, DC for 5 days.  She decided to go home and get some cheese for a snack.  She trisected the cheese so she could have it again for two more nights.  When Shelly tucked herself in bed that night, her eyes remained wide open!  Since she was still awake, she put her telescope onto a tripod and glanced up at the pentacle in the night sky.  The room was so quiet that she heard crickets singing in a hexameter verse.  They were all in unison too!  What finally put Shelly to sleep?  She started counting sheep on her hexagon-shaped ceiling.  Why didn't she think of that earlier?   She was now snoring.  Zzzzzzzzzzzz!

Day 3-  In groups, for Greek and Latin words- students brainstorm/research words that have the same root or affix.  They also create a nonsense word.  For vocabulary, they choose a word and do a word web.  Of course they can do this for Greek and Latin study too-use it with the words created from the roots or affixes!

For Homework:   Draw a picture depicting each word.  I have my students write the answers on a separate piece of paper so we can exchange them the next day in class!  Also study flashcards.

Day 4- Students exchange their pictures and guess the correct word from homework.  Then we play the game I Have Who Has.  These are easy to make for your word list.

Homework:  I like to incorporate some sort of technology throughout the week.  Since most of my students had computer access this past year, I had them either create a crossword puzzle in Puzzlemaker or one of my students will make a Quizlet for me to assign.  (If you teach upper elementary, they are completely capable and willing to create it for you!  I usually offer a coupon for my treasure chest for those who offer to make one.  Sometimes I have too many people who want to do it and I have to assign it to someone!)  They love to compete against each other on Quizlet to see who can get the best time.  If a student doesn't have internet access, I tell them to create flashcards to play Concentration.  (Their flashcards from Day 1 won't work because they are printed on front and back.

Day 5-  Before the quiz, we have one last review.  I might have students act out a word or even have them create a jingle with some or all of the words for first work and share it before the quiz.  Quiz-  This also includes a spiraling review.  I include 5 questions at the end of each test where students have to remember past words studied in class.  For each word list of the year, students get a hard copy and add them to a metal ring.  That way they have all the words to study for the spiraling review.  You will be surprised at how much they retain by the end of the year!

If you would like a free unit of Greek and Latin prefixes, click on the picture below!


Visit ROCKIN RESOURCES store!  They offer a variety of free and paid products ranging from grades 2-6.  Pam specializes in LANGUAGE ARTS and SOCIAL STUDIES.  She is well-known for her BTS (BOOST TEST SCORES) WRITING PROGRAMS that have been best sellers and boost writing scores!  

Thanks again Hilary for the opportunity to post on this amazing blog!  The content on here is incredible and there are so many talented teachers offering their expertise!

Friday, May 15, 2015

Figurative Language

Hi there!! I'm Neetu from Cinnamon's Synonyms!
If you follow me, you may already know that I teach in a school with a very high population of ESL learners... this means I'm always striving to come up with creative ways to make learning a bit more visual so that my students can easily grasp new concepts in a FUN way!
 Studies show that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is VISUAL.  Also, visuals are PROCESSED much FASTER by the brain than text! Whether your students are strong in English or new to the English language, using visuals just makes sense! 

Sooo, I have gathered some engaging visuals to help you teach figurative language!!
Using video is a great way to teach figurative language, not only because of the audio/visual component (the more senses involved, the better!), but because it helps students see how figurative language is used more often than they might even realize (ie. in their favorite shows and songs)! 


Figurative Language in songs:


Another way I like to teach figurative language is through my Spot It & Steal It games!!!
Here's how you play!

You can also use the "Picture Cards" from the game to create a visual display.  A bulletin board display can serve to remind students to use similes and idioms etc., to enhance their writing!! 
The picture cards are also great for creating an engaging anchor chart when introducing the unit!    (So you see, the game cards have multiple uses).
Each game includes 3 printing options too! This means if you want to save on ink, you have the option to print the game with or without the colorful background... plus all the games cards come in black & white too! 
Here are all my figurative language games in one big bundle! 
Click HERE to take a closer look at each game in the pack.

Well, I am as hungry as a wolf... time for lunch!! Ahh-oooooooooo

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Reusing for Earth Day

Earth Day is coming up this week so I thought I would share with you one way we reuse in my classroom. I just used these in my classroom on Friday when we were doing art so it is fresh in my mind.

I am not sure exactly when I had this idea but I know that it has made painting in my classroom a whole lot easier and clutter free. Being a teacher I like to "collect" many old things. Yup you know the saying "a teacher can find use out of someone else's garbage." Well that is exactly what I do.

Many of my students bring in lunchables for lunch time and there is SOOOO much garbage. One day I thought there has to be a use for them. Well there is !!! I have my students save them and we use them as paint containers. Genius I know :) Of course the paper outer wrap goes in the recycling.

Instead of students carefully putting multiple containers of paint on their desk or table and hoping it doesn't get knocked over all they have is ONE container with multiple paint colors in it. Yay! Less mess. These containers usually come with 3 or 4 compartments in them. 
The plastic containers are super easy to clean and stack nicely in the cupboard. I have used both tempera and acrylic paints in the containers and they both wash out easily. I love finding useful tools and even better that this one can be recycled and avoid the landfills for a little longer ! hope this tip helps keep your art time a little less cluttered and your garbage cans emptier.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Super STAAR Standardized Test Takers

Hi everyone. I'm from Queen of the Jungle and so excited to be guest posting on this blog!  I work with teachers in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade to improve instruction and prepare students for standardized testing. 

We are well into the spring semester now and March and April are just around the corner.  In many states that means it is time for Standardized Testing.  As a Texas teacher, I am most familiar with STAAR-State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness.  3rd, 4th and 5th graders in my school take STAAR.  At this point in the year, the teachers in those grades are busy teaching last minute skills and objectives, and spiraling as many topics as they can before the big test.  So, how do you review with students and keep them from getting burned out and bored? How do you keep them motivated and excited to learn? How do you get them to become a Super STAAR Test Taker?

I have found that one of the best ways to keep students engaged as we practice Standardized Test format practice packets and workbooks is to use the materials to play a variety of games. Games make practicing more fun for students.  Friendly competition between teams encourages them to give their best effort.  Cooperative discussion and agreement before providing answers allows for support and positive interaction among students.

Here are a few ideas:

1, 2, 3, Show Me: Each student gets 4 sticky notes, or they can fold and cut a piece of paper into four pieces.  On the first note they write A, on the second they write B, on the third they write C on the last they write D.  As a class you will be reviewing items that are in standardized test format.  Read the question. Then prompt students to think about what you are going to ask them, but not to call out an answer.  Prompt them with:  "Which answer choice is the worst choice as an answer?  It is not even in the ball park?"  Students think but don't do anything until you say "1, 2, 3 Show Me"  Then all at once, they pick up the sticky note that has the letter of the answer that is the worst choice.  Discuss the results and have students justify their thinking.  Follow the same procedures with questions like: "Which answer choice is still a bad answer choice?" "Which answer choice is good but not the best?" "Which answer choice answers the question?"  Your questions can also be specific to the content, for example: "Which answer choice uses addition, but is not the correct answer?" "Which answer choice gives the main idea but not the summary?"  This game teaches students to really think about and analyze their answer choices.

Challenges:  Divide the class into two teams.  Call one student from each team to the front of the room with their test practice packet.  They are the challengers.  Put a bell or buzzer between them.  Choose a problem for them to solve.  The whole class solves at their seats as well.  The first challenger to solve it rings the bell.  If they get it correct, the team gets a point.  If they miss it, the other challenger gets a chance.  If they both get it wrong, they can pick someone from their team to help them.  Kids enjoy the friendly competition of this game.

STAAR Battle (or Space Battle if you don't take STAAR) One game my students love to play is what I call STAAR Battle. The game can be played by drawing space ships and shields on the chalk or white board.  The game can also be played by using the STAAR Battle game found on my TPT store.  Download for free by clicking on the picture below:

How to play: Divide the class into 2-4 teams. Post one Space ship for each team on a chalkboard, white board, bulletin board, magnetic board or other location. Give each Space Ship the same number of Shields (5-8).  The more shields you give a ship, the longer the Battle will last. 

All students solve the problem you call out.  When students are finished with the problem, choose a team to begin the battle.  If you have more than two teams, choose teams with popsicle sticks.  The first team discusses the answer among themselves. Once they have agreed, they report to the class and justify why they have chosen their answer.  If they are correct, they get to roll the die.  If incorrect, the other team gets a chance.  

Add or remove Shields as described. Continue play until all shields from one ship are destroyed.  This ship is eliminated.  All remaining ships win the Battle.  Or continue play between remaining ships until only one ship remains.  The last remaining ship wins the battle.  

This game is so much fun for students. We even keep track of wins on a graph like the one below. As each team reaches 5 wins, they receive a special reward.

I hope this might give you a few new ideas to try with your class.  Stop by my Blog at:

Again, all of the items you see above can be downloaded for free on my TPT store.  Good luck with your upcoming tests!!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Creating meaning: An Artful Approach to Teaching

Creating meaning: An Artful Approach to Teaching

Using art as a vehicle to bring meaning to assignments can improve student engagement and create a classroom culture that is vibrant and exciting.

Checkout this Hand Self-Portrait lesson that I use in my art classroom. The English Language Arts teachers have begun to incorporate it into their classrooms as well.

I learn so much about my students with this lesson. It is amazing what they will share with you if you ask them to.

Hand Self-Portrait Lesson:

  • Medium - Watercolor Pencils or Colored Pencils or Markers
  • Project Length - 2-3 days
  • Grade - 3rd grade through 8th grade
  • Subject - Art, Creative Writing, English Language Arts
  • Objective - Create a piece of art using color theory, pattern, rhythm, variety and unity that identifies a core belief about yourself and serves as a self-portrait.  
  • Materials - Watercolor pencils, brushes, water cups, watercolor paper if using watercolor pencils. If using colored pencils or markers, just paper, permanent markers, thumbnail worksheet, zentangle ideas to get started, YouTube videos to use as an anticipatory set.

Start by showing students a video of Zentangles. Here are a couple  that I like, but search and you can find a ton of different examples.

Step 1:
Students trace their hands with a permanent marker, create a fun border that goes under the hand and then choose a word that they think best describes who they are as a person. Students should write this word in the palm of the hand.

Step 2:
Give students a worksheet filled with squares to practice their Zentangles. I have my students practice at least 6 different patterns. I let them use pencil if they feel they need to for the first 3, but require them to use marker directly on the last 3, so that they can do that for their finished hand.

Step 3:
Have students use one of the zentangle patterns in the border area of their hand portrait. I talk about creating rhythm, unity and variety through the use of repetition and patterns and thick and thin lines. Check out my video of that here:

Step 4:
Next have your students add color. We use watercolor pencils, but you can use whatever you have on hand, markers or colored pencils will work great too.

Step 5:
Lastly have the students write out the story of who they are. I have all of my students start with the same line: My name is _________, I am the daughter/son of ___________. And then they take it from there.

Here are a couple of my students work in progress:

Here are a couple of the finished hands:

Have fun with this lesson and make sure you let the students and yourself just enjoy the process of getting to know one another!

If you'd like to purchase this lesson with the Doodle Idea Starter sheets that includes 12 step-by-step zentangle patterns and a Powerpoint you can find that here:

See you next time,