Wow, there are SO many great things to write about today... I just don't know where to start.
1. How about I start with a reminder to grab those items on your wish-list while they're still on sale! That's right, today is the last day of TpT's annual Cyber Sale.
2. I updated my Christmas Verbs Spot It & Steal It game... and you can grab it for FREE {HERE}!! If you already own it, just go to your "My Purchases" page to download the updated version. If you don't own it... what are you waiting for?? It's free!!
This game is such a fun way to teach verbs!! Students take turns picking up a 'Spot the..." card, and are on the hunt to find the corresponding "picture card".
If you spot the card... you can steal it from a friend's pile... unless....
they slap their hand on it first (in which case, they get to keep their own card).
The player with the most cards at the end of the game WINS!
The "stealing" part of the game keeps EVERYONE alert and paying attention all while injecting some excitement into the game. Think of it as a little twist to the 'ol "I Have, Who Has" games... except you're not waiting all day for those few kiddos to wake up and realize they have the next card ;) {If you've played "I Have, Who Has" you must know what I'm talking about!}
Here's a closer look at what's inside this FREEBIE!!
You can get more games just like this one {HERE}
If you spot the card... you can steal it from a friend's pile... unless....
they slap their hand on it first (in which case, they get to keep their own card).
The player with the most cards at the end of the game WINS!
The "stealing" part of the game keeps EVERYONE alert and paying attention all while injecting some excitement into the game. Think of it as a little twist to the 'ol "I Have, Who Has" games... except you're not waiting all day for those few kiddos to wake up and realize they have the next card ;) {If you've played "I Have, Who Has" you must know what I'm talking about!}
Here's a closer look at what's inside this FREEBIE!!
You can get more games just like this one {HERE}
3. Last year, many of the bloggers from Who's Who were featured in a holiday e-book. I don't think there will be a 2015/2016 edition...BUT you can download last years e-book to check out the awesome collection of holiday freebies included. (A link to my holiday freebie is in there too!!). Just click on this image to see the collection in Hilary Lewis' store: