
Showing posts with label Rekenrek. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rekenrek. Show all posts
Friday, June 26, 2015


Hey Everyone! I'm Kristen from Kristen's Kindergarten and I'm excited to share an exciting math tool with you today! Rekenrek's (wreck-en-wreck) have been around for many years and I was finally able to take a math workshop to learn more about how to use them with my Kinders.  

I figured out a way to make them for about $20 (for my whole class!)
 All you need are a few simple materials to make a class set of rekenreks.
I got all my materials from Michael's
  • Adhesive Foam Sheets (6 x 9 size) 30 pack
  • Black Pipe Cleaners
  • Red pony beads
  • White pony beads
  • Poster board (2-3 sheets)
          You will also need: 
  • Scissors or Exacto knife
  • marker
  • Self healing cutting mat
  • Ruler

 Begin by turning your foam sheet over and measuring in 1 inch on all sides.  I drew this on the back side so it will not show in my finished rekenrek.

Using a self healing cutting mat, carefully score the lines with a pair of scissors or Exacto knife.

Push your scissors gently into the foam and cut on your score lines.

Take 2 pipe cleaners and trim them to fit just inside your foam mat.  Mine are just over 8 1/2 inches.

Thread 5 red and 5 white beads on to each pipe cleaner.

Peel off the backing to your foam mat and stick the pipe cleaners to it.  I press one end of the pipe cleaner down firmly and then stretch the other end, keeping it as straight as I can before pressing it down.

Stick the adhesive side of your mat to a sheet of poster board.  I  stuck mine in the corner to make it easier to trim.

You're rekenrek is finished! Be sure to press the mat down firmly to the poster board, paying special attention to the areas around the pipe cleaners. 

Rekenreks are great for helping your kiddos to see numbers in different combinations.  Even my Kinders can show ways to make numbers to 10 using both racks on the rekenrek.  Below you can see one of the ways to make 5.
Later in the year we can use both rows to show numbers to 20 and all the different ways to make that number.  

This is a great book to help you get started with Ten Frames and Rekenreks.

It Makes Sense!

Rekenreks are quick and easy to make and will truly help develop your kiddos understanding of numbers!

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