
Showing posts with label Rockin Resources. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rockin Resources. Show all posts
Monday, February 8, 2016

The Best Parent Teacher Conference Ever

Are you looking to spice up your Parent/Teacher Conference?  I would like to share what works well for me!  

1.  Set up student work for parents to browse through while waiting.  I usually keep a writing portfolio of all my students final copies.  I set them out during conferences and then send it home at the end of the year.  Parents love it!

2.  Make sure your bulletin board is updated with student work.

3.  Place a sign in sheet on a podium or table outside your classroom. Make it look cute with flowers, a cup with pens, and even a table cloth over the podium.  This shows that you are welcoming and eases any parent fears.

4.  Include your students in the conference!  Whether they are physically there or you simply share their reflections, it is best to let the student lead the conference!  It takes so much of the blame away from the teacher.  Students take ownership of their learning and parents get to see what the students think about their learning.  It is a simple form that covers CLASS PERFORMANCE AND WORK HABITS, HOMEWORK PERFORMANCE AND STUDY HABITS,  BEHAVIOR, GRADES AND GOALS.  Most students are brutally honest and you don't have to be the one to let parents know about any difficulties.  If there is a discrepancy in your thoughts VS students thoughts, it is easy to explain.  Usually you are telling the parent that the student was hard on himself and you would have rated them higher.  For a short time, I will have this form free for visiting this awesome Who's Who Blog!  Click below to grab it!

I hope these ideas help you with a happy conference experience.  If you don't get to grab the freebie in time, you are welcome to copy the ideas from it!  


Connect With Me!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Ten Strategies to Keep Students' Attention

Have you ever called on a student and he/she looks at you like a deer in headlights?  It is getting more and more difficult to keep students on task.  I believe that technology plays a large role in this lack of attention.  When my school implemented iPads into the curriculum, I immediately thought it would be a great way to keep students' attention.  I quickly realized that although it was an effective tool, it shouldn't be used throughout the day.  Students need a variety of learning strategies.  Here are some ideas that will help keep your students' attention especially during the holiday season!

1.  Plan Effectively-  No matter how long I've been in the classroom and feel like I can teach with my eyes closed, effective planning is the key.  Whenever I left a blank spot in my plans, it often became disastrous!  I would  think that I would know what to do when the time comes, but in that very minute, I would get distracted by the million things that happen in a classroom daily (paper cut, hurt feelings, parent call, etc)  Then panic mode would set it and a worksheet would get passed out.  That may keep their attention for the skinny minute, but it won't last and it won't mean anything.  So plan, plan, plan!  Even if you are showing a movie, have a plan in case technology isn't your friend that day!

2.  Design Creative Lesson Plans-  Throughout the years, I've gone through training to make lessons more creative.  Creative lessons are well-known for engaging students.  If you are a creative teacher, yeah for you!  This part will come easy to you.  If you aren't as fortunate to have that trait, no worries!  There are so many resources available!  This useful post on creativity was posted by We Are Teachers:   40 Ways to Add Creativity in Your Lessons!

3.  Offer a Variety of Lessons for Different Learning Styles-  Do you seem to do the same activities over and over?  Is it because you think your students know the routine and it is just easier for you?  If you want your students to be more engaged, offer a variety of lessons.  Use technology for one assignment, but a pencil for the next!  Make a craft with one assignment and a simple discussion group for the next!  Tend to auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learners!

4.  Mix Up Ways of Working-  Mix up expectations for how your students will work (Independent, partners, whole group, small groups) Include some reading around the room time!  They love it and it will give you time to get ready for the next lesson.  

5.  Ask Questions- Get the kids talking!  Have students thinking deeper and share perspectives!  Use the 5 W's- Who, What, When, Where, and WHY WHY WHY!  I also love to use the the Notice, Think and Wonder activity any time there is a meaningful illustration.  Students can take over the inquiry process and you can sit back and listen!
Here is a free Notice, Think and Wonder activity for the holidays:

6.  Use Sound or Silence-  Do you need to get your students' attention real quick?  Are they talking or even working in groups and you need their attention?  I like using sound or silence.  Some teachers might have a special clap or chimes.  I know a teacher who has a piano in the room!   Her students knew specific songs meant different things. (Line up, sit down, come to carpet).  My favorite is to hold my hand up and as soon as one student sees it, they put their hand up and tell others.  It is a quick and easy way to grab their attention!

7.  Give Positive Reinforcement-  When students know you are watching them, and they know they will get a positive comment or shout out by you, they will want to get their work done.    "Hey class, you guys should see what Johnny is doing over here.  Do you mind if I read your poem to the class?"  "Whoever works hard and finishes the activity in time will get a high five!"  You don't have to hand out candy or do anything crazy.  Something simple works if you make a big deal out of it!  Of course a little flash dance time at the end of the period if everyone has their work done is always a motivator too!  Read more about positive reinforcement here.

8.  Show Excitement - Whenever you are excited about a lesson, your students will be too!  I'll never forget when I was teaching a story plot lesson.  I had the picture below of the roller coaster and I was pretending I was going up the roller coaster and showed excitement and anticipation.  My students wanted me to do it again and then wanted to video tape me.  I didn't realize how exciting the lesson was going to be, but it was a hit!

Click for a plot lesson

9.   Recite and Chant-  When students are involved in a group chant, you can easily monitor who is participating especially if there is movement involved.  Reciting poems or the beginning of the Declaration of Independence gets the kids motivated to learn.

This is a portion of Poetry Slam

10.   Have a Friendly Competition-  Last but not least, have a friendly competition!  Jeopardy games are some of my students' favorites and I like putting them in groups.  I found the best way is to allow the groups to decide together on the answer.  It helps keep the competition fun and friendly

I hope this helps you keep your students on task and learning!



Tuesday, September 15, 2015

The Simple Way to Help Students Create Their Own Writing

Do your students struggle in creating their own poems and stories?  I can't tell you how many times my students try to write EXACTLY what I modeled for them.  Writing is difficult for most students and in the elementary grades it can be quite challenging.  The best teachers will instruct students on how to write a particular type of poem or story by doing a song and dance, and showing a bajillion examples only to find some students wanting to copy right from the example instead of creating their own.  So what has helped me?

Provide students with word lists!
Yes, supply your students with words to help them brainstorm.  Of course you can brainstorm as a class, but if you are crunched for time, give it to them and let them get writing!  Or use a list already created to help brainstorm even further.  I know you are probably thinking, duh, everyone does this, but believe it or not, I've been in classes that it doesn't occur.  As a young teacher, I used to think that if I gave them words, they weren't being creative.  That is not the case!  It simply gives them the boost they need to get the pencil moving!  I have been pleasantly surprised over and over again.  Now, as a veteran teacher, I always supply them with WORD LISTS with writing assignments!  This doesn't mean I allow them to copy my modeled examples or any other examples.  NO WAY!  It just means they now have the resources they need to be creative on their own.  WORDS WORDS WORDS!
Everyone gets writers block!  
Although my family says I can talk to a wall, I often get writers block too!  No lie!  A cute idea, is to give students WRITER'S BLOCK SIGNS while writing.   If they need help, they can raise up their sign!  Have you ever looked around the room and saw everyone's hand up?  Don't let panic mode set in, make it a learning experience.  I might go over to a student's seat and say things like, "Hey class, I am searching for a word that rhymes with ring."  Many suggestions are called out.  Or, "Hey class, look around the room.  If you see someone with a sign up, help them find a word they need, ready go!"  I don't let it last long.  Just a quick way to get some more words "Unblocked."  Classmates are always willing to help!

These cute little signs come in 4-packs at Michaels.  Use chalk to write different messages on them.  Place them at writing center or have one for each student during your writing time!

Writer's Block Soap?

I saw this in Whiskey River Soap Co. and was cracking up so I had to post!

Monthly Word Lists
I realize there are word lists for everything, but I started Monthly Word Lists that especially help when writing poetry.  I like to teach at least one poem a month so the word lists come in handy!  Click below for MONTHLY WORD LISTS!  The first three months are free!

I hope this will help you remember to give your students word lists in the future!  Enjoy the freebies!


Visit ROCKIN RESOURCES store!  They offer a variety of free and paid products ranging from grades 2-6.  Pam specializes in LANGUAGE ARTS and SOCIAL STUDIES.  She is well-known for her BTS (BOOST TEST SCORES) WRITING PROGRAMS that have been best sellers and boost writing scores!  

Thanks again Hilary for the opportunity to post on this amazing blog!  The content on here is incredible and there are so many talented teachers offering their expertise!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Effective Ways to Teach Greek and Latin Roots AND Vocabulary

Did you know that students should encounter a word up to 70 times before is is mastered?  NO LIE!  That is why teachers need to provide practice, practice, practice for words they want students to learn!  Here is what a week of word study should look like in an upper elementary classroom.

Day 1-  Introduce the words by having students look them up in the dictionary.  They will remember the word more with this activity than simply giving them the definitions.  I like to give students a matching sheet where they still need to look it up, but the definition I want them to learn is a choice.  There are so many multiple meaning words that simply looking the word up could get a variety of answers.  Then you have to explain that it isn't the right one.  So make it simple for yourself while giving them the practice!

Next,  add the words to a word wall in your classroom.  This is extremely important so they can see it throughout the week!  Whether they are getting in line, going to the restroom, or sharpening a pencil, they have that chance of seeing it!  Below is an example of a Greek and Latin display I created in my classroom towards the beginning of last school year.  Each unit is either Greek or Latin.  I place the Greek words on the left and the Latin words on the right.  I also mount them on different colors.  Prefixes are placed in the clouds, root words are placed by the trunk of the tree and on the roots, and suffixes are placed below the roots.  (I attempted to make a burrow of some sort.)  No laughing please!

For Homework:   On a separate piece of paper, students need to create a sentence for each of the words.  What I like to do is have students leave a blank for where the root or vocabulary word belongs- like a fill-in-the-blank question.  I tell them that the sentence needs to have enough detail in it so another classmate can guess the word.  I give them examples the first couple weeks.

Ex.  She placed her telescope on a _____________ to look at the stars in the sky.  (tripod)

 I also give them flashcards to use to study each night!!!

Day Two-  Everyone gets out their homework.  If someone comes in with simple sentences, (I use a ______.)  I bring them back to my table and help them write good sentences while others exchange their papers and fill in the blanks.  I also hold them accountable for the following week.  Then we play a game.  My favorite is Headbandz!  I'm sure you've seen this game in stores.  Use it with vocabulary words!  It is the greatest and the kids have a blast!  Below is a picture of my daughter and good friend as we play the real Headbandz at home.  At school, I replace the game cards with our vocabulary cards.  With this game, students give the person with the Headband on clues to their word until they guess it correctly.  Here is a pic of a student when we played it for a Social Studies review!  ( I love the student in the background.)

For Homework:  Students have a worksheet to complete- preferably one that has fill-in-the blanks.  I like to provide a story with hints in the sentences to help them guess the correct word.  They sometimes get silly!  Here is an example of a story from a Greek and Latin Unit.   Also study flashcards.

Shelly was having trouble sleeping.  It has been a whole decade since she was able to saw wood!  She tried many outrageous attempts to try to catch a wink.  First, she participated in all ten events of a decathlon.  The exhausting competition did not help her sleep so she rode her unicycle around the outside of the Pentagon in Washington, DC for 5 days.  She decided to go home and get some cheese for a snack.  She trisected the cheese so she could have it again for two more nights.  When Shelly tucked herself in bed that night, her eyes remained wide open!  Since she was still awake, she put her telescope onto a tripod and glanced up at the pentacle in the night sky.  The room was so quiet that she heard crickets singing in a hexameter verse.  They were all in unison too!  What finally put Shelly to sleep?  She started counting sheep on her hexagon-shaped ceiling.  Why didn't she think of that earlier?   She was now snoring.  Zzzzzzzzzzzz!

Day 3-  In groups, for Greek and Latin words- students brainstorm/research words that have the same root or affix.  They also create a nonsense word.  For vocabulary, they choose a word and do a word web.  Of course they can do this for Greek and Latin study too-use it with the words created from the roots or affixes!

For Homework:   Draw a picture depicting each word.  I have my students write the answers on a separate piece of paper so we can exchange them the next day in class!  Also study flashcards.

Day 4- Students exchange their pictures and guess the correct word from homework.  Then we play the game I Have Who Has.  These are easy to make for your word list.

Homework:  I like to incorporate some sort of technology throughout the week.  Since most of my students had computer access this past year, I had them either create a crossword puzzle in Puzzlemaker or one of my students will make a Quizlet for me to assign.  (If you teach upper elementary, they are completely capable and willing to create it for you!  I usually offer a coupon for my treasure chest for those who offer to make one.  Sometimes I have too many people who want to do it and I have to assign it to someone!)  They love to compete against each other on Quizlet to see who can get the best time.  If a student doesn't have internet access, I tell them to create flashcards to play Concentration.  (Their flashcards from Day 1 won't work because they are printed on front and back.

Day 5-  Before the quiz, we have one last review.  I might have students act out a word or even have them create a jingle with some or all of the words for first work and share it before the quiz.  Quiz-  This also includes a spiraling review.  I include 5 questions at the end of each test where students have to remember past words studied in class.  For each word list of the year, students get a hard copy and add them to a metal ring.  That way they have all the words to study for the spiraling review.  You will be surprised at how much they retain by the end of the year!

If you would like a free unit of Greek and Latin prefixes, click on the picture below!


Visit ROCKIN RESOURCES store!  They offer a variety of free and paid products ranging from grades 2-6.  Pam specializes in LANGUAGE ARTS and SOCIAL STUDIES.  She is well-known for her BTS (BOOST TEST SCORES) WRITING PROGRAMS that have been best sellers and boost writing scores!  

Thanks again Hilary for the opportunity to post on this amazing blog!  The content on here is incredible and there are so many talented teachers offering their expertise!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Poetry Scavenger Hunt

Hello fellow teachers!  I am Pam from ROCKIN RESOURCES and I am so honored to be posting one of my ideas on the Who's Who blog!  This idea of a Poetry Scavenger Hunt was designed for upper elementary, but I'm sure you can tailor it to your grade level as well!

I hope you and your kiddos enjoyed Easter and a few egg hunts along the way!  We had our family visit and I love the fact that the teenagers still want us to hide eggs!  They will not be happy if they come across this picture on social media somewhere but here they are dying eggs!  Oh yeah the proof is in all those mugs in front of them.  

Since it is Poetry Month, and I know that no matter what the age, they love to hunt for things.  Soooooo why not conduct a Poetry Scavenger Hunt with your students?  It is Poetry Month ya know!  I teach 4th grade and they will be the first ones to tell you that they enjoy this activity!  It is an awesome motivator to get them to learn!  So what is a POETRY SCAVENGER HUNT?

Materials Needed:

1.  Tons and tons of poetry books- if your own library or your school's library doesn't have a wide variety or abundance, go to the local library and check out as many as you can!  You want enough resources for them to enjoy this activity.  Your media specialist might even allow them to come in and do this activity in their media center to spread out and make it more interesting!

2.  Poetry samples for projecting during whole group lesson.

3.  Poetry cards (below)

4.  Magnifying glasses -optional-  (We are lucky to have plastic ones in our science kits.)  These give your students a "fun" tool to search for elements.  The little things make a difference!

5.  Sticky notes.  (If you have iPad access, you don't need sticky notes)

Lesson Plans:

First, introduce (or review) the following Poetry Elements and examples.  The definitions for each word can be found on the cards later in the lesson!

Alliteration-  Ex. Slimy slugs slither slowly on the sidewalk.
Imagery-  Ex. The thick fuzzy coat was a blessing in the winter blizzard.
Metaphor-  Ex.  A good laugh is sunshine in a house.
Onomatopoeia-  Ex.  Bang, ding, pop!
Personification-  Ex.  The wind whistled its happy tune.
Repetition-  Ex.  Leaving my friends, leaving my home leaving my room, leaving my memories
Rhyme-  Ex.  School, tool, rule
Rhyme Scheme-  
Ex. Roses are red    A
     Violets are blue   B
     Sugar is sweet    C
     And so are you.   B
Rhythm-  (musical quality)
Simile-  Ex.  She was as pale as a lump of sugar.
Stanza-  (a poetry paragraph)
Theme-  (the message)
Tone-  (feeling)

Next, as a whole group, show students how to look in poems to find these elements.  The best way I found is to project slides of poetry and discuss elements found in the example.

One example I use for Imagery:

This is the only one I don't project.  I like to read this one while my students close their eyes so they can form their own imagery.  I read a portion of "Kryptonite" by Three Doors Down:

I took a walk around the world to ease my trouble mind
I left my body laying somewhere in the sands of time
I watched the world float to the dark side of the moon
I feel there is nothing I can do.

Then, pass out poetry books, magnifying glasses, and poetry elements cards to groups.  (I usually give each group 4-5 cards).  When students find a poem with this element, they mark it with a sticky note.  TECHNOLOGY- TAKE PICTURE OF POEM WITH IPAD.  Click on the picture below for free cards.

Last, gather back as a whole group and share their findings!

Are you looking for more poetry ideas and resources?

Free and paid Poetry Products:  CLICK HERE

Poetry Pinterest Board:  CLICK HERE 


Visit ROCKIN RESOURCES store!  They offer a variety of free and paid products ranging from grades 2-6.  Pam specializes in LANGUAGE ARTS and SOCIAL STUDIES.  She is well-known for her writing programs that have been best sellers and boost writing scores!  

Thanks again Hilary for the opportunity to post on this amazing blog!  I find so many incredible ideas on here!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Revolutionary War Activity- No Taxation Without Representation!

Hi!  It's Pam Olivieri from Rockin Resources!  Do you look at the sweet faces in your classroom and see blank stares?  I think we all do at times, which motivates us to stay after school or work late at night finding ways to keep our students engaged.  Students get a deeper level of meaning from lessons that include a connection or hands-on activity.  It gets them excited about learning!  This Revolutionary War activity has incorporated both a connection piece and a hands-on activity.  It works well for my fourth graders, so I hope your students will enjoy it as well!

Preparations and Materials:
2 snack bags of Skittles or M&M's per student
Large construction paper
Crayons or markers
A bucket or basket for collecting candy

5 Steps to the lesson:

1.  Informational Text-  We learn a bit about taxes (tariffs) and why they were one of the causes of the Revolutionary War.  Here is a synopsis of the Stamp Act of 1765.

2.  Candy Activity-  
First, appoint roles to three students (King of England- King George III, representative of the Parliament, and a tax collector).  Have them sit facing the rest of the class in the front of the room.  

Second, give each student at their seats one pack of the candy.  Tell them they are not to eat the candy until the activity is completed.  (Have the extra pack to eat after everyone does an amazing job focusing and participating!)

Next, tell students that they just earned money (candy) for their jobs, but they need to pay some taxes.  

Then, the tax collector needs to go around and collect money (candy) for each person who possesses the following:  Wearing jeans, having glasses, wearing a necklace, holding a pen (whatever else you choose).  You may even decided to tax more than one piece of candy for some of the items.  I guarantee your class will get fired up!!!!!!

At the end, the tax collector keeps 10%, gives 50% to the representative from Parliament for running the Empire, and the King 40%.  After all the taxes have been collected, discuss how the students feel.  

3.  Writing Activity:  This is a great time to incorporate writing!  They will be so fired up and want to tell you their opinions for sure!  Compare their feelings of paying taxes to the colonists paying taxes to Britain.

4.  Poster:  Explain the term boycott- a refusal to buy something to show your disapproval.  As a response to these taxes, colonists decided to boycott all British goods!  They used the saying, "NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!"  Have students create posters with their feelings about taxes.  I allowed the King, Parliament and tax collector to create posters too!  :)

From a tax collector

From the King

5.  Protest:  Form a protest and march up and down the halls!  They will love it!  ( of course principal approval first)  Some kids decided to grab a ruler and attach it to the back of their posters.  Creative minds!  Even if your neighbor will allow you to march through her/his class, the kids will remember it even more!  

Walllaaaaa!!!  Fun times in the classroom!  This is one of the many activities I use in my classroom to keep my students engaged with the Revolutionary War.  If this fits well with your classroom and you are interested in seeing more, click on the picture below!

Your comments rock!