
Showing posts with label brain breaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brain breaks. Show all posts
Monday, January 4, 2016

Helping Students Transition Back from Winter Break

You haven't had school in over 2 weeks so you've probably enjoyed binge watching tv, staying in your pajamas all day, and eating whatever/whenever you want (please tell me that's not just me). Getting back in the swing of school is going to be hard for you and your students, but here are a few tips to help make that transition a bit easier. 

1. Review the Rules/Expectations
Just like the 1st day of school, going over the rules after break is essential! Now is a good time to review all of the classroom rules and decide if you need any more in place. One year, I let my class come up with the rules. I know you probably think that's crazy! Well, check out this huge list they came up with. I even had to cut them off! By allowing them to create the rules, they take ownership of them. However you do your rules (student led, classroom, school wide, etc), make sure to go over them and make sure students remember the consequences of breaking the rules. 
 I personally think #10 is the BEST!!
 2. Review Procedures
Along the lines of reviewing the rules, discussing the classroom procedures is also vital. Discussing arrival/dismissal procedures, classroom jobs, bathroom/drink privileges, lunch procedures, fire/tornado drills, center time, etc. are all important things to go over. We can't assume that students will remember EVERYTHING from before break. All the hot chocolate and candy canes fog up their head for a bit. :)
3. Give Students a Break
You know how exhausted you are the first week after a break and you just can't wait for lunch, recess, and your prep so you can just sit and catch your breath, well your students are like that too. So ease them back into the long daily routine. Throw in some brain breaks like these quick cards you can put on a ring for quick access.
These Fluency & Fitness Slideshows are fun because they review skills and get in movement. 
4. Take Time to Review Old Skills
We cannot expect our students to just get back in the swing of things and start learning a new topic. Your first week back is a great time to do a quick review on the main skills you've taught already this school year. Students are going to need time to practice the skills and strategies they haven't used for the past few weeks. Winter break isn't as bad as when students come back from Summer vacation, but a refresher course is a good way to transition back into the first week. It will also save some of your sanity of planning over break, because you can just pull out old lessons and activities for this review week. 
5. Let Students Share About Their Break
Students have so much they want to share about with you and their friends when they get back to school. It's been about 2 weeks without their friends, so you know they're going to want to talk. When they arrive in the morning you can use these FREE Winter writing prompts to have students write about their break. Then you can gather around in a circle and let each student have a few minutes to share about their break. 
Hopefully your first week back after break will go smooth. It's always fun to see your students again, but don't be surprised if you get this look a few times. :)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Madness

Hello, friends. I'm Monica from NC Teacher Chick. It's the first day of March! You know what that means... basketball, of course! I'm a huge basketball fan. To me, March = March Madness! I'm from North Carolina and my favorite team is NC State - the Wolfpack. If you love basketball as much as I do, then you see March as an opportunity to teach your standards through basketball. In today's post, I'm going to give you some ideas on how to incorporate basketball within your lessons. Even if you don't love basketball like I do, I can guarantee that many of your students do.

1. Research -  It's important to teach students how to find and use information. March Madness presents a wonderful opportunity to do this. Your students can research their favorite players, coaches, and teams. They can research and learn about the history of basketball. There are great sites for students to do independent research. KidRex, Fact Monster, and National Geographic for Kids. You can grab my also grab my Basketball Research Template for only $1 in my store.

2. Statistics & Graphing - Sports is the perfect way to teach statistics! You can make this as simple or as complicated as you want to. Students can keep track of a team's scores for each game during a month. They can choose a favorite player and track their stats - points scored, assists made, number of rebounds, etc. Not only can students record this data, but they can also graph it. Kids' Zone has a free graphing tool. I always keep up with the top teams during March Madness. I keep a bracket on the wall outside my door so that students can see what teams are playing. When it gets down to the sweet sixteen, I will post team signs and ask students to tally their favorites. You can choose two teams that are playing and ask students to put a tally, smiley face, etc. under the team they want to win. You can grab a simple chart for free by clicking here. If you want to take the data further, the students can always graph it. It's fun for the kids, and they rarely realize they are doing math! 

3. More Math -

Sports and math go hand in hand. Math is used to keep track of points made, goals scored, etc. I made a practice packet for my fourth grade students. In this packet, they are asked to solve math problems, but all sheets have a basketball theme. For example, they must sort prime and composite numbers by gluing them under the correct basket. This March Madness Math Skills Review Packet is also available in my store for only $1. 

4. Everything Else - You can make any topic that you teach into a basketball game. Here are just a few of my ideas:

  • Split your classes into two teams and make a sign for each team. They can name their team after a real sports team or make up a name. Post them in the classroom. When students answer a question correctly, they can put a point on their team's sign. 
  • Do you have a small ball? Throw the ball to students when you are asking them questions. When they catch the ball, they must answer your question.
  • Make student teams. (My students sit in groups, so this makes it easy to do this). Give each team points for behaviors and/or actions that you want to see. Give them 2 points each for completed homework assignments, good behavior in the cafeteria, etc. At the end of the week, the table with the most points can receive a small reward. You can use cute incentive charts to track this, or you can simply give them a sheet of paper to record their points.
  • Take time-outs! Research proves that students need to get up and move! Take "Time-Outs" between lessons by doing some fun activities. My go-to site is Go Noodle. They have lots of fun, free activities to get students moving. Students choose an avatar and their character will transform each time they complete ten activities. 
  • Go to Education World for some additional ideas for teaching with March Madness. This site has fun ideas and lesson plans.

I hope I've given you some good ideas for embracing March Madness in your classroom. I would love to hear some things that work in your classroom! Please leave your comments below.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Kids, Yoga, and the Brain

Friends~Yoga is an incredible exercise for both the brain and the body.  That is why I love that at my school ALL students have PE everyday and one of those days is a YOGA class.  
(We even have recess too!)
Yep! That's right! Grades K-8. 
Once a week, my students head to our yoga room, take off their shoes, and roll out their mats.  Why? because we want our students to connect their brains to their body movements! We want our students to be healthy active learners.  
Yoga is a fantastic way for children to activate both sides of their brains.  Many yoga poses encourage cross body motions that strengthen the connection between the right and left hemisphere of the brain. 
The right side controls emotions and creativity while the left side handles more logic and numbers.  When both sides of the brain are activated learning becomes easier.  

We all know that students these days are feeling the stress of testing in the classroom.  Some schools are even considering limiting or getting rid of recess!

Yoga allows them to focus on their breathing when stress enters their bodies.  The breathing encourage a release of that stress.  Students that are active and learn to understand their bodies are more confident and able to handle what life throws at them.  

I know from my own daughter, the stress level for our young teens at school can be intense. She relies on the focused breathing that she has learned in yoga to stay in control both at school and on the softball field.  My 3rd grade son loves yoga and was so excited to show you all some of the poses he has learned in school. 

Click the video to see him in action! 

As a teacher, I see the benefit in the classroom     everyday.  We use some of the yoga breathing and cross body activities during our morning meeting and at the end of the day.  My first graders are more focused and centered after their yoga class and it is great for brain breaks in the classroom.  
If you don't have yoga in your school, I encourage you to add it into your weekly routine.  This is a simple video to get you started! 

I just love this poster!  
ABCs of Yoga has some great resources!

~A Yoga pose a day keeps the stress away!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Physical Activity in the Classroom: Brain Breaks

Hello, everybody!  My name is Erica, and I blog over at Blooming In First.  I am so excited to be a part of this collaborative blog!

So if your students are anything like mine, they are getting a little squirrely being stuck inside with all the cold and snow we've had this winter!  I can't blame them- I want to put on my flip flops and go outside too!  We only have gym class once a week, so it's up to me to make sure they get some physical activity the other 4 days of the week.  I like to use Brain Breaks, or energizers, in my classroom so that my students get up and move during the day.  This is just one way I get my students up and moving.

Why Brain Breaks?  Studies have shown that physical activity increases blood flow, which in turn increases focus and concentration.  This helps them to learn and recall information better.  When the students are doing these activities, they are crossing the mid-line of the body, which engages both sides of the brain.  Plus, they are fun!  Brain Breaks can also involve academic content, so no instructional time is lost!  Brain Breaks can be as short as a minute or as long as 10 minutes.  The times and activities are flexible.  They are great to use after lunch or special area time to get students relaxed and focused, before an assessment, or anytime students have to sit for long periods of time.  They require little prep to use them in your classroom.

There are a few things to remember before you begin using Brain Breaks in your classroom.  Since students are up and moving around, it is super important that you make sure students know your expectations for how to do the Brain Break.

  • You need to make sure you have some sort of a signal for students to freeze when it is time to switch activities or if you need to give directions.  Sometimes these are built into the activity, but sometimes they aren't.  Something as simple as a clap, or raising your hand up and saying "give me five!" are simple and easy ways to signal to students that it is time to focus and listen.
  • You could also play music, and turn it off when the students need to freeze.
  • You may also want to remind students of their physical space, especially if your classroom is small!  Remind students of the amount of space that they have to move around in.
  • Provide reminders of the expectations before the Brain Break so that your students know what is expected of them.

Today, I'd like to share a few simple Brain Break activities that you can use in your students.  Most of them require only classroom space to spread out!  I also have some great activities that you can use with your computer!  And though I am sharing a few activities here, there are a ton of ideas on the internet that you can use by simply doing a web search.

Quick and Easy Brain Breaks 
You don't need anything except space and creativity!

Over, Under, Around, and Through
Not only does this activity get your students up and moving, it helps them learn those important prepositions that some of them struggle with!

Have your students spread out throughout the room or stand behind their desks.  You can also get in a line and walk around the classroom if you have the space.  The teacher calls out a movement that has one of the above prepositions in it; for example, tell the students to "go under the water" or "go through the tunnel".  The students can act out each movement for 20-30 seconds each.

Act It Out!
The students can help you come up with a list of some great action words to use with this activity!

Have the students spread out around the room or stand behind their desks.  The teacher calls out a sentence to the class, and the students act it out for approximately 30 seconds.  For example, the teacher could say "run as if a tiger is chasing you" or "reach up as if you were a monkey swinging from tree to tree."  After 30 seconds, signal for the students to freeze and give them a new sentence to act out.

You can also have the students act out different animals by making their sound and mimicking their body movements.   You can use flashcards with the names of animals written on them, or pictures of animals for younger students.  This will allow one of your students to lead the activity.

I have created a set of flashcards with pictures of different animals and their names for you to use with this game.  You can find it here in my Teachers Pay Teachers store.  Oh yeah, it's free!  Click the picture to the right to go to my TPT store.  If you download my freebie, I would love it if you would leave me some sweet feedback or consider following my store!

Another variation is to call out a sport skill that students can act out, such as hitting a ball, swimming, or throwing a football.  This activity can be adapted to help your students practice academic skills by turning the movements into addition or subtraction word problems.

This activity can be adapted to use with math facts or spelling words as well.  

The students spread out around the room or stand behind their desks.  The students perform a physical activity, such as jumping, jogging in place, or doing jumping jacks.  When the teacher yells out a vocabulary word, the students freeze.  One student needs to use the vocabulary word correctly in a sentence.  Then the students can begin moving again until the teacher yells out another vocabulary word.

Air Writing
This is a great way to practice spelling or sight words with your students!

The students spread out around the room or behind their desks.  They can march or hop in place for about 10-15 seconds.  Then the teacher calls out one of the spelling words or sight words they have been working on.  The students have to air write the word using their finger.  Kindergarten teachers could also have the students write a letter, shape, or number in the air instead.

Simon Says
This classic game can be used as a brain break!  

The teacher gives the students a direction, such as "Simon Says put your finger on your nose" or "Hop on one foot."  The students follow the directions that Simon gives, and freeze whenever the teacher doesn't say "Simon Says."  Whenever a student follows one of the directions that they shouldn't, they have to sit down.  The game continues until one student is left standing, or you get tired of it.

Brain Breaks Using Technology

While the Brain Breaks I explained above are great to use when you have a few minutes, there are some great technology resources that you can use with your students.  You can use your CD player or MP3 player and allow your students to dance their little hearts out until the song is over.  Songs like the Cha Cha Slide or the Cupid Shuffle are great because the movements are controlled, so the students have to follow the directions the song gives.  This is also great because it forces students to use their listening skills.

There are also several online resources for Brain Breaks.  YouTube or TeacherTube videos are great for Brain Breaks.  You can do a search for popular songs or Brain Breaks.  I found a great playlist of upbeat, kid friendly videos that are perfect for Brain Breaks.

Disclaimer: If you choose to use You Tube videos, it is important that you watch them yourself before showing them to your students to ensure that the content is appropriate for your students.

My friend Ivy personally recommended the Kangaroo Dance video for you. :-)

There are a few great websites that I found that are perfect for increasing physical activity in your classroom.  One we use extensively in my classroom is called Go Noodle.  It has several short videos that are 3-5 minutes long.  They allow the students to practice different academic skills and move at the same time.  When you create an account and log in for the first time, you choose a character.

As you increase the time you've spent on Go Noodle, your character grows as well.  Each time you play the games, they change a bit so that you aren't doing the exact same thing each time.

There are several choices for games on Go Noodle, as well as Zumba Kids activities (I am terrible at those!) and You Tube videos as well.  The activities vary in length.  For example, Freeze It is only a minute long, while Word Jam is 3-5 minutes.

I like that several of the activities incorporate academics.  Mega Math Marathon pauses every few seconds to ask the students a math question.  The teacher inputs whether the answer the students gave is correct or incorrect.  Word Jam introduces new vocabulary, gives the definition, and the students act out the word.  BodySpell allows you to put in custom words to spell, or you can use the lists of words they provide.  And the best part about this website is that it is FREE!  Did I mention that already?

Another great site is called Adventure To Fitness.  This is another free site that you can use with an entire class of students.  It's different than Go Noodle, and they both serve different purposes.  For one, the videos are longer: they are about 30 minutes each.  The videos are also more "mission focused" and have a story to them.  They also teach the students about different things.  For example, in the Egypt video, they talk about mummies.  

Your students help the characters in the videos solve the mission by following along with the characters and doing what they say.  They jump, run, hop, and do other movements throughout the video.  Though these videos are much longer, you could always break up the video into smaller chunks, or use it as wellness/recess time.  There are a few commercials in the video, but they are more like advertisements for Adventure To Fitness than actual ads.

Another hot technology item is QR Codes.  I found this great QR Code Brain Break activity from Miss DeCarbo for FREE.  Each card links to another fun activity through the QR code.  How cool!  Go check it out!

I hope that you will begin using Brain Breaks in your class if you don't already, and that you will quickly see the benefits of giving your students a physical activity break!  Like I said before, these are just a few activities that you can use for Brain Breaks!  There are hundreds of other ideas if you do a Google search, check Pinterest, or look on Teachers Pay Teachers.  I just wanted to give you some free ideas that you can use in your classroom! 

Do you have any great ideas?  Leave a comment and share, please!  I am sure there are others who can benefit from your fantastic idea!