Showing posts with label Flotilla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flotilla. Show all posts

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Glenn Beck on the Freedom Flotilla

Are Muslims outraged that non-Muslim women are being kidnapped, raped, and forced to convert to Islam? No. Are Muslims outraged at al-Qaeda and the Taliban for blowing up girls' schools? No. Are Muslims outraged that nine-year-old girls are dying because they're entering marriage way too early (following the teachings of Muhammad)? No. Are Muslims outraged at daily terrorist attacks around the world? No.

Muslims are outraged because Jewish soldiers dared to defend themselves. As everyone knows, non-Muslims have only one acceptable course of action when confronted by Muslims--submission. When Jews do not submit, people have to die.

If Muslims want to send aid to the Palestinians, they are free to do so. Egypt and Israel simply demand the right to inspect the cargo, to make sure that it does not contain weapons that may be used by terrorists. The leaders of the flotilla plot refused inspection, and chose to transport a number of terrorists to Gaza. Israel did what any nation in the world would have done--they attempted to board the ship. They were not greeted by peace advocates. They were greeted by pipes and knives. And the Israelis did what any nation in the world would have done. They defended themselves.

But since Islam is involved, the Jews are the bad ones. It seems that "Misplaced Rage Syndrome" is spreading to the entire world.