Showing posts with label Not-So-Great Britain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Not-So-Great Britain. Show all posts
Friday, March 24, 2017
Theresa May Calls London Terror Attack "Perversion of a Great Faith"
On March 22, 2017, Muslim convert Khalid Masood launched a terrorist attack that began on Westminster Bridge and ended in Parliament Square. The Islamic State (ISIS) claimed responsibility for the attack. In response, British Prime Minister Theresa May insisted that the London terror attack was a "perversion of a great faith."
Sunday, July 12, 2015
The Two Faces of Abdullah al-Andalusi
The British government is finally catching on to the extremist views of Abdullah al-Andalusi. Britons should be disturbed that their own security specialists took so long to figure this out, especially since I wrote an article on Abdullah's radical views more than five years ago. The article is titled: "Abdullah al-Andalusi Defends Terrorism, Tries to Cover-Up His Words, Condemns Muhammad, and Threatens Legal Jihad!"
The Telgraph—The Government watchdog which inspects police forces’ readiness for terrorism admitted that it employed one of Britain’s most notorious Islamic extremists.To understand why Abdullah claims to support and defend Great Britain during the day while promoting extremism at night, watch this video on taqiyya:
For almost two years Abdullah al Andalusi, led a double life, the Telegraph can reveal.
By night, he taught that the terror group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil) was “no different to Western armies,” said that “kaffirs,” non-Muslims, would be “punished in hell” and claimed that the British government wanted to destroy Islam.
By day, using a different name, he went to work for the same British government at the London offices of Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC), the official regulator of all 44 forces in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
The disclosures will be intensely embarassing to the Prime Minister, David Cameron, who has criticised parts of Britain’s Muslim communities for “quietly condoning” Islamist extremism.
HMIC’s staff, who number less than 150, are given privileged access to highly sensitive and classified police and intelligence information to carry out their inspections.
The inspectorate’s work includes scrutinising police forces’ counter-terrorism capabilities and top-secret plans for dealing with terror attacks.
It has also recently published reports on undercover policing and the use of informants.
HMIC admitted that Mr al Andalusi, whose real name is Mouloud Farid, had passed a security vetting check to work as a civil servant at the inspectorate.
He was subsequently promoted to executive grade, a management rank, placing him at the heart of the security establishment.
He was only sacked after bosses spotted him on television defending extremist Islamic positions on behalf of his organisation, the Muslim Debate Initiative, which is heavily dependent on Saudi money.
The inspectorate insisted that he did not handle classified material but former friends of Mr al Andalusi said he had done so.
“His work did involve security areas. He said he had a role in overseeing the police response to terrorism and there were areas he couldn’t talk about,” said one former colleague at the Muslim Debate Initiative, who asked to remain anonymous.
“He would discuss the reports that HMIC were working on and the data they needed to present.
“His story is so odd and so scandalous in many respects. He had these two completely incompatible lives that went on for years. He despised Britain, yet worked for the British government. He would talk about the right of oppressed people to take up arms against the oppressor and yet he was overseeing the police.
“Opportunities came along to do dawah [preaching] as a full-time job, but he was never tempted to do that because he had a stable income and pension with the civil service.”
One anti-extremism activist, who knew said Mr al Andalusi, said: “[Al-Andalusi] admitted it to a few people. It is the hypocrisy of it that surprises me.”
MPs have called for a full investigation into how someone with as long a record of extremism as Mr al Andalusi had survived vetting and been appointed to his post.
Under the name by which he was known to HMIC, Mouloud Farid, his links with the Muslim Debate Initiative were a matter of public record.
He was registered as a director of the organisation at Companies House, though he earlier this year changed to yet a third name, Wazir Leton Rahman, on the companies register.
“This man’s unsuitability for sensitive work should have been obvious from the start,” said Khalid Mahmood, Labour MP for Birmingham Perry Barr.
“There is a lack of understanding of different strains of Islam in the civil service. I will be asking why the systems designed to prevent this did not work.”
Mr al Andalusi, a prominent figure on the extremist lecture circuit, is closely associated with the extremist group Hizb ut Tahrir, which believes that voting and democracy are un-Islamic.
He is also a strong supporter of the terrorist lobby group Cage, which sparked outrage earlier this year when it defended the Isil hostage-killer Mohammed Emwazi, “Jihadi John,” as a “beautiful” and “gentle” man who had been radicalised by MI5. Like Cage, Mr al-Andalusi fiercely supports the right of British citizens to travel to Syria to fight.
He spoke at a Cage rally outside his own employer’s parent department, the Home Office, to demonstrate against the arrest of the former Guantanamo detainee, Moazzam Begg, on Syria-related terror charges, later dropped. Alongside him were other high-profile extremists and hate preachers including Haitham al-Haddad and senior figures in Hizb ut Tahrir.
Mr al Andalusi has spoken at at least three other Cage events in the last ten months, including on September 20 last year when he claimed that, as part of its “war against Islam,” the British government wanted to force Muslims to eat non-halal meat.
He says that Western liberal society is committed to the “destruction” of all Muslim belief and shows on his Facebook page a picture a concentration camp with a Nazi swastika and “21st century” written on the watchtower.
In the foreground is a gallows with a short route to the hangman’s noose for “Islamists” and a longer route for “Muslim moderates.”
A spokesman for HMIC said: “Mr Farid was investigated for gross misconduct by taking part in public activity that compromised his impartial service to government, thereby breaching the Civil Service Code. He was suspended immediately whilst investigations were ongoing.”
The HMIC accepted Mr Farid’s resignation in July last year, the spokesman added. But the security lapse has only just emerged – coinciding with the government putting a new statutory duty on public bodies, including schools, to monitor and root out extremism.
In a talk at Queen Mary University, in East London, on 16 January, he asked why the al-Qaeda affiliate in Syria, Jabhat al-Nusra, was treated as a terrorist organisation by the West while the moderate Free Syrian Army was not.
He condemned memorials to 9/11, describing the terror attacks as “the day a vicious world empire [the US] found a publicly-acceptable excuse to bomb others, invade non-threatening nations, torture political dissidents and kill at least 300,000 innocent people.”
After Isil took over large portions of Iraq last year, he wrote that “most Muslims would be jubilant at the return of the caliphate [Islamic state], which is a vital obligation upon Muslims that has been conspicuously missing for so long.”
He condemned the group for killing civilians but said that the West had “no basis to judge Islamic State” because “IS are no different to Western armies and even some of the ‘founding fathers’ of Western nations… IS’s crime is being actually a good student of the West, right down to their corporate structure and organisation and ability to use social media.”
He said that “those who reject IS merely because IS’s school of thought is disagreeable to them should remember that Islam permits difference of opinion. To reject something as outside the fold of Islam, due to it being a different school of thought to one’s own, makes one a purveyor of disunity among Muslims.”
The former friends of Mr al Andalusi said they had left the Muslim Debate Initiative when it became increasingly extreme and dominated by donations from a wealthy Saudi businessman. (Continue Reading.)
Tuesday, July 7, 2015
Fifty-Six Percent of People in Great Britain View Islam as a Threat to Liberal Democracy
A new poll shows that 56% of Britons view Islam as a threat to Western democracy. Are these people racists, or are they simply catching on to what Islam teaches (despite tireless efforts by politicians, educators, Muslim organizations, and the media to keep them in a state of perpetual ignorance)?
To understand what Islam teaches about dealing with unbelievers, watch this:Huffington Post—More than half of Britons now regard Muslims as a threat to the UK, far more than in the immediate aftermath of the 7/7 bombings a decade ago, an exclusive poll for The Huffington Post UK has found.
Aftermath of the 7/7 Bombings
The research, conducted by YouGov, also showed that more than three quarters of people surveyed - 79% - believe another attack on the scale of 7/7 in Britain is likely.
And the figures reveal there has been a large decrease in the proportion of people who think multiculturalism benefits Britain.
The poll was conducted to mark the start of The Huffington Post UK's Beyond The Bombings series, which revisits 7/7 on the 10th anniversary to explore how Britain has changed in the years since.
The suicide attacks killed 52 victims and injured nearly 800 others when four bombs went off at Edgware Road, Aldgate and near Russell Square Tube stations, and on a bus in Tavistock Square.
The research found 56% of people think Islam is a "major" or "some" threat to Western liberal democracy - a notable rise from just 46% of people who said the same thing in a poll taken the day after the attacks on London's transport network on July 7, 2005.
The poll question specifically precluded "fundamentalist Islamist groups", meaning those polled were asked to focus on the religion as a whole. (Continue Reading.)
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Fifteen More Pedophile Rape Jihadists Arrested in U.K.
The rape jihad continues in Great Britain. Of the fifteen Muslims arrested in the latest case, four are named Mohammed. Will there ever come a time when we can have an open, honest discussion about the treatment of non-Muslims in the Qur'an and Hadith?
Halifax Courier—Another 15 men have pleaded not guilty to historic sexual offences against a West Yorkshire schoolgirl following six others who denied charges involving her earlier this week.To understand the rape jihad in Great Britain, watch this:
A total of 25 men have been charged and 18 of the defendants attended Leeds Crown Court yesterday(wed) for plea and case management hearings. The charges were not put to three of them at the request of their counsel.
One man from Halifax also denied an offence against a second girl, the only charge involving her.
The defendants have been split into groups and at least four separate trials are due to be held next year. A court order is in place preventing publication of the full addresses of any defendants.
Mohammed Ramzan, 34, from Bradford denied three charges, trafficking the schoolgirl complainant for sexual exploitation on April 11, 2011 by arranging or facilitating travel within the UK, raping her between April 10 and April 13, 2011 and conspiring with Khalid Zaman to engage in sexual activity with a child.
Zaman, 37, also from Bradford denied conspiracy with Ramzan to engage in sexual activity, two charges of raping the girl on April 12, 2011 and supplying her with the drug mephedrone on April 11 that year.
Hedar Ali, 35 from Nantwich, Cheshire pleaded not guilty to four charges, they were two alleged offences of trafficking the girl for sexual exploitation between 10 June and 21 July 2011 by arranging or facilitating travel for her within the UK and two charges of raping her.
Mohammed Janjuha, 34, from Bradford pleaded not guilty to raping the girl between July 20, 2009 and 21 July, 2011.
They are due to be among defendants in the third trial next year.
Tahir Mahmood, 42 from Halifax who denied two charges of sexual activity with a child involving the same schoolgirl and a further charge of sexual assault on another girl will be among defendants in the second trial.
Other defendants on that trial include Tauqeer Butt, 30 from Halifax who denied four charges of sexual activity with a child between 20 July 2009 and 21 July 2011.
Haaris Ahmed, 31 from Halifax who denied two charges of sexual activity with a child under 16 between July 20 2009 and 21 July 2011 and denied one charge of supplying her with cannabis but admitted a second.
Arshad Majid, 25 from Shipley and Christopher Mulqueen Bennett, 36 of Gwent, Newport who each pleaded not guilty to one charge of sexual activity with a child between 20 July 2009 and 21 July 2011.
Zameer Asif, 25 from Halifax sexual activity with a child between June 1 and December 31, 2010.
Azeem Subhani, 24 from Halifax denied two charges of sexual activity with the schoolgirl as did Amaar Ali Ditta, 26, also from Halifax.
Mohammed Ali Ahmed, 42 and Sikander Malik, 30, both from Halifax each denied one charge of sexual activity with the schoolgirl.
Talib Sadiq, 30 of Halifax denied two charges of sexual activity with a child between 20 July 2010 and 21 July 2011 when the girl was 15.
Charges were not put to Mohammed Askar 32, from Bradford, Atif Ali, 32 and Haider Ali, 40 from Halifax. (Continue Reading.)
Monday, June 15, 2015
British Muslim Convert Thomas Evans Dies Fighting for al-Shabab in Kenya
There comes a point when we need to ask ourselves: "What's more important, the lives lost in the name of Islam or the feelings of those who defend it?" So far, politicians and the media are convinced that the feelings of Muslims are far more important than those killed in the name of Allah.
Notice that even after her son dies fighting for Allah, Sally Evans defends Islam by claiming that her son's martyrdom was due to a "twisted, warped" idea of Islam. Of course, that "twisted, warped" view is exactly what we find in Islam's most trusted sources. Here's what Islam teaches about fighting unbelievers:BBC—The mother of a British man killed while fighting for Islamist militant group al-Shabab in Kenya has told the BBC her "whole world has fallen apart".
Thomas Evans before converting to Islam
Sally Evans, from Buckinghamshire, said a journalist had phoned to tell them Muslim convert Thomas, 25, had died.
Her other son Michael said that when he looked on Twitter, the first thing he found was a picture of Thomas's body.
"We remember him as being my brother, your son," he told the BBC. "But to everyone else he's just a terrorist."
Kenyan officials have confirmed that Thomas Evans was killed on Sunday when al-Shabab fighters attacked a military base in the north of the country.
Militants armed with AK47s and grenades raided the base in Lamu County, close to the Somali border, and then stormed a nearby village.
Thomas Evans after converting to Islam
Eleven gunmen were killed in total and two Kenyan soldiers also died.
Evans, who had changed his name to Abdul Hakim, contacted his family in 2012 to say he had travelled to Somalia to join the militant group.
At least 50 British citizens are believed to have joined al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda affiliate based in Somalia, which has been behind a series of high-profile attacks in Kenya and Somalia.
Ms Evans, from Wooburn Green, said she would remember her son as "the little boy who had a bright future before he went down the path he went down".
She said he had met "some people with some very twisted, warped ideas of Islam" in the local area to begin with, and was later influenced by online material. (Continue Reading.)
Talha Asmal: Great Britain's Youngest Suicide Bomber
British community leaders insist that Talha Asmal was "no different" from other teenagers. But there were three important differences between Asmal and other British teenagers. First, Asmal was a Muslim. Hence, he believed in the teachings of Muhammad. Second, unlike most other Muslim teenagers in Great Britain, Asmal learned that Islam commands Muslims to wage jihad. Third, unlike most people, Asmal was willing to do what he believed was right, regardless of the consequences. Put those three features together, and you get jihad.
How could anyone have stopped Talha Asmal from turning to jihad? Notice that it's very difficult to keep serious Muslims from learning that Islam commands them to wage jihad. Any Muslim with access to Islamic texts or a computer can learn what Islam teaches. Notice also that it would have been almost impossible to keep Asmal from waging jihad once he learned what Islam commands. Some people are wired for obedience, and no one can convince them to go against their beliefs.
It seems that the only way to prevent Asmal from waging jihad would have been to convince him that Islam is false. But instead of convincing Muslims that Islam is false, politicians and the media do everything in their power to promote Islam and to protect it from criticism.
Politicians and the media have a lot of blood on their hands. Does anyone seriously think that if Asmal had been a Buddhist, or a Hindu, or a Christian, he would have launched a suicide attack anyway?
How could anyone have stopped Talha Asmal from turning to jihad? Notice that it's very difficult to keep serious Muslims from learning that Islam commands them to wage jihad. Any Muslim with access to Islamic texts or a computer can learn what Islam teaches. Notice also that it would have been almost impossible to keep Asmal from waging jihad once he learned what Islam commands. Some people are wired for obedience, and no one can convince them to go against their beliefs.
It seems that the only way to prevent Asmal from waging jihad would have been to convince him that Islam is false. But instead of convincing Muslims that Islam is false, politicians and the media do everything in their power to promote Islam and to protect it from criticism.
Politicians and the media have a lot of blood on their hands. Does anyone seriously think that if Asmal had been a Buddhist, or a Hindu, or a Christian, he would have launched a suicide attack anyway?
To understand why Talha Asmal blew himself up for Allah, watch this:BBC—Community leaders in the home town of a West Yorkshire teenager who reportedly carried out a suicide bombing in Iraq have spoken of their shock.
Talha Asmal just before his suicide attack
Dewsbury councillor Masood Ahmed said Talha Asmal, 17, was "no different" from other teenagers, and people in the town were "devastated".
Asmal is believed to have become Britain's youngest suicide bomber, in an oil refinery attack south of Baiji.
His family say he was groomed online and described his death as a "tragedy".
At least 11 people were killed in the car bombings carried out by four suicide bombers near the city north of Baghdad on Saturday.
Social media reports linked to militant group Islamic State (IS) said Asmal, going by the name of Abu Yusuf al-Britani, was among the attackers.
Asmal would be Britain's youngest known suicide bomber. Another West Yorkshire teenager, Hasib Hussein, was 18 when he blew himself up on a London bus in the 7 July 2005 attacks. (Source)
Monday, June 1, 2015
Not Enough Land in Great Britain to Build the Prisons Needed to House Pedophiles
Muhammad allowed his followers to rape their female captives. Fourteen centuries later, Muslims in the UK have raped so many young British girls, the government can't even punish the rapists. As Deputy Children’s Commissioner Sue Berelowitz reports, the British government would need to build prisons endlessly to house the pedophiles, and there may not be enough land to build them.
Telegraph—Child sex abuse is so rife in Britain that there is not enough land in the country to build the number of prisons needed to house the perpetrators, the Deputy Children’s Commissioner for England has warned.To understand the rape epidemic in Great Britain, watch this:
Sue Berelowitz, who is currently chairing the government’s inquiry into the problem said the public would be shocked by the sheer scale of the problem when she reports in November.
She blamed the spread of pornography through the internet and social media for the growing problem of an increasingly sexualised society.
Speaking at the Hay Festival, Mrs Berelowitz said: “We live in a highly sexualised world in which for the most part it is considered quite acceptable to do as they want with females, and too many females think that is something they must comply with because they think it is a part of growing up
“Child porn and the proliferation of indecent images of children, and all the stuff we are seeing on social media which is undoubtedly having an impact on young people growing up and their impressions of sex and sexuality.
“I want us to keep in mind that people who sexually abuse children are somehow another breed. They are here and in our midst.
“There certainly needs to be much more awareness to bring it into the public’s consciousness. The figures when I report in November are going to be very shocking indeed.
“If the CPS were to prosecute everyone we would need a rolling prison programme. I would say there probably isn’t the land to build enough prisons."
Mrs Berelowitz’s report comes in the wake of abuse scandals in areas including Rotherham, where it was reported that 1,400 children were abused between 1997 and 2013.
A previous inquiry into sex abuse by gangs revealed that from August 2010 to October 2011 at least 2,409 children were sexually exploited by gangs and groups across England. (Continue Reading.)
Monday, May 25, 2015
British Police Ignore Woman Raped by More Than 80 Muslims
Muhammad allowed his followers to rape female captives (click here for sources).
Thanks to Muhammad's teachings, there are places where British women can't get into a cab without seeing a Muslim man who has raped them. One victim reports: "All the taxi drivers in my city are members of the Muslim rape gangs." British police still refuse to deal with the problem, for fear of being labeled "Islamophobes."
Notice that CAIR is working towards the same goal in the U.S. By manipulating people into being terrified of ever questioning Islam, CAIR is setting the stage for future abuse.
Thanks to Muhammad's teachings, there are places where British women can't get into a cab without seeing a Muslim man who has raped them. One victim reports: "All the taxi drivers in my city are members of the Muslim rape gangs." British police still refuse to deal with the problem, for fear of being labeled "Islamophobes."
Notice that CAIR is working towards the same goal in the U.S. By manipulating people into being terrified of ever questioning Islam, CAIR is setting the stage for future abuse.
Pamela Geller—After awhile, the worst thing was not what happened for me – as horrifying as it was, I got used to it. What was worst for me was seeing the other girls they did this to. I was used to it, but they weren’t.To understand the spread of Islamic rape gangs in Great Britain, watch this:
The Muslim gangs preyed on orphan girls who lived at a children’s home. These girls were 12 years old and even younger than that.
They would come and get me and I would go – I didn’t know what else I could do, I was frightened. They would show up in two cars, and often pick up other girls from the youth home.
One night, some of the girls from the children’s home and I were taken to a car park at one o’clock in the morning. Twenty Muslim men were waiting for us there. One of the girls from the home started crying, saying it was late and she had to get back to the youth home. One of the Muslims came over and slapped her hard in the face and told her they would decide when she went home, she wouldn’t, and that she better shut up.
And so you learned to be quiet and just go along.
Eventually that youth home got shut down: A whistleblower got sick of the cover-up that was going on there. The manager of the home, instead of reporting what was going on to the police, was giving the girls pills to keep them calm and docile.
Now some of these girls are suing the police through legal aid. I still see some of them around. I saw one of them in April, not long after I arrived back in the country. I had fled Britain after I ran into one of the Muslim gang members, and he started to ask me about my preteen daughter.
I thought then that the only way I could keep my daughter safe was to leave the country. But when I came to the country where I had hoped to settle, the authorities told me that I couldn’t stay there. They wouldn’t give me protection because I was English and white; they wouldn’t offer me refugee status or any of the protection they give to Muslims who say they’re fleeing war zones.
So after seven months there, I had to return to Britain. Now whenever I have to go to the city center, I wear a hoodie. All the taxi drivers in my city are members of the Muslim rape gangs. I change my hair color frequently and do everything I can to try to keep them from recognizing me.
I remember once I was in a taxi and the driver started speaking to me about a very young girl I knew. She was only 11 or 12 years old. He started telling me all the terrible things he had done to her. He said he took her to a hotel, used her all night, and then let her go at 4 o’clock in the morning.
That was the man who started asking about my daughter. (Continue Reading.)
Sunday, March 15, 2015
U.S. State Department Promotes Radical Sharia Group
Just when you think the U.S. State Department can't possibly get any dumber, the department promotes a radical Islamist group that advocates the overthrow of the British government and calls on Muslims not to vote (since voting is part of democracy, which is haram).
Daily Mail—The US government has made a bizarre internet gaffe by posting a British Muslim extremist’s photograph of veiled women calling for sharia law, citing it as an inspirational example of free speech in the West.
The American State Department’s ‘Think Again Turn Away’ campaign is designed to dissuade Muslims from joining IS – also known as ISIS – and other extreme groups.
The campaign posted the picture on its Twitter account last week, adding: ‘In open societies, all faiths enjoy freedom of speech; under ISIS rule, no such thing as freedom of expression.’
The photograph shows Muslim women, all in black burkas, running a stall in Dalston, East London. They are standing behind a trestle table covered in leaflets and a banner reading: ‘Shariah law or man made law. Which is better for mankind?’
An investigation by The Mail on Sunday has found the banner was used in an extremist campaign called Stay Muslim, Don’t Vote, which calls for strict sharia law to be imposed on Britain, as well as urging Muslims not to vote in elections.
The photo was given the caption ‘Muslims coming out inviting society to Islam’ – which was copied by the US State Department – by a man calling himself Abdulrahman Muhajir, whose Twitter account is suspended.
The Mail on Sunday can reveal he is Moshiur Rahman, a 33-year-old from Luton, who last year was one of 12 Islamists given Asbos banning them from taking part in demonstrations over a violent protest rally on Oxford Street. At least two of the gang are believed to be fighting for IS in Syria.
Moshiur Rahman
Anjem Choudary – the hate preacher who has repeatedly blamed British foreign policy for terrorist attacks and whose al-Muhajiroun group was banned by the Government – was present at the event in Dalston on March 7. He has also given talks in Walthamstow and East Ham at demonstrations where the sign was used.
The photo appropriated by the US State Department was first placed on Twitter last week by a woman calling herself Umm Usmaan, who is a leading figure in the anti-democracy campaign.
She described it as an ‘Islamic roadshow’ and included the slogan ‘stay Muslim, don’t vote’ when she put the photo on Twitter. (Continue Reading.)
Sunday, March 8, 2015
U.K. Biology Teacher Jamshed Javeed Jailed for Attempting to Join ISIS
Jamshed Javeed had a job, a pregnant wife, and a family that cared about him. What could have convinced such a man that he must leave his job, his pregnant wife, and his family, and travel to the Middle East to die as a martyr? Could it possibly be due to the teachings of Allah and Muhammad?
Qur’an 9:29—Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the Religion of Truth, from among the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.Is it possible that a man who reads these passages would conclude that he's supposed to wage jihad? Not according to our leaders and the media.
Qur’an 48:29—Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and those who are with him are severe against disbelievers, and merciful among themselves.
Sahih Muslim 33—It has been narrated on the authority of Abdullah b. Umar that the Messenger of Allah said: I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer, and pay Zakat and if they do it, their blood and property are guaranteed protection on my behalf except when justified by law, and their affairs rest with Allah.
Sahih al-Bukhari 2785—Narrated Abu Hurairah: A man came to Allah’s Messenger and said, “Guide me to such a deed as equals Jihad (in reward).” He replied, “I do not find such a deed.”
Sahih al-Bukhari 2787—Allah guarantees that He will admit the Mujahid in His Case into Paradise if he is killed, otherwise He will return him to his home safely with rewards and war booty.”
Sahih al-Bukhari 2795—Narrated Anas bin Malik: The Prophet said, “Nobody who dies and finds good from Allah (in the Hereafter) would wish to come back to this world, even if he were given the whole world and whatever is in it, except the martyr who, on seeing the superiority of martyrdom, would like to come back to the world and get killed again (in Allah’s cause).”
Sahih al-Bukhari 2796—Narrated Anas: The Prophet said, “A single endeavor (of fighting) in Allah’s cause in the afternoon or in the forenoon is better than all the world and whatever is in it.”
Sahih al-Bukhari 2797—Narrated Abu Hurairah: The Prophet said, . . . “By Him in Whose Hands my soul is! I would love to be martyred in Allah’s Cause and then come back to life and then get martyred, and then come back to life again and then get martyred and then come back to life again and then get martyred.”
Sahih al-Bukhari 2810—Narrated Abu Musa: A man came to the Prophet and asked, “A man fights for war booty; another fights for fame and a third fights for showing off; which of them is in Allah’s Cause?” The Prophet said, “He who fights that Allah’s Word (i.e., Allah’s religion of Islamic Monotheism) be superior, is in Allah’s Cause.”
BBC—A biology teacher who was poised to travel to Syria to fight with the group that became widely known as Islamic State has been jailed for six years.To understand why Jamshed Javeed decided to wage jihad, watch this:
Jamshed Javeed, from Manchester, was "determined to fight jihad" despite pleas from his family not to, Woolwich Crown Court heard.
Javeed, 30, who admitted terror offences, claimed in court he wanted to go to support ordinary Syrians.
He was arrested in December 2013 hours before he was set to leave the UK.
Javeed, who taught at Sharples School in Bolton, had been preparing to leave his home on Cringle Road, Levenshulme, after helping his younger brother Mohammed make the trip to Syria.
The teacher's relatives initially foiled his plans by hiding his passport but he persisted even after learning his wife was pregnant.
Police found £1,490 in cash, thermal gloves and combat-style trousers in a rucksack during a search at his home.
At an earlier hearing, Javeed admitted two counts of engaging in conduct in preparation of terror acts but insisted he was travelling only to support the people of Syria, not to join Islamic State.
But in sentencing him, Judge Michael Topolski said he was "not satisfied" Javeed had rejected "Isis's ultimate aims" and believed he remained "adherent to a violent jihadist mindset" and considered him "dangerous".
He said by autumn 2013 he had "become sufficiently radicalised and committed to a violent jihadist ideology that you were part of a group of young men determined to travel to Syria to join Isis and to fight and die for them".
Judge Topolski said: "I find that you were not planning to return to this country... but rather to die, if you could, as a martyr."
He said Javeed played an "important role" in enabling his younger brother and three other men to travel to Syria to fight.
"One of those young men is now dead. The other three are effectively missing." (Continue Reading.)
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
Muslim Man Stabs Wife 15 Times for Wanting to Learn English . . . in Great Britain
Here's a fact that our leaders just can't get their minds around: Beliefs have consequences. We're told not to question the beliefs of Muslims, and that we're racists if we do. But when a man believes what Allah and Muhammad say about women, there is a significant danger of abuse. If we ignore this danger, aren't we saying that Muslim women don't matter?
If you'd like to know what Islam teaches about women, watch this:Daily Mail—A domineering husband tried to murder his wife by stabbing her 15 times after she said she wanted to take up English lessons.
Nazakat Ali
Nazakat Ali, 30, stabbed his 27-year old partner Shahzana Kausar during a row at their home in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, after she made it clear she wanted to enrol at college to study English.
Manchester Crown Court heard how he grabbed a knife and, in front of his own mother, stabbed his wife more than a dozen times as he refused to accept that she wanted to gain a 'degree of independence'.
Following the attack on September 29 last year, Ali fled the scene and Ms Kausar was left lying in a pool of the blood on the floor.
She was later flown to hospital where doctors carried out two emergency operations to heal stab wounds to her neck, collarbone, abdomen, ribs and a severed artery which caused her to lose one third of her body's blood.
Ali has now pleaded guilty to attempted murder and has been jailed for 14 years by the judge who called him a 'dangerous man'.
The court heard how the incident unfolded after Ms Kausar returned home from the Jobcentre and told her husband that she had been advised to enrol at college to improve her English.
He told his mother, who was living with the couple at the property, that he was not going to allow his wife to join the course, and an argument ensued.
The couple had known each other for 16 years and married in Pakistan in 2005 before moving to the UK together in 2008. (Continue Reading.)
Aqsa Mahmood: From Harry Potter Fan to ISIS Recruiter
How does a young girl who loves Harry Potter and Coldplay become a recruiter for ISIS? I have a theory.
LONDON—To her family, Aqsa Mahmood was an intelligent and popular teenager who helped care for her three younger siblings and her grandparents at her home in Scotland. She listened to Coldplay, read Harry Potter novels and drank Irn Bru, a Scottish soft drink.
Aqsa Mahmood
Though she aspired to be a pharmacist or a doctor, she left home in November 2013 to go to Syria, and the authorities now say she is one of the most active recruiters of young British women to join the Islamic State.
The authorities are investigating possible links between Mahmood, who goes by the name Umm Layth (meaning Mother of the Lion), and the disappearance last week of three teenagers from London. They, too, are believed to have traveled to Syria to join the terrorist group.
The apparent trend of studious, seemingly driven young women leaving home to join violent jihadis has become disturbingly familiar.
A Metropolitan Police official said Monday that one of the girls, Shamima Begum, sent a Twitter message to a woman on Feb. 15, a couple of days before they left Britain, but declined to disclose her name.
Experts who track jihadi activity online, including Audrey Alexander at the International Center for the Study of Radicalization, in London, have identified that woman as Mahmood, 20, who left her home in Glasgow in November 2013. (Continue Reading.)
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
Islamic Rape Wave Continues in Rochdale
Thousands of young girls have been abused by Muslims in the UK. The rapists got away with their crimes for years, even after many of the girls complained, because police and officials were terrified of being called "Islamophobes."
This is precisely the sort of fear that Muslim organizations like CAIR and ISNA are trying to spread in the United States. They want the entire population to look the other way whenever Muslims do what Islam commands.
Not on my watch.
This is precisely the sort of fear that Muslim organizations like CAIR and ISNA are trying to spread in the United States. They want the entire population to look the other way whenever Muslims do what Islam commands.
Not on my watch.
BBC—Ten men have been charged by police investigating child sexual exploitation in Rochdale, Greater Manchester.For more on the Islamic rape wave in Great Britain, watch this:
The men are accused of a catalogue of serious sex offences against seven females aged between 13 and 23 at the time of the alleged abuse, police said.
They were held under Operation Doublet, investigating child sexual exploitation of teen girls by older men in Rochdale.
The offences are alleged to have happened between 2005 and 2013.
They include rape, conspiracy to rape, inciting a child to engage in sexual activity, sexual activity with a child and sexual assault. . . .
The men have been charged as follows:
The men have been bailed to appear at either Bury or Tameside Magistrates' Court later this week. (Continue Reading.)
- Shayfur Rahman, 31, of Chapel Road, Prestwich, Greater Manchester, has been charged with one count of rape
- Kutab Miah, 34, of Ramsay Street, Rochdale, has been charged with three counts of sexual activity and one count of rape
- Rehan Ali, 26, of Cleethorpes Avenue, Blackley, Manchester, has been charged with one count of rape and six counts of sexual activity with a child
- Iklaq Choudhry Hussain, 37, of Mayfield Terrace, Rochdale, has been charged with three counts of sexual activity with a child and two counts of rape
- David Law, 45, of Cotmanhay Road, Ilkeston, Derbyshire, has been charged with three counts of conspiracy to commit rape
- Mahfus Rahman, 28, has been charged with three counts of rape and three counts of sexual activity with a child
- Ashfaq Yousaf, 28, has been charged with one count of aiding and abetting rape and rape
- Afraz Ahmed, 32, of Oswald Street, Rochdale, has been charged with two counts of conspiracy to commit rape, two counts of rape and two counts of inciting a child to engage in sexual activity
- Mohammed Davood, 37, of Leyland Road, Burnley, Lancashire, has been charged with one count of assault occasioning actual bodily harm, three counts of rape, one count of sexual activity with a child and one count of sexual assault
- Mohammed Miah, 39, has been charged with three counts of sexual activity and two counts of rape
More Than a Quarter of British Muslims Say They Sympathize With Charlie Hebdo Murderers
Whenever there's a terrorist attack, politicians and the media assure us that only a tiny minority of Muslims have extremist views. The problem is that actual statistics prove, again and again, that the minority is never tiny. Following the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, for instance, 27 percent of British Muslims said that they sympathize with the motives of the attackers. Since there are approximately 3 million Muslims in Great Britain, the number of Muslims who sympathize with terrorists killing cartoonists is close to a million.
Is it any wonder the British media are so terrified of criticizing Islam?
Is it any wonder the British media are so terrified of criticizing Islam?
Telegraph—This morning the BBC published details of a major poll of the attitudes of Britain’s Muslims. The headline on the front of the BBC website linking to the research states: “Muslims ‘oppose cartoon reprisals’”. This of course relates to attitudes within the Muslim community towards the recent Charlie Hebdo attacks.For my thoughts on the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, watch this:
It’s a reassuring headline. It’s also wrong. Many Muslims - a majority - do indeed utterly oppose the murderous killings in Paris. But a very, very large number of Muslims don’t. Presented with the statement “I have some sympathy for the motives behind the Charlie Hebdo attacks in Paris”, 27 seven percent agreed with the statement. A further 2 per cent refused to answer the question. And an additional eight percent said they were unsure whether they had some sympathy or not.
That is a shocking figure. And an utterly shaming one for Britain’s Muslim community. If this poll is accurate, over a quarter of British Muslims overtly sympathise with the motives of those responsible for the cold blooded murder of 16 journalists, police officers and Jews.
Below the report is an article by BBC Today program reporter Sima Kotecha. It begins: “Islam is a religion of peace and love - not violence: sentiments that have been expressed numerous times here in Bradford. Out of the dozens of people I've spoken to, an overwhelming majority have said they're angry that their interpretation of Islam has been eclipsed by an extreme ideology that is too often projected in the media."
That statement - and those sentiments - are simply not compatible with the BBC’s own research. In a separate finding, the BBC found 68 per cent of Muslims believed “acts of violence against those who published such images [of the prophet Mohammed] could never be justified”. Which means 32 per cent of those questioned take a different view. Another question asked respondents if they agreed with the statement “Muslim clerics who preach that violence against the West can be justified are out of touch with mainstream opinion”. 49 per cent agreed. Meaning again, that a majority of Muslims either disagree or sit on the fence. (Continue Reading.)
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Jihad Matchmaker: Hundreds of British Women Seeking Marriage to Jihadists
If Islam is really a religion of peace and tolerance, how are so many Muslim men and women misunderstanding their religion in exactly the same way?
Jihadi Brides Amira Abase, Kadiza Sultana, and Shamima Begum |
Daily Mail-Eight British schoolgirls have travelled to Syria in the last seven months using a route which has become known as the 'jihadi bride trail' - and hundreds more besotted British women have proposed marriage to extremists online.
The true figure is likely to be even higher as the police and families have imposed news blackouts in some cases, prompting fears that Britain's anti-terrorism agencies are losing the battle against the radicalisation of young Muslims on the internet.
School friends Shamima Begum, 15, and Kadiza Sultana, 16, and Amira Abase 15, from Bethnal Green Academy are reported to be in Syria after flying out of Gatwick for Turkey earlier this month. A fourth unnamed girl from the same school went out in December.
Radical websites like Jihad Matchmaker, which offers to arrange marriages between Muslim women and Jihadists, have been blamed for encouraging young, impressionable girls to travel to Syria.
Hundreds of besotted British women have put marriage proposals to jihadists fighting on the front line with Islamic State, according to security sources.
One European fighter in Syria who has become a pin-up jihadi fighter has been bombarded with proposals from women all over the world, desperate to be associated with a 'holy warrior'. (Continue Reading.)
Friday, February 6, 2015
Another Islamic Rape-Gang Arrested in Northumbria
Until British police are allowed to openly, honestly discuss what Islam teaches about raping unbelievers, they will never understand why so many members of rape-gangs are named "Muhammad."
Chronicle Live—Twenty more people have been charged with sexual offences as part of police’s Operation Sanctuary probe.To understand the Islamic rape-wave in Europe, watch this:
The charges follow the 13-month investigation into allegations of offences committed against vulnerable women and girls across the North East.
So far, 31 people have been charged as part of the operation and the latest charges relate to 12 victims, aged between 13 and 25.
Many of them appeared in Bedlington Magistrates’ Court during the course of today, and were either bailed on remanded in custody until Newcastle Crown Court appearances on February 16 and 17.
Deputy Chief Constable Steve Ashman, who is leading the investigation, said today marked a significant milestone in the operation.
He said: “So far, it’s the largest single number of charges that we have placed before a court. It’s a result of 13 months of meticulous investigation by a dedicated team of officers and social workers.”
Deputy Chief Constable Ashman said the investigation was launched when two girls made a number of allegations in a police station.
He added: “Today marks a milestone in this operation. Since the first allegations were made over a year ago we have painstakingly left no stone unturned in our efforts to investigate all allegations.
“We have worked closely with a range of other agencies including the local authority and CPS to reach this point. We are limited in what we can say as we must now protect the integrity of the criminal proceedings and must avoid any statements that could breach legal restrictions and put prosecutions at risk.
“To date, this part of the investigation has involved speaking to over 100 potential complainants, a dozen of whom have been identified as victims in relation to today’s charges.” . . .
Those Charged
- Eisa Mousavi, 39, of Todds Nook, Newcastle has been charged with sexual assault by touching on a female 13 or over; intimidating a witness/juror/person assisting the investigation; rape of a female aged 16 or over; supplying or offering to supply a class B controlled drug; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Monjur Choudhury, 30, of Philip Place, Newcastle has been charged with permit use of premises for supply of drugs; supply or offer to supply class B controlled drugs; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Redwan Siddquee, 30, of West Road, Newcastle has been charged with causing or inciting prostitution for gain; supply or offering to supply a class B controlled drug.
- Mohammed Hassan Ali, 32, of Bentinck Street, Newcastle has been charged with a sexual act on a female and possession of mephadrone with intent to supply.
- Abdulhamid Minoyee, 31, of Gainsbrough Grove, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; supply or offer to supply cannabis; sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over.
- Ebrahim Ali, 38, of Wetherby Grove, Gateshead has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug; supply or offer to supply a class A controlled drug; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; arrange child prostitution; rape of a female aged 16 or over.
- Habibur Rahim, 32, of Kenilworth Road, Newcastle has been charged with sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over; administering a substance with intent; sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over; supply or offering to supply a class B controlled drug; supply or offer to supply cannabis; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Ibrahim Rousel, 34, of Manor Gardens, Wardley has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over and administering a substance with intent.
- Mohammed Khalique, 22, of Beaconsfield Street, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug.
- Mohammed Azram, 33, of Croydon Road, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; supply of mephadrone; supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug; sexual assault by touching a female aged 13 or over; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Nadeem Aslam, 41, of Belle Grove West, Newcastle has been charged with possession of cannabis; possession of mephadrone; supply of mephadrone; permit the use of premises for supply of drugs; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Prabhat Nelli, 31, Corporation Road, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B drug and causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Taherul Alam, 29, of Normanton Terrace, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug; permit the use of premises to supply drugs; sexual assault by touching on a female 13 or over; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Yassar Hussain, 25, of Canning Street, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged 16 or over; permit the use of premises to supply drugs; assault occasioning actual bodily harm; possession of mephadrone; possession of amphetamine; causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Jahangir Zaman, 41, of Hadrian Road, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class B controlled drug and causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Badrul Hussain, 34, of Drybeck Court, has been charged with rape of a female aged under 16; supply of mephadrone; permit the use of a premises to supply drugs and causing or inciting prostitution for gain.
- Abdul Sabe, 37, of Dean House, Newcastle has been charged with possession of cannabis; trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation; non-penatrative sexual activity with a girl 13 to 15; supply or offer to supply cannabis; sexual assault by touching a female 13 or over and administering a substance with intent.
- Karzan Mohammed, 23, of Graingerville South, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female under 16; falsely imprison/detain another; supply or offer to supply cannabis; assault occasioning actual bodily harm; administering a substance with intent; rape of a female aged 16 or over and trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation.
- Saiful Islam, 32, of Strathmore Crescent, Newcastle has been charged with rape of a female aged under 16 and supply or offer to supply cannabis.
- Nashir Uddin, 33, of Joan Street, Newcastle has been charged with supply or offer to supply a class A controlled drug; supply of mephadrone; permit the use of premises for supply of drugs; rape of a female under 16; causing or inciting prostitution for gain; failing to surrender to custody/respond to bail.
- A 34-year-old man, from Newcastle, has received a summons in relation to a sexual assault and administering a substance with intent. (Continue Reading.)
Thursday, February 5, 2015
British Court Upholds Ban on Critics of Jihad and Sharia
According to the government of Great Britain, peaceful critics of jihad and sharia should be banned from the country. After UK Home Secretary Theresa May banned Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller in an effort to win the hearts of jihadists, many defenders of free speech (even many who do not agree with Spencer and Geller) were hopeful that the decision would be overturned. Unfortunately, the British courts are no less resigned to the death of British values than Theresa May.
Given endless cases of Muslim grooming gangs raping British girls, Muslim suicide attacks on British trains, and Muslim converts butchering a British soldier in broad daylight, one would think that the British government would be careful to protect open discussion of the ideology that calls for the subjugation of Great Britain. However, to assume that the British government would stand up for British values is to assume the presence of a backbone where no backbone exists.
Let us all hope that the United States and Canada take note of such cowardice and never sacrifice our rights on the altar of political correctness.
Given endless cases of Muslim grooming gangs raping British girls, Muslim suicide attacks on British trains, and Muslim converts butchering a British soldier in broad daylight, one would think that the British government would be careful to protect open discussion of the ideology that calls for the subjugation of Great Britain. However, to assume that the British government would stand up for British values is to assume the presence of a backbone where no backbone exists.
Let us all hope that the United States and Canada take note of such cowardice and never sacrifice our rights on the altar of political correctness.
Jihad Watch—A British Court of Appeal handed down its judgment dismissing our appeal challenging our ban from entering the United Kingdom. The key element of its decision is its emphasis on the fact that “this was a public order case where the police had advised that significant public disorder and serious violence might ensue from the proposed visit.” In writing that judgment, Lord Justice Tomlinson (with whom Lord Justice Patten and Lord Justice Floyd agree) have only made it clear that the British government has decided to set aside established law and the freedom of speech in order to appease violent Muslims.
Will the British government now ban Jews from the country so as to “prevent public disorder,” since the presence of Jews has been shown all too often to upset some Muslims and cause them to riot? The judgment permits such a Nazi approach.
In upholding our exclusion from the U.K., the judges relied heavily on a November 2014 British Supreme Court ruling that Maryam Rajavi, an Iranian dissident, could be lawfully excluded from entering Britain because her doing so could damage Britain’s relationship with Iran.
Their reasoning is deeply flawed. Our ban was put in place in June 2013, so a November 2014 ruling should have no bearing on it. This is tantamount to changing the rules after the game has started. What’s more, one of the judges in the Supreme Court decision applied by the British Court of Appeal wrote stating that the Supreme Court case was “not a judicial review of the lawfulness of the decision of the Secretary of State that the admission of Mrs Rajavi to this country would not be conducive to the public good.” Rajavi was excluded because her admission would supposedly hurt Britain’s relationship with Iran, but there were no foreign policy issues in our case where the exclusion is alleged not to be in the public good.
Theresa May
Even more ominously, this dismissal of our appeal sets the precedent that those whose speech is unpopular with the British government can be banned from the country. It strikes what could be a fatal blow to the very heart of the doctrine of the freedom of speech: that speech that is unpopular, and may even be offensive to some must be protected, as a safeguard against tyranny. Offensive speech is permissible even in British law, which the British Court of Appeal ignored in order to appease the government. (Continue Reading.)
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Islamic Supremacist Erol Incedal Arrested for UK Terror Plot That Included Possible Attack on Tony Blair
British police have arrested Erol Incedal for plotting to slaughter non-Muslims. Where's Ben Affleck to tell British police to stop being so racist?
Uh oh. Someone's been reading the Qur'an. To understand the Islamic view of unbelievers, watch this:National Post—When police pulled over Erol Incedal’s car for what seemed like a routine traffic offence a year ago, it was a key moment in a case that would make British legal history.
Erol Incedal in court
Unbeknown to Mr. Incedal, 26, the officers who ran the rule over his black Mercedes secretly planted a hidden listening device, starting a chain of events that led to the first terrorism trial to be held largely in secret in a British court.
Tuesday, in one of the only parts of the trial to be heard in open court, a jury was told that Mr. Incedal had the address of Tony and Cherie Blair in his car and may have been planning an attack on an “individual of significance” or a more indiscriminate attack modelled on the 2008 Mumbai terrorist atrocity.
Lawyer Richard Whittam, opening the case for the prosecution, told members of the jury at the Old Bailey that they were part of an “exceptional” trial, the majority of which will be heard behind closed doors.
He said the bug planted in Mr. Incedal’s car recorded him saying: “I hate white people” and telling his wife he might have to switch to “plan B” after his car was searched.
When he was arrested two weeks after the initial “traffic offence” on Sept 30 last year, police seized material including a memory card containing a bomb-making manual.
Mr. Whittam said: “You will hear that he was actively engaged with another or others who were abroad. The prosecution case is that such engagement was for an act, or acts, of terrorism either against a limited number of individuals of significance or a more wide-ranging and indiscriminate attack such as the one in Mumbai in 2008.”
Referring to the piece of paper containing the Blairs’ address, Mr. Whittam said that although Mr. Incedal had not decided on a particular target or methodology, the address may “have some significance.”
Mr. Incedal denies preparing acts of terrorism and possessing a document titled Bomb Making.
Tony and Cherie Blair
The prosecution’s opening speech gave a rare insight into the tactics used by anti-terrorism police in gathering evidence against suspects.
The jury was told that the officers searched the car and found various items of interest, including the address for one of Mr. and Mrs Blair’s homes hidden inside a white Versace spectacles case. Also found was an Acer laptop computer, a pocket notebook and a USB dongle. Without the knowledge of Mr. Incedal, who was unable to see what was going on, the officers took photographs of the evidence but did not remove anything from the vehicle. Mr. Incedal was then allowed to go on his way.
Mr. Incedal’s encounter with the law unsettled him, it is alleged, but he appeared to have no inkling that a bug had been planted, the jury heard.
In the two weeks that followed, Mr. Incedal was recorded expressing concern that his alleged plot might have been thwarted.
The court heard that he told his wife: “Made a big mistake. There was some very important stuff in the car. If they found it, we’re f––.”
The listening device also recorded him saying: “I hate white people so much. I might have to destroy everything and do something else, Plan B.
“These pigs. I just feel like running them over. Everyone, even the kuffar, call them pigs.”
The jury was told that the listening device had picked up a reference to running an illegal house and a suggestion that it was “too dangerous” to carry rucksacks. Snippets of chatter also included references to Osama Bin Laden, fatwa, Syria and jihad.
Music was being played in the background that referred to “slaughter, looking at the enemy and looking at the bodies.”
The next time Mr. Incedal encountered the police, at 7.12pm on Oct 13 last year, the circumstances were rather different.
Again his car was stopped, but this time armed officers shot out the tires of the Mercedes on the approach to Tower Bridge to prevent him trying to drive away as he was arrested on suspicion of terrorism offences.
Once again, the car was searched. Hidden between his iPhone and its protective case was a memory card wrapped in masking tape that contained three files relating to “bomb making,” the jury was told.
They included references to latex gloves, goggles, chemicals to use and a description of how to use ground down matchstick heads. There was also a “rather comical” drawing of a bomb going off in the back of a car, said Richard Whittam QC, prosecuting.
The iPhone had been used to search the internet for “Islamic State of Iraq” in both English and Arabic.
Handwritten notes in a pocket notebook stated: “Fight those of the infidels who are near to you and why do you not fight in Allah’s cause for those oppressed men, women and children who cry out ’Lord rescue us from this town’?.” (Continue Reading.)
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Anjem Choudary and Eight Other Muslims Arrested in UK Terror Raids
My two-time debate opponent Anjem Choudary (click here and here for our debates) has been arrested as part of a terrorism investigation. Will the Islamophobia never end?
Daily Mail—Radical preacher Anjem Choudary was one of nine men arrested early this morning as part of an investigation into Islamist terrorism.
Choudary, 47, and eight other men aged 22, 31, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39 and 51 were arrested by Metropolitan Police officers in London this morning, and have all been taken to police stations - where they remain in custody.
His arrest came shortly after he posted a series of nine tweets at about 5am today with an anti-Western tone, referring to the ongoing crisis involving ISIS militants in Iraq and Syria.
Muslim activist Abu Izzadeen - born Trevor Brooks - is also among the nine men arrested.
Some 19 residential, business or community premises were being searched today as part of the investigation, Scotland Yard said.
Eleven of these were in east London, one was in west London, one was in north-west London and five were in south London - while a residential address was also being searched in Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire.
A police spokesman said: ‘These arrests and searches are part of an ongoing investigation into Islamist-related terrorism and are not in response to any immediate public safety risk.’
Officers confirmed that the nine men were arrested on suspicion of being members of a proscribed organisation, supporting a proscribed organisation and encouraging terrorism.
Al-Muhajiroun is understood to be the banned organisation in question, sources said this morning.
Earlier this week, it was reported that Choudary said he has no sympathy for Alan Henning, a volunteer aid worker who was captured in Syria.
ISIS militants threatened to behead the 47-year-old in a video released earlier this month, which showed the murder of another British man, David Haines.
Choudary is reported to have said: ‘In the Koran it is not allowed for you to feel sorry for non Muslims. I don't feel sorry for him.’
Choudary co-founded the now banned group al-Muhajiroun. Fanatics Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, who were both jailed earlier this year for the brutal slaying of Fusilier Lee Rigby, were both seen at demonstrations organised by al-Muhajiroun, before it was banned. (Continue Reading.)
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
British Police Arrested Parents for Trying to Rescue Their Daughters from Islamic Rape Gangs
Imagine finding out that your young daughter is being regularly gang-raped by a mob of Muslim pedophiles. You go to police, only to be called a racist, a bigot, and a hate-monger. When police refuse to help, you go to the house where your daughter is being gang-raped and you try to rescue her. The pedophiles then calmly call the police and have you arrested for trying to rescue your daughter from being gang-raped.
This is reality in Rotherham, England. And if you don't approve, you're a racist, a bigot, and a hate-monger.
This is reality in Rotherham, England. And if you don't approve, you're a racist, a bigot, and a hate-monger.
Daily Mail—The sexual abuse of about 1,400 children at the hands of Asian men went unreported for 16 years because staff feared they would be seen as racist, a report said today.For more on the Islamic rape wave in Great Britain, watch this:
Children as young as 11 were trafficked, beaten, and raped by large numbers of men between 1997 and 2013 in Rotherham, South Yorkshire, the council commissioned review into child protection revealed.
And shockingly, more than a third of the cases were already know to agencies.
But according to the report's author: 'several staff described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist'.
Professor Alexis Jay, who wrote the report, condemned the 'blatant' collective failures by the council's leadership, concluding: 'It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered.'
The landmark report which exposed widespread failures of the council, police and social services revealed:
The lack of reports was partly down to a fear of being racist, Prof Jay wrote, as the majority of the perpetrators were described as 'Asian men', and many were said to be of Pakistani origin.
- Victims were doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, terrorised with guns, made to witness brutally-violent rapes and told they would be the next if they spoke out;
- They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten and intimidated;
- One victim described gang rape as 'a way of life';
- Police 'regarded many child victims with contempt';
- Some fathers tried to rescue their children from abuse but were arrested themselves;
- The approximate figure of 1,400 abuse victims is likely to be a conservative estimate of the true scale of abuse.
One young person told the inquiry that 'gang rape' was a usual part of growing up in the area of Rotherham where she lived.
In two cases, fathers had tracked down their daughters and tried to remove them from houses where they were being abused - only to be arrested themselves when police were called to the scene. (Continue Reading.)
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