Monday, February 3, 2025



I'm probably wrong about all this, but methinks he mis-reads Trump.

Tariff wars are the measles of international economics—juvenile, contagious and inherently self-defeating.
-Roger Lowenstein, from here

A quick review of history shows Lowenstein is likely correct about tariff wars being bad from an economic perspective. looks to me that Trump is using his willingness to unilaterally impose tariffs - on our allies as well as our foes - to get his way in international politics.  Economics has nothing to do with it.  But, I'm probably wrong.

The Career Manifesto.................


9. Don’t expect to be perfect. Focus on doing right instead of being right. It will simplify the world enormously.

Fifty years ago................................

C. W. McCall......that's a big 10-4.......Convoy


On friendship...............


Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit.

-attributed to Aristotle

Understanding the concept..............


..........................................of enough.

The perfect level of wealth is the one you’re content with.

-Ben Carlson

just do it..............................

Almost nobody wants to hear the real answer to the question of how to spend more of your finite time doing things that matter to you, which involves no system.  The answer is: you just do them.  You pick something you genuinely care about, and then, for at least a few minutes—a quarter of an hour, say—you do some of it.  Today.  It really is that simple.  Unfortunately, for many of us, it also turns out to be one of the hardest things in the world.

-Oliver Burkeman,  Meditations for Mortals: Four Weeks to Embrace Your Limitations and Make Time for What Counts

Die empty................................


The most valuable real estate in the world is the graveyard.  There lie millions of half-written books, ideas never launched, and talents never developed.  Most people die with everything still in them.

The way to live is to create.  Die empty.  Get every idea out of your head and into reality.

-Derek Sivers, How To Live: 27 conflicting answers and one weird conclusion

Sunday, February 2, 2025



He admonished "young men of genius and ambition" seeking fame, money, and power—men much like himself—to nourish the mind first.  Van Buren's successes "would have been much greater and more substantial if . . . I had first acquired a sound education and stored my mind with useful knowledge" as opposed to the lawyer's arsenal of facts, rulings, and precedents.

-James M. Bradley,  Martin Van Buren: America's First Politician



One day,
your story will end
and all the choices you made will be frozen
like an insect in the amber of history.

Friend, this isn't meant to be grim.
Just a reminder that you are building something that 
        will one day be 
whole and complete,
So, build with purpose.

Jarod K. Anderson, "End Point"



........................................Groundhog Day.

I've always believed in it.........


The “great man” theory of history lost favor a century ago, and for decades university faculty have found it quaint, vulgar, or problematic. Like other ideas that right-thinking people long ago discarded, its disreputable status hasn’t stopped many from believing in it anyway.

-Mana Afsari

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Fifty years ago..............................

Willie Nelson.....the Red Headed Stranger album


Ah, history..............................


      The notion of a legitimate, loyal opposition had yet to take root.  Schooled in the Revolution, each camp had a warrior's mentality.  They argued that their rival's success jeopardized the nation's existence.  They deemed the opposition not only wrongheaded but sinister, corrupt, even treasonous.  Republicans accused Federalists of advocating a British-like monarchy.  Federalists countered that Republicans sympathized with the French Revolution's violent radicalism.  As strong as these passions were, even the most doctrinaire partisans thought the newfound party mania was temporary.  They believed that the new constitutional order of separation of powers would stabilize government and cool men's fervency.

-James M. Bradley, Martin Van Buren: America's First Politician

Wait, what............................?


.................The Internet is not an honest friend.

Victor Davis Hanson................

.....................always worthy of a look:

 Last, Europe is mentally worn out by the war, and increasingly reneging on its once-boastful unqualified support for Ukraine, as it hopes the demonic Trump can both end the hated war and be hated for ending it. . . .

Trump’s success in resetting the United States will hinge not merely on outwitting the desperation of his enemies, but also on navigating the paradoxes of implementing his own maga agenda.

The perfect compromise...........


.................................. more fun here

a potion.......................


I will reveal to you a love potion, without medicine, without herbs, without any witch's magic; if you want to be loved, then love.

-attributed to Hecato of Rhodes

In the background...................

Sam Cooke.................. Greatest Hits album


Friday, January 31, 2025



Knowing is not enough; we must apply what we have learned. Willing is not enough: we must do.

-attributed to Bruce Lee

Bubble watch...........................


Two years ago everyone was convinced we were going into a recession. It was the most over-forecasted recession of all-time that never happened.

-Ben Carlson



....................The Office of Crisis Identification.

7. Finally, recognize that the job of an OCI is counter intuitive. It is to follow the method of hockey star Wayne Gretsky and skate to where the puck will be, not where it is. Traditionally, there is little, or no recognition given for preventing crises, and yet those bold actions are deserving of honor.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Fifty years ago.................


At the newsstand...........National Geographic



First learn the meaning of what you say, and then speak.

-attributed to Epictetus

Nicholas Bate...........................


.........................offers a public service.

What blows your mind most......................


............................about the Universe?


On the importance of having................


..................................the most leverage.

-Seth Godin

As Essential Mixes go..............................


......................this one will be a classic.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Fifty years ago.........................

Smokey Robinson...............the A Quiet Storm album


Got that right...............


Unlike his contemporaries, he did not consider the human animal the pinnacle of nature’s imagination. “Never say higher or lower,” he scribbled in the margin of a book, arguing with the author. “Say more complicated.” 

-Maria Popova on Darwin

DeepSeek anyone................?


At the risk of repeating myself ad nauseam, this is as good a time as any to remind ourselves how little we know about the present and how completely unexpected events can be in the future.

-Barry Ritholtz, from here



I will never be certain about the future. I’ve read too much about the past to be confident about the future. History is full of unpredictable events so the only thing I am confident about is that the future will be full of them too.

-more certainty here

For us aficionados of Southern Rock.........


............................Any Major Dude With Half A Heart posts his Volume 2 mix tape.  As a public service, Volume 1 is here.

Happy Birthday Sweetie...........................

Paul McCartney............................Birthday


Tuesday, January 28, 2025

rearranged their brains...............


I've come to know a lot of extremely successful people in my life, and while their temperaments run the gamut—lovable, aloof, enigmatic, even eccentric—they all have one thing in common.  They think differently than most people.  All of them, to a person, have rearranged their brains to prevail at achieving big goals in turbulent environments where conventional thinking often fails.

-Brad Jacobs, How to Make a Few Billion Dollars

Checking in with................................



Who knows but they serve as a useful reminded about (a) the mystery of life and (b) the limited time we’ve left — and my life appears to be racing faster and faster right now and I decry the fact that so much of it has been riven with the dread and despair about doing meaningless, repetitive work.

tell me this wasn't Fifty Years Ago...............

Fleetwood Mac...........the Fleetwood Mac album




That orientation is a spirit; a process or pattern that inhabits us, piques our interest, directs our intention, and motivates our action.  What do we want to happen there, in our gardens, if and when we get it right?  We may be incapable of tending the whole world, but we can manage our own small private natural spaces, and that is far from nothing.

-Jordan B. Peterson, We Who Wrestle with God

The need for..................



born to thrive.....................


Our muscles are prompted to grow by failure,
healing from countless micro-injuries.

Our minds, science, and technology
are similarly nourished by defeat.

We are creatures born to thrive
on the borderlands of ruin.

Home is a valley between saw-toothed peaks of loss.
Here we sow failure and harvest miracles

Jarod K. Anderson, "Losing"

Big Parma............................


...............................crack my head up.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Fifty years ago........................

At the cinema...Clint Eastwood in The Eiger Sanction


But it is so hard............................


This era needs nonjudgmental eyes in all directions.



     And contemplation, I come to see, does not in any case mean closing your eyes so much as opening them, to the glory of everything around you.  Coming to your senses, by getting out of your head.

-Pico Iyer,  Aflame: Learning from Silence



     Someone must have brought her makeup supplies, or she had ordered them in.  Maybe Uber delivered cosmetics now the way it delivered everything else except good government.

-Mike Lupica, Hot Property

Fifty years ago.......................

Deep Purple...............Come Taste the Band album



Lead me, Zeus, and you too, Destiny,
To whatever your decrees have assigned me.
I follow readily, but it I chose not,
Wretched though I am, I must follow still.
Fate guides the willing, but drags the unwilling.

A second look at.......................................


.......................................Jimmy Carter.

On various acting individuals.........


     Philosophers had long since been eager to ascertain the ends which God or Nature was trying to realize in the course of human history.  They searched for the law of mankind's destiny and evolution.  But even those thinkers whose inquiry was free from any theological tendency failed utterly in these endeavors because they were committed to a faulty method.  They dealt with humanity as a whole or with other holistic concepts like nation, race, or church.  They set up quite arbitrarily the ends to which the behavior of such wholes is bound to lead.  But they could not satisfactorily answer the question regarding what factors compelled the various acting individuals to behave in such a way that the goal aimed at by the whole's inexorable evolution was obtained.

-Ludwig Von Mises,  Human Action: A Treatise on Economics

to heal........................

 In order to heal the stark divisions in our country, we need to approach one another with compassion and understanding. It’s baffling to see how many members of both parties have never taken the time to understand the other point of view and learned to say, “I disagree, but I understand.” This is vital for the future of constructive discourse in our nation.

Christine Schueckler, from here

Sunday, January 26, 2025

on winging it...................


You might believe you need more experience or qualifications in order to feel confident among your peers, but the truth is that even the most experienced and qualified people feel as though they're winging it much of the time—and that if you're ever going to make you unique contribution to the world, you'll probably have to do it in a state of feeling unprepared.

-Oliver Burkeman, Meditations for Mortals



We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

-attributed to Plato

Fifty years ago........................

Commodores.....Sweet Love from the Movin' On album


Fifty years ago.......................

At the newsstand......................Sports Illustrated



In any case, I've never wanted to be part of any group of believers.  The globe is too wide, too various, to assume one knows it all.

-Pico Iyer, Aflame: Learning from Silence

He wasn't always right..........


After two delightful days, Van Buren told Jefferson that he had to return to Washington for a committee meeting.  A disappointed Jefferson told him not to fuss over dreary state affairs.  Punctuality, he said, was "a losing business."

-James M. Bradley, Martin Van Buren: America's First Politician

without apology......................

Van Buren's wooing of Jefferson captured the changing mores in US politics.  The Revolutionary Era system of deference was rapidly crumbling.  In most states, property qualifications were no longer a prerequisite for voting.  A growing number of Americans—all white men, of course—were enfranchised and participating in the political process.  The forty-one-year-old Van Buren typified this brash new style of egalitarian politics.  He played the game of politics to win elections and build power, and he pursued those goals without apology.

-James M. Bradley, Martin Van Buren: America's First Politician 



Levelheaded and calm, he rarely lost his cool in the company of others.  He spurned codes of honor.  He ignored insults.  He fraternized with his enemies, and even enjoyed their company.  At a time when political rivals still settled their differences on the dueling ground, Van Buren's example of courtesy toward the opposition set an important example in establishing some semblance of a peaceful republic.

-James M. Bradley, Martin Van Buren: America's First Politician

About that village.............


The gullibility, and indeed ignorance, of contemporary governments and leaders about the intent, hatred, ruthlessness, and capability of their enemies are not surprising.  The retreat to comfortable nonchalance and credulousness, often the cargo of affluence and leisure, is predictable given unchanging human nature, despite the pretensions of a postmodern technologically advanced global village.

-Victor Davis Hanson, The End of Everything:  How Wars Descend into Annihilation

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Fifty years ago...........................

On the TV.............................. David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser debut as Starsky & Hutch


Can I get an Amen...........................?


“At a basic level, governing is about taking care of businesses and families,” she explained to me recently. “It all comes down to raising the quality of life.”

-Joel Kotkin, from here

A different drummer...............


...........I live in terror of not being misunderstood.

peace from............................


. . . he came to see that success might be another word for peace and peace, at heart, for freedom from senseless striving.

-Pico Iyer, Aflame: Learning from Silence

thanks David

Some truth here....................


He is a powerful figure, but he is also a vehicle for the Normals, at home and abroad, who have finally had enough.

-Glenn Reynolds

the power lies within.................


47.  If you are distressed by anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself but to your own estimate of it; and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.  If the cause of the trouble lies in your own character, set about reforming your principles; who is there to hinder you?

-Marcus Aurelius, Meditations: Book Eight

Meme central..........................


Be careful what you pray for........................


          more fun here

Helping me............................. many ways, including the leasing of office space:

 People are social beings, not mere transaction devices or vending machines. They seek to connect with others and to find a higher purpose . . .

Friday, January 24, 2025

Fifty years ago.....................

At the cinema........Monty Python and the Holy Grail




The most difficult part of adult learning is choosing to learn.

-Seth Godin, from here



. . . professionalism and decorum comprise the ultimate risk management strategy.

-Craig Coben

the power of ............................





Dogs and philosophers do the greatest good and get the fewest rewards.

-attributed to Diogenes

a curious thing.........................


One of the curious things about political opinions is how often the same people line up on the opposite sides of different issues.  The issues themselves may have no intrinsic connection with each other.  They may range from military spending to drug laws to monetary policy to education.  Yet the same familiar faces can be found glaring at each other from opposite sides of the political fence, again and again.  It happens too often to be coincidence and it is too uncontrolled to be a plot.  A closer look at the arguments on both sides often shows that they are reasoning from fundamentally different premises.  These different premises—often implicit—are what provide the consistency behind the repeated opposition of individuals and groups on numerous, unrelated issues.  They have different visions of how the world works.

-Thomas Sowell,  A Conflict of Visions: Ideological Origins of Political Struggles

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Opening paragraphs.................


It was early February and snowing again in Boston.  I felt as if it had been snowing since Thanksgiving.  Or perhaps since the autumn equinox.  The TV meteorologists, talking excitedly every night about more record snowfall numbers, and about ten more inches than we'd gotten ten years ago, continued to treat the whole thing like porn.

-Mike Lupica, channeling his inner Robert B. Parker, Hot Property: A Spenser Novel

About perfection................


. . . it's precisely because you'll never produce perfect work that you might as well get on with doing the best work you can . . . There are no guarantees—except the guarantee that holding back from life instead is a recipe for anguish.

-Oliver Burkeman, Meditations for Mortals



Everything hangs on one's thinking . . . a man is as unhappy as he has convinced himself he is.

-attributed to Seneca

The James Webb Space Telescope..................


............................................continues to surprise.  Hate it when our "models" don't work:

They contain a significant amount of nitrogen, far more than what we observe in our Sun, while most other metals are present in lower quantities. This suggests there were processes at play in the early universe we don’t yet fully understand.

JWST has shown our models of how stars drive the chemical evolution of galaxies are still incomplete, meaning we still don’t fully understand the conditions that led to our existence.

as culled from here

image via

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Fifty years ago......................

    One of my favorites.....John Klemmer....Touch


Opening paragraphs......................


Flying in January should be a violation of the Codex.  Between the howling storm and the incessant fog in my goggles, I can't see shit as we cut through the blustering snow squall above the mountains near Basgiath.  Hoping we're almost through the worst of it, I grip the pommels of my saddle with gloved hands and hold tight.

-Rebecca Yarros, Onyx Storm




                     enlargeable photo and description here

Coyote Blog..................... back in business.  Welcome back, Warren.  You were missed.

Wimped out.....................


...................choose not to walk this morning:

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Judging by the weather forecast................


..........we should have stayed another week.

Fifty years ago.............................

On the TV....The Jeffersons begins an 11 year run




Money:  It's your measure not your motivation. Money as a motivator is not sustainable.  Do what you love; love what you do.  Find the intrinsic worth in anything that you do.

-Nicholas Bate, Morph!

logical consequences...........


     Is the idea of man as an image of God not utterly preposterous?  How could flawed man, even the lowliest man or woman, possess a direct relationship to the divine? . . . But in the absence of that divine proposition, where would we be? . . . How could we possible manage without the tradition of inalienable rights and intrinsic individual responsibility that is the logical consequence of that axiomatic proclamation of our sacred worth?

-Jordan B. Peterson, We Who Wrestle with God: Perceptions of the Divine



There's no such thing as a sweet deal without a clear path to significant growth.

-Brad Jacobs, How to Make a Few Billion Dollars

On baking a bigger pie.................


      To allow scarce and valuable skills a free hand is to risk having such skills become so highly rewarded as to provoke envy—a powerful and dangerous political force.

     Part of such envy is natural, but much of it is hyped by intellectuals and politicians—both of whom get more worked up about how the pie is sliced than how big a pie it is.

-Thomas Sowell, from an essay found here

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Morgan Housel........................


.............tries to make sense of our world:

But let me put it this way: As the world improves, our threshold for complaining drops.

In the absence of big problems, people shift their worries to smaller ones. In the absence of small problems, they focus on petty or even imaginary ones.

A fascinating three minutes

Changing right before your eyes: Top 10 S & P  500 Companies by Market Cap (1980-2020)


By way of an update, here is the current Top Ten:

Fifty years ago............................ the Cinema in 1975:


One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest


Dog Day Afternoon

The Return of the Pink Panther

Three Days of the Condor

Funny Lady

The Other Side of the Mountain


The Apple Dumpling Gang


Monday, January 13, 2025

Fifty years ago......................

Gilberto Gil & Jorge Ben – The Gil E Jorge album


But for reconciliation to take place..........


.....................................there must first be truth.

And we have front-row seats............


The revolt of the public will not necessarily usher in an authoritarian age. It does not necessarily foster populism. It is not necessarily destructive of liberal democracy. The revolt of the public, as I envision the thing, is a technology-driven churning of new people and classes, a proliferation and confusion of message and noise, utopian hopes and nihilistic rage, globalization and disintegration, taking place in the unbearable personal proximity of the web and at a fatal distance from political power. Every structure of order is threatened—yes. Nihilism at the level of whole societies, in the style of ISIS, is a possible outcome. But no particular system is favored or disadvantaged—and nothing is ordained.

-Martin Gurri, as culled from here

One take on.....................................


......................the coming confirmation hearings:

But where's the cleansing sort of justice where you call up certain senators (I'm not going to name names) and say not only will we primary you and make sure you lose your Senate seat. We'll make certain you don't get a job after you leave the Senate. And then we're going to unleash some of the toughest people in the Republican Party to take a really close look at you. We're going to do to you what you plan to do to our nominees.

-Tucker Carlson

On eating the rich.....................

  Effective anti-poverty strategies should focus on fostering self-sufficiency rather than perpetuating dependency.

-from the Mises Institute


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Can I get an Amen.....................?


As always, the censors claimed that they needed sweeping powers to make the world better, safer and more truthful. And as censors always do, they proved themselves unworthy of those powers, which they deployed not just against ideas that were false but against politically inconvenient truths. In the process, they demonstrated why no one, of any ideological stripe, should be trusted with that kind of authority.

-Megan McCardle, from here


Crack my head up.................


ITEM 4: The New York Post tweeted, “Billy Joel and Rod Stewart to play Yankee Stadium in July.”

Really? Those two rockers are so old, they should be in the Senate, not on tour.


Saturday, January 11, 2025