Showing posts with label Begging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Begging. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Broadening horizons......................

................................Allen Toussaint.  Who knew?  #14 on this list.   I'd easily trade a cigar and a single malt for that CD.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Creeping and crawling...........................

While the trend line looks okay, the recovery of the single-family residential construction business has been painfully slow.    Isn't it about time you built a new home for yourself, people?    Please.

Have I told you lately that we have some fabulous, reasonably priced, wooded home sites available?

enlargeable image here

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Cultural Offering is almost halfway through posting 40 albums one should own.  So far, I am ashamed to admit, I possess none of them.  I do have other albums from six of his so-far-featured artists, so hopefully I can get some partial credit.  What I am really hoping is that, one of these wondrous spring days, Kurt walks up the lane with an extra copy of one of his famous compilation CDs in his hand.  Bloggers are never above begging.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Rubbing salt in the wound................ a funny and good-natured kind of way.

Really, really faithful readers might remember that on this blogger's bucket list sits the ambition to travel and watch, live and in-person, all four of golf's Major Tournaments plus the Player's Championship, preferably in the same year.  No progress has been made on that front, even though several entreaties have gone forth, through various channels, seeking tickets to the Masters.  So you might imagine the whimsical smile that crossed my face when I found this in my mail yesterday afternoon.  Stapled to the cover was this note:  "22nd next best thing to being here!  Doug".   Did I mention that one of the various channels used in seeking tickets was through that rascal operative of the "Mastersticity" blog?