Showing posts with label Smile. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smile. Show all posts

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Interesting sentences.............

     Lele smiled his crooked smile, one side of his mouth turning down, the other up, a smile Brunetti had always thought best expressed the Italian character, never quite sure of gloom or glee and always ready to switch from one to the other.

-Donna Leon,   Acqua Alta

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

On correspondence........................

We begin in infancy by establishing correspondence of eyes with eyes.  We recognized that we could do the same things with them.  We went on to the visible motion of the lips - smile answered smile....So far so good.  From here all the wonder grows.  It has been said that recognition in art is all.  Better say correspondence is all.  Mind must convince mind that it can uncurl and wave the same filaments of subtlety, soul convince soul that it can give off the same shimmers of eternity.  At no point would anyone but a brute fool want to break off this correspondence.  It is all there to satisfaction; and it is salutary to live in the fear of its being broken off.

-Robert Frost, from his introduction to E. A. Robinson's 1935 poem, King Jasper

thanks David

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

On criticism...........................

Don't be afraid of verbal abuse or criticism.
     Only the morally weak feel compelled to defend or explain themselves to others.  Let the quality of your deeds speak on your behalf.  We can't control the impressions others form about us, and the effort to do so only debases our character.
     So, if anyone should tell you that a particular person has spoken critically of you, don't bother with excuses or defenses.  Just smile and reply, "I guess that person doesn't really know about all my other faults.  Otherwise he wouldn't have mentioned only these."

-Epictetus,  A Manual For Living

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Having fun while prancing...............

The Gentrys.......................................Keep On Dancing

1960's TV star cameos galore.  Enjoy.................

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Now comes ethical smiling.........................?

From the mind of Scott Adams comes the question:  why are you smiling?

"Research backs common sense on this topic: Smiling influences how people feel about you, and that in turn influences how they act. So if you smile for strategic reasons, you're not a genial personality so much as you are a manipulative bastard."