Showing posts with label the best of the best. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the best of the best. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


 . . . consider submerging yourself in the canon of great works.  Read the finest literature, watch the masterpieces of cinema, get up close to the most influential paintings, visit architectural landmarks.  There's no standard list; no one has the same measures of greatness.  The "canon" is continually changing, across time and space.  Nonetheless, exposure to great art provides an invitation.  It draws us forward, and opens doors of possibility.

     If you make the choice of reading classic literature every day for a year, rather than reading the news, by the end of that time period you'll have a more honed sensitivity for recognizing greatness from books than from the media.

     This applies to every choice we make.  Not just with art, but with the friends we choose, the conversations we have, even the thoughts we reflect on.  All of these aspects affect our ability to distinguish good from very good, very good from great.  They help us determine what's worthy of our time and attention.

-Rick Rubin, The Creative Act: A Way of Being

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

On the Quest for the Best..............

 When I think about what gets so much attention these days - reality television where no actors need apply - antics on apps where coarseness is glorified - companies who produce nothing and reap billions in rewards - journalism without facts as long as it clicks - tenths of truths that pass for political tricks - I caution myself not to become too worried or sad. Yes, it may seem the idiots are running the show. When we monetize mediocrity and mendacity, we risk bedlam, you know.

And then I experience some bit of humanity at its best - an action so simple, performed at its finest. A conversation that helps grow my mind or my craft. A neighbor’s action that’s kind, a moment unexpectedly deft. Something so well designed - I see the Best remains real and fresh.

-Matthew Ferarra, from this post