Saturday, November 21, 2009


After logging in with my numbers, the screen read "the name above appears on the pass list."

I had a lot of fun last night and a lot of drinks. For the first time in my life (I think) I turned down shots. I'll blame Timmy (and his 6:30AM wake-up time) for that sober judgment I had.

More than being excited I passed, I am just very relieved I don't have to re-take the test (EVER!!!). Looking forward to three swearing in ceremonies in the next two months!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Save me from myself

Confession: I have been checking the CA Bar website every day for the past week. You know...just in case they decide to surprise us and release the pass list early. Or just in case they make a mistake and accidentally post it before Friday at 6pm and I happen to catch it before they realize their mistake. Couldn't they at least tell us Friday morning?

Well, instead of just typing in the URL, I googled today. We all know that Google can lead you down a path you never intended to walk. I stumbled across this. All of the exam questions from July. I couldn't help myself from skimming.

Then I found sample answers. I can't even remember how I answered the questions on the test, but there is no way that reading a sample answer is going to make me feel better or less anxious about the results. Is it just me, or does it seem really cruel for the Bar examiners to release the questions before the results?

There, I feel better with that off my chest. I'm trying really hard to keep busy this week and go outside so I'm away from the temptation of googling the CA Bar Exam July 2009. I'm trying to think about things other than what I'll do to celebrate Friday night or what my Plan B will be if I fail. I'm trying to find interesting things to say to PJO and my friends that don't revolve around the stupid test.

But it's hard.

Fall From Grace

When I was pregnant, I remember reading up on introducing pets (especially cats) to newborn babies and how to ease their anxiety over the presence of a new, loud family member. There were also stories of the worst case scenario, where the cat lashed out at the baby and scratched or bit. At the time, I couldn't fathom giving away our cats for any reason. They were just as much a part of our family as the new baby ever would be; in fact, they had been here longer.

Well, let me tell you, these cats have lowered themselves considerably on the totem pole. Not by any overt action. They are actually pretty perfect with Timmy. I still love them and cuddle with them, but last night I realized that there is indeed a difference in how I view the animal members of the family from the human members.

At 4:30AM, Furious George (our younger, male cat) woke up PJO and me by puking. All over the house. Constantly. Every minute or so he was throwing up. Without giving you all of the unnecessary and unappetizing details, this was out of the range of normal for him. We looked up Vets and nearby animal hospitals, but I was not about to pay for another ER visit that turned out to be an overreaction. I asked PJO if we could just put Georgie in the bathroom, go back to bed and then take him to the vet at 7:30am when the office opened. Luckily, George stopped vomiting and curled up on a blanket right then, so we did go back to bed (not sleep). Now he seems fine.

It struck me that I have officially lowered their status from family member to family pet. Please don't call PETA or animal rescue on me. I swear I feed them and give them fresh water.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Time to be Young and Crazy

Yesterday was PJO's 29th birthday. We celebrated by taking a trip up to the local mountains for some snowboarding. My mom watched Timmy and we got a full day of falling on our asses and playing in the (fake) snow together.

There were 3 runs and 2 lifts open, but we stayed exclusively on the easiest trail(which unfortunately for us was not the bunny slope). It had been about a decade since either of us had gone skiing or snowboarding, so it took a while to feel comfortable standing.

When we got home, we fought through exhaustion and stayed up until 11pm (!) to watch the season finale of Mad Men.

All in all, a great day. I'm sore today and already planning for our next trip to the slopes.

PJO always says his birthday is the start of holiday season, so I couldn't be more excited for the coming weeks. This will be our fourth time hosting Thanksgiving this year. After that, it's acceptable to listen to Christmas music and decorate a tree and bake Christmas cookies and buy presents... Oh, and plan for my baby's FIRST BIRTHDAY!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thoughts of a Tortured Soul

My mind has been letting loose and running wild. I had a nightmare this week that I was pregnant, due on my start date with the firm. (Technically then, I guess this must have been a few months from now. Shit, note to self - get some amazing birth control, stat!)
I called my boss to tell her and was sobbing as I explained that I didn't know what to do, and no, it wasn't planned and omg, were they going to fire me?!?! In my dream, she was a total bitch and basically said that she would have to ask the firm if they could let me start even later. I was traumatized. Not even a little bit excited that we would be having another baby.

When I woke up, I was cautiously optimistic that it had been a dream, but it still took a good five minutes for my heart to stop beating so fast.

Then there are my day dreams. I don't think that is really the appropriate phrase to use because I tend to think of those as wishful thinking about the imminent future. This is pretty much the opposite of that. My days are punctuated almost hourly with sudden dread about getting my bar results. Alternating with the dread is the anxious impatience to just find out already. I still have two weeks to go, but "Passed!" and "Esquire!" are splattered all over my Facebook feed. Seriously, is anyone else still waiting to find out whether they passed the July 2009 Bar Exam? Ugh, sometimes I hate California.

So I need some distractions for the next few weeks. Lucky for me, Timmy is teething in a bad way. It's like he knew that I needed to be prevented from ever thinking about anything but him AND I needed birth control! What a sweet, thoughtful boy I have!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Modifying expectations

Apparently my low expectations weren't low enough. The very first day of the month, we ate lunch out. Granted, it was In-n-Out, so it was under $10. But. it. was. the. first. day! How easily I succumb to laziness.

Since then we have operated within our food budget constraints (the only constraint being no eating out). I realized that maybe limiting eating out to once a week would be a better start for us than complete elimination. PJO's 29th birthday is Sunday and I get bar results two weeks from Friday. If I pass that test, you better believe I am celebrating with a delicious meal on the town. (If I don't pass, I sure as hell won't be cooking that night anyway).

The meals we made this week will all last more than one day. First I made chicken tamales, slightly changing this recipe. I think they're delicious and they freeze well, plus they're super easy to make. There were enough for 4 meals, so I froze half.

Today we made really simple pulled pork sandwiches and roasted red chard. Prep time for both was about 30 minutes, but we let the pork cook all day. Oh how I love my Le Creuset Dutch Oven!

We also bought sausage on sale and will make pasta with sausage and broccoli in a few days. We like to make our own sauce because it tastes so much better, but I don't think it saves us money at all.

Lunches are either left overs or PB&J sandwiches and fruit. Breakfast has incorporated a lot of eggs lately because we got a good deal on an 18 pack and need to use them up. (I should say breakfast and lunch for Timmy and I; PJO gets his meals for free at work, lucky duck)

We tried to cut out beer but failed miserably. A 12-pack of Pacifico is chilling in our fridge as I type.

So there it is...our little status report only 4 days into November. I hope we can become accustomed to cooking at home more. Once you get in the habit, it's really not so bad.

For whatever reason, people tend to modify spending habits only when it's absolutely necessary. I'm not at the point yet where I have to spend less, but I want to do what is best for my family instead of what is easiest for me. Because our top priorities are paying off student loans and saving for a house, the plan is to spend as little as possible while still enjoying our life while we have the time to. I would much rather eat at home and spend the money we save on fun family activities. So, the first reward for the food sacrifice? This weekend PJO and I are going skiing for his birthday. The first time we are together without Timmy...ever, I think!!!