Confession: I have been checking the CA Bar website every day for the past week. You know...just in case they decide to surprise us and release the pass list early. Or just in case they make a mistake and accidentally post it before Friday at 6pm and I happen to catch it before they realize their mistake. Couldn't they at least tell us Friday morning?
Well, instead of just typing in the URL, I googled today. We all know that Google can lead you down a path you never intended to walk. I stumbled across this. All of the exam questions from July. I couldn't help myself from skimming.
Then I found sample answers. I can't even remember how I answered the questions on the test, but there is no way that reading a sample answer is going to make me feel better or less anxious about the results. Is it just me, or does it seem really cruel for the Bar examiners to release the questions before the results?
There, I feel better with that off my chest. I'm trying really hard to keep busy this week and go outside so I'm away from the temptation of googling the CA Bar Exam July 2009. I'm trying to think about things other than what I'll do to celebrate Friday night or what my Plan B will be if I fail. I'm trying to find interesting things to say to PJO and my friends that don't revolve around the stupid test.
But it's hard.
waiting is the worst! good luck to you :)
did you pass?
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