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Showing posts with label DESKTOP BLOG SOFTWARE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DESKTOP BLOG SOFTWARE. Show all posts

Friday, April 30, 2010


Many bloggers email me about any best automatic blog publishing software available in internet. In this post, I will give small details of some of the popular automatic blogging software which me and my friends have used at least once. You may try any one of this and automate your blog publishing. Select any one of these software and download to your computer. Please be careful that you have a valid antivirus with you. Most of these software work with adding the blog account for automatic publishing. In this case, an antivirus can protect your account details from hackers.

( All links checked on 30/04/2010)

FREE BLOG PUBLISHING ScribeFire – Download and install this plugin for your Google Chrome browser and Mozilla Firefox. You can install it quite easily and easy draft options. I am using this for quick uploading of blog posts.

Windows Live writer – Download this software and install in your computer. You can publish posts to many blogs from single platform , easy alignment of blog posts, videos posting, picture formatting facilities, easy linking  options and much more.I am using this as my automatic blogging tool.

BlogDesk – Download another free automatic blog publishing software that is optimized for the blogging platforms like  WordPress, MovableType, Drupal, Serendipity and Expression Engine.

W.bloggar – View and Download this Post and Template editor, with several features and resources that is compatible with most of the weblog systems I have not yet tried this software. But my friends said good opinion about this.

There are many other software also available in internet. If you have good experience about any other software, kindly let us know so that we can include it in the next post.

Further Reading

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