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Showing posts with label YOUR IDEA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YOUR IDEA. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2010


World renowned General Electrical Company announced Ecomagination Challenge: Powering the Grid, a $200 million open innovation challenge to find and fund the best ideas for bringing their power grid into the 21st century. The entire process is co-funded by four distinguished venture capital firms, Emerald Technology Ventures, Foundation Capital, KPCB and Rockport Capital.


Submit an idea and earn huge money

Register yourself in the challenge, After registering, you may enter as many ideas as you wish to submit in the three categories such as, Renewables, Grid Efficiency and Eco Homes/Eco Buildings. You may submit your ideas between July 13 and September 30, 2010.

Your entry must be in English, explaining a clear, detailed proposal describing an innovative, original smart grid technology. You may submit any idea that you feel could bring in some changes in normal human life. You may submit photos, pictures and videos that support your idea.

GE’s representatives and its investment partners will form an evaluation committee to consider possible investments based on your ideas in you or your company. GE has also selected an Ecomagination Challenge panel of judges, including individuals from GE’s business units, representatives from academia, venture capital firms, government research specialists and others. The panel will select entries to receive cash awards. The entire challenge is in two rounds.

Round 1: Starts from July 13 – September 30, 2010, in which the general public will vote on your submitted ideas.

Round 2: From October 1 – November 30, 2010, in which, GE will announce those entrants with whom GE intends to pursue commercial relationships. In November, GE will announce any business deals with GE that have been formalized.

What you will earn from GE’s Ecomagination Challenge

As they say in their website, “the entry receiving the most user-submitted votes, will receive, subject to GE’s review for appropriate content, a cash award of $50,000. GE will present each of five innovation challenge award recipients with $100,000 in cash, for a total of $500,000, to acknowledge these entries as examples of outstanding entrepreneurship and innovation.”
Judges may also award one or more entrant:

    • GE Scientific Merit Award to work with the GRC

The evaluation committee will consider one or more of the following for selected entrants:
    • An equity investment by GE or others
    • A cooperative agreement to develop a product or technology
    • A review of your product or service for possible qualification to be a part of the GE Ecomagination program.

Who can participate in GE’s Ecomagination Challenge

As the website says “Any individual 18 years old or older can participate, as can any organization, except a bankrupt person or organization and/or a criminal offender under any national penal system. (GE employees are not eligible to enter.)
If you are participating as a team, one designated team leader must be solely responsible for all activities related to the competition”.

For more information, please read the full Terms and Conditions (these are the legal terms that control the Ecomagination Challenge), or contact  at

More Money making ideas:

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Adsense is the most  popular PPC program among all bloggers due to its consistency, regular follow up, multiple options and customer support. Google is known to be recording and analyzing all sort of customer feedback. Even if it s a small blogger like me and you, they are hearing each word from us. According to my experience, Google consider their customers as KING. Adsense have been working on building features based on customer’s feedback both from advertisers and publishers.

Capture (4)Here is a chance for you to  tell Adsense about what's on your AdSense wish list for 2010. What features or product updates you would you like to see? You can submit  an idea for a brand new feature or just a small tweak that would simplify our work flow. We have heard many suggestions from many bloggers through these blogging days. Now its time for you to send those idea drops to Adsense and they will make it true.

Any blogger interested, may please sign in with your Google Account and submit your suggestion at the earliest in this .You can also look through all submitted ideas and vote on the ones you like.

Adsense will consider all top voted ideas and bring them to the AdSense Product Management team for review. This Ideas page will run through December 15, 2009 , so hurry up.

3,230 people have submitted 537 ideas and cast 30,907 votes till now. May be your idea can give a heavenly boost to all Adsense publishers and advertisers.

All the Best

BV team

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