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Showing posts with label KEYWORDS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KEYWORDS. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2012


keywords When you think of executing SEO plans how do you measure your success? There are lots of ways in which you can calculate your success ratio and can check whether you are moving in the right direction or not. SEO is comprised of many processes and ‘keywords’ is one of the major factors responsible for your SEO plans. What types of keywords you should have, what will result into increasing traffic and revenue? Let’s take a look at ranking reports to calculate the significance of any specific keyword.

Significance of Search Engine

If you take a look at search engines, you’ll find that different search engines have a different set of users and they are popular amongst their targeted audience. Popularity of search engines varies from locations and usages. If you conduct a research on using different search engines, you’ll find that some keywords get huge click-through rates in Google. But at the same time they may not get the same on Bing and Yahoo!. Likewise what works well in Bing may not get the same amount of click through rate in Google. Every search engine has changeable amount of searchers searching objective, search value and search extent. This is why rankings of Bing always appear different from Google and Yahoo! Or the sites that appear on the top may not get the same rankings on Bing and Yahoo! It varies from search engine to search engine.

Know search engine’s status and search quality

When we think of search engines usually Google, Bing and Yahoo! comes to our mind. All three of these are most popular search engines among the users around the globe. Popularity of these search engines varies from place to place. At some locations Google is on the top and at some places Yahoo! and Bing are the top rated search engines.
Online business owners, personnel and SEOs are performing searches for ranking reports and vanity searches for their sites. These professionals want to know where do they stand and where does their competitor stand in the search results. They do it for a given keyword or phrase. SEOs perform searches for Google and sometimes they find out that the degree of ranking varies from Yahoo! and Bing for the same given keyword.
Users from different localities have diverse level of search. Their search level is different because of their demographic locations. Searchers’ intention sometimes takes them to different search engines depending upon the products that they are actually looking for. Sometimes users search for different products available online and they are hardly willing make any acquisition online. That’s why some sites lack receiving quality hits and don’t contribute in generating revenues for their business.

Search significance and adaptation

Sometimes the keywords you are ranking may receive high traffic, but if they are not significant and have low conversion rate then they are worthless. Understand the relevancy of your keywords, how much it would help you to generate revenues. Your aim is not only to achieve high rankings in the search results, but to generate revenues as well. Keep in mind what keywords work best for you. Consider the significance of the keywords you are putting.

Significance of an industry and revenue

Often we see that some industries are more popular over others. Demand rate of their products and services are higher. So whenever you evaluate keywords popularity, do it within your industry niche. You should know what rankings other businesses get that come under your industry niche.

Generating revenues is also a vital part of your search engine rankings. Some keywords work great to generate revenue and some works great to generate traffic. At the end of the day your aim is to increase annual revenue. Some keywords bring huge amount of traffic but they don’t contribute in generating revenue. To reduce your marketing efforts select keywords from the products and services that you offer. Or the unique features that your products and services have.
Achieving high or top rankings is the main focus of every online business owners. Everyone wants to be appeared on the top. Users don’t want to scroll down and click through search pages to get what they are exactly looking for. That’s why number #1 and top ranked sites receive more traffic and generate more revenues. Keywords Research and Positioning Monitoring Report Service is one site that provides information and news on rankings, social media and much more. To learn more visit
Kpmrs is well known seo tool in search engine optimization. It’s a free website ranking monitoring, google keyword rankings, Keyword rank checker and Back link tracker SEO tool. Kpmrs provides the Google keyword rank tool that tracks search engine positions for keywords phrases on Google, Yahoo, Bing and Monitor your website


Monday, December 27, 2010



Google Zeitgeist brings us the most valuable information about the top ten search terms based on the aggregation of billions of search queries people typed into Google in 2010. Before you start a new blog or write a new article with new niche, just have a look at this popular terms and try to make use of its popularity. The terms are classified according to Entertainment, Sports, Consumer Electronics, Food&Drink, Map Searches, People searches, News search, Translations, Health search term, and Humanitarian aids.

Search terms related to Entertainment

  1. justin bieber
  2. shakira
  3. eminem
  4. netflix
  5. youtube videos
  6. lady gaga
  7. kesha
  8. nicki minaj
  9. grooveshark
  10. transformers 3

Search terms related to Sports

  1. mundial 2010
  2. olympics
  3. espn3
  4. fifa 11
  5. randy moss
  6. miami heat
  7. mourinho
  8. wayne rooney
  9. cricket live score
  10. david villa

Search terms related to Consumer Electronics

  1. ipad
  2. iphone 4
  3. nokia 5530
  4. htc evo 4g
  5. nokia n900
  6. blackberry apps
  7. duracell mygrid
  8. 트위터
  9. otterbox
  10. pdanet

Search terms related to Food & Drink

  1. masterchef
  2. 食べログ
  3. cupcakes
  4. jimmy johns
  5. как жрать суши
  6. dominos pizza menu
  7. tudo gostoso receitas
  8. guacamole recipe
  9. applebees menu
  10. rachel ray

Search terms related to Maps Searches

  1. anhembi parque
  2. wm gucken
  3. world cup
  4. bundeskanzleramt
  5. rio branco
  6. mt everest
  7. kew gardens
  8. tour eiffel
  9. oxford street
  10. nürburgring

Search terms related to People

  1. justin bieber
  2. katy perry
  3. selena gomez
  4. kim kardashian
  5. eminem
  6. lady gaga
  7. miley cyrus
  8. taylor lautner
  9. megan fox
  10. robert pattinson

Search terms related to News

  1. haiti
  2. besiktas
  3. chile
  4. earthquake
  5. lady gaga
  6. iphone 4
  7. jörg kachelmann
  8. menowin fröhlich
  9. mobile technology
  10. oil spill

Search terms related to Translations

  1. vancouver 2010
  2. apprendimento automatico
  3. ресторан нью-йорк
  4. машинное обучение
  5. beijing apartments
  6. comercio electrónico
  7. st. petersburg restaurants
  8. منتزه يلوستون الوطني
  9. energia solare
  10. dubai tours

Search terms related to Health Queries

  1. hcg diet
  2. dr oz
  3. aspergers
  4. mcdonalds nutrition
  5. vitamin d deficiency
  6. appendicitis symptoms
  7. cholera
  8. nfp
  9. vacina h1n1
  10. whooping cough

Search terms related to Humanitarian Aid

  1. donate to haiti
  2. donate to pakistan
  3. text to donate
  4. doctors without borders
  5. download to donate
  6. red cross canada
  7. blood donation restrictions
  8. donate blood australia
  9. donate now button
  10. csl plasma

More to Read

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I was much worried when one of my dear friends said about his sad time and dropping one PageRank down to number three for his blog. I consoled him and explained some of the good reasons why PageRank decreased from higher levels. Before reading this article, my request is that, please keep away all hatred about such an act from our favorite search engines. Before reading this just try to know some basics of PR evaluations.

PageRank Technology

PageRank was developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford. PageRank gives more importance in how others link to a particular page, blog or a website. There are several factors that considers while designing PageRank and PageRank is only one of numerous methods Google uses to determine a page’s relevance in internet. PageRank does not rank web sites or a blog as a whole, but is determined for each page individually.  PageRank is believed to be calculated on an algorithmic scale.Google calculates pages PR and updates it once in every few months.PageRank does not define site rankings in Google or traffic. Some times, if the used keyword and the content is appropriate, then the page may come higher in  Search Engine rankings.

The Pagerank™ scale goes from 1 to 10 on the Google toolbar and from 1 to 7 beside listings in the Google directory. A less important site is with a PR of 1 and an important site is with a PR of 7 or 10, in the directory or toolbar respectively.

A simple  algorithmic formula that describes the PR calculation is given below

PageRank value for any page A can be derived from

PR(A) = PR (X)  /  Y

X= PageRank values of each page that linking to page A
Y= Number of links from Pages X

With little more explanation:

PR(A) = (1-DF) + DF(PR(X)/C(Y) + ... + PR(Xn)/C(Yn))

DF is the damping factor that can be explained as the amount of your PR which we can  actually pass on when we link to another site. The value of DF is 0.85

PR(A) is the PageRank of any page A

PR(X) is the PageRank of the page which links to page A

C(Y) is the amount of total links in (X)

Don't confuse with these formulas. Just leave it to mathematical genius and lets discuss about how we can regain the lost PR.

Now Google is following not only this formula but the quality of links, and activity pattern of a blog, before providing PR. Most of these methods of providing PR is a trade secret of Google. It is observed that a well disciplined blogger always get much respect from Google.



Your page rank was decreased due any of the following reasons. Please try to find which one and rectify it.

Check the downloading time and restructure  your blog

Some blogs and websites are designed with complex designs and most of them shows much difficulty in getting downloaded. This reduces the crawl rate of your page by Google bots. So read this, check your pages' downloading time and restructure your blog. Read this

Any hidden Text in your blog

Just check your blog posts that you have placed any hidden text , may be some “Keywords”. If so just remove it.

Remove any Paid Links

If your blog posts contain much paid links i.e. links to websites that pay for links, then kindly remove them. PR will get a hit from back, if such links are more.

Duplicate Content or Copyright protected materials

Always write original content. Please note that search engines usually crawl everything available in web. If you copied some content and added to your post, then definitely it will affect your PR

Avoid Mirror Pages or same pages under multiple URL

Don't create multiple copies of a page under different URLs and if you have any such, please remove one of them or add a robot.txt file to prevent Google Bot to crawl any one of them.

Submission of articles to directories with Lower PageRank

In internet you can see many advertisements that offers free listing of your blog pages and free submission of your pages. Always make sure that you are submitting your blog to a directory that have higher PR.

Bad Incoming Links

Check whether your site have links coming from  certain sites or blogs of categories like , Gambling sites, Porn sites, sites having inappropriate contents and blogs once banned by Google.If so, just remove those links.

Do you cloak?

Check that any pages in which  the content presented to the search engine  is different to that presented to the user's browser. Make pages relevant to Keywords and search engines

Check your Metatags, Meta Description and Title Tags

If we add common MetaTags to our HTML, then chances are more for Google, to display some “Error” or “Warning” on “Title” and “Description”  Metatags. Usually duplicate description issues are not much serious but duplicate title issues are known to be harmful.


Check your robot.txt file

A robots.txt file restricts access to your site by search engine robots that crawl the web. These bots are automated, and before they access pages of a site, they check to see if a robots.txt file exists that prevents them from accessing certain pages. Want to know more about Robot.txt? Read this

Avoid links to unwanted blogs or sites

Analyze the outgoing links of your blog and avoid sites that are banned by Google. Outgoing links should be as less as possible to achieve higher rankings.

Check for any  No Index tag in outgoing links

If you don't want to keep your site hidden, then never put a Robot “No Index” tag in your HTML. Keeping such a tag will prevent spiders from crawling and indexing your blog.

Check for  Comment spamming

Look for any comments in your blog that have HTML links back to some low PR blogs or websites or some Porn sites. Just delete those comments. Always keep comments that have some relevance to the topic. Kindly avoid comments with links inside the comments.

Scrutinize your  contents for illegal, malicious scripts or ideas

Avoid spreading unwanted scripts, codes, ideas, or other harmful contents through their blog.  If you have any post against Google, its policies and modus operandi, kindly delete them at the earliest.

Frequency of Posting

Always maintain a good rhythm of posting. It is not good that one post you make in September and the next one in December. Show your presence in blogosphere at least once in a week with new original posts.

Reduce Automated activities in blog

Never fill your page with lists of keywords, attempt to "cloak" pages, or put up "crawler only" pages.If your site contains pages, links, or text that you don't intend visitors to see, Google considers those links and pages deceptive and may ignore your site. Kindly check the Webmaster tools from “ My Account” in blogger. You may please verify the sitemap submission and confirm that all pages are indexed.

Add widgets approved by Google only

It is always preferred that we must use Widgets approved by Google. Other Widgets may contain some suspicious links which will lead to the decrease in the PR of all pages of blog. Or make sure that the code that you are installing is safe.

Inspect the images added to your post

Remove any copyrighted, blurred, and huge sized images. Make sure you use tags ( Keywords) to help spiders to know what the image is about.

Make Search Friendly Graphics

Search engines have a tendency to skip Flash graphics. So reduce any flash graphic content in your blog. Always make plain text links in addition to or instead of Flash.

Refer your SEO company

If you have used service from any SEO company, then confirm with them about the ways of SEO they are choosing. Always avoid dangerous steps to boost PR. Create natural links and slow and steady blogging will give good PR.

Where shall I apply to regain PR

There is no need to apply to regain your PR. Once the above matters have analyzed carefully, then make sufficient changes and wait for next PR updating Definitely you can regain the PageRank.

If you feel doubt about any matters discussed above, please feel free to comment us.

Check your PageRank here 

Check Page Rank of any web site pages instantly:
This free page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service

Related Posts

Monday, July 20, 2009


Meta tags are HTML tags that you had to include in the basic template HTML of your blog or site. Inclusion of Meta tags in your HTML will help CRAWL ROBOTS to index your blog in relation to Meta Keywords given. So when someone search with any similar Keyword, then your blog will be on top of Search Engine Results. This will bring more traffic to your site within a shorter period of time.

You may use MetaTag Generator given at the bottom of the Page to develop MetaTags.

Some important Metatags

Title tag
The Page Title is the most important tag for search engine rankings. In certain templates for bloggers, it has been observed that adding this Title Tag inside the Meta showing title errors. In such case you may avoid this Title Tag and use the balance portion.

Description Meta Tag
The Description Meta Tag contain a description of the page, and it is advisable to contain words that are located within the page content. In some templates, Google shows errors in Description showing “ Duplicate Description”. This usually considered as harmless, but you may overcome this by either avoiding this tag or keeping separate description and title tags for each Page ( much difficult task, but I will explain if anyone like to know about this)

Keywords Meta Tag
Select 10 or 12 of the most popular and relevant keywords to that particular page or blog, ideally keyword phrases of 2 to 3 words, separated by a comma. Make sure that the keywords you use are located in the title, description and content of the page. But never copy the same description phrases.You may use Google Analytics in your blog or website to analyze which are the keywords relevant to your blog analyze the power of those key words. Click here to know how to install Google Analytics. ( New Easy Simplified Way)

Author Meta Tag
The Author Meta Tag is used to insert a name of the webmaster or company or the Owner of the blog.

Where to paste and place the Meta Tags?

It is always better to download a copy of your existing HTML to your computer as backup, before doing this. This will help to get your layout back incase you make any mistakes.
The ideal place is below the first <head> portion and above </head> portion.

How to add separate Metatags for each posts?

Benefits of adding separate Metatags:

1. Individual Metatag installation will help to give its own identity to each and every posts in Keyword, description meta elements.

2. If we add common MetaTags to our HTML, then chances are more for Google, to display some “Error” or “Warning” on “Title” and “Description” Metatags. Usually duplicate description issues are not much serious but duplicate title issues are known to be serious. We have some known cases of ban on some sites with huge Title issues.

3. If you add separate “Keywords” for each post, then you can select the most repeated word in that post as your Keyword. This will definitely boost your search engine rankings.

So it is always better to add separate Description and Keywords for each post.

First of all, Sign in to Blogger dashboard » Layout » Edit html. ( Don't forget to download a copy of your HTML as backup ) Now look into the HTML box. Find the <head> portion, with in the first few lines of HTML of your blog. After this < head> portion, just paste the Codes formatted as per direction from Step A and Step B given as below

Step A: Add meta tags to the homepage

Look for this or similar line in that HTML

<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>

Add the below given code just below this line. You had to change “yourblogname” to your blog name, put real description in the place of “ DESCRIPTION” and Keywords in the place of “ KEYWORDS”.

<b:if cond='data:blog.url == ""'>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

Step B: Add meta description for another post,

Now copy the above three lines of codes again and paste just below that code again.Here you had to change “yourblogname” to your post URL, put related description in the place of “ DESCRIPTION” and related Keywords in the place of “ KEYWORDS”.

I will explain more with a post of my blog.

( My blog URL is and I am using post URL

So, the final code now looks something like


<b:include data='blog' name='all-head-content'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "”>
<meta content='DESCRIPTION' name='description'/>
<meta content='KEYWORDS' name='keywords'/> </b:if>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == " -your-blog-for.html">
<meta content='Nominate your blog, Bloggerschoice awards' name='description'/>
<meta content='Nominate, Awards, SEO, Traffic' name='keywords'/> </b:if>

Similarly, you can add MetaTags for all other posts and gain a much improved PageRank.

Generate Meta tags here

You may use the Meta Tag generator to produce Metatags of your choice. Please take care not to add Title MetaTag generated from this form, if you are adding separate MetaTags for each posts. You may use the Description, Keywords and Author Tags generated from here.
Website Title:
  Please note, longer titles are usually better.
Website Description:
  eg. Top frequently used webtools at your fingertips.
Website Keywords:
  eg. webtools,genreate - Please separate each keyword with a comma.
Website Author:

Powered by iWEBTOOL

Related Posts:

1. Keyword Research

2. Setup Google Analytics

3. Linking the Google Way

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Regarding the Keyword search, there are somany tools available now a days.Some are free and others are paid services. You should do keyword search before constructing a website.

There are three commonly used keyword tools:

• Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Google Adwords Keyword Research Tool
Google is free and gets its information from Google’s own search data and
it is tottally free
• WordTracker
WordTracker is an online tools that access a database of search data from smaller search engines and is a paid service
• Keyword Discovery
Keyword Discovery is another online tools that access a database of search data from smaller search engines and is a paid service.
These are all online tools.

Page Strength:
There are several tools available for helping determining a page’s competitive strength. Here are a few options:
• LifeTips Page Strength Tool
LifeTips Page Strength Tool is currently free

• SEOmoz’s Page Strength Tool
SEOmoz’s tool is a paid service
There are some professional keyword builders available in net, but most work you can do by yourselves.
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