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Showing posts with label PAGERANK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PAGERANK. Show all posts

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Search Engines are built to help the searchers. Search Engines strive to put the best fit/standard websites on top rankings so that searchers get their required info within few clicks. How do Search Engines know a website’s standard and its relevance with searched keywords? What are the steps you should follow for a complete SEO to improve your website’s rankings?

This article covers Search Engine Optimization in two levels - the first is On-page optimization, and the next is Off-Page Optimization. An effective On-page optimization together with good Off-page optimization will improve your Search Engine Rankings.



On-Page Optimization

Define your Business& Target Audience - The first step in any business starts with analysis. Determine what kind of services your website is to provide and what kind of audience you want for your website?

Don’t Purchase a New Domain - If you already have a good domain name don’t try to purchase a new one, as some search engines look for the age of the website as a ranking factor.

Choosing your Domain Name - If you are planning for a new website, try to get a domain name with keywords included. If you target regional customers, you can have your domain based on the region, say for example .uk or .au or .in

Make your Website look Clean & Simple - Now you have a domain name and you know whom you want to target. Website design is the key factor which keeps your visitor to stay for a while in your website and navigate your services. Make sure your website design has a good feel & look, clean and simple.

Evaluate your Website - If you have an existing website, and now you want to do SEO for it, then evaluate your website:

Navigation structure - think in a visitor’s point of view - Can someone navigate and reach the product/services they are looking for? Make your navigation user friendly, no visitor should leave your website due to confused navigation.

  1. Check for W3 compatibility of your website.
  2. Check for any broken links in your website and fix if any.
  3. Your website should load fast so that it doesn’t check on your visitors’ patience.

Observe your competitor - Find your competitor websites. Analyze and gain knowledge on their tactics, the keywords they use, the techniques applied. With the help of this analysis you will learn what is working and what is not working, which will help in your SEO process.

Research on Keywords - List the Keywords your target audience would search for and the ones used by your competitors. Make use of keyword research tools like Overture to know more on your related search terms. Now refine your list and make your final list of target keywords.

Structure File name - If you have control over your file names - modify file names with your keywords included.

Search Engine Friendly Sitemap - A well structured search engine friendly sitemap can help Search Engines to index all your pages. With good anchor text for your navigation links you can improve your rankings

Write an Attractive Title - Why is your web page title so important? The web page title is displayed in SERPs which in turn help in attracting your visitors. Web searchers do their search with a term and look for titles in the result pages that best fit their search. Hence make your title attractive, with targeted keywords included. Try to incorporate related keywords too. For example you target for Montessori School, you can write title as ‘ Montessori School, the Preschool for your Children’. (in this way you add 2 related terms).

Meta Description Tag - Description tag is also displayed in snippets of any SERPs. This description helps to motivate searchers to visit your website. Make an effective and optimized description tag. Snippets are also taken from surrounding text of the searched keyword. You may need to edit your content a little to make your description look good.

Meta Keyword Tag - Though there is saying that Search Engines like Google doesn’t look for Meta keyword tag, there are some smaller search engines, which still follow the conventional way and spider the keywords tag. So there is no harm in making of the Meta keyword tags. Your meta keyword should contain keywords that appears in your body text.

Have Robot tags - If you don’t want any of your files of your website to be indexed, say an image or a text file, you can write your robot file insisting the search engines not to crawl those pages.

Alt Tags for images - As the name infers it acts as an alternate text for any image. This tag is both user friendly and search engine friendly. Search engines cannot read images; instead it indexes the alt tag given for any image and assumes it as the description for the image. This alt tag is not so important by Search Engines, as many spammers try to put irrelevant alt tag for the images to improve their rankings. However for an image link with a proper alt tag (keywords included) will work as great internal anchor link.

H1 & H2 heading format - Though no one is sure on whether this helps in rankings, try applying the header options, as this practice is good for any web development

Improve Keyword Prominence, Density & Proximity -Keyword prominence will increase if you have your keyword at the beginning of text part of your webpage. Keyword density refers to the ratio (percentage) of keywords contained within the total text content of the page. Keyword proximity refers to the closeness between two or more keywords. And this is yet another factor which has not much proven records but still exist in SEO practice.

Make Content look rich - As many SEO experts say content is the king. Optimized content with keywords included, along with other SEO factors working well the website can rank well in Search Engines

Keyword Rich Anchor Text - Anchor text for both internal links and external links is powerful element for Search Engine rankings. You can notice websites which doesn’t have the keyword in their web pages rank well which is all because of their anchor text of their inbound links.

Make Flash files work for you - Its better to avoid including flash files into your website. But under compelling circumstances, you can try adding keyword rich text somewhere in your file, since Search Engines like Google can index the text part of flash files

Bring your PDF files on SERPs - PDF file is a good source for keyword rich content. Most Search Engines can read & index PDF files and a few search engines shows PDF files in SERPs too. Make sure you have a good title and file name for your PDF file

Off-Page Optimization

Why Search Engines give so much of importance for inbound links?

It is easy for any website owner to optimize their website with good content, navigation, title, etc. But does that mean it’s a good website and people would love to check it out? Search Engines try to know and evaluate the standard of a website through many factors and the most significant of them is incoming/inbound links. When a website receives inbound links from related & standard websites, it obviously means that it is worth looking at. Search Engines learn about your website through inbound links and to be precise it’s through anchor text.

So natural linking with different & targeted keyword rich anchor text works great for any website. Here are a few ways to increase your inbound links/ backlinks.

Search Engines - Submit your website manually to search engines including regional search engines.

Directories - There are many directories available online for free submission. Submit your website into the category that best fits your services, most importantly with good anchor text. Try submitting in your own regional directories to improve your local business.

Forums - Participate in your industry related forums & discussion boards. Post your comments, thoughts and also provide a link to your website (without spam).

Blogs - Having your own official blog helps to post your company’s updates, product release, etc., and also inbound links. There are directories for submitting blogs. Submit your blog with proper keyword tags which helps in your blog listing.

Articles - Write keyword & content rich articles on your own and post in article junctions available online. There are article junctions which accept articles in HTML format, so you can include your links with good anchor text. Write fresh articles on your topic, post and see your traffic increasing.

Press Releases - You can post Press Releases, which also works like Article junctions & directories; however it should look more like a Press Release and not like an article.

Bookmarks - Social book marking - it serves two purposes: It gets you incoming links and it popularizes your website in your community. Make sure you put keyword rich tags for your bookmarks.

Classifieds - You can see some websites displaying free classifieds. You can put your advertisements there with link to your website.

This is a guest article from  Deepthi Kumar                                               Courtesy:


More to read:

Sunday, April 4, 2010


A quick way to submit your blog or website to prominent search engines like Google. Recently Google updated PageRank and many of our readers are well placed in PR. Now its your turn to increase the PR by submitting your blog to many search engines and grab higher PR. All of my readers please ping and invite search engines to your blog to notify them about the changes you have made recently. This invitation to search engines are quite easy and very effective search engine optimization technique. Here with providing a list of 51 search engines which you had to submit your URL for next crawl. This submission will definitely increase the number of visitors to your blog.  SEARCH ENGINES

From the below given list, just click on the links and provide the URL of your blog. Certain search engines request you to give a valid email for verification. It is better to provide a secondary email for this service. If you are managing a country targeted blog, then please select any one of the Google search engine according to the targeted region.

In the last two submissions( No.51 and 52), please change the URL of our blog with the URL of your blog or website and then submit it in your web browser.

  1. Acoon ( German Search Engine)
  2. Alexa web search
  3. Altavista.
  4. Amfibi 
  5. Anoox
  6. Arabji
  7. Artsearch
  8. Baidu (chinese search engine)
  9. Beamed
  10. Bestyellow
  11. Businessvartha
  12. Dinosearch
  13. Dmoz (Open Directory Project)
  14. EgyptSearch
  15. Entireweb
  16. Evisum
  17. Exactseek
  18. Exalead
  19. FindLaw
  20. FyberSearch
  21. Geoindex
  22. Gigablast
  23. Google
  24. Google Australia
  25. Google Blogsearch
  26. Google Canada
  27. Google Hongkong
  28. Google India
  29. Google Italy
  30. Google Romania
  31. Google SaudiArabia
  32. Google SouthAfrica
  33. Google Taiwan
  34. Google UK
  35. IntelSeek
  36. Jayde
  37. Microsoft Live Search
  38. Mixcat
  39. Scrub the web
  40. Search
  41. Searchsight
  42. Searchwarp
  43. Towersearch
  44. Unasked
  45. Walhello
  46. Websquash
  47. Whatuseek
  48. XtLinks
  49. Yahoo
  50. Yahoo!7

It is always better that you submit you blog or website in all these search engines. Please take care not to give repeated invitations or submissions to search engines in the same day itself. Also, as per our knowledge, submitting your URL to Google parent domain is enough to get listed in all other search engines.

Happy Blogging.

Further Readings:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


I was much worried when one of my dear friends said about his sad time and dropping one PageRank down to number three for his blog. I consoled him and explained some of the good reasons why PageRank decreased from higher levels. Before reading this article, my request is that, please keep away all hatred about such an act from our favorite search engines. Before reading this just try to know some basics of PR evaluations.

PageRank Technology

PageRank was developed by Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin at Stanford. PageRank gives more importance in how others link to a particular page, blog or a website. There are several factors that considers while designing PageRank and PageRank is only one of numerous methods Google uses to determine a page’s relevance in internet. PageRank does not rank web sites or a blog as a whole, but is determined for each page individually.  PageRank is believed to be calculated on an algorithmic scale.Google calculates pages PR and updates it once in every few months.PageRank does not define site rankings in Google or traffic. Some times, if the used keyword and the content is appropriate, then the page may come higher in  Search Engine rankings.

The Pagerank™ scale goes from 1 to 10 on the Google toolbar and from 1 to 7 beside listings in the Google directory. A less important site is with a PR of 1 and an important site is with a PR of 7 or 10, in the directory or toolbar respectively.

A simple  algorithmic formula that describes the PR calculation is given below

PageRank value for any page A can be derived from

PR(A) = PR (X)  /  Y

X= PageRank values of each page that linking to page A
Y= Number of links from Pages X

With little more explanation:

PR(A) = (1-DF) + DF(PR(X)/C(Y) + ... + PR(Xn)/C(Yn))

DF is the damping factor that can be explained as the amount of your PR which we can  actually pass on when we link to another site. The value of DF is 0.85

PR(A) is the PageRank of any page A

PR(X) is the PageRank of the page which links to page A

C(Y) is the amount of total links in (X)

Don't confuse with these formulas. Just leave it to mathematical genius and lets discuss about how we can regain the lost PR.

Now Google is following not only this formula but the quality of links, and activity pattern of a blog, before providing PR. Most of these methods of providing PR is a trade secret of Google. It is observed that a well disciplined blogger always get much respect from Google.



Your page rank was decreased due any of the following reasons. Please try to find which one and rectify it.

Check the downloading time and restructure  your blog

Some blogs and websites are designed with complex designs and most of them shows much difficulty in getting downloaded. This reduces the crawl rate of your page by Google bots. So read this, check your pages' downloading time and restructure your blog. Read this

Any hidden Text in your blog

Just check your blog posts that you have placed any hidden text , may be some “Keywords”. If so just remove it.

Remove any Paid Links

If your blog posts contain much paid links i.e. links to websites that pay for links, then kindly remove them. PR will get a hit from back, if such links are more.

Duplicate Content or Copyright protected materials

Always write original content. Please note that search engines usually crawl everything available in web. If you copied some content and added to your post, then definitely it will affect your PR

Avoid Mirror Pages or same pages under multiple URL

Don't create multiple copies of a page under different URLs and if you have any such, please remove one of them or add a robot.txt file to prevent Google Bot to crawl any one of them.

Submission of articles to directories with Lower PageRank

In internet you can see many advertisements that offers free listing of your blog pages and free submission of your pages. Always make sure that you are submitting your blog to a directory that have higher PR.

Bad Incoming Links

Check whether your site have links coming from  certain sites or blogs of categories like , Gambling sites, Porn sites, sites having inappropriate contents and blogs once banned by Google.If so, just remove those links.

Do you cloak?

Check that any pages in which  the content presented to the search engine  is different to that presented to the user's browser. Make pages relevant to Keywords and search engines

Check your Metatags, Meta Description and Title Tags

If we add common MetaTags to our HTML, then chances are more for Google, to display some “Error” or “Warning” on “Title” and “Description”  Metatags. Usually duplicate description issues are not much serious but duplicate title issues are known to be harmful.


Check your robot.txt file

A robots.txt file restricts access to your site by search engine robots that crawl the web. These bots are automated, and before they access pages of a site, they check to see if a robots.txt file exists that prevents them from accessing certain pages. Want to know more about Robot.txt? Read this

Avoid links to unwanted blogs or sites

Analyze the outgoing links of your blog and avoid sites that are banned by Google. Outgoing links should be as less as possible to achieve higher rankings.

Check for any  No Index tag in outgoing links

If you don't want to keep your site hidden, then never put a Robot “No Index” tag in your HTML. Keeping such a tag will prevent spiders from crawling and indexing your blog.

Check for  Comment spamming

Look for any comments in your blog that have HTML links back to some low PR blogs or websites or some Porn sites. Just delete those comments. Always keep comments that have some relevance to the topic. Kindly avoid comments with links inside the comments.

Scrutinize your  contents for illegal, malicious scripts or ideas

Avoid spreading unwanted scripts, codes, ideas, or other harmful contents through their blog.  If you have any post against Google, its policies and modus operandi, kindly delete them at the earliest.

Frequency of Posting

Always maintain a good rhythm of posting. It is not good that one post you make in September and the next one in December. Show your presence in blogosphere at least once in a week with new original posts.

Reduce Automated activities in blog

Never fill your page with lists of keywords, attempt to "cloak" pages, or put up "crawler only" pages.If your site contains pages, links, or text that you don't intend visitors to see, Google considers those links and pages deceptive and may ignore your site. Kindly check the Webmaster tools from “ My Account” in blogger. You may please verify the sitemap submission and confirm that all pages are indexed.

Add widgets approved by Google only

It is always preferred that we must use Widgets approved by Google. Other Widgets may contain some suspicious links which will lead to the decrease in the PR of all pages of blog. Or make sure that the code that you are installing is safe.

Inspect the images added to your post

Remove any copyrighted, blurred, and huge sized images. Make sure you use tags ( Keywords) to help spiders to know what the image is about.

Make Search Friendly Graphics

Search engines have a tendency to skip Flash graphics. So reduce any flash graphic content in your blog. Always make plain text links in addition to or instead of Flash.

Refer your SEO company

If you have used service from any SEO company, then confirm with them about the ways of SEO they are choosing. Always avoid dangerous steps to boost PR. Create natural links and slow and steady blogging will give good PR.

Where shall I apply to regain PR

There is no need to apply to regain your PR. Once the above matters have analyzed carefully, then make sufficient changes and wait for next PR updating Definitely you can regain the PageRank.

If you feel doubt about any matters discussed above, please feel free to comment us.

Check your PageRank here 

Check Page Rank of any web site pages instantly:
This free page rank checking tool is powered by Page Rank Checker service

Related Posts

Friday, August 28, 2009


As a part of search engine optimization, I would like to remind all of my distinguished readers about the importance of submitting a blog or website to top search engines. Before submitting to Search engines, all of you should check that you have added meta tags properly to your blog.

Click  to know, how to Generate and Install  Meta Tags

Once you finish the installation of Metatags, follow the links given here and submit the URL of your blog, website or forums to these top search engines. I suggest all of my readers to do before the Page Rank update by Google, that may start soon.

I request my readers to kindly let me know if you have any previous issues related with such submissions. Also expecting your suggestions so that we can increase the number of search engines also.


image  Submit URL of your blog or website to Google  by clicking  here and give your blog or website details. You may also add comments or keywords that describe the content of your page. ADD URL TO GOOGLE.COM

image Submit URL of your blog or website to Google Australia  by clicking  here .  ADD URL TO GOOGLE AUSTRALIA


Submit URL of your blog or website to Google Canada  by clicking  here .  ADD URL TO GOOGLE CANADA


Submit URL of your blog or website to Google Italy  by clicking  here . ADD URL TO GOOGLE ITALY


Submit URL of your blog or website to Google UK  by clicking  here . ADD URL TO GOOGLE UK

image  Generally MSN web crawler, MSNBot, can find most pages on the Internet. MSNBot follows links from your homepage to find other pages on your site. So just give your homepage URL in this link. ADD URL TO MSN or BING.

image Submit URL of your blog or website to Yahoo7 by clicking here. ADD URL TO YAHOO!7

image  You can submit your website, blog, Mobile sites, Media content, Search submit, Sponsored search, Product submit, Travel submit and Yahoo Directory submission here. ADD URL TO YAHOO

image You had to submit the sitemap to and get indexed quickly. Open a new Browser window, Copy and paste the below given link. Don't forget to replace the “xxxxxxx” in red color with the name of your blog. Then Click enter. If you have correctly copied this link, then it will show “ Your Sitemap submission was successful ”

image Submit your Blog sitemap to will automatically crawl and index those submitted to

Open a new Browser window, Copy and paste the below given link. Don't forget to replace the “xxxxxxx” in red color with the name of your blog. Then Click enter. If you have correctly copied this link, then it will show “ Thank you for your ping. ”

image  It is very easy to submit your blog to Alexa for Crawl. Just click on this link and type the name of your blog at the end of the page and click “ Crawl My Site”. ADD URL TO ALEXA

image  You can submit your web site or blog to WhatUseek by filling out the form and  clicking on  "Submit URL" button. ADD URL TO WHATUSEEK

image Just click the given link to reach the submission Page of Official Search. ADD URL TO OFFICIAL SEARCH

image is a B2B Search Engine, welcomes website submissions. Please enter your email address and site URL in the boxes given in this link and  then click on "Submit your Site". ADD URL TO JAYDE

image Blogsearch is Google service that helps to search blogs in blogosphere. Follow the link and submit. ADD URL TO GOOGLE BLOGSEARCH 

image  : You may submit your blog and website URL with Feed URL here. Just click on the link to reach the page. ADD URL TO WIL’S DOMAIN 

image  : Another blog directory and blog search engine. Just click on the picture and submit your blog in appropriate category. ADD URL TO LSBLOGS

image  Submit your URL to this Chinese Search Engine. Even though this is in Chinese language, but you may just enter the URL in the box provided, then enter English  Captcha and click on the button next to that. Click here to reach the submission page. ADD URL TO BAIDU.

 image  Submit a URL to AltaVista can be done by visiting the link given here. You may select this Yahoo supported URL submission from Search submit, express submit or basic submit. ADD URL TO ALTAVISTA.

 image Submit URL to Scrubtheweb here by clicking on the link. You may submit one URL per email address per day. An email confirmation will be sent to the email address after successful submission. ADD URL TO SCRUBTHEWEB.

 image  Submit your blog or website in this Dinosearch, Search engine made for Kids. ADD URL TO DINOSEARCH

image  Submit your blog’s and websites'  URL to Allestra here, but with Allestra's low cost one-time submission that provides your site with a lifetime listing. ADD URL TO ALLESTRA


Thursday, July 9, 2009


              Google updated the Page Ranks of most blogs recently. You may check your new Page Rank by using the PR CHECKER widget . Many of my readers, email me and ask about  how to improve their rankings further. I explain about some shortcut steps to improve your Page Ranks and  get more Traffic.

Have a look at how my blog came in a search of three keywords, like search engine optimization,finance,and stock markets information. My blog came in number two position and I will explain my readers some easy ways to achieve like this.


Before proceeding to submit your blog to online directories and search engines, just check whether your blog require any restructuring. Just read this and follow simple steps.




Benefits: Submitting your blog to search engines will definitely help you to get a higher Page Rank and get listed in those search engines. Here I will describe you about how to get indexed in Google, Yahoo,, MSN.

1. Google : I would like to take your attention to my previous article on GOOGLE INDEXING. It will provide a detail data with pictures on how to Index your blog in Google. In certain countries, Google have simplified the entire process than the one explained in my article. If you have any doubt, please feel free to ask me.

2. Yahoo : Please read this link to get a clear idea on index your blog in yahoo within five minutes. YAHOO INDEXING

3. Ask.comYou had to submit the sitemap to and get indexed quickly. Open a new Browser window, Copy and paste the below given link. Don't forget to replace the “xxxxxxx” in red color with the name of your blog. Then Click enter. If you have correctly copied this link, then it will show “ Your Sitemap submission was successful ”

4. MSN :  Submission of a blog to MSN is quite different from others. It require some complex procedures which I will describe you later. I suggest you a shortcut for this.

Submit your Blog sitemap to will automatically crawl and index those submitted to

Open a new Browser window, Copy and paste the below given link. Don't forget to replace the “xxxxxxx” in red color with the name of your blog. Then Click enter. If you have correctly copied this link, then it will show “ Thank you for your ping. ”

5. Alexa : It is very easy to submit your blog to Alexa for Crawl. Just click on this link and type the name of your blog at the end of the page and click “ Crawl My Site” CRAWL BY ALEXA



Benefits: Once you submit your blogs to below listed free social directories and communities, they will get automatically crawled and listed by various search engines. That means, you can save time and get higher rankings in shorter period of time. So start participating in these online communities and get listed quickly and earn higher rankings.

Click on the pictures to reach corresponding sites.

1. sd  Take an account, add your blog and actively take part in discussions. add your Twitter, Digg, and other similar accounts also. This directory helps a lot to get listed in Google

2.  image  Register, submit your blog, and submit your article links. Get noticed by AltVista, Google, Yahoo and many other search engines

3.  qw  Register and Submit your blog. Google and Yahoo accounts this.

4.  image Register, add your blog and submit blog article to others. Have significant effect on  Yahoo, Google rankings.

5.  image  Find right category of your blog, submit and wait for few weeks to get noticed by Yahoo, AOL, Netscape, Google, AltVista, Ask etc

6.  image  Submit your blog and get listed in many search engines like AltVista, Google

7.  image  Add your blog and Ping it. Get Indexed quite easily by Google and MSN

8.  image  Map your blog and find blogs nearby you. Get easily crawled by Google, Alta Vista

9.  image provides tools for both new and experienced bloggers. The submission to their directory helps to get listed in all search engines.

10. image Participating in bloggers choice awards also will help to get indexed in all major search engines. You are allowed to give each article wise URL and participate in that competition. It doesn't matter whether you get Votes or not, but you will get indexed by many search engines. Click on the picture to know how to take part in that Awards 2009.

Besides these blog directories, I can suggest another 300+ directories to you absolutely free of charge. Just read and follow the steps to know how to submit your blog to 300+ directories.

Click here to submit your blog to 300+ online directories free and quickly



If you are very lazy to submit articles by yourself to various directories, then I have a solution. Just use a free software, that can submit many articles to more than 50 active article directories.Submitting an article with a link back to our own blog is an important step in obtaining higher Page Rank.

Click here to submit articles from your blog to article directories free


Interesting Twitter Posts:

1. Twitter Tool directory

2. Great Twitter Tools

3. Monetize Twitter




Wednesday, April 8, 2009



Title tags are very important page element to get high page rank in search engines like Google. You should use templates with Search engine optimized title tags in order to get higher rankings. Unfortunately default Blogger templates provided by Google Blogger usually don’t have search engine optimized (SEO) title tags.This article will help you to restructure your Title, if required. Some templates already have such tags and please don’t change anything on those HTML.

Picture1 As a part of improving the Page rank and Search Engine Optimization, either you can use a template that already have these title tags. Otherwise, i will describe you how to edit the HTML of your blog to get higher rankings. Follow these five steps


Ways to improve page rank in blogger templates

Step A

Go to Blogger dashboard, and then to “Layout” => “Edit HTML”

Before proceeding, you should download a copy of your template. This will help you to retain back your old blog without any change in case you make any mistake.

Then check for this code in your blog’s HTML area in the first 5-10 lines of code in your template near the top.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.title/></title><b:else/><title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title></b:if>

If this code is in the HTML, then there is nothing to do.

But if you are not able to find such code then proceed to Step B

Step B

In the template HTML code, find this code


You can find it in the first few lines of HTML code in the head portion.

Step C

Then replace that bit of code with the below given code:

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
<title><data:blog.title/></title><b:else/><title><data:blog.pageName/> | <data:blog.title/></title></b:if>

Step D

Once you replaced the code then click on preview. If you have done correctly, then you can see the preview of your blog. If your editing was not perfect, then you may not view your blog correctly and the window will close by itself or some error message will come on the Edit HTML page in red color.

Then check the code you have replaced and still you are not able to do it, just reload the old saved template back.You can comment here and ask me regarding any help after that.

Step E

Once you have successfully installed the code, then refresh the blog and see different posts. You will be able to see the title code at the title bar of the browser in your desktop.Also learn how to install Google analytics in your site to improve page ranking and more traffic.

Related Posts

Sunday, April 5, 2009


  • Most of the bloggers didnot take much care in making an easily downloadable site.The downloading time of the blog is very critical when it is viewed by low bandwidhth users.Downlaoding time can be defined by the total time taking by a blog or website to download fully to a reader.
  • If the blog or website downloads faster, then the viewer will show much interest to view each part of your website.
  • You should be very careful in making a site that can be crawled by search engines also.
  • We have observed that sites have crawling problems because of difficulties in indexing JavaScript and Flash navigation menu.
  • It is advised to implement a text-link navigation system in the footer of a site. This will help the bots to index the site easily.
  • Click here to know more about analysing your website using Kris' download formula
  • How will you use this formula?
  • Just make a formula based Excel sheet, ( if readers find difficulty to make such a sheet then you may please ask me to frame one for you by commenting here) and analyse it. Read the article to know this.
  • Why you use the formula?
  • this will help to analyse the performance of your blog, and you can make changes to your blog and its layout so that it is perfect for the search engines to find the keywords and ultimately Search engine optimistaion. This will bring more traffic to your site.
  • Click here to analyse your blog using a Timer for your blog
  • happy blogging

Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Search engine is all about content and every SEO gurus have been trying very hard to optimize their pages just for the search engine and often forgetting that the end user is actually the human reader.
It is of paramount importance that a page has to be written for humans and designed for search engines in terms of SEO.

There is nothing more important than creating unique content for a site. In SEO, allocating keywords in the title, header and bold HTML tags not only helps the reader to identify the topic of a page easily but it also aids in optimization since search engine takes into consideration of the keywords in these tags.

Many writers are concerned about the perfect keyword density for the maximum benefit of SEO. Unfortunately, there are no hard figures for a perfect keyword percentage.
The most important factor when creating content is to make it readable and unique. As long as the content is readable, there is no need to follow a set percentage of keyword density.

Designing a page to facilitate the indexing by the search engine bots is another important factor to consider next to content creation. A page with rich content without indexed by the search engine bots is equivalent to no content at all. To help the search engines to find the page, the navigation system and sitemap plays important roles here. It is advisable to have text links navigation so that bots can spider all the internal pages smoothly.
Avoid using JavaScript and Flash made navigation system because most bots will ignore them but designer can always include a set of text links at the bottom of the page where these kinds of navigation system are used to overcome this issue.

Some search engines place great emphasis on the content near the top of a page. Therefore, it is advisable to design the layout in such a way that the content appears before other parts of the page.
One example is to use the content first CSS template; it allows the navigation to appear on the left of a page followed by the content but the content is the first to appear in the codes. This method helps search engine bots to identify the important content of a page and index them since they are placed near the top of a page. Another easy work around is to employ a right side navigation menu.

The ultimate purpose of SEO is to make sure that the designated content appears in search engine according to the specific searches. Making the content readable and designing the page for easy indexing should always be the first priority for webmasters when SEO comes into play.
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Thursday, March 26, 2009

Making A 100% Crawlable Site

Many webmasters believed that great content is the key to Search Engine Optimization but they have forgotten an even more important factor, how easy can the bots crawl their sites? Making a 100% crawlable site should be the top priority for all the webmasters. There is no point having a unique and fresh content but cannot be searched from the search engine index.

In order to ensure that bots can crawl a site successfully, one must make sure that all pages can be found by going from pages to pages via the inter linking mechanism. It is recommended to use text links as a form of linking between all the internal pages. Webmasters can also provide a sitemap that lists down all the pages’ links in a page to facilitate this indexing. One point to take note is that if the site has more than 100 links, it is advisable to split the sitemap into several pages with each page containing no more than 100 links. A page with more than 100 links may be classified as ‘Links Farm’ by the search engine. This is stated officially in the Google Webmaster Guidelines.

Google Sitemap is another great tool for them to index a new site. Creating a Google sitemap is encouraged because it tells the search engine what are the pages in a site and how often are the content updated. This is particularly useful when some pages are not linked to within the site.
Many sites have faced crawling problems because of the way they linked up the internal pages. Search Engine bots have difficulties indexing JavaScript and Flash navigation menu. If it is not possible to remove this kind of navigation in a site, it is advised to implement a text-link navigation system in the footer of a site. This will help the bots to index the site easily.

According to Google Webmaster Guidelines, it is advised to have a static and short HTML link destination rather than a dynamic URL. Dynamic URL especially those with tagged session identifiers will not be indexed because bots will ignore these pages. It is also encouraged to avoid using the ‘&id=’ parameter when passing variables between pages as Google does not include them into the index. If parameters are needed to pass between pages, meaningful parameter like ‘&count=’ can be used instead.

When the bots conduct a visit, they will crawl the page like what a general user will see in their browser. Therefore, the bots will never index a password-protected page. If the objective is to get the site indexed by the search engine, it is advisable to remove any password-protected pages to allow access for the bots.

A site should always be search engine friendly so that users can locate the content easily. To conclude, search engine likes to index simple and content rich pages. A simple and crawlable site with great content is the essential criteria to Search Engine Optimization.
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