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Showing posts with label TRAFFIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TRAFFIC. Show all posts

Sunday, January 29, 2012


website traffic In the internet marketing industry, blogging is now one of the most popular ways to acquire money. When bloggers boost their blog traffic, the earning potential is increased therefore giving the opportunity to enhance further the blog visibility. Some thin that the process is simple and effortless, but bloggers must apply techniques that are effective, if they want to make the most out of their blogging career.

Freelance channel trade provisions many opportunities for blog writers to make a lot of money monthly. When you actually spend time enhancing the content, blog traffic will increase rapidly enabling you to reap profitable rewards. Participation in these opportunities is highly recommended, this will increase your chances in getting adequate earnings for your blog or blogs. The blogs can be managed very easily if the software utilized is effective.

Things to know about blogs that are Niche Oriented

It is very important that the topic of interest is well thought of and the selection is made decisively. Write a blog about the topic of choice. In doing this, you will be able to supply your blog with your enthusiasm to capitalize your blog traffic. If you are inspired by movies it is a great opportunity to create film related blog content.

It is also very good to sign up for affiliate marketing programs to market film related merchandize such as TV sets and DVD’s in the blog content. Whichever content inspires you, ensure that the information gathered is informative to grab the attention of many readers who share your interest. Link your blog to the affiliate marketing program; this will help you increase your blog traffic and earnings.

Be wise about your advertisement selection

Select the topics that are in relation to the advertisement chosen for your blog. Ensure that the information selected is of relevance to the advertisement selected; this will also boost your blog traffic to increase your earning potential. The more interesting you make your content; your possibility for earnings and blog traffic profits will increase drastically.
In doing this, you will be able to keep your readers on the edge of their seats. It is good to record all the activities seen on other websites that interest you and use it as a guide to improve the content on your website. Alert your friends of the changes made to your blog. Jobs such as text link posting and banner designing for your content, will source a lot of income for your website as well.

Affiliate Marketing

If you are enrolled in an affiliate marketing program, it is best to paste the links between the article as text links rather than inserting it in an assigned area.

User Participation

Enable user participation for your blog, it is great when users can write reviews or comments on your blog; keep in touch with them via chats or emails. Update the content of your blog frequently and communicate the updates to the readers.


Friday, October 21, 2011

Free Traffic and BackLinks

Almost all people who have access to the net have come across the word Search Engine Optimization, and likewise the majority have experienced, or heard about, “backlinks.” If you are are brand new to Search Engine Optimization, it can be difficult to understand as to what they are, and the reason why they’re thought to be very important. Well here I will explain the meaning of them and their necessity so as to give you a better understanding.

get backlinks

Also best-known as one way links, these hyperlinks are in simple words any link that’s pointing to your web page from another internet site. The amount you’ve is an indication of the popularity and significance of your website, in the proverbial eyes of the major search engines for instance Google, among others, who are the judge and jury and who’ll see your web page as being more trustworthy than others with less or none of them. This will in turn spur search engines to give your web-site a higher location in the page rankings for your specific keyword.

I should point out however that search engines want high quality. Backlinks which are positioned indiscriminately in a short space of time on completely unrelated websites will definitely ring alarm bells. Therefore you want to make sure you build quality inbound backlinks preferably associated to your subject, and place them over time so they look natural and not deceptive. For instance, if you have an internet site about animals and out of the blue one thousand links pop up from an online poker web-site, this will seem odd to search engines and they are going to not view these as high quality backlinks and they could even penalize you for this.

Clickable content in one of the links is named anchor text, and you could also gain high quality links to your web-site utilizing anchor text, additionally to positioning links on related sites. People often use phrases like “just click here” and that most likely will not relate to your site at all, so utilize your keywords when hyperlinking to things that you’d like an individual to click and these will make your backlinks look more relevant. For instance; if your keyword is beautiful beaches then you may use “view beautiful beaches” or something alongside those lines.

One more reason to build backlinks is to entice guests to come to your site. You could not build a site, and then count on individuals to discover your web page without showing them the way. If you have a link in an unrelated area of interest then the probabilities are you are not going to obtain much internet traffic. Whereas, if your backlink is put on a site that’s related then they could very well click on your backlink if that subject is of interest to them.

I hope you have a better understanding of precisely why you need incoming links to your web-site and the significance of hyperlinks in your SEO efforts.

Download our free guide and find out how getting backlinks can help your website or blog turn out to be more widely used and how to do it with free traffic.    12272_DSLR Sale - Save $30 Off DSLR Cameras with Promo Code: 30OffDSLR - Limited Time Only

Read more: Free Traffic And Backlinks | Free Niche Business Articles For Internet Marketing
Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Can you just dream about the day when your blog post appears in Google News. Here is a golden chance for you to submit your valuable blog post to Google News. Once get added in Google News which is on top of world online news providers, it will increase the number of audience to that post with a wide range of readers. I have seen that in many posts, the traffic will shoot up with in first few hours itself. Get yourself ready, to launch your blog post through Google News.

How to add your blog post to Google News

GOOGLE NEWS You can suggest you blog post either as a representative of your blog or as a reader.Google News usually consider for inclusion the content types such as a website  or a blog or a mobile site or a YouTube video channel, that publish articles reporting on recent events

SEND GOOGLE , your post but please be careful and keep some points in mind that are explained down here.

Enter your email address :

Please confirm that your site is not yet included in Google News. Also note that, Google News mostly excludes informational and how-to articles, classified ads, fictitious content, job postings, event announcements, advice columns, and various other non-news content.

Please remember that, websites in Google News are also required to follow Google's Webmaster Guidelines. While filling the form as cited in the link  above you must give the correct details and submit the URL of your blog post that contain some latest stuff.

Before submitting, please read webmaster guidelines, technical guidelines and self assess the URL which your are going to submit.

More to read:

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Google Website Optimizer is a tool that can help a blogger or a website owner to improve the effectiveness of your website . In GWO, you may choose what web pages or parts of a page you'd like to test. Then create an experiment and run. GWO collects all data, analyzes and reports about what can be done to improve the performance of your blog or website. Testing by creating an experiment in GWO, will never hurt your Search Engine Rankings.



Improving Online Conversions for Dummies explains how you can make sure your ads show on searches that are most likely to convert into sales.


Planning an Experiment

After you’ve signed into Website Optimizer you can start creating your first test. Here’s what you need to have ready:

  • URL of your A page you want to test.
  • URL of your B page with the different content you want to test.
  • URL of your conversion (or Thank You) page.

Create the experiment.

1. Click ‘Create a New Experiment’. Please note that Google Website Optimizer offers two kinds of tests: A/B testing (sometimes referred to as split testing) and
multivariate testing. If you want to test the entire design or look and feel of
a page and have a smaller amount of traffic, then select ‘A/B testing ‘. If you want to run a test across your entire site and want to test many combinations, then select ‘multivariate testing’

2. For bloggers, I suggest to select ‘A/B Experiment’. Read through the checklist, tick the checkbox and click ‘Create’.

3. Name the experiment and identify pages. Give your experiment a descriptive name to help you identify it quickly. Paste the URLs of your test page, alternate page, and conversion page into the settings of the experiment. If you have more than one alternate page you want to test, click ‘Add another page variation’.

After you’ve entered the URLs of your pages, GWO does a quick check to make
sure the pages exist. When that’s done, click ‘Continue’ to move on.

Install and validate JavaScript tags.

Website Optimizer uses small snippets of JavaScript code in order to show different variations. You need to add the JavaScript tags to your test pages: Control Script that determines what variation that visitor sees, Tracking Script that keeps track of which variation a visitor saw regardless of whether the visitor converted or not. or Conversion Script that keeps track of all conversions for the experiment.

Launching the Experiment

Once your experiment pages validated , then you can launch your experiment. Before you launch, you need to preview the experiment and then Click on Start the experiment.

Understanding Data and Reports

The test reports shows either green, red or yellow bars, in  pages that have different content. The variation pages in green color are absolutely  better than the original pages but with red bars are not. If a variation has a yellow bar then there is no definite conclusions can be drawn and you need to wait for more data to come in.

Final Action

Depending upon the amount of traffic your page receives, the complexity of your experiment, and the difference in conversion rates for your combinations, the duration of your experiment may vary. If your test page have good traffic, less complexity, and non similar conversion rates then the experiment will finish quickly. After analyzing the report, you can decide whether to do another follow up experiment or no.

More to Read

Saturday, February 13, 2010


After trying much SEO, Social Media Activities, bloggers sometimes frustrated and try some other sources of web traffic. Most of them depend on SEO companies to optimize their blogs and websites and try to attract more visitors. Some bloggers use advertising as a channel for increasing visitors to their blog. Google Adwords, is an excellent way to advertise. Buying traffic always generates doubt in the mind of blogger. Which service to depend, how long should depend and what type of service had to select. Bloggers usually break their head to find answers for these questions.

imageBefore selecting any SEO company to increase visitors, you must keep some points in mind. Select a company that have enough previous experience. The company must not have any ban history from any of search engines. Always select companies with good PR in Google, with at least PR 2.

Check thoroughly the way of SEO and traffic building. Always reject offers from companies that do some ‘Black hat’ techniques. Black Hat techniques usually bring quick results, but may invite ban from Search engines or penalty in PR.

Also, verify various techniques used by the SEO company or Traffic building company. These techniques include “ Targeted  Traffic”, “Geographical Traffic”, and “Keyword based Traffic”.

When you receive any  Traffic Packages from any Traffic providing company, you must be able to see how many visitors were delivered to your target URL in real-time. This is very important to save your money. Select a company that gives such a real time facility.

You must optimize all your PPC, Affiliate programs before buying traffic. Include more advertisement slots as per easy visibility of visitors. Arrange affiliate banners in quick accessible places. Remove all broken links. Provide a “Menu bar”,  “Navigation Bar”, or “Categories” so that visitors can find interesting posts of their choice quite easily.

Recently I came across an Internet Traffic Solution company, that offers traffic packages with multiple options. You may buy traffic packages traffic or assign Search Engine Optimization services from this company.

Happy blogging

Thursday, December 31, 2009









     In our previous post, we gave a mention about using Entrecard. After that, we received more than 100 emails and enquiries about Entrecard and how to use it more effectively. Here in this post we will describe, how to generate free instant traffic to your blog using Entrecard.


Entrecard is a program that allows a blog owner to advertise his blog and keep some advertisements in his blog. This program promotes, “blog walking” through their widget and help you network with other users, increase traffic to your site, earn EC (Entrecard Credits), and free advertise on other sites.


This is absolutely free program to Join. Click here to join  ENTRECARD. You should give “Valid Email Address”, “Category”, “Entrecard Style” ( you can upload a picture 125x125 or just select any default styles), “Blog URL”, and other details as required. Then Grab the code for “Entrecard Widget “ for your blog. After copying the code, Login to your “Blogger Account”,”Dashboard”, “Layout”, “Add A Gadget” and paste the Code and Save. Now the Entrecard Widget will appear on your blog. Your blog has now been submitted to Entrecard moderation team for approval. You will receive an email once your blog has been reviewed and approved.

It has been observed that, rarely your Entrecard Widgets are not scanned properly by Entrecard Automatic scanners. This will delay the approval of your blog and advertisements will not appear in your blog. Simply login to Entrecard, “ Dashboard”. Then you can request again for a scanning of the presence of Entrecard widget on your blog. When the scanner detects widget in your blog, then advertisements will start appearing on your blog.



Learn Blog Walk: Once the Entrecard widget on your blog start showing advertisements, login to your Entrecard account, and in the Dashboard, where you can see “Drops inbox”.  Click on that, to see different blogs (date wise arranged) who visited your blog and “dropped “ you. Now a click on any of those will take you to that blog. Find the Entrecard Gadget in that blog. You can see a small tab called “Drop” where you had to click. Now it will return as “Thanks”. This means you will be in the “Drops inbox” of that blogger and whenever that blogger looks into the ‘Drop inbox”, will see your blog. This process is called Blog walk and automatically prompting bloggers to visit back their visitors. This process also will help you to earn more EC ( Entrecard Credits)


Buy Advertisements for Free: Once you earn Entrecard Credits, then you can utilize those credits to display an advertisement of your blog in another blog. Login to Entrecard, go to “Dashboard” and then to “Campaign”. Here you can find blogs based upon category, popular, cheap or random. By searching here, to find a blog where you can advertise is quite easy. Here you can see our blog appearing in this Campaign. From this you can understand that if you want to advertisement in my blog, then you had to wait for 5 days and when you advertise on my blog, 32 EC will be deducted from your EC account. This EC will be credited in my account. Once you select a blog of your choice, simple click on “Advertise” tab as seen in this picture. Advertisement of your blog will come on that blog automatically on due date. Those bloggers who visit the blog that shows your advertisement will see your advertisement resulting in more visitors to your blog. So while preparing advertisements, use good pictures in your Widget to represent your blog.

  1. Earn Credits for dropping cards : Blog walking will help you to earn EC. Find blogs of your choice from the campaign and simply walk through blogs.
  2. Advertising price : Let others apply for display advertisements in your blog. When there is more queue of applicants, then  your EC rate also will go high.
  3. Referral Program : Try to keep a widget in your blog to attract referrals. The referral banner codes are available in Dashboard . You can earn 300 Entrecard credits for each new users you referred to Entrecard that resulted in a sign up
  4. Selling items in the Marketplace : This depend upon various offers, up to you to participate or not.
  5. Contests : You may earn credits buy participating in contests
  6. Buying Credits : You can buy credits directly from Entrecard by payments


Care should be taken that your blog meets the “ Quality Standards” of Entrecard. Simple Rules of joining:

  1. No nudity in participating blogs
  2. English only blogs
  3. Minimum 5 posts must be present in the blog
  4. Content must be original
  5. No full-screen ads or popup 
  6. No illegal file downloads from your blog
  7. Entrecard widget must be present in your blog
  8. Redirects URL such as tinyurl, linkbee etc are not allowed
  9. No duplicate accounts allowed
  10. URLs must be valid and should land in valid page
  11. No auto playing audio allowed in participating blogs
  12. Content must be recent in last 3 months

Hopes that all my readers got a basic idea about Entrecard. Don’t forget to collect the official E-book after joining Entrecard. Any doubts, feel free to comment.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


One of the most popular blogger choice award 2009,nominations are open now. Blogger's Choice Awards, is the most popular user-generated blog voting site . Sign up and vote for your favorite (and least favorite) blogs to help determine the winners for 2009.Taking part in such awards are pretty useful in bringing more traffic to your site, Search engine optimisation, better search engine rankings and thereby making more money online.
Peculiarities of this award
This site not only allows you to nominate your favorite blogs within categories but you can also vote and comment on others that have already been submitted. In turn, others can also vote and comment on the blogs you've nominated.
Votes will be displayed on the site in real-time, so you can see who's leading within each category at any moment! Winners in each respective category will be revealed in late 2008, and will be recognized at a one-of-a-kind awards ceremony (date and location to be determined at a later time). The results will be posted in the wesite itself. There you can view last year awards also.
You may nominate and vote for as many blogs as you want, as long as you adhere to our Rules and Regulations. We reserve the right to remove or edit nominations, comments, user information, categories, and other content that appears on the site at our discretion.
Nominate your blog and Vote
Vote for your favorite blogs. You can cast a vote because you think the blog is pretty or well-written

The following are different categories to submit your blog.
Best Animal Blogger
Best Blog About Blogging
Best Blog About Stuff
Best Blog Design
Best Blog of All Time
Best Blogging Host
Best Business Blog
Best Celebrity Blogger
Best Charity Blog
Best Corporate Blog
Best Education Blog
Best Entertainment Blog
Best Food Blog
Foreign Language Blog
Best Geek Blog
Best Gossip Blog
Best Health Blog
Best Hobby Blog
Best Humor Blog
Best Marketing Blog
Best Parenting Blog
Best Photography Blog
Best Podcast
Best Political Blog
Best Pop Culture Blog
Best Religion Blog
Best Shopping Blog
Best Sports Blog
Best Travel Blog
Best Video Blogger
Freakiest Blogger
Hottest Daddy Blogger
Hottest Mommy Blogger
Most Obnoxious Blogger
The "Blogitzer"
Worst Blog of All Time

Thursday, April 2, 2009


A master work from Google for blogger users is Google Analytics. Google analytics show useful information about how many people visited, from where people visiting your site, how people found your blog, keywords they searched to find you and how long they stayed in your site.

Using Google analytics help to Search Engine Optimisation, blog promotion, using correct keywords, lables, traffic analysis and how to make money online.

All bloggers must make use of Google Analytics and try to analyze the potential behind their blog or site. Based upon these analyses, try to change your way of approach and earn more money.

Here in this article I’m trying to teach you how to Setup a Google Analytics account. You should approach this with utmost care so that the data will be most useful for you.

If you feel any doubt please feel free to comment and ask me.


Click here to go to Google Analytics and sign in using your Blogger username and password. Your login screen looks like this:


New users can make a new account also with this. The signup form looks like this.


After filling all required details, Click on the Create My account and your email will get a confirmation email and click the link on that. It will take you to manage your account. Clicking further will take you to a page like this


You can put the URL of your blog without http://, choose an Account Name, Country and Time zone. Then click continue.

You will reach a Page like this:


You may put your contact information in this and then proceed to the Accept User Agreement tab.


Read the USER AGREEMENT fully and click on “Yes I agree above terms and conditions” and then click on Create New Account

Once you accept the User Agreement, and Click on create new account then you will reach Add Tracking. This is very important step.


You can see two different types of CODES, one is NEW TRACKING CODE and other is LEGACY TRACKING CODE. You had to copy any one of the code and place it in your website or blog. It’s better to use the NEW TRACKING CODE.

Now just copy that code and paste it into notepad or into a MS Word document. Save it as you’ll need to use it later.

After finishing copying the CODE, you click on the CONTINUE button. Now you will reach Google Analytics dashboard. It will look like this.


In this dashboard you can see name of your website or blog URL in the left top corner and Account name on the right top corner. In the middle you can see “STATUS” with a yellow triangle. This indicates that there is no data from your site coming to Google Analytics. This will be ok once you add the code in the HTML of your site.

Now listen to the most important part: Addition of CODE in your site



Before reading this, it is advisable to read SETUP AN GOOGLE ANALYTIC ACCOUNT AND HOW TO GET GA CODE

Be very careful in doing this.

Login to your Blogger account

Click on the “Layout” => “Edit HTML” tabs.

This will bring you to the template code.

At first download a copy of your TEMPLATE to your computer as a BACK UP. This will help you to retain your old settings and layout in case you make any mistake.

Then start editing the HTML of your template in the template window, go to the bottom of the HTML code and find out </body> tag.

Now, take the GA code that you saved after making an analytic ( Click here to SETUP AN GOOGLE ANALYTIC ACCOUNT AND HOW TO GET GA CODE) account, copy it and paste it above the </body> tag.

.You can see the yellow highlighted portion is the GA code and the Red rounded portion is the “body tag”.


Now save your template. If you get any error messages, then make sure that you don’t delete any part in your template or you miss any part of the code.

Once the Template is successfully saved then you can confirm the working of the CODE.


Take the “Over view’’ in the dashboard. As given in the picture given below, I highlighted a RED ROUND given where EDIT is there. Just click on that.


When you click on the EDIT then you will reach another page where you can see “Tracking Not Installed” followed by a link “Check Status”.clip_image003

Click on “Check Status” and you can know the status of your GA code.

How you can check the functioning of the code externally?

You can check if a site is already running Google Analytics by viewing the site's source code using your browser, and searching for the Google Analytics tracking code in your page's source. Here's how to view your source code:

In Firefox:

  1. Open your browser
  2. Navigate to the site you wish to track
  3. Click View > Page Source from the browser's menu or press ctrl-U.

In Google Chrome:

  1. Open your browser
  2. Select the icon that looks like a page (next to the wrench)
  3. Click Developer > View Source

In Internet Explorer:

  1. Open your browser
  2. Navigate to the site you wish to track
  3. Click View > Source in the browser's tool bar

If the site is already running Google Analytics, you will find a snippet of JavaScript code that looks like one of the following:

Older Version of the Google Analytics Tracking Code


Newer Version of the Google Analytics Tracking Code



Once your Google Analytics successfully tracking your data, then you may login and visit your DASH BOARD which looks like this


You can analyze all data regarding the traffic to your site.

This is an excellent tool in SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION.

By analyzing the traffic sources and search data, you can find the KEYWORDS that are useful for your future use.

Blog Widget by LinkWithin