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Showing posts with label FACEBOOK SECURITY. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FACEBOOK SECURITY. Show all posts

Monday, October 31, 2011


facebook safety parents After the unfortunate London incident, parents are more worried about what their kid doing on Facebook. Facebook is considered to be more dangerous with its wide applications and immense amount of users. Kids, especially teens have less control over their sprouting ideas which eventually drags them to unnecessary relations through this huge social networking site. Here are some tips to let your teen to play safe on Facebook.


Facebook tips for parents

  • Let teens use Facebook to announce achievements, wish each other a happy birthday and plan social events.
  • Allow only known persons to be your teens’ Facebook friends, friends of friends, and networks (like the school they attend).
  • Teach your teens the online safety basics so that they can keep their Facebook profile (and other online accounts) private and safe.
  • Teach them safe use of technology
  • Checkout who are your teens’ friends on Facebook?
  • Let them always report abusive content, inappropriate Pages, Groups, Events and fake or impostor profiles.
  • Never let your kid to share your password with anyone.
  • Let your kid accept friend requests from people you know.
  • Never allow your kid to post anything that may irritate parents, teachers, or employers.
  • Discourage video chat, or allow them to use Video chat, only on your presence.
  • Always ensure that your teen keeps private things private.

Friday, October 14, 2011


As I have gained more friends in Facebook ( now I reached limit of 5000), I have faced multiple issues like, missing my old pals, missing valuable links, and piling up of unworthy links in my Wall. I have joined many groups and the notification from there is getting dumped in my mailbox. How to come out of this. I have decided to make a cleanup session for my facebook. But from where I shall start?



facebook securityIf you wish to do this, start from Account Settings. Click first on Security, then Notifications, and Apps. I simply tightened my security and disabled almost all notifications other than updates from Facebook. Under all Notifications, I clicked on Groups and disabled notification emails from Groups. ( after doing this, my total daily email number reduced from 140 to 44). When I checked my Apps (Applications) then I wondered seeing many applications, that are of no value to my blogging use. Trimmed one by one and finally figured 8 useful applications.





Go to Privacy settings. Control privacy when you post, default privacy (customize it) , and control how you connect with people you know before. Never allow people to Tag you. If you like to get tagged, then keep the tag notification “ON”. Allow tagging may lead to tag explicit images on your profile. You may limit the audience for posts you shared with more than friends. Control what is shared with apps, games and websites.



Control your friends by categorizing them into Lists. Delete friends whom you doubt as Fake Accounts. Never give your personal data to any friends. Also, never share your password.

 facebook cleanup

Friday, January 14, 2011


The privacy issues related to Facebook is now prompting many users to delete their account and shift to a much more secure social networking platform like, Orkut. The Emotional status updates, Friend suggestions, Loss of privacy, Groups, causes and fan pages, Unknown friend requests, and Relationship status updates are becoming a reason for staying away or deleting accounts in Facebook. In this post, we will explain how to delete a Facebook account permanently or how to Deactivate a Facebook account for over a period of time.

How you can delete your Facebook account?

If you do not think you will use Facebook again and would like your account deleted, please keep in mind that you will not be able to reactivate your account or retrieve any of the content or information you have added. If you would like your account permanently deleted with no option for recovery, log in to your account and then submit your request here.

For Temporary Deactivation of your Facebook Account

Some users who are wishing to deactivate their Facebook accounts temporarily for few days, can go for another option. “ Deactivation” Just login to your Facebook account. Then if you deactivate your account from the "Deactivate Account" section on the Account page, your profile and all information associated with it are immediately made inaccessible to other Facebook users. What this means is that you effectively disappear from the Facebook service. Just have a look at the yellow highlighted area in the picture given below.


However, if you want to reactivate at some point, Facebook save your profile information (friends, photos, interests, etc.), and your account will look just the way it did when you deactivated if you decide to reactivate it. Many users deactivate their accounts for temporary reasons and expect their information to be there when they return to the service.

Nice, isn’t it?

More to Read:

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Recently a study done by IT department of  our parent institution revealed that within a short span of two years (2008 – 2010), almost seven lakh social media websites accounts now found to be dead. Facebook is facing much issues regarding the dead accounts. Twitter, Hi5, Friendster, Orkut are other social media giants who lost high number of account holders.

DEAD FACEBOOK ACCOUNTS In the past, social media websites used to lost their accounts due to cyber attacks. But this time natural calamities are the real villain for these accounts. At 2.28pm on 12 May 2008, a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck north-west of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan. A massive earthquake struck Haiti on Jan. 12, 2010 and an estimated 230,000 people had died, 300,000 had been injured and 1,000,000 made homeless. Flight crashes, serial bombings and war in Pakistan, Volcano ash in Iceland (600,000 people are thought to have been affected) are some other calamities where people lost their lives and shelter.

How social media affected by calamities?

The above described are some of the natural and human made calamities happened during past two years in the world. Many frequent users of internet and social media websites are killed and their accounts are now dead. Some people spread an idea that these calamities are a pointer towards the WORLD END IN 2012.

What we fear is that whether this will begin the end of Social Media. Any such natural calamity could bring a clean swipe of certain section of users for any of these Social Media Giants which may result in the reduction of the earning potential.

There is black magic belief also growing that taking account in certain Social Media may bring bad luck to you and your family. And the cross over of certain numbers will destroy specific areas. We can reject these rumors as baseless but certain numbers are really shocking.

When the total number number of one of the major Social Media users in Philippines touched 1.3 lakhs, then the recent earthquake occurred. ( Remember 13 worked as  bad luck number).

Similarly another Social Media Giant crossed 120 million users two times and each time disasters occurred in various parts of world created a major hurdle for the Social Media giant to reach on top.

Whether these are true or not but dead accounts becoming a liability for most Social Media Websites. Twitter started its wipe out program and trying to get rid of dead accounts.

Some users demand for nomination facility for the accounts in Social Media Websites which work similar to nomination facility in bank accounts. This will help to protect some valuable works done by the user that was shared with their fans. Social Media Websites are not able to suggest users to share passwords as the continuation of a dead account could bring more troubles.

Difficulties in maintaining Dead accounts:

Hackers are looking to such dead accounts as their hub of creating new links to the world of internet. A blackmail case in Japan later proved that somebody hacked a dead account and misused it for personal revenge.

There was automatic cancellation of an account if it was inactive for certain period. In cases of natural calamities, users are able to access internet after six months or more. By the time all useful information, valuable friends and even the password itself would have been lost.

Looking to these facts, I would like to share my username and password to one of my trustful friend who is far away from me. In case anything happen to me, then my blog, my social media accounts and every other internet based activities will be operating by my friend so that my works will not lost forever.

If my readers feel some trouble in doing like this, then lets ask all Social Media Giants to find a solution to giving life again to dead accounts.

Good Reading:

Thursday, May 20, 2010


After the updating of new privacy settings, Facebook users are in big dilemma to continue their account or no. Some of them fear that they have lost the control of their account.Privacy setting have become a nightmare to many social networking people. They are really confused how to setup the privacy settings of their social networking account and to stay away from identity thieves. Here in this post we will explain some tips for Facebook, but may be useful for all social networking sites



Show your Geo location

Most of the Social networking sites have this option or similar options. Kindly avoid this if you feel that it is not necessary for others to know your location of social networking.

Using a Weak Password

Always use complex passwords such as pU012txEs which contain at least eight characters, with symbols, numbers and alphabets. Now a days there are many software being used by account hackers to generate passwords with numerical or alphabets or mixed.

Let Search Engines Find You

Never let search engines find your profile and actions.Change your privacy controls so that only your friends can find you in search engines.

Keeping Your Full Birth Date in Your Profile 

Whenever you keep full birth date in your profile, then it gives a chance for hackers to find the recovery password of your profiles. If it is not necessary, please keep a unique birthday for almost all public accounts .

Providing access to everyone in internet

Never provide access to your profile for everyone in internet.Limit access to only your friends, friends of friends, or yourself. Restrict access to photos, birth date, religious views, and family information etc

Allowing kids to use Facebook or other Social networking accounts

Always monitor how your kids are handling social networking sites. Never let their accounts unmonitored. Always check who is online with them. Also warn your kids not to handover any personal details like telephone number, location etc to any unknown persons.

Posting through your profile that you'll Be Away From Home

If you post that you are away from home in your profile, then it is quite easier for geo locating hackers to attack even your private properties. Beware of any attacks when you are away from your home.

Posting details of club you visited last week

Please do not post certain details like the club you are visiting weekly, night parties you attended. Such details will help criminals to track your daily movements.

Allowing all applications to be active in your profile

Allow only selected applications in your profile. Activating more profiles will increase the chance of hacking of your account.

Accepting friendship requests from all

Privacy hackers usually submit a friendship request, before they start hacking. So review all friendship requests before approving them.

Providing friendship requests to all

Some social networkers believe that the number of friends decides the popularity of their profile. This is absolutely wrong and always select the correct person as your friend. Also, if you have too many friends, then new persons cannot add you in their list.

Flirting in Social networking sites

Chatting and phone enjoyment is now very popular among teenagers. Boys and girls find pleasure online when they are alone at home. Certain social networking allows users to post chat history. Also joining in groups offers phone pleasure and sharing your mobile number with them may invite more trouble for you. Use traditional messengers to chat with others.

Direct bank account transfer to charity services

Never transfer money directly to charity services in social networking sites from your bank account. Instead of this, use parallel money transfer services like PayPal or western union.

More to Read:

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